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Desert landscaping has become a dominant land cover type in arid US cities and often includes native plant species. Does replacement of native plant distribution in urban areas also reestablish ecological functioning characteristic of natural deserts? We compared ecological processes in three landscape types that are common to the metropolitan area of Phoenix, Arizona (USA): residential desert yards created from former lawns, Sonoran Desert preserves within the city, and Sonoran Desert preserves outside the city boundaries. Canopy cover, abundance of herbivorous insects, and soil properties (concentration of inorganic nitrogen (N), soil moisture and organic matter content, and water-holding capacity) were higher in residential desert yards than in native desert sites located both within and outside of the city. Furthermore, soil resources in desert yards were not organized around plant canopies, departing from the predictable resource island pattern that is characteristic of natural deserts. Intentional human manipulation and land use history accounts for these differences, while the urban environment contributes only subtly to soil N concentrations beneath plant canopies. While the use of desert landscaping may have important water conservation benefits, it does not help to mitigate the well-documented excess of reactive N within the Phoenix metropolitan area.  相似文献   

Although gross primary productivity (GPP) is estimated with remote sensing over large regions of Earth, urban areas are usually excluded due to the lack of light use efficiency (LUE) parameters for urban vegetation and the spatial heterogeneity of urban land cover. Here, we estimated midsummer GPP, both within and among vegetation and land-use types, across the Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota metropolitan region. We derived LUE parameters for urban vegetation types using estimates of GPP from tree sap flow and eddy covariance CO2 flux observations, and from fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation based on 2 m resolution WorldView-2 satellite imagery. Mean GPP per unit land area (including vegetation, impervious surfaces, and soil) was 2.64 g C m?2 d?1, and was 4.45 g C m?2 d?1 per unit vegetated area. Mapped GPP estimates were within 11.4% of estimates from independent tall tower eddy covariance measurements. Turf grass GPP had a larger coefficient of variation (0.18) than other vegetation classes (~0.10). Vegetation composition was largely consistent across the study area. Excluding golf courses, mean land-use GPP for the total study area varied more by percent vegetation cover (R2?=?0.98, p?<?0.001) than by variability within vegetation classes (R2?=?0.21, p?=?0.19). Urban GPP in general was less than half that of natural forests and grasslands in the same climate zone.  相似文献   

Urban forests and herbaceous open space play a vital role in the environmental and aesthetic health of cities, yet they are rarely identified in land-use inventories of urban areas. To provide information on urban forests and other vegetative land cover in Illinois cities, Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data from June 27, 1988, were classified for the Chicago metropolitan region (9,717 km2). Ten land-cover classes were identified, including two types of forestland (occupying 5.8% of the total area), residential land with trees (14.6%) or without trees (7.8%), cropland (37.5%), two types of grassland (7.7%), urban with impervious surfaces (23.1%), water (1.6%), and miscellaneous vegetation (2.1%). Correlation analyses indicated that household income and household density are strongly related to land covers in the region, particularly those with tree cover and urbanized land. Population changes for 1980–1985 and 1985–2010 (projected) show a pattern of increasing density in the urbanized zone concurrent with continued urban sprawl, primarily into current cropland.  相似文献   

A growing trend towards increased urbanization emphasizes the role of suburban parks in wildlife conservation. Spatial planning aimed at maintaining biological diversity and functionality must consider how changes at landscape and more local scales will influence the biotic structure of urban areas. From May 2006 to July 2010, bird surveys were conducted in three metropolitan parks in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Surveys were conducted with the goal of examining the effect of vegetation structure and adjacent land cover on the distribution and species richness of breeding birds within this park system. A total of 65 species were recorded throughout the study area. Avian species richness was linked to several habitat metrics, measured at both the local and landscape scale. Generally, species richness was highest at locations characterized by moderate forest cover. The proportion of canopy cover at survey sites related negatively to species richness and the density of understory vegetation showed a positive relationship with species diversity. Despite the influence of these three metrics, sensitivity analysis indicates that the density of understory vegetation is the most significant correlate to avian diversity within this suburban park system. Management actions aimed at providing habitat for the greatest diversity of breeding songbirds within the study area should allow for moderate canopy cover while retaining or improving the structural complexity of understory vegetatation.  相似文献   

