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我国的劳动收入占国民总收入中份额自1995年不断下降,深入而广泛的贸易自由化也发生在这一时期。本文采用中国制造业贸易企业1998~2007年的微观面板数据,研究贸易自由化对企业层面劳动收入份额的影响。我们将2002年中国加入WTO后关税的迅速下调视为一次自然实验,用倍差法进行实证回归。实证结果显示,在劳动力成本不断上升的背景下,中国的贸易自由化过程通过降低资本品成本、中间投入品价格和技术引进的成本,显著降低了企业层面的劳动收入份额。企业面临的关税水平下降幅度越大,其劳动收入份额减少越多。在考虑了序列相关性、同趋势假设和非关税贸易壁垒的稳健性检验后,实证结果依然显著。  相似文献   

农村劳动力价格、人口结构变化对粮食种植结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近些年来农村劳动力价格不断上涨且人口结构不断老龄化,它们是否会显著影响中国粮食生产的种植结构?为了研究这个问题,本文从宏观和微观两个层面分别进行实证分析,研究结果表明:在宏观省级层面,农村劳动力价格上涨对粮食作物种植比例有显著的负向影响,而对经济作物的种植比例有显著正向影响,尤其是对蔬菜作物种植比例促进幅度较大。在粮食作物内部,劳动力价格上涨对小麦种植比例有显著负向影响,对玉米种植比例有正向影响。微观农户层面的实证结果与宏观结果保持一致,凸显了实证结果的稳健性。在农户家庭人口结构方面,宏观层面和微观层面的实证结果都表明老年劳动力比例对粮食生产无显著影响,而女性劳动力比例高对粮食种植比例有负面影响,而对经济作物种植比例有正面影响。  相似文献   

刘更 《经营管理者》2011,(3X):238-238
近年来,劳动收入在初次分配中的比重不断下降,已经引起社会各界的广泛关注。劳动收入占比持续下降不仅影响着收入分配的公平,而且还制约着消费水平的升级和经济结构的调整。基于此,本文主要从我国劳动收入占比与收入分配、我国劳动收入占比下降的原因和矫正劳动收入占比的政策建议三个方面对这一问题进行综合性的述评,并从两个方面提出了今后研究的重点。  相似文献   

城镇劳动力市场结构变迁与收入不平等:1989~2009   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈纯槿  李实 《管理世界》2013,(1):45-55,187
基于1989~2009年进行的8次全国性城镇住户抽样调查数据,本文利用新近发展的夏普里值分解方法,定量考察了城镇劳动力市场结构变迁如何导致劳动收入不平等的变化。研究结果显示了过去20年里中国城镇劳动收入不平等扩大一方面是市场化改革的必然结果,尤其是在经济转型过程中,教育收益率上升引起社会收入分配机制的变化;但与此同时也存在一些不合理因素,特别是由户籍制度壁垒造成的城乡二元经济社会结构依然存在。夏普里值分解进一步揭示出,所有制、户籍、性别、经验和地区因素对收入不平等的相对贡献率趋于下降,教育和职业对收入不平等的贡献总体上呈上升趋势。其基本政策含义是,减少收入不平等的关键在于降低受教育机会不均等,着重增加人力资本投资,继续推进户籍管理制度改革,进而加快劳动力市场结构性调整。  相似文献   

据商务部数据显示.2009年,全国54个国家级开发区实现地区生产总值17730亿元.工业增加值12482亿元(工业增加值占GDP的比重为70.4%),工业总产值(现价)51271亿元,税收收入3145亿元,实际使用外资金额204亿美元。地区生产总值、税收收入增幅分别高于全国同期7.08个百分点和17.7个百分点。出口总额1874亿美元,进口总额1644亿美元。分别比上年同期下降8,65%和8.9%,降幅分别小于全国同期(-16%、-11.2%)7.35个百分点和2.3个百分点。  相似文献   

中国出口技术结构演进的机理与实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过将Long(2001)的两部门模型拓展为三部门模型,构建了一个分析出口技术结构演进机制的新框架,并运用经适当修正的Hausmann(2005)模型对2002~2008年中国各省级区域出口技术结构进行了测度。在此基础之上,从国内外两个方面的影响因素出发,对中国出口技术结构演进的动因进行了实证检验。得出的结论主要有:(1)近几年,中国出口技术结构虽然有了大幅度的提升,但并没有Rodrik(2006)等人测度的那么高。(2)中国出口技术结构较高的省份都位于东部地区,虽然产业层面和区域层面的技术结构差异呈进一步扩大的趋势,但未出现"两极分化"。(3)中国出口技术结构演进的动力机制与普通发展中国家并不相同,国家和地区层面演进的根本动力是国内物质资本存量的递增,但物质资本边际效用的区际递减现象明显。(4)中西部地区资本生产性部门非熟练劳动力过多与东部出口价格过低分别导致了中西部熟练劳动力和东部非熟练劳动力对当地出口技术结构呈负效应。  相似文献   

