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In this article, a two-parameter estimator is proposed to combat multicollinearity in the negative binomial regression model. The proposed two-parameter estimator is a general estimator which includes the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, the ridge estimator (RE) and the Liu estimator as special cases. Some properties on the asymptotic mean-squared error (MSE) are derived and necessary and sufficient conditions for the superiority of the two-parameter estimator over the ML estimator and sufficient conditions for the superiority of the two-parameter estimator over the RE and the Liu estimator in the asymptotic mean-squared error (MSE) matrix sense are obtained. Furthermore, several methods and three rules for choosing appropriate shrinkage parameters are proposed. Finally, a Monte Carlo simulation study is given to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

Shrinkage estimator is a commonly applied solution to the general problem caused by multicollinearity. Recently, the ridge regression (RR) estimators for estimating the ridge parameter k in the negative binomial (NB) regression have been proposed. The Jackknifed estimators are obtained to remedy the multicollinearity and reduce the bias. A simulation study is provided to evaluate the performance of estimators. Both mean squared error (MSE) and the percentage relative error (PRE) are considered as the performance criteria. The simulated result indicated that some of proposed Jackknifed estimators should be preferred to the ML method and ridge estimators to reduce MSE and bias.  相似文献   

Negative binomial regression (NBR) and Poisson regression (PR) applications have become very popular in the analysis of count data in recent years. However, if there is a high degree of relationship between the independent variables, the problem of multicollinearity arises in these models. We introduce new two-parameter estimators (TPEs) for the NBR and the PR models by unifying the two-parameter estimator (TPE) of Özkale and Kaç?ranlar [The restricted and unrestricted two-parameter estimators. Commun Stat Theory Methods. 2007;36:2707–2725]. These new estimators are general estimators which include maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, ridge estimator (RE), Liu estimator (LE) and contraction estimator (CE) as special cases. Furthermore, biasing parameters of these estimators are given and a Monte Carlo simulation is done to evaluate the performance of these estimators using mean square error (MSE) criterion. The benefits of the new TPEs are also illustrated in an empirical application. The results show that the new proposed TPEs for the NBR and the PR models are better than the ML estimator, the RE and the LE.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood (ML) method is used to estimate the unknown Gamma regression (GR) coefficients. In the presence of multicollinearity, the variance of the ML method becomes overstated and the inference based on the ML method may not be trustworthy. To combat multicollinearity, the Liu estimator has been used. In this estimator, estimation of the Liu parameter d is an important problem. A few estimation methods are available in the literature for estimating such a parameter. This study has considered some of these methods and also proposed some new methods for estimation of the d. The Monte Carlo simulation study has been conducted to assess the performance of the proposed methods where the mean squared error (MSE) is considered as a performance criterion. Based on the Monte Carlo simulation and application results, it is shown that the Liu estimator is always superior to the ML and recommendation about which best Liu parameter should be used in the Liu estimator for the GR model is given.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a restricted Liu regression estimator (RLRE) for estimating the parameter vector, β, in the presence of multicollinearity, when the dependent variable is binary and it is suspected that β may belong to a linear subspace defined by ?=?r. First, we investigate the mean squared error (MSE) properties of the new estimator and compare them with those of the restricted maximum likelihood estimator (RMLE). Then we suggest some estimators of the shrinkage parameter, and a simulation study is conducted to compare the performance of the different estimators. Finally, we show the benefit of using RLRE instead of RMLE when estimating how changes in price affect consumer demand for a specific product.  相似文献   

The negative binomial (NB) is frequently used to model overdispersed Poisson count data. To study the effect of a continuous covariate of interest in an NB model, a flexible procedure is used to model the covariate effect by fixed-knot cubic basis-splines or B-splines with a second-order difference penalty on the adjacent B-spline coefficients to avoid undersmoothing. A penalized likelihood is used to estimate parameters of the model. A penalized likelihood ratio test statistic is constructed for the null hypothesis of the linearity of the continuous covariate effect. When the number of knots is fixed, its limiting null distribution is the distribution of a linear combination of independent chi-squared random variables, each with one degree of freedom. The smoothing parameter value is determined by setting a specified value equal to the asymptotic expectation of the test statistic under the null hypothesis. The power performance of the proposed test is studied with simulation experiments.  相似文献   