Invasive species have been causing important and irreversible impacts to native species and communities of ecosystems. They distort ecosystem functions by degrading forest lands, wetlands, and agricultural habitats and replace the native vegetation and reduce biodiversity, forest productivity, and suitable wildlife habitat. To address disturbances caused by invasive species occurrence, further information is needed regarding the occurrence, extent, and dispersal of invasive species and how land use may increase the spread of these species. The objective of this study was to find the frequency and dominance of three invasive species common to riparian areas of east Alabama: Ligustrum sinense (Chinese privet), Elaeagnus pungens (silverthorn), and Triadica sebifera (Chinese tallow tree). Surveys of these species in riparian forests in and around Auburn, Alabama were conducted to show the relative extent of these shrubs and their relation to urban land use. It was expected to see the highest levels of invasive species in the city center with decreasing levels radiating outward into rural areas. Another objective was how urban land use may affect the presence-absence and prevalence of these non-native plant species within study sites. The results showed that around the city center and suburban lands, cover of both Chinese privet and silverthorn tended to increase. In contrast, Chinese tallow tree density percent cover showed an opposite trend with landscapes close to city center often having slightly less cover. This study shows that urban land use may be an important association with distribution of invasive plant species.  相似文献   

Characterizing the urban environment through urban morphology types (UMTs) can help to decide on what parts of urban areas should be conserved. The aim of this study was to map and detect changes in UMTs and land surface cover in the city of Addis Ababa. UMT maps for 2006 and 2011 were produced by digitizing ortho-rectified aerial photographs. Eleven higher level and 35 detailed UMTs were identified as the basis for the study. Within the defined higher levels of UMTs in 2006, the most dominant UMT was agriculture covering 38 % of the total area while in 2011 residential UMTs stand out with the highest land coverage (33.3 %) indicating rapid conversion of other land uses to residential category. Land surface cover analysis used 12 surface cover categories.Change analysis between 2006 and 2011 revealed that surface cover types of built structure type I (generally well planned and high rise buildings), non-eucalyptus trees, dark bare-ground, light bare-ground and vegetable farm showed positive change whereas built structure type II (informal, generally unplanned, and non-high rise buildings), eucalyptus trees, shrub/bush vegetation, grassland and field crop cover showed negative change. The results also showed that almost half of the land surface cover of Addis Ababa could be considered to be evapotranspiring. To maintain a balanced urban environment, all green spaces in the city should be ecologically networked and the planning of green space should aim to ensure that principles of multi-functionality are followed as the city continues to undergo rapid urbanization.  相似文献   

Urbanization and other land cover changes have been particularly detrimental to wetlands throughout the planet. One wetland specialist that may be sensitive to land cover changes surrounding wetlands is the round-tailed muskrat (Neofiber alleni; hereafter RTM). The RTM is a wetland obligate rodent that appears to have declined over the last half century and is a species of concern in Florida, where it is a near endemic. To determine if urbanization or other land cover influenced the distribution of RTMs we took a multi-scaled approach to examine the occurrence of RTMs and their associated vegetation in North-Central Florida. We detected RTMs on 19 of 72 sample plots and used a Classification And Regression Tree (CART) to determine that dogfennel (Eupatorium capillifolium) was negatively associated with RTMs and maidencane (Panicum hemitomon) was positively associated with their occurrence on sampling plots. Examining the influence of landscape composition for 2 km surrounding our plots we found that RTM occurrence was negatively related to urban land cover. Further, we found that dogfennel increased and maidencane decreased as urbanization increased in the surrounding landscape. Our research suggests that conservation of RTMs and their associated vegetation should focus on limiting urban sprawl at least within 2 km of wetlands.  相似文献   