一、上半年工业经济运行的基本情况和特点 上半年,全省全部工业实觋增加值4493.21亿元,比上年同期增长18.5%,对全省GDP增长的贡献率达67.3%;总量占全省GDP的比重为52.3%,同比提高2.1个百分点.全省规模以上工业实现增加值3352.79亿元,占全省全部工业增加值的74.6%,比上年同期增长22.7%,增速比一季度提高1.2个百分点,比全国平均增长水平高6.4个百分点,增速居全国第7位:全省工业企业实现主营业务收入11772.83亿元,增长43.7%;利润总额1046.79亿元,增长43.4%.前5个月,全省工业企业主营业务收入和利润增幅分别居全国第2位和第6位.  相似文献   

采用1978~2015年中国31个省、自治区、直辖市面板数据,运用空间计量和增长核算方法测算了农村劳动力省际转移特征及其对经济增长的贡献率。研究发现:农村劳动力转移对非农业部门产出贡献率和社会总产出贡献率分别为11.64%和10.21%;劳动力转移使自身生产率提高4.49倍,对经济增长的贡献为7.93%,其中贡献率主要来源于"胡焕庸线"以东地区(11.74%)和农村劳动力转入地(16.11%)。农村劳动力转移对中国经济增长贡献的机理,一方面是产业效率差异带来产出差额从而对经济增长做出贡献,即增长效应;另一方面是集聚效应和干中学等学习效应导致劳动力素质和技能提升,带来劳动者生产效率提升,即效率效应。本研究既论证了改革开放以来农村劳动力转移对中国经济增长的重要贡献,也为制度改革和市场化推进导致的资源优化配置的重要性提供实证结论。  相似文献   

本文采用非参数生产前沿方法,将中国大中型工业企业38个行业的劳动生产率(人均工业增加值)的增长分解为资本深化、技术前沿进步、技术效率改进3个成分,发现:(1)1996 ̄2002年大中型工业企业劳动生产率平均每年以15.9%的速度增长,并呈逐年上升的趋势(;2)资本深化(人均固定资产净值)对劳动生产率增长的贡献平均每年为12.9个百分点,但呈下降趋势,从1996年的23.2个百分点降到2002年的6.9个百分点(;3)技术前沿进步对劳动生产率增长的贡献平均为7个百分点,总体低于资本深化的贡献,但技术前沿进步上升势头强劲,对劳动生产率增长的贡献在2001、2002年分别高达19.8、29.0个百分点,显著超过同期资本深化的贡献(;4)行业间技术效率的差距拉大导致整体工业劳动生产率平均每年下降4个百分点,2001、2002年的下降幅度更分别达到14.0、16.8个百分点。这些实证研究的结果显示:中国工业劳动生产率的增长,至少在大中型企业这个层面,已经由转轨初期的单一资本扩张驱动模式,开始向以技术进步为主和资本深化为辅的多引擎推动模式转变,即由粗放型向集约型增长模式转变,而世纪之交似乎是一个转折点。  相似文献   

市场型环境规制是解决环境外部性的有效手段,评估环境规制对社会效应的潜在影响是环境政策评估的重要内容。本文基于波特假说、制度遵循成本理论和外部性理论,以及结合局部静态均衡模型探究环境监管对企业劳动力雇佣结构的影响,并探究其影响机制。以2007年SO2排放权交易试点政策为准自然实验,通过对2004—2018年中国A股SO2排放企业观测,运用双重差分法揭示了排污权交易制度对企业劳动力雇佣结构的影响。SO2排放权交易制度对企业劳动力雇佣具有显著的抑制效果,且年度效应呈现逐年递增的趋势。进一步分析发现,排污权交易制度对低技能劳动力具有偏向影响,显著减少了被监管企业对低技能劳动力的需求,引致企业劳动力质量结构向高层次转化。此外,排污权交易制度通过提高企业劳动生产率和提高劳动力价格水平对企业劳动力雇佣产生消极影响。排污权交易制度对企业劳动力雇佣结构的影响具有显著的异质性,受到环境执法力度、行业集中度和企业所有权性质的影响,排污权交易制度主要通过抑制企业低技能劳动力需求对雇佣结构产生影响。本文的发现为进一步全面铺开SO2  相似文献   

