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Anational debate has been raging on over whether women should work periodically or even go home to take care of the family. The debate was touched off in October 2000, when a government document, called 揜ecommendations of the Chinese Communist Party on the Formulation of the 10th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, mentioned 搕he creation of a mechanism for periodic employment? The All-China Women抯 Federation, the country抯 chief watchdog for women抯 rights, h…  相似文献   

FertilityDesiresofMariedTibetanWomenofChildbearingAgeinTibetChenHuaThePopulationResearchInstituteoftheUniversityofTibetconduc...  相似文献   

According to the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) in poorer countries, 50 % of women of reproductive age report that wife hitting or beating is justified. Such high rates may result from structural pressures to adopt such views or to report the perceived socially desirable response. In a survey experiment of 496 ever-married women aged 18–49 years in rural Bangladesh, we compared responses to attitudinal questions that (1) replicated the 2007 Bangladesh DHS wording and portrayed the wife as transgressive for unstated reasons with elaborations depicting her as (2) unintentionally and (3) willfully transgressive. The probabilities of justifying wife hitting or beating were consistently low for unintended transgressions (.01–.08). Willful transgressions yielded higher probabilities (.40–.70), which resembled those based on the DHS wording (.38–.57). Cognitive interviews illustrated that village women held diverse views, which were attributed to social change. Also, ambiguity in the DHS questions may have led some women to interpret them according to perceived gender norms and to give the socially desirable response of justified. Results inform modifications to these DHS questions and identify women for ideational-change interventions.  相似文献   

ObstaclestobeOvercomeinImprovingtheStatusofChineseWomen¥/ZouXiaoqiao(TheAllChinaWomen'sFederation)InChina,therearepresently70...  相似文献   

CommonAspirationsofWorldWomenHuangBaoshanOver30,000participants,fromdifferentracestheworldover,gatheredinBeijingtodiscusswome...  相似文献   

The role of family context in determining women’s agency has been addressed through kinship patterns, household structure, and domestic violence. This study suggests that another aspect of family context—family relationship quality—can also influence women’s agency. Data from the Women’s Reproductive Histories Survey, collected in Madhya Pradesh, India, are used to examine whether family relationship quality is a determinant of women’s agency. Results show that women with higher quality relationships with husbands and parents-in-law do have greater agency. Further, family relationship quality is just as influential as other well known determinants of agency, including education and employment.  相似文献   

China'sbirthlatehasdeclineddramaticallysincethegovernmentinstituteditsone-childpercouplepolicyin1970.Whilepopuationgrowthhasslowedandtileeconomyhasprospered,littleisknownabouthowtilewidespreadavailabilityoffamilyplanninghasaffectedindividualwomenandmeninChina.Tolearnmore,theChinaPopulationInfromationandResearchCentre(CPIRC)conductedastudyintwocountiesintheNorthAnhuiProvinceandtwocountiesintheSouthJiangsuProvince.SouthJiangsu,aspartoftheeastcoasteconomicboomarea,hasexperiencedarapiddecli…  相似文献   

ConferenceonVulnerableWomeninChinaAconferenceheldatthePeople'suniversityofChina,BeijingfromJuly24to26,1995focusedonimprovingt...  相似文献   

Bringing together women and family in quality perspective bring about interesting discussions in this paper. By integrating previous studies and considering expert opinions, we determinate the variables and dimensions with respect to women’s existence regarding their roles both in the family and at work. Many activities carried out by women represent the consumer aspects of their role. Women undertake these activities to fulfill their needs, which can be classified in the order of preference using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need. Women success can be measured based on their ability to perform their roles successfully. We identify women’s performance by using quality approach of Personal Quality Maintenance (PQM), which is widely applied in many organizations in order to maintain the service delivery, which meets the customer satisfaction. The effort to enhance women’s satisfaction for their success in playing the multirole in the family and at work is our main consideration. This study may contribute a new point of view regarding for the women’s welfare and existence.  相似文献   