Tidal freshwater marshes have diverse plant communities that vary spatially and temporally due to hydrology, animal activity, and other factors. Development of urban centers along rivers of the U.S. Atlantic coast has reduced the historic extent and quality of these and other coastal wetlands. Because the vegetation of these wetlands is more complex than that of salt and brackish marshes (where restoration of vegetation typical of natural systems has sometimes been successful), restoration of tidal freshwater marsh vegetation is likely to be more difficult, particularly in urban areas. Watershed urbanization alters hydrology, sediment load, propagule availability and composition, nutrient status, and other variables that together create an environment different from that of wetlands in less developed areas, possibly precluding restoration of typical marsh vegetation. Tidal freshwater wetlands were historically extensive along the Anacostia River in Washington, DC, but most of these were lost due to filling, dredging, or hydrologic alteration. Over the last decade, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has implemented projects designed to restore tidal freshwater wetlands along the Anacostia, which involved increasing elevation with dredged river sediment and planting native vegetation. To illustrate some of the mechanisms affecting vegetation development in restored tidal freshwater marshes in urban areas, I present a case study on one of these wetlands, Kingman Marsh, that also includes research at another restored wetland and two natural reference sites. Studies by my research groups indicate that the restored wetlands undergo essentially a planting-modified process of primary succession. Low densities of seeds are initially present in the substrate, and prolific seed dispersal into the restored sites results in high initial plant diversity comprised of plantings and ruderal (i.e. weedy) natives and exotics. Seed banks develop rapidly at the restored sites, probably due to colonization and early reproduction by ruderal species. Hydrology and disturbance by non-native animals (including resident Canada goose) are important variables controlling establishment of vegetation in these systems. Recent literature and the case study indicate that the environmental conditions of urban settings impose constraints in restored wetlands that result in plant communities more like those of urban natural wetlands than those of wetlands in less urbanized watersheds. This suggests that rather than design wetland restoration projects with the goal of creating pristine wetland vegetation, restorationists must identify, accept, and if possible capitalize on the ecological constraints of the urban environment in setting achievable and desirable restoration goals.  相似文献   

Vernal pools in the northeastern US are of conservation concern primarily because of their role as habitat for specialized pool-breeding amphibians, but their use by birds and mammals may also be of interest, especially from the perspective of the impact of urbanization. We describe camera-trapped wildlife (CTW) at 38 vernal pools along an urban development gradient in greater Bangor, Maine, USA. We detected 20 mammal and 39 bird taxa (29 contacted pool water; 39 detected at >1 site). Land cover type within 1000 m (%), within-pool vegetation (%), and amphibian egg mass numbers explained a substantial portion of the variance (40.8%) in CTW assemblage composition. Submerged vegetation within pools and cover by water and impervious surfaces within 1000 m of pools were key site characteristics defining assemblages. We scored the urban-affiliation of taxa and modeled the relationship between weighted assemblage scores for each site and impervious cover. Impervious cover within 1000 m of pools was positively (p?<?0.01) related to site urban-affiliation scores. Use probability for red fox increased and snowshoe hare decreased with impervious cover at 1000 m. These results indicate that within-pool vegetation and land cover types at 1000 m influenced bird and mammal assemblages that used study pools and greater impervious cover at 100 and 1000 m was correlated with a shift in assemblages from being dominated by urban-avoider to urban-adapted species. We encourage land use planners and managers to consider the influence of land use practices within 1000 m of vernal pools on birds and mammals, especially near amphibian breeding pools.  相似文献   

