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毛基业 《管理世界》2020,(3):220-225,236
本文聚焦于质性研究的数据分析方法,主要是基于本届论坛的两个主旨报告,重点阐述结构化的数据分析方法,包括其数据结构的科学哲学假设、本质特征和优势,以及具体应用过程。本文通过对一篇范文的深度分析说明,这个方法强调系统性呈现证据,便于新见解的涌现和理论构建,可在原始数据和结论间形成牢固的证据链,而且相对容易学习借鉴,可显著提升质性研究的质量。此外,本文也对近年来案例论文中常见的3个缺陷进行了剖析,包括与文献对话不足、过度概念化,以及单案例的不当抽样问题。  相似文献   

苏芳  黄江明 《管理世界》2013,(2):136-140
本文首先简要回顾本届案例论坛的概况,然后从质性研究的步骤、内容分析法和写作策略等几个方面总结各主题报告的主要观点。在此基础上,对比本届论坛的部分稿件,强调目前案例研究在数据分析和内容呈现等方面存在的问题和缺陷,并针对这些问题给出建议。  相似文献   

基于本届论坛的主题报告与工作坊,本文首先阐述做好质性研究的必要条件之一——学术工匠精神。之后,探讨质性研究相比定量研究的优势,强调提供不同寻常的新视角和针对有趣现象的归纳方法对于理论创新格外有价值。此外,本文对高质量的质性研究从案例选择到写作发表的每个环节都给出了具体建议,并讨论了质性研究论文被拒的10个主要原因。最后,本文简要介绍了本届论坛的论文评审情况,并对共性问题进行了总结分析。  相似文献   

作为探索与提炼中国特色管理理论的重要学术平台,由中国人民大学商学院和《管理世界》杂志合作主办的案例研究论坛2015年度将继续如期举办,具体时间为2015年11月7~8日(地点:广州)。本届论坛主题为"中国经济新常态下的企业管理理论构建"。论坛面向海内外学者征集高质量论文,包括研究型案例、质性研究和教学案例三类。研究型案例和质  相似文献   

<正>理理论的重要学术平台,由中国人民大学商学院和《管理世界》杂志合作主办的案例研究论坛2014年度将继续按期举办,具体时间为11月8~9日,本届论坛将由南京大学管理学院和南京大学商学院案例研究中心承办,地点:南京大学。本届论坛主题为"转型升级中的中国企业管理"。论坛面向海内外学者征集高质量论文,作为探索与提炼中国特色管包括研究型案例、质性研究和教学案例三类。研究型案例和质性研究要求以第一手资料为主  相似文献   

<正>作为探索与提炼中国特色管理理论的重要学术平台,由中国人民大学商学院和《管理世界》杂志合作主办的案例研究论坛2014年度将继续按期举办,具体时间为11月8~9日,本届论坛将由南京大学管理学院和南京大学商学院案例研究中心承办,地点:南京大学。本届论坛主题为"转型升级中的中国企业管理"。论坛面向海内外学者征集高质量论文,包括研究型案例、质性研究和教学案例三类。研究型案例和质性研究要求以第一手资料为主撰写;教学型  相似文献   

基于对国内管理学研究方法的反思,分析了偏重于“定量”的问题,同时对社会科学中经典的质性研究方法进行简要梳理,提出了加深对质性研究方法认识的必要性.科学研究的本质在于创新,原则是去伪存真,不应被研究方法桎梏.在对主流质性研究方法梳理的基础上,对人类学分支学科工商人类学进行综述.基于此,明确工商人类学在管理本土化过程中的重要作用.  相似文献   

构建高不确定环境下中国企业外部取向管理创新模式选择机理的组织创新氛围-企业家精神维度的研究框架,通过质性数据分析方法,辅以ATLAS.ti质性数据分析软件,使用16家企业的数据对两个影响维度的测量指标进行细化和量化,在此基础上采用案例研究小组评分法,基于对组织创新氛围和企业家精神维度指标的测量,选取淘宝的商业模式创新以及绿盛、天翼咨询和正泰电器的营销模式创新的多案例分析对研究框架进行探索性分析.研究结果表明,高不确定环境下外部取向管理创新模式主要包括激进式、元素式、结构式和渐进式4类,外部取向管理创新模式的选择是在组织创新氛围和企业家精神的主导作用下进行的,而当两者均较弱时外部环境成为渐进式外部取向管理创新模式的主要推动因素.  相似文献   