In early 1999, the School of International Businessof Nanjing University conducted a questionnairesurvey among laid-off women workers in Nanjing,Jiangsu. A total of 775 valid responses were received.Following is a summary of that survey.Desire for reemploymentThe survey indicated that 53 .54% (415) of therespondents were seeking a job, 29.41 % (228) werewaiting, 8.67% (67) did not care and 8.38% (65) hadno intention of getting a new job.Reasons for seeking a jobSupporting family remains th…  相似文献   

Women have become an increasinglyimportant part of the workforce in Chinatoday. The number of working womenrose from 3 1 .28 million in 1978 (32.6% of total workforce) to 57.45 million in 1997 (38.7%). Thetransition from planned to market economy, however,has caused massive dislocations, posing a seriouschallenge to women employment. Sample surveysconducted by labor departments suggest that of the 13million laid-off workers across the country, 59% arewomen.To develop an understanding of the c…  相似文献   

This study examines the general perceptions of women towards their roles, their interpretation of progress, as well as the facilitating factors and barriers to their progress. Questionnaires were distributed to 1,000 Malay women in Malaysia from rural and urban areas, from various age and income groups. Interviews were also carried out on the selected sample. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods of analyses, the results showed that women were perceived to play a strong, influential, and supportive role in their families. The results also showed how women perceive progress. These findings are discussed in relation to culture, socialization, values and norms of the Malay society.  相似文献   

TheStatusandRoleofWomenUnderChineselaw,womenenjoyequalrightswithmeninallmatterssuchaspolitics,cultureandeducation,work,proper...  相似文献   


In academic and popular debates about sexualisation, the “mainstreaming of sex in the West” is a common catchphrase. As noted by post-colonial and critical race scholars, categories such as “the West” remain powerful discursive ideas shaping how both researchers and researched border and construct race, difference, and sexuality. However, there is very little research that employs a post-colonial analysis of young people’s negotiations of sexualised media, most particularly studies that elucidate how the oppositional frameworks of colonial discourse sets up normative and “othered” subjectivities. In order to address this gap, I turn to Stuart Hall’s classic paper The West and the Rest to reflect on a project undertaken in South Australia with young people from a broad range of cultural backgrounds. In a fascinating set of reflections, the young people present a powerful set of challenges to the binary of the West and the Rest through their narratives on sexualised media. Taken together, these complex and sometimes contradictory narratives remind us of the problems associated with talking in generalised and universalising ways about “sexualisation in the West.”  相似文献   



Clinical practice guidelines indicate that over 80% of women with a previous caesarean should be offered a planned vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC), however only one third of eligible women choose to plan a VBAC. To support informed choices for birth after caesarean, it is necessary to understand the factors that influence women’s decision-making.


The goal of this study was to explore attitudes towards and experiences with decision-making for mode of delivery after caesarean from the perspectives of Canadian women.


In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 23 women eligible for VBAC in three rural and two urban communities in British Columbia, Canada, during summer 2015. Constructivist grounded theory informed iterative data collection and analysis.


Women’s decision-making experiences were a process of “seeking control in the midst of uncertainty.” Women formed early preferences for mode of delivery after their primary caesareans and engaged in careful deliberation during their inter-pregnancy interval, consisting of: reflecting on their birth, clarifying their values, becoming informed, considering the feasibility of options, deliberating with the care team, and making an actual choice. Women struggled to make trade-offs between having a healthy baby and social attributes of delivery, such as uninterrupted bonding with their newborn.


