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辅导员在大学生思想政治教育中承担着重要的角色,学生的心理健康教育在其工作中占据首要地位。因为辅导员与学生接触最多,能更好地将心理健康教育渗透到思想政治教育中,从而达到润物无声的效果。  相似文献   

在新的历史时期,高校大学生存在的心理问题已经越来越引起社会重视,心理健康问题已成为大学生思想政治教育中重要的环节,作为高校心理辅导站具有怎样的作用,如何更好地做好大学生心理健康教育工作,已是高校进行思想政治教育过程中需要迫切解决的问题。  相似文献   

加强心理健康教育,是新形势下全面贯彻党的教育方针、推进素质教育的重要举措,是培养高素质人才的重要环节。文章主要介绍了高校大学生心理健康教育工作体系的建设方案,具体地分析和讨论了高校心理健康教育工作开展的方式、方法。  相似文献   

高校学生社团作为思想政治教育的一种新载体,不仅丰富了思想政治教育的内容,强化了学生的实践能力,为教育者与学生增加了一个沟通、活动的舞台,而且还对实现思想政治教育的目的具有重要意义。  相似文献   

张译尹 《职业》2017,(21):106-107
目前,中职学校对心理健康教育的重视程度不够,工作有待加强和改进.本文从中职学校的心理健康教育现状出发,初步探索如何建立适合中职学校的心理健康教育工作机制.  相似文献   

随着社会的快速发展,青少年的心理健康教育在社会中受到越来越多的重视。而大学生的心理问题也随着人们生活节奏的加快,家庭关系与学业压力、就业压力等各方面的因素越来越突出。所以,青少年心理健康教育在很多大学心理工作中就发挥了很重要的作用。本文从如今大学生存在的心理问题出发,分析青少年心理健康教育在大学生心理工作中的指导意义以及如何正确的指导大学生的心理健康教育。  相似文献   

面对激烈的社会竞争,当前大学生在学习、生活、人际交往、就业等方面所承受的心理压力愈来愈重,心理健康问题已成为影响大学生健康成长的突出因素.因此,通过分析大学生存在的心理问题,并针对这些问题采取个别咨询、团体咨询等科学的心理咨询方式,建立集"建档、咨询、网络交流、团体训练、专题讲座、学科渗透和网络自助与互动"于一体的心理健康教育新体系,就成为当前高校加强大学生心理健康教育、提高大学生心理素质的重要工作内容.  相似文献   

构建大学生心理健康教育体系的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
和谐社会应是全民身心健康的社会,作为国家栋梁的大学生更应具备健壮的体魄和健康的心灵。中国大学生心理健康教育已开展二十多年,但一直没有找到适合本国特色的发展道路。本文从分析中国大学生心理健康教育存在的问题出发,提出通过确立多层次的教育目标,以全体学生为教育对象,建构科学的教育内容,建设全员化的教育队伍,打造全方位的教育网络,构建有中国特色的大学生心理健康教育体系,以期加快中国大学生心理健康教育的本土化步伐。  相似文献   

随着社会的飞速发展,人们的生活节奏正在日益加快,竞争越来越强烈,人际关系也变得越来越复杂;由于科学技术的飞速进步,知识爆炸性地增加,迫使人们不断地进行知识更新;"人类进入了情绪负重年代",人们的观念意识、情感态度复杂嬗变。作为现代社会组成部分,在大学院校生活和学习的大学生,对社会心理这块时代的"晴雨表",十分敏感。加强对大学生的心理健康教育,就成为各高校迫切的需要和共同关注的问题。  相似文献   

随着网络的不断发展,整个世界已经逐渐成为地球村,互联网使人与人之间距离更近,本文即明确研究了网络文化对高校学生心理健康教育的相关影响。  相似文献   

Education's Effects on Psychological Well-Being   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Data from the 1973–1978 General Social Surveys were usedto estimate, by means of multiple regression analysis, the effectsof years of school completed on eight dimensions of psychologicalwell-being for white men, white women, black men, and blackwomen. Estimates are provided of total effects, effects netof socioeconomic variables, and effects net of socioeconomicvariables, family situation, and frequency of attendance ofreligious services. There is little evidence for negative effects,the only statistically significant negative coefficient beingthat for satisfaction with community among white men. Thereis some evidence that education has positive effects on psychologicalwell-being in all subpopulalions except black men, the strongestevidence being for white women. Dummy variable regression estimatesof the effects of different increments of education indicategreater effects from four years of high school than from fouryears of college. There is tentative evidence that mothers'education may have an important positive effect on their offspring'spsychological well-being. . The data reported here are from the 1973–1978 GeneralSocial Surveys conducted by the National Opinion Research Center(James A. Davis, principal investigator) with funds from theNational Science Foundation. The authors are solely responsiblefor the analyses and interpretations presented here. The dataset was obtained from the Roper Center at the University ofConnecticut. We are indebted to the management of the San AntonioCollege Computer Center for providing computer time for thisproject.  相似文献   