本文在Eaton和Kortum(2002)的基础上,引入劳动力市场扭曲构建开放经济的多部门模型,研究了贸易成本、劳动力市场扭曲对中国劳动生产率的影响。研究结果表明:一方面,1995~2013年中国农业和制造业贸易成本分别下降了0.65和0.60,消除贸易成本所带来的劳动生产率改进空间由64.92%下降至23.12%。另一方面,消除贸易成本和劳动力市场扭曲对劳动生产率的改进存在相互影响,样本期间若同时消除劳动力市场扭曲和贸易成本,加总劳动生产率可以提高67.98%,要高于分别改革两个市场所得到的总效应(仅消除劳动力市场扭曲或贸易成本,加总劳动生产率平均可以提高20.51%或44.29%)。上述结果意味着在实际改革中,中国需要统筹国内改革和对外开放才能达到最优的政策效果。  相似文献   

The increase in female employment and participation rates is one of the most dramatic changes to have taken place in the economy during the last century. However, while the employment rate of married women more than doubled during the last 50 years, that of unmarried women remained almost constant. To empirically analyze these trends, we estimate a female dynamic labor supply model using an extended version of Eckstein and Wolpin (1989) to compare the various explanations in the literature for the observed trends. This dynamic model provides a much better fit to the life‐cycle employment pattern than a static version of the model and a standard static reduced form model (Heckman (1979)). The main finding using the dynamic model is that the rise in education levels accounts for about 33 percent of the increase in female employment, and the rise in wages and narrowing of the gender wage gap account for another 20 percent, while about 40 percent remains unexplained by observed household characteristics. We show that this unexplained portion can be empirically attributed to cohort‐specific changes in preferences or the costs of child‐rearing and household maintenance. Finally, the decline in fertility and the increase in divorce rates account for only a small share of the increase in female employment rates.  相似文献   

This study used a factorial experimental design and a new modeling methodology to investigate the impact of a number of labor scheduling flexibility alternatives and labor requirements characteristics on labor utilization within a tour scheduling environment. Break-placement flexibility and shift-length flexibility were found to be extremely effective in improving labor utilization for all labor requirement distributions used. Flexibility with respect to the number of days included in a tour schedule resulted in substantial improvement in labor utilization for all labor requirements distributions exhibiting daily and/or weekly variation. Surprisingly, virtually no improvement in labor utilization was achieved for any labor requirement distribution by the removal of requirements for consecutive days off. In addition, almost no improvement was found by allowing the shift start time to vary across the working days included in tours. High labor requirement amplitude was found to have a strong adverse effect on labor utilization while longer operational days were associated with improved labor utilization for all labor requirement distributions. We discuss the implications of these results for service operations management and provide suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

One of the most striking changes in the U.S. economy over the past 50 years has been the growth in the service sector. Between 1950 and 2000, service‐sector employment grew from 57 to 75 percent of total employment. However, over this time, the real hourly wage in the service sector grew only slightly faster than in the goods sector. In this paper, we assess whether or not the essential constancy of the relative wage implies that individuals face small costs of switching sectors, and we quantify the relative importance of labor supply and demand factors in the growth of the service sector. We specify and estimate a two‐sector labor market equilibrium model that allows us to address these empirical issues in a unified framework. Our estimates imply that there are large mobility costs: output in both sectors would have been double their current levels if these mobility costs had been zero. In addition, we find that demand‐side factors, that is, technological change and movements in product and capital prices, were responsible for the growth of the service sector.  相似文献   

