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In this article, the hypothesis testing and interval estimation for the reliability parameter are considered in balanced and unbalanced one-way random models. The tests and confidence intervals for the reliability parameter are developed using the concepts of generalized p-value and generalized confidence interval. Furthermore, some simulation results are presented to compare the performances between the proposed approach and the existing approach. For balanced models, the simulation results indicate that the proposed approach can provide satisfactory coverage probabilities and performs better than the existing approaches across the wide array of scenarios, especially for small sample sizes. For unbalanced models, the simulation results show that the two proposed approaches perform more satisfactorily than the existing approach in most cases. Finally, the proposed approaches are illustrated using two real examples.  相似文献   

This article studies the hypothesis testing and interval estimation for the among-group variance component in unbalanced heteroscedastic one-fold nested design. Based on the concepts of generalized p-value and generalized confidence interval, tests and confidence intervals for the among-group variance component are developed. Furthermore, some simulation results are presented to compare the performance of the proposed approach with those of existing approaches. It is found that the proposed approach and one of the existing approaches can maintain the nominal confidence level across a wide array of scenarios, and therefore are recommended to use in practical problems. Finally, a real example is illustrated.  相似文献   

Statistical inference for the diffusion coefficients of multivariate diffusion processes has been well established in recent years; however, it is not the case for the drift coefficients. Furthermore, most existing estimation methods for the drift coefficients are proposed under the assumption that the diffusion matrix is positive definite and time homogeneous. In this article, we put forward two estimation approaches for estimating the drift coefficients of the multivariate diffusion models with the time inhomogeneously positive semidefinite diffusion matrix. They are maximum likelihood estimation methods based on both the martingale representation theorem and conditional characteristic functions and the generalized method of moments based on conditional characteristic functions, respectively. Consistency and asymptotic normality of the generalized method of moments estimation are also proved in this article. Simulation results demonstrate that these methods work well.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with extreme value density estimation. The generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) beyond a given threshold is combined with a nonparametric estimation approach below the threshold. This semiparametric setup is shown to generalize a few existing approaches and enables density estimation over the complete sample space. Estimation is performed via the Bayesian paradigm, which helps identify model components. Estimation of all model parameters, including the threshold and higher quantiles, and prediction for future observations is provided. Simulation studies suggest a few useful guidelines to evaluate the relevance of the proposed procedures. They also provide empirical evidence about the improvement of the proposed methodology over existing approaches. Models are then applied to environmental data sets. The paper is concluded with a few directions for future work.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider inferences in a binary dynamic mixed model. The existing estimation approaches mainly estimate the regression effects and the dynamic dependence parameters either through the estimation of the random effects or by avoiding the random effects technically. Under the assumption that the random effects follow a Gaussian distribution, we propose a generalized quasilikelihood (GQL) approach for the estimation of the parameters of the dynamic mixed models. The proposed approach is computationally less cumbersome than the exact maximum likelihood (ML) approach. We also carry out the GQL estimation under two competitive, namely, probit and logit mixed models, and discuss both the asymptotic and small-sample behaviour of their estimators.  相似文献   


Non-stationarity in bivariate time series of counts may be induced by a number of time-varying covariates affecting the bivariate responses due to which the innovation terms of the individual series as well as the bivariate dependence structure becomes non-stationary. So far, in the existing models, the innovation terms of individual INAR(1) series and the dependence structure are assumed to be constant even though the individual time series are non-stationary. Under this assumption, the reliability of the regression and correlation estimates is questionable. Besides, the existing estimation methodologies such as the conditional maximum likelihood (CMLE) and the composite likelihood estimation are computationally intensive. To address these issues, this paper proposes a BINAR(1) model where the innovation series follow a bivariate Poisson distribution under some non-stationary distributional assumptions. The method of generalized quasi-likelihood (GQL) is used to estimate the regression effects while the serial and bivariate correlations are estimated using a robust moment estimation technique. The application of model and estimation method is made in the simulated data. The GQL method is also compared with the CMLE, generalized method of moments (GMM) and generalized estimating equation (GEE) approaches where through simulation studies, it is shown that GQL yields more efficient estimates than GMM and equally or slightly more efficient estimates than CMLE and GEE.  相似文献   