Paradoxically, there are many commonalities between the life-styles and values of American Indians and the profession of social work, yet social work and its practice and educational institutions to a large extent have failed to reach America's most deprived minority group. This article examines certain aspects of this failure and makes affirmative corrective action recommendations reflective of those commonalities.  相似文献   

Social work education has been beset in recent years by massive federal budget cuts and threats of total withdrawal of federal support. Like all crises this provides us with a threat and an opportunity. The opportunity is to examine our basic goals, our “mission,” and how these relate to government. This paper is addressed to these questions.  相似文献   

Bachelor-level social work students (n = 198) at a midsized Midwestern public university were surveyed to evaluate their attitudes toward those with mental health concerns. Additionally, students were surveyed regarding their willingness to seek treatment for their own mental health needs. Results of the analyses suggest that the majority of students do not hold stigmatizing attitudes toward mental illness. Students who believed mental health work is rewarding were less likely to be afraid or uncomfortable around people with mental illness. In addition, these students were more likely to report attitudes that acknowledge the capabilities of people with mental illness and were less concerned with others knowing their own mental health status. Implications for social work education and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

马佳  张雪梅 《职业时空》2012,(5):130+132
总结大学新生心理适应不良的常见问题,分析其产生的原因,进而有针对性地引导学生进行调适,对促进大学生心理健康有着非常重要的意义,也是高校心理健康机构应给予充分重视的工作之一。  相似文献   


Objective: Stress impacts college students, faculty, and staff alike. Although meditation has been found to decrease stress, it is an underutilized strategy. This study used the Reasoned Action Approach (RAA) to identify beliefs underlying university constituents’ decision to meditate. Participants: N = 96 students, faculty, and staff at a large midwestern university during spring 2012. Methods: A survey measured the RAA global constructs and elicited the beliefs underlying intention to meditate. Thematic and frequency analyses and multiple regression were performed. Results: Quantitative analyses showed that intention to meditate was significantly predicted (R2 = .632) by attitude, perceived norm, and perceived behavioral control. Qualitative analyses revealed advantages (eg, reduced stress; feeling calmer), disadvantages (eg, takes time; will not work), and facilitating circumstances (eg, having more time; having quiet space) of meditating. Conclusions: Results of this theory-based research suggest how college health professionals can encourage meditation practice through individual, interpersonal, and environmental interventions.  相似文献   

Research suggests that stigma plays a major role in discouraging clients from participating in mental health treatment. Because social workers provide a significant amount of such services, this study investigates social work student stigma as a function of their willingness to treat clients with alcohol dependence, nicotine dependence, depression, and Alzheimer's disease. Students' held higher levels of stigma toward nicotine dependent clients and less toward those with depression. Personal histories of depression and student age - but not smoking or alcohol use - were predictive of higher stigma levels towards nicotine dependent clients. Implications for social work are discussed.  相似文献   

As the nature of the earth's ecological crisis becomes increasingly dire and impossible to ignore and as global concern continues to increase, social work, with its investment in issues of justice and its commitment to a person-in-environment perspective, needs to more aggressively evaluate its place in this crisis. This paper presents a study designed to explore US social work students' attitudes, interests in, and practices related to the environment, as well as their perceptions of the place for environmental issues in the social work curriculum. This study's findings suggest that social work students' attitudes toward the environment are generally consonant with those of the US population, and that there is strong interest in enhancing the amount and scope of exposure to environmental issues in the social work curriculum. A sizable majority of all social work students surveyed view environmental justice as an important aspect of social justice and a viable area of concern for social workers, and they expressed an interest in seeing more content on environmental justice in social work education. Suggestions for integrating this content into the curriculum via inter- and trans-disciplinary, and service-learning approaches are discussed.  相似文献   


It is likely that social workers' involvement with rehabilitation services for the handicapped will increase. An understanding of the philosophical foundation of such services may be especially relevant now as social work education appears to renew its commitment to the study of ethics and values in society.  相似文献   

Low-wage work is a modern social problem, affecting millions of individuals, families, and communities. The field of psychology is a critical starting point for examining the relationship between low-wage work and mental health. This literature review aims to identify psychological theories related to low-wage work. Psychological theories related to work and employment are explored, as is emerging research on the necessity of a paradigm shift from the dichotomous categories of “employed” and “unemployed,” which allows for the conceptualization of employment as a continuum. This research focuses on underemployment and may contribute to the development of theory directly relating to low-wage work.  相似文献   

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