Riparian areas in Arizona are being encroached upon by urban developments. This study investigated the impacts of different urban housing densities on riparian vegetation structure along ephemeral streams. Nine sites representing three levels of housing density were selected within the town of Marana, located in southeast Arizona. The housing densities were categorized as high (7–8 houses ha?1), moderate (2.5–4.5 houses ha?1), and low (< 1.5 houses ha?1). Each treatment had three replications. The urban developments were relatively young (less than 15 years). No significant differences were found among the treatments for the tree variables (density, height, mean canopy volume and total canopy volume) or the herbaceous vegetation variables (species richness, percentage of introduced species and percentage of ground cover). However, the shrub variables (mean density, mean height, mean canopy volume, total canopy volume and species richness) showed some significant differences. Shrub density and species richness was significantly greater adjacent to ephemeral channels than just three meters upland. In addition, whitethorn acacia shrubs were significantly taller and larger adjacent to the stream channels in the high and moderate housing density sites than in the low housing density sites. Creosote shrubs showed the opposite trend. Increased runoff in the more heavily urbanized streams may have promoted the growth of the facultative riparian species (whitethorn acacia) but not the non-riparian species (creosote). Overall, in these young developments, vegetation was resilient across the levels of urbanization explored in the study.  相似文献   

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 dramatically transformed the structure and goals of the public welfare system in the United States. The vast body of research and evaluation generated by the 1996 welfare reforms largely overlooked nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) despite their substantial historical and contemporary involvement in the delivery of social services to low-income populations. Therefore, this paper presents a unique assessment of PRWORA's implications based on the perspective of 90 social service NGOs operating in the Detroit metropolitan area. Examination of their services, staffing, budgets, and clients reveals many changes experienced by NGOs between 1996 and 2000 related to the welfare reforms. Overall, the findings suggest an increased role for social service NGOs in the public welfare system as well as concerns regarding their capacity to adequately fulfill this growing responsibility in the future.  相似文献   

Floyd Bennett Field (FBF), 579 ha in extent, is a division of Gateway National Recreation Area. It is the site of a former airfield, constructed by filling salt marshes with dredged materials. Except for the portion known locally as the North Forty, all sections of FBF have been cut over to maintain low vegetation. A grassland management plan (GRAMP) for 165 ha was initiated in 1986, to maintain habitats for open-country birds. Over the next few years, encroaching woody vegetation was removed manually and mechanically from the management area. Since then, it has been maintained as a grassland and receives annual mowing, as well as continued manual removal of the larger woody sprouts.A portion of the GRAMP management area (III) was selected for intensive study of vegetation composition. A grid system was created and vegetation cover was estimated in 127, 1 m × 1 m quadrats. The quadrats were subjected to cluster analysis (CA). Eleven clusters were recognized. These clusters were treated as plant associations. The following types were distinguished: (native) little bluestem–dewberry grassland, six-weeks fescue annual grassland, a grass marsh, a rush marsh, a switchgrass dry grassland, and a deer-tongue panicgrass grassland; (exotic) mugwort herbland, oriental bittersweet-Japanese honeysuckle vineland, Kentucky bluegrass-mixed grassland, Japanese knotweed tall herbland, and spotted knapweed-common St. Johnswort herbland. The little bluestem–dewberry association accounted for nearly half of all quadrats; six subclusters were recognized. The plant associations determined by CA were compared with plant lists compiled during traverses of all of the map categories in the six GRAMP Areas (I, II, III, IV, V, VI). A table was created to relate the quantitative data of the plant associations to the appropriate map categories. A nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination (NMDS) was performed on the quadrat data. Finally, the plant associations were compared with those described in the literature of local vegetation studies. The mowing program has been effective in decreasing woody plant cover and has permitted the invasion of a few taxa into monospecific communities, but attendant disturbance of the substrate is likely to cause an increase in exotic plant taxa. As earlier studies noted, mowing has caused the increase in cover of sod-forming grass, and bare ground has virtually disappeared in the managed area. This has negative implications for the maintenance of those grassland bird species that require open ground for nesting.  相似文献   

