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袁成 《交通与港航》2007,21(4):43-44
<正>交通运输系统是欧盟各国今后增加能源消耗量最多的部门。目前,该部门耗用的能源,主要依靠单一的一种燃料,即:石油。更重要的是,欧盟各国本身所能生产的此种矿物油,仅能满足其需要量的极小一部分,绝大部分依赖进口。与此同时,该部门是增加二氧化碳(CO_2)这一温室气体  相似文献   

韩国的能源消费量位居全球第10位,随着能源消费量的增加,温室气体的排放量也在增加。从1990年至2005年,韩国二氧化碳排放量增加了一倍,达到5.91亿吨,是世界第9大温室气体排放国。2008年3月韩国环境部部长李万仪在给李明博总统的报告中提出,到2012年将温室气体年排放量维持在2005年的水平。  相似文献   

能源,是向自然界提供能量转化的物质(矿物质能源,核物理能源,大气环流能源,地理性能源)。能源为人类的生产和生活提供各种能力和动力的物质资源,是国民经济的重要物质基础,未来国家命运取决于能源的掌控,本文所讨论的主要内容为能源的应用及其在未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

中国的能源消费总量在不断扩大,环境污染问题日益严重,要研究提高能源利用效率,各国都在做积极的努力。我们要跳出能源看能源,要立足国内、面向世界。发展低碳能源,是中国缓解能源与资源供需矛盾、遏制环境污染的重要途径,是全面落实科学发展观,加快推进新型工  相似文献   

国内外低碳经济发展情况研究及对浙江的建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林宏  岳凌云 《城市》2009,(9):30-32
低碳经济是以低能耗、低污染、低排放为特征的经济发展模式,实质是建立新的产业结构和能源结构,以最少的温室气体排放获得最大的社会产出。2007年,联合国为减少温室气体排放,控制全球变暖,制订了“巴厘岛路线图”,提出世界各国要真诚合作,转变传统观念,推行低碳经济。  相似文献   

丹麦建设低碳小城镇的经验及对我国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈群元  喻定权 《城市》2010,(4):24-27
在2009年丹麦首都哥本哈根联合国气候变化大会上,中国政府向世界宣布了控制温室气体排放的行动目标,到2020年单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%~45%。同时,中国政府宣称确定减缓温室气体排放的目标是中国根据国情采取的自主行动,是对中国人民和全人类负责的,不附加任何条件,不与任何国家的减排目标挂钩。这表明我国开展大规模低碳经济建设势在必行。  相似文献   

城市是各国人口及经济的汇集地,不仅是能源的主要消费者,而且在低碳的发展过程中扮演重要的角色。国际不少城市已认识到自己的责任,纷纷积极行动,以减少温室气体排放。发达国家(如美国、德国、英国与日本等)于2009年纷纷推出绿色新政,最终目标是能够达到低碳社会的愿景,以下汇整发达国家绿色新政对"低碳发  相似文献   

石油,作为重要的战略资源,在世界经济不断发展的压力下变得越来越贵.除了节约石油资源,开发新的石油替代能源已成为各国解决石油危机的另一条出路.目前比较普遍的看法是,油价上涨对中国来说是把双刃剑,在不利因素影响的同时,高油价给中国能源结构调整创造了机遇.  相似文献   

近年来,人类活动频繁和环境污染的加剧造成全球气候恶化,飓风、热浪、暴雨、寒流、水灾和旱灾等自然灾害不断.一系列的极端气候变化,引发了世界各国对人类生产和生活方式的深入思考.  相似文献   

侯小菲  储诚山 《城市》2017,(9):60-63
工业、建筑和交通为全社会三大能耗和温室气体排放部门.而城市交通能耗和排放在全社会中又占重要地位,而且增长越显突出.笔者从城市交通增长状况分析入手,说明了加强城市交通能耗和谈排放管理的重要性和迫切性,并通过城市交通能源与温室气体管理滞后的原因分析,提出了针对城市交通能耗和温室气体管理的具体措施.  相似文献   

The public relations industry as one of the key industries in Hong Kong has metamorphosed into a new phase after the resumption of sovereignty to China. Based on in-depth interviews with eight experienced corporate communication practitioners from multi-national and sizeable local corporations in Hong Kong and China, the study traces the recent development of public relations and/or corporate communication (hereafter PR/CC) highlighting issues of role and function, language and communication strategy, and ethics and professionalism.  相似文献   

This paper is a study in the relatively neglected field of the Sociology of Accidents and is concerned with fatalities in the UK Offshore Oil Industry. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the social and organizational causes of these accidents. Common sense and expert opinion both present industrial accidents as products of extra organizational abnormality but evidence from this research locates the causes of accidents in work organization and dependence on bureaucratic rationality. In particular it is shown that the hazardous situations in which the accidents occurred were themselves largely the products of two aspects of the formal organization of work, the 'speed-up’and the practice of ‘sub-contracting’. It is demonstrated that the common sense equation of the‘normal’and the‘routine’inhibited recognition of the organization causes of these accidents. Finally it is argued that, since there is little support for the view that the accident were produced by unique working conditions in the offshore industry, it is therefore likely that the causes of accidents in this industry will be found to exist in other industries.  相似文献   

Recent budget cuts at the federal, state, and local levels of government are seriously affecting human service programs in America. Those most affected have the least political and economic power: the poor, homeless, and hungry. To respond to these cutbacks and their service implications, this paper describes an attempt to transform a traditional micro-oriented, casework agency, located in one of the poorest neighborhoods of a large Northeastern city, into a progressive community center that advocates for political empowerment at the grassroots level.  相似文献   

The sociology of stress shows how nondisordered people often become distressed in contexts such as chronic subordination; the losses of status, resources, and attachments; or the inability to achieve valued goals. Evolutionary psychology indicates that distress arising in these contexts stems from psychological mechanisms that are responding appropriately to stressful circumstances. A diagnosis of mental disorder, in contrast, indicates that these mechanisms are not functioning as they are designed to function. The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, however, has come to treat both the natural results of the stress process and individual pathology as mental disorders. A number of social groups benefit from and promote the conflation of normal emotions with dysfunctions. The result has been to overestimate the number of people who are considered to be disordered, to focus social policy on the supposedly unmet need for treatment, and to enlarge the social space of pathology in the general culture.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - In unstable economic situations, transforming nonprofit organisations into social enterprises is crucial for achieving...  相似文献   

This study investigated school factors that impact attendance. Interviews and focus groups with over 60 key stakeholders from five Maryland counties were conducted. Respondents indicated that despite individual, family, and community factors that contribute to non-attendance, students will attend a school that is intentional about creating a welcoming climate that is supportive and academically stimulating. Attendance can be improved when schools evaluated policies that may unintentionally deter student attendance, when students feel heard by school personnel, and when students are given opportunities to establish supportive relationships with caring adults in and out of the classroom.  相似文献   

在上海经济持续发展的同时,必然带来能源消耗和污染排放的增加。在资源和环境的硬约束条件下,通过进一步调整产业结构,保证经济持续稳定增长,是我们面临的最紧迫的难题。首先,要提高能源保障能力,不断优化能源结构,加快提升能源技术研发能力和产业能级。其次,要加快调整能源结构。再次,加快突破提升能源产业。要以新能源技术为突破口,加速新能源技术创新,要使新能源利用更安全、更经济,为上海清洁能源利用和产业结构升级带来了历史性机遇。  相似文献   

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