A new modified Jackknifed estimator for the Poisson regression model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Poisson regression is very popular in applied researches when analyzing the count data. However, multicollinearity problem arises for the Poisson regression model when the independent variables are highly intercorrelated. Shrinkage estimator is a commonly applied solution to the general problem caused by multicollinearity. Recently, the ridge regression (RR) estimators and some methods for estimating the ridge parameter k in the Poisson regression have been proposed. It has been found that some estimators are better than the commonly used maximum-likelihood (ML) estimator and some other RR estimators. In this study, the modified Jackknifed Poisson ridge regression (MJPR) estimator is proposed to remedy the multicollinearity. A simulation study and a real data example are provided to evaluate the performance of estimators. Both mean-squared error and the percentage relative error are considered as the performance criteria. The simulation study and the real data example results show that the proposed MJPR method outperforms the Poisson ridge regression, Jackknifed Poisson ridge regression and the ML in all of the different situations evaluated in this paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, we mainly aim to introduce the notion of improved Liu estimator (ILE) in the linear regression model y=Xβ+e. The selection of the biasing parameters is investigated under the PRESS criterion and the optimal selection is successfully derived. We make a simulation study to show the performance of ILE compared to the ordinary least squares estimator and the Liu estimator. Finally, the main results are applied to the Hald data.  相似文献   

Mansson and Shukur (2011 Mansson, K., Shukur, G. (2011). A Poisson ridge regression estimator. Economic Modelling 28:14751481. [Google Scholar]) investigated the performance of the Poisson ridge regression (PRR) estimator in terms of the mean square error (MSE) criterion. Similarly, Mansson (2012 Mansson, K. (2012). On ridge estimators for the negative binomial regression model. Economic Modelling 29:178184. [Google Scholar]) investigated the performance of the Negative binomial ridge regression (NBRR) according to the MSE criterion. But there is no any analysis of the predictive performance of the PRR and NBRR estimators. Therefore, we define the PRR and the NBRR predictors to evaluate their predictive performances according to the prediction mean squared error under the target function. The Monte Carlo simulations and the real life numerical example are conducted to investigate the defined predictors' performance.  相似文献   

Count data often display excessive number of zero outcomes than are expected in the Poisson regression model. The zero-inflated Poisson regression model has been suggested to handle zero-inflated data, whereas the zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) regression model has been fitted for zero-inflated data with additional overdispersion. For bivariate and zero-inflated cases, several regression models such as the bivariate zero-inflated Poisson (BZIP) and bivariate zero-inflated negative binomial (BZINB) have been considered. This paper introduces several forms of nested BZINB regression model which can be fitted to bivariate and zero-inflated count data. The mean–variance approach is used for comparing the BZIP and our forms of BZINB regression model in this study. A similar approach was also used by past researchers for defining several negative binomial and zero-inflated negative binomial regression models based on the appearance of linear and quadratic terms of the variance function. The nested BZINB regression models proposed in this study have several advantages; the likelihood ratio tests can be performed for choosing the best model, the models have flexible forms of marginal mean–variance relationship, the models can be fitted to bivariate zero-inflated count data with positive or negative correlations, and the models allow additional overdispersion of the two dependent variables.  相似文献   

The binary logistic regression is a commonly used statistical method when the outcome variable is dichotomous or binary. The explanatory variables are correlated in some situations of the logit model. This problem is called multicollinearity. It is known that the variance of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is inflated in the presence of multicollinearity. Therefore, in this study, we define a new two-parameter ridge estimator for the logistic regression model to decrease the variance and overcome multicollinearity problem. We compare the new estimator to the other well-known estimators by studying their mean squared error (MSE) properties. Moreover, a Monte Carlo simulation is designed to evaluate the performances of the estimators. Finally, a real data application is illustrated to show the applicability of the new method. According to the results of the simulation and real application, the new estimator outperforms the other estimators for all of the situations considered.  相似文献   

In the multiple linear regression analysis, the ridge regression estimator and the Liu estimator are often used to address multicollinearity. Besides multicollinearity, outliers are also a problem in the multiple linear regression analysis. We propose new biased estimators based on the least trimmed squares (LTS) ridge estimator and the LTS Liu estimator in the case of the presence of both outliers and multicollinearity. For this purpose, a simulation study is conducted in order to see the difference between the robust ridge estimator and the robust Liu estimator in terms of their effectiveness; the mean square error. In our simulations, the behavior of the new biased estimators is examined for types of outliers: X-space outlier, Y-space outlier, and X-and Y-space outlier. The results for a number of different illustrative cases are presented. This paper also provides the results for the robust ridge regression and robust Liu estimators based on a real-life data set combining the problem of multicollinearity and outliers.  相似文献   