Most methods for survival prediction from high-dimensional genomic data combine the Cox proportional hazards model with some technique of dimension reduction, such as partial least squares regression (PLS). Applying PLS to the Cox model is not entirely straightforward, and multiple approaches have been proposed. The method of Park et al. (Bioinformatics 18(Suppl. 1):S120–S127, 2002) uses a reformulation of the Cox likelihood to a Poisson type likelihood, thereby enabling estimation by iteratively reweighted partial least squares for generalized linear models. We propose a modification of the method of park et al. (2002) such that estimates of the baseline hazard and the gene effects are obtained in separate steps. The resulting method has several advantages over the method of park et al. (2002) and other existing Cox PLS approaches, as it allows for estimation of survival probabilities for new patients, enables a less memory-demanding estimation procedure, and allows for incorporation of lower-dimensional non-genomic variables like disease grade and tumor thickness. We also propose to combine our Cox PLS method with an initial gene selection step in which genes are ordered by their Cox score and only the highest-ranking k% of the genes are retained, obtaining a so-called supervised partial least squares regression method. In simulations, both the unsupervised and the supervised version outperform other Cox PLS methods.  相似文献   

Simple boundary correction for kernel density estimation   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
If a probability density function has bounded support, kernel density estimates often overspill the boundaries and are consequently especially biased at and near these edges. In this paper, we consider the alleviation of this boundary problem. A simple unified framework is provided which covers a number of straightforward methods and allows for their comparison: generalized jackknifing generates a variety of simple boundary kernel formulae. A well-known method of Rice (1984) is a special case. A popular linear correction method is another: it has close connections with the boundary properties of local linear fitting (Fan and Gijbels, 1992). Links with the optimal boundary kernels of Müller (1991) are investigated. Novel boundary kernels involving kernel derivatives and generalized reflection arise too. In comparisons, various generalized jackknifing methods perform rather similarly, so this, together with its existing popularity, make linear correction as good a method as any. In an as yet unsuccessful attempt to improve on generalized jackknifing, a variety of alternative approaches is considered. A further contribution is to consider generalized jackknife boundary correction for density derivative estimation. En route to all this, a natural analogue of local polynomial regression for density estimation is defined and discussed.  相似文献   

High-dimensional predictive models, those with more measurements than observations, require regularization to be well defined, perform well empirically, and possess theoretical guarantees. The amount of regularization, often determined by tuning parameters, is integral to achieving good performance. One can choose the tuning parameter in a variety of ways, such as through resampling methods or generalized information criteria. However, the theory supporting many regularized procedures relies on an estimate for the variance parameter, which is complicated in high dimensions. We develop a suite of information criteria for choosing the tuning parameter in lasso regression by leveraging the literature on high-dimensional variance estimation. We derive intuition showing that existing information-theoretic approaches work poorly in this setting. We compare our risk estimators to existing methods with an extensive simulation and derive some theoretical justification. We find that our new estimators perform well across a wide range of simulation conditions and evaluation criteria.  相似文献   

This article presents parametric bootstrap (PB) approaches for hypothesis testing and interval estimation for the regression coefficients and the variance components of panel data regression models with complete panels. The PB pivot variables are proposed based on sufficient statistics of the parameters. On the other hand, we also derive generalized inferences and improved generalized inferences for variance components in this article. Some simulation results are presented to compare the performance of the PB approaches with the generalized inferences. Our studies show that the PB approaches perform satisfactorily for various sample sizes and parameter configurations, and the performance of PB approaches is mostly the same as that of generalized inferences with respect to the expected lengths and powers. The PB inferences have almost exact coverage probabilities and Type I error rates. Furthermore, the PB procedure can be simply carried out by a few simulation steps, and the derivation is easier to understand and to be extended to the incomplete panels. Finally, the proposed approaches are illustrated by using a real data example.  相似文献   