高质量的理论贡献是本土企业管理案例研究实现从"形似"到"神似"飞跃的必需。基于本届论坛的主题报告与工作坊专题报告,本文深入讨论案例研究的适用范畴、理论构建方法,以及本土企业管理案例研究在过去10年所取得的进展与面临的挑战等。本文重点归纳和整理了论坛特邀嘉宾斯坦福大学的Eisenhardt(艾森哈特)教授的新洞见,尤其是她对案例研究的适用性、研究设计与理论抽样,以及"从数据到理论"的数据分析思路等的新思考。这几方面涉及案例研究最独特和最本质的特征,也是初学者最困惑和最易出错的地方。  相似文献   

<正>作为探索与提炼中国特色管理理论的重要学术平台,由中国人民大学商学院和《管理世界》杂志合作主办的案例研究论坛2015年度将继续如期举办,具体时间为2015年11月7~8日(地点:广州)。本届论坛主题为"中国经济新常态下的企业管理理论构建"。论坛面向海内外学者征集高质量论文,包括研究型案例、质性研究和教学案例三类。研究型案例和质性研究要求以第一手资料为主撰写。教学型案例要求附教学笔记。征文范围包括工商管理各学科,  相似文献   

This paper shows how an innovative method of questioning called Clean Language can enhance the authenticity and rigour of interview‐based qualitative research. We investigate the specific potential of Clean Language as a method for eliciting naturally occurring metaphors in order to provide in‐depth understanding of a person's symbolic world; despite substantial interest in metaphors in the field of organizational and management research there is a lack of explicit, systematic methods for eliciting naturally occurring metaphors. We also demonstrate how Clean Language can improve qualitative research more widely by addressing the propensity for researchers inadvertently to introduce extraneous metaphors into an interviewee's account at both data collection and interpretation stages. Data are presented from a collaborative academic–practitioner project in which Clean Language was used as a method of interviewing to elicit the metaphors of six mid‐career managers, relating to the way they experienced work–life balance. The first contribution of this paper is to demonstrate the potential of Clean Language for eliciting naturally occurring metaphors in order to provide in‐depth understanding of a person's symbolic world. The second contribution is to show how Clean Language can enhance the rigour and authenticity of interview‐based qualitative research more widely.  相似文献   

Network research remains dominated by approaches involving the analysis of numerical data stored in data matrices with the aim of identifying the effects of hidden social structures. While such research has advanced our understanding of social networks at the inter‐personal, inter‐unit and inter‐organizational level, repeated calls have been made for network research to attend to the situated meanings attached to both relationships and network structures. In this article, we advance a nascent literature on qualitative methods for social network analysis by drawing together developments in visual network research from across the social sciences. We introduce a typology of three visual methods for the collection of network data using network maps: participatory network mapping, network map interviews and visual network surveys. Drawing on three empirical examples from our research in the inter‐organizational domain, we demonstrate how these methods can be used for the collection of qualitative and quantitative relational data, and how they can be triangulated with other qualitative methods and social network analysis. We evaluate the merits and limitations of the methods presented and conclude that visual network research is a useful addition to existing methods for network research in business and management studies.  相似文献   

This invited paper discusses theory development in operations management. Many stellar researchers have made excellent contributions to theory development in our field. Operations management is a maturing discipline. Recently, theory driven empirical research has become common in top‐tier journals in our field. Impelled by this trend and due to the path dependency of research, in general, researchers have examined operations phenomena using theories from management and organizational science. How do we extend the frontiers of knowledge in our maturing discipline? How do we develop theories within the field of operations management? In examining some of the seminal ideas that have shaped our field, a common characteristic is that they relied on observational studies and conceptual reasoning. Is it time for us to stress the usefulness of qualitative research methods in our field? Could this lead to an intellectual renewal in our field and extend the frontier of a maturing discipline? This paper explores these questions and advances the notion that qualitative analysis needs to be emphasized more than it has been in recent past. This paper is meant to provoke discussion among empirical researchers in operations management.  相似文献   

The effects of regulations on small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) have garnered significant political attention internationally, yet, in the academic literature, these effects remain contested. This article presents findings from a systematic literature review of qualitative evidence on the effects of regulation on SMEs. It sets out the strengths of qualitative approaches in relation to more prominent and influential quantitative approaches. It conducts a thematic synthesis of the qualitative research to develop a conceptual framework that provides a processual, embedded understanding of the effects of regulations on SMEs. The conceptual framework highlights four key, interconnected processes: identification–interpretation; strategization; negotiation; and adaptation. This conceptual framework generates insights into dynamic and potentially indirect effects of regulations in relation to a complex array of influences external to and within the business. On the basis of these insights a new research agenda is proposed.  相似文献   

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