Two-stage least squares estimation in a simultaneous equations model has several desirable properties under the problem of multicollinearity. So, various kinds of improved estimation techniques can be developed to deal with the problem of multicollinearity. One of them is ridge regression estimation that can be applied at both stages and defined in Vinod and Ullah [Recent advances in regression methods. New York: Marcel Dekker; 1981]. We propose three different kinds of Liu estimators that are named by their implementation stages. Mean square errors are derived to compare the performances of the mentioned estimators and two different choices of the biasing parameter are offered. Moreover, a numerical example is given with a data analysis based on the Klein Model I and a Monte Carlo experiment is conducted.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been considerable interest in regression models based on zero-inflated distributions. These models are commonly encountered in many disciplines, such as medicine, public health, and environmental sciences, among others. The zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) model has been typically considered for these types of problems. However, the ZIP model can fail if the non-zero counts are overdispersed in relation to the Poisson distribution, hence the zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) model may be more appropriate. In this paper, we present a Bayesian approach for fitting the ZINB regression model. This model considers that an observed zero may come from a point mass distribution at zero or from the negative binomial model. The likelihood function is utilized to compute not only some Bayesian model selection measures, but also to develop Bayesian case-deletion influence diagnostics based on q-divergence measures. The approach can be easily implemented using standard Bayesian software, such as WinBUGS. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated with a simulation study. Further, a real data set is analyzed, where we show that ZINB regression models seems to fit the data better than the Poisson counterpart.  相似文献   

Count data with excess zeros often occurs in areas such as public health, epidemiology, psychology, sociology, engineering, and agriculture. Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) regression and zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) regression are useful for modeling such data, but because of hierarchical study design or the data collection procedure, zero-inflation and correlation may occur simultaneously. To overcome these challenges ZIP or ZINB may still be used. In this paper, multilevel ZINB regression is used to overcome these problems. The method of parameter estimation is an expectation-maximization algorithm in conjunction with the penalized likelihood and restricted maximum likelihood estimates for variance components. Alternative modeling strategies, namely the ZIP distribution are also considered. An application of the proposed model is shown on decayed, missing, and filled teeth of children aged 12 years old.  相似文献   

We consider a random regression model with several-fold change-points. The results for one change-point are generalized. The maximum likelihood estimator of the parameters is shown to be consistent, and the asymptotic distribution for the estimators of the coefficients is shown to be Gaussian. The estimators of the change-points converge, with n ?1 rate, to the vector whose components are the left end points of the maximizing interval with respect to each change-point. The likelihood process is asymptotically equivalent to the sum of independent compound Poisson processes.  相似文献   

In the context of estimating regression coefficients of an ill-conditioned binary logistic regression model, we develop a new biased estimator having two parameters for estimating the regression vector parameter β when it is subjected to lie in the linear subspace restriction Hβ = h. The matrix mean squared error and mean squared error (MSE) functions of these newly defined estimators are derived. Moreover, a method to choose the two parameters is proposed. Then, the performance of the proposed estimator is compared to that of the restricted maximum likelihood estimator and some other existing estimators in the sense of MSE via a Monte Carlo simulation study. According to the simulation results, the performance of the estimators depends on the sample size, number of explanatory variables, and degree of correlation. The superiority region of our proposed estimator is identified based on the biasing parameters, numerically. It is concluded that the new estimator is superior to the others in most of the situations considered and it is recommended to the researchers.  相似文献   

Improvement of the Liu estimator in linear regression model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the presence of stochastic prior information, in addition to the sample, Theil and Goldberger (1961) introduced a Mixed Estimator for the parameter vector β in the standard multiple linear regression model (T,2 I). Recently, the Liu estimator which is an alternative biased estimator for β has been proposed by Liu (1993). In this paper we introduce another new Liu type biased estimator called Stochastic restricted Liu estimator for β, and discuss its efficiency. The necessary and sufficient conditions for mean squared error matrix of the Stochastic restricted Liu estimator to exceed the mean squared error matrix of the mixed estimator will be derived for the two cases in which the parametric restrictions are correct and are not correct. In particular we show that this new biased estimator is superior in the mean squared error matrix sense to both the Mixed estimator and to the biased estimator introduced by Liu (1993).  相似文献   

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