容越彦  陈光慧 《统计研究》2015,32(12):88-94
在总结现有模型辅助估计方法的基础上,本文通过构造一种半参数超总体模型,同时结合广义差分估计思想提出一种新型的模型辅助估计量。该估计量比传统的非参数和半参数回归估计利用更少、更易得到的辅助信息,即只需利用和广义回归估计相同的辅助信息,但一般会比广义回归估计拥有更高的估计精度。理论证明了该估计量是渐近设计无偏和设计一致的,其渐近设计均方误差为广义差分估计量的方差。模拟结果显示:其至少与广义回归估计一样好;对于线性程度越低的超总体模型,其估计精度比广义回归估计有越明显的提高;就本文模拟而言,光滑参数在0.04~0.12间适当取值时其会取到相对较好的估计效果。  相似文献   

When modeling correlated binary data in the presence of informative cluster sizes, generalized estimating equations with either resampling or inverse-weighting, are often used to correct for estimation bias. However, existing methods for the clustered longitudinal setting assume constant cluster sizes over time. We present a subject-weighted generalized estimating equations scheme that provides valid parameter estimation for the clustered longitudinal setting while allowing cluster sizes to change over time. We compare, via simulation, the performance of existing methods to our subject-weighted approach. The subject-weighted approach was the only method that showed negligible bias, with excellent coverage, for all model parameters.  相似文献   

The estimation of the covariance matrix is important in the analysis of bivariate longitudinal data. A good estimator for the covariance matrix can improve the efficiency of the estimators of the mean regression coefficients. Furthermore, the covariance estimation itself is also of interest, but it is a challenging job to model the covariance matrix of bivariate longitudinal data due to the complex structure and positive definite constraint. In addition, most of existing approaches are based on the maximum likelihood, which is very sensitive to outliers or heavy-tail error distributions. In this article, an adaptive robust estimation method is proposed for bivariate longitudinal data. Unlike the existing likelihood-based methods, the proposed method can adapt to different error distributions. Specifically, at first, we utilize the modified Cholesky block decomposition to parameterize the covariance matrices. Secondly, we apply the bounded Huber's score function to develop a set of robust generalized estimating equations to estimate the parameters both in the mean and the covariance models simultaneously. A data-driven approach is presented to select the parameter c in the Huber's score function, which can ensure that the proposed method is robust and efficient. A simulation study and a real data analysis are conducted to illustrate the robustness and efficiency of the proposed approach.  相似文献   


Latent variable modeling is commonly used in behavioral, social, and medical science research. The models used in such analysis relate all observed variables to latent common factors. In many applications, the observations are highly non normal or discrete, e.g., polytomous responses or counts. The existing approaches for non normal observations can be considered lacking in several aspects, especially for multi-group samples situations. We propose a generalized linear model approach for multi-sample latent variable analysis that can handle a broad class of non normal and discrete observations, and that furnishes meaningful interpretation and inference in multi-group studies through maximum likelihood analysis. A Monte Carlo EM algorithm is proposed for parameter estimation. The convergence assessment and standard error estimation is addressed. Simulation studies are reported to show the usefulness of the our approach. An example from a substance abuse prevention study is also presented.  相似文献   

Adaptive cluster sampling (ACS) is considered to be the most suitable sampling design for the estimation of rare, hidden, clustered and hard-to-reach population units. The main characteristic of this design is that it may select more meaningful samples and provide more efficient estimates for the field investigator as compare to the other conventional sampling designs. In this paper, we proposed a generalized estimator with a single auxiliary variable for the estimation of rare, hidden and highly clustered population variance under ACS design. The expressions of approximate bias and mean square error are derived and the efficiency comparisons have been made with other existing estimators. A numerical study is carried out on a real population of aquatic birds together with an artificial population generated by Poisson cluster process. Related results of numerical study show that the proposed generalized variance estimator is able to provide considerably better results over the competing estimators.  相似文献   