Along heavily engineered urban rivers, river walls and embankments represent the most common habitat available to riparian vegetation. This paper presents the first study into river wall vegetation and the influence of wall surface materials on plant diversity. We were concerned with investigating the plant diversity of such wall habitats, assessing relationships between different wall surface materials and plant diversity, and determining whether river wall and embankment habitats along the River Thames through central London could support native riparian species alongside more typical urban wall flora. Fifteen sites along the River Thames through central London were surveyed to describe wall flora and establish relationships between plant diversity and wall materials. Walls were not species rich, but contained a mix of terrestrial and riparian species. Stone walls with surface fractures and heterogeneous wall surfaces were conducive to plant diversity at the local scale, while wall surface heterogeneity was also important at the landscape scale. Some stratification of vegetation was observed based on wall position relative to flow disturbance. The potential exists for walls to act as sites for habitat improvement and reconciliation ecology within urban rivers.  相似文献   

Structural elements as barriers against wear in urban woodlands   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The effect of structural elements of woodlands (trees, rocks, topography, etc.) on the spatial distribution of wear was studied in 30 sites in the cities of Helsinki and Vantaa, Finland. Discriminant analysis showed that the size of the adjacent human population and structural elements within study sites were important in distinguishing sample plots with a lot of path area (6 m2/30 m2) from those with little or no path area (>6 m2/30 m2). The higher the structural elements, the more effectively they functioned as barriers against wear. Thickets of small trees (dbh > 10 cm), topographical elements, and fallen trees seemed most effective, and big trees (dbh 10 cm) least effective as barriers. It was concluded that natural barriers could be used to limit wear in urban woodlands.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic alteration of the landscape has facilitated plant community change and non-native species invasion in urban areas. We used species occurrence data from over 2000 wetlands within the Chicago metropolitan region to classify urban wetlands into community types and examined non-native species composition across community types. Non-native species were widespread across the region, occurring in over 99% of wetlands. On average, 35% of the plant species in individual wetlands were non-native. A single non-native species, Phalaris arundinacea, was present in 74% of wetlands. Six wetland community types were identified (wet meadows, marshes, forested wetlands, farmed wetlands/mudflats, roadside marshes, and an undetermined wetland type), with each having aggressively spreading non-natives amongst the most common plant species. We conducted canonical correspondence analysis to evaluate the contribution of surrounding land cover, roads, and location of wetlands to plant community composition in these wetlands, and found that similar changes to the landscape have resulted in similar combinations of native and non-native species. Differences in species composition reflected spatial gradients in land use from urban to rural areas across the region, as well as proximity to major roads. Anthropogenic drivers have resulted in profound and pervasive changes to wetland communities across the region, creating novel habitats and ultimately novel community types.  相似文献   

An investigation was done to determine the occurrence and composition of avian fauna community in the urbanizing city of Nairobi, Kenya. We conducted bird counts in sample sites randomly distributed over the Nairobi landscape within a two-year period. The proportion of seven different land cover types derived from within a 500 m radius of classified satellite image described the habitat condition of each sample site. Multivariate analysis of the site and species data indicated that savannah vegetation, forest and agriculture land cover types were the main environmental gradients that differentiated the sample sites. Four clusters of sample sites occurred on the ordination plane according to canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). From 50 families of birds observed, species related to bush and scrub habitats occurred at a rate of about 31 %, followed by grassland species at 20 % and forest species at about 16 % rate. Out of CCA, five functional groups of birds were distinguishable. The proportion of sites occupied by birds per functional group and mean count of individual birds declined significantly, p?<?0.0001, as groups of birds changed from being urban-related to savannah and then to forest-related species. One cluster comprised birds marked as having conservation concern status and related mainly to savannah vegetation of scrub and grasslands. In this landscape context, features such as native savannah vegetation and woodland accompanied by a process of controlled land use, could greatly mitigate negative impacts of ecosystem degradation on the sensitive tropical urban bird biodiversity.  相似文献   

Investigations of urbanization effects on birds have focused mainly on breeding traits expressed after the nest-building stage (e.g. first-egg date, clutch size, breeding success, and offspring characteristics). Urban studies largely ignored how and why the aspects of nest building might be associated with the degree of urbanization. As urban environments are expected to present novel environmental changes relative to rural environments, it is important to evaluate how nest-building behavior is impacted by vegetation modifications associated with urbanization. To examine