The majority of labor transactions throughout much of history and a significant fraction of such transactions in many developing countries today are “coercive,” in the sense that force or the threat of force plays a central role in convincing workers to accept employment or its terms. We propose a tractable principal–agent model of coercion, based on the idea that coercive activities by employers, or “guns,” affect the participation constraint of workers. We show that coercion and effort are complements, so that coercion increases effort, but coercion always reduces utilitarian social welfare. Better outside options for workers reduce coercion because of the complementarity between coercion and effort: workers with a better outside option exert lower effort in equilibrium and thus are coerced less. Greater demand for labor increases coercion because it increases equilibrium effort. We investigate the interaction between outside options, market prices, and other economic variables by embedding the (coercive) principal–agent relationship in a general equilibrium setup, and studying when and how labor scarcity encourages coercion. General (market) equilibrium interactions working through the price of output lead to a positive relationship between labor scarcity and coercion along the lines of ideas suggested by Domar, while interactions those working through the outside option lead to a negative relationship similar to ideas advanced in neo‐Malthusian historical analyses of the decline of feudalism. In net, a decline in available labor increases coercion in general equilibrium if and only if its direct (partial equilibrium) effect is to increase the price of output by more than it increases outside options. Our model also suggests that markets in slaves make slaves worse off, conditional on enslavement, and that coercion is more viable in industries that do not require relationship‐specific investment by workers.  相似文献   

We study the effect of the minimum wage on labor market outcomes for young workers using US county‐level panel data from the first quarter of 2000 to the first quarter of 2009. We go beyond the usual estimates of earnings and employment effects to consider how differences across states in the minimum wage affect worker turnover via separations and accessions and job turnover through new job creation and job losses. We find that a higher minimum wage level is associated with higher earnings, lower employment and reduced worker turnover for those in the 14–18 age group. For workers aged 19–21 and 22–24, we find less consistent evidence of minimum wage effects on earnings and employment. But, even for these age groups, a higher minimum wage is found to reduce accessions, separations and the turnover rate.  相似文献   

情绪劳动的内涵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖化化  颜爱民 《管理学报》2015,12(2):306-312
情绪劳动的概念源于20世纪80年代初的社会学研究,经过30余年的发展,相关研究取得了丰富的成果,情绪劳动的内涵也发生了一定的演变。通过文献回顾和梳理,对比了3种不同范式的情绪劳动定义,对情绪劳动策略及展现规则两组核心概念的理论发展进行了梳理,对情绪劳动与情绪调节、情绪智力之间的区别与联系进行了辨析,并探讨了未来研究值得关注的3个问题,以期对后续研究有所借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper examines the sources of the gender wage gap in the Turkish labor market by using matched employer–employee data and the standard wage regression estimations as well as the Oaxaca decomposition method. The extensive number of variables in the data set enables a thorough quantitative analysis of the role of various individual‐ as well as firm‐related factors leading to wage differentials between men and women, namely human capital endowments including job tenure, occupational and industrial segregation, private/public sector location, coverage of the workplace under collective labor bargaining, and firm size. It also examines the extent of gender‐based industry and occupational segregation within the confines of data set and computes the Duncan & Duncan segregation index. We find that a large portion of the gender wage gap is attributable to women's considerably lower levels of work experience and job tenure. Other important variables that lead to pay differentials are women's lower concentration in jobs covered by collective labor bargaining and a substantial degree of occupational and industrial segregation. The differential rates of return to many of the wage determinant variables are also found to be significant in the formation of the gender wage gap.  相似文献   

私营部门:劳资关系及协调机制   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
中国的劳资关系失衡,主要表现是雇主主导劳动市场,违法违规现象严重,劳资纠纷快速增加。同时,劳资协调机制滞后于私营部门和改制企业的发展。近几年来,加快完善劳资协调机制任务的紧迫性在不断提升。解决这个问题,既需完善政府、工会、雇主组织的职能和组织建设,也需要调整或校正存在于政府和工会某些部位中的不当目标和行为。治理失衡的劳资关系,首先要完善“吏治”。发展企业外的区域/行业性集体谈判机制,对于完善私营部门工会的维权职能具有重要的意义。为此,应该修改《劳动法》和配套法规的有关条款。  相似文献   

产业集聚与农村劳动力的跨区域流动   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
改革开放20多年来,伴随着非农产业向沿海地区集聚的是中西部地区农村劳动力的跨省流动转移。本文以一个新国际贸易理论和新经济地理学为框架详细分析了这一中西部地区农村劳动力跨省转移的结构、数量、城镇类别选择、行业选择等等,发现跨省流动的绝大部分劳动力是从人口较为密集的中部地区和西南地区向产业已有一定集聚优势的沿海地区转移。文章最后以广东省为案例,分析了外来农民工的进入与流入地、流出地的经济发展关系,发现它符合新经济地理学的理论推断。本文最后得出的政策含义是推动中西部地区城市化进程对发展中西部经济、缩小东西部地区差距具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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