一、问题的背景进行抽样调查时必须满足一个重要条件 ,即样本量必须满足规定的精度要求。通常 ,在调查方案的设计中 ,提出的精度要求是对总体某个最主要的目标量而言的 ,而抽样调查的需求 ,在很多情况下是更为广泛的 ,例如 ,通过抽样调查 ,不仅仅需要获得对总体目标量特征的考察 ,同时也关注于总体内部的各子总体的状况 ,这个特点在我国表现更为突出。例如我们不仅关心整个国家的宏观经济发展动态 ,也关心各个地区、省、市、县的经济发展状况 ,用人们常说的话来讲 ,就是抽样调查如何满足各级政府的需要。此外 ,有时我们可能会很关心采用多个…  相似文献   

In the longitudinal studies, the mixture generalized estimation equation (mix-GEE) was proposed to improve the efficiency of the fixed-effects estimator for addressing the working correlation structure misspecification. When the subject-specific effect is one of interests, mixed-effects models were widely used to analyze longitudinal data. However, most of the existing approaches assume a normal distribution for the random effects, and this could affect the efficiency of the fixed-effects estimator. In this article, a conditional mixture generalized estimating equation (cmix-GEE) approach based on the advantage of mix-GEE and conditional quadratic inference function (CQIF) method is developed. The advantage of our new approach is that it does not require the normality assumption for random effects and can accommodate the serial correlation between observations within the same cluster. The feature of our proposed approach is that the estimators of the regression parameters are more efficient than CQIF even if the working correlation structure is not correctly specified. In addition, according to the estimates of some mixture proportions, the true working correlation matrix can be identified. We establish the asymptotic results for the fixed-effects parameter estimators. Simulation studies were conducted to evaluate our proposed method.  相似文献   

Classical statistical approaches for multiclass probability estimation are typically based on regression techniques such as multiple logistic regression, or density estimation approaches such as linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA). These methods often make certain assumptions on the form of probability functions or on the underlying distributions of subclasses. In this article, we develop a model-free procedure to estimate multiclass probabilities based on large-margin classifiers. In particular, the new estimation scheme is employed by solving a series of weighted large-margin classifiers and then systematically extracting the probability information from these multiple classification rules. A main advantage of the proposed probability estimation technique is that it does not impose any strong parametric assumption on the underlying distribution and can be applied for a wide range of large-margin classification methods. A general computational algorithm is developed for class probability estimation. Furthermore, we establish asymptotic consistency of the probability estimates. Both simulated and real data examples are presented to illustrate competitive performance of the new approach and compare it with several other existing methods.  相似文献   

Modeling clustered categorical data based on extensions of generalized linear model theory has received much attention in recent years. The rapidly increasing number of approaches suitable for categorical data in which clusters are uncorrelated, but correlations exist within a cluster, has caused uncertainty among applied scientists as to their respective merits and demerits. Upon centering estimation around solving an unbiased estimating function for mean parameters and estimation of covariance parameters describing within-cluster or among-cluster heterogeneity, many approaches can easily be related. This contribution describes a series of algorithms and their implementation in detail, based on a classification of inferential procedures for clustered data.  相似文献   

Summary.  Empirical Bayes techniques for normal theory shrinkage estimation are extended to generalized linear models in a manner retaining the original spirit of shrinkage estimation, which is to reduce risk. The investigation identifies two classes of simple, all-purpose prior distributions, which supplement such non-informative priors as Jeffreys's prior with mechanisms for risk reduction. One new class of priors is motivated as optimizers of a core component of asymptotic risk. The methodology is evaluated in a numerical exploration and application to an existing data set.  相似文献   

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