Women begin decision-making for birth after caesarean earlier than previously reported and their choices are influenced by personal experience and psychosocial concerns. Future interventions to support choice of mode of delivery should begin early after the primary caesarean, to reflect when women begin to form preferences.  相似文献   

There has been concern about younger people, and women in particular, not saving enough for retirement and how to encourage further saving. Therefore, this study—partly funded by the Fawcett Society in association with Scottish Widows—explores female millennials’ attitudes and motivations toward pension saving and automatic enrollment through the use of 40 semistructured interviews and a focus group. The findings show that although the introduction of autoenrollment pensions is generally positively received, pensions knowledge is still limited, and this intensifies the risk of undersaving for retirement among millennial women, particularly given women’s diverse work histories.  相似文献   

Dynamic theories of family size preferences posit that they are not a fixed and stable goal but rather are akin to a moving target that changes within individuals over time. Nonetheless, in high-fertility contexts, changes in family size preferences tend to be attributed to low construct validity and measurement error instead of genuine revisions in preferences. To address the appropriateness of this incongruity, the present study examines evidence for the sequential model of fertility among a sample of young Malawian women living in a context of transitioning fertility. Using eight waves of closely spaced data and fixed-effects models, we find that these women frequently change their reported family size preferences and that these changes are often associated with changes in their relationship and reproductive circumstances. The predictability of change gives credence to the argument that ideal family size is a meaningful construct, even in this higher-fertility setting. Changes are not equally predictable across all women, however, and gamma regression results demonstrate that women for whom reproduction is a more distant goal change their fertility preferences in less-predictable ways.  相似文献   

The study examines the effect of women’s empowerment in agriculture on household nutrition—i.e. the availability of carbohydrates, protein, and fat—and household food poverty measured by monetary food shortfall. The analysis is done by applying instrumental variable estimation to a sample of 2642 households from a 2012 population-based survey conducted in northern Ghana. Overall, the results indicate that women’s empowerment positively influences nutrient availability and negatively influences monetary food shortfall. By decomposing women’s empowerment into its component domains, this study identified that the domains of Income, Production, and Leadership are areas for intervention to influence households’ nutrient availability and monetary food shortfall outcomes. The effect of the Time and Resources domains reveal that some intra-household trade-offs may exist. Thus, policies aimed at empowering women to ultimately improve household nutrition and food poverty need to be based on the understanding of these specific interactions.  相似文献   

The paper reports on a field experiment conducted among poor women organized in self-help groups in the north-east of India. The experiment tests in a simple game whether overly optimistic expectations with respect to the benefits of exercising agency reduces one’s appreciation of remaining with agency in the future. If so, unrealistic expectations may trigger behaviour that jeopardizes empowerment processes. It is hypothesized that negative emotions, such as disappointment, bring about such risks. We find that overstretched expectations may indeed work against empowerment if the gap between achieved and expected outcomes following increased agency is sufficiently wide. However, modest expectation gaps have the opposite effect and tend to promote attitudes conducive to empowerment. A tentative explanation for this result is offered by combining insights from recent work on the role of aspirations.  相似文献   

BackgroundApproximately 25% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, most occurring within the first trimester (<13 weeks). For many women early pregnancy loss has implications for short- and long- term mental health, and women’s well-being following early pregnancy loss is impacted by their experiences within the healthcare setting. To improve quality of care, it is crucial to understand women’s’ experiences within the healthcare system in cases of early pregnancy loss.QuestionsWhat does the research literature tell us about the experiences of early pregnancy loss within healthcare settings? Are these experiences positive or negative? ‘How can care improve for those experiencing early pregnancy loss?’MethodsA scoping review of the research literature was undertaken. Three research databases were searched for relevant articles published in English since 2009, with key words related to ‘Experience’, ‘Healthcare’ and ‘Early Pregnancy Loss’. A thematic analysis was undertaken to identify and summarize key findings emerging from the research literature.FindingsTwenty-seven (27) articles met our inclusion criteria. Three main themes were identified: (1) issues related to communication, (2) challenges within care environments, and (3) inadequacies in aftercare.DiscussionThe literature suggests that women’s experiences related to healthcare for early pregnancy loss are largely negative, particularly within emergency departments. Recommendations to improve women’s experiences should extend beyond attempts to improve existing care structures, to include emerging environments and providers.ConclusionWomen’s experiences identified within the literature provide further insights on what women are seeking from their care, and how care models can be improved.  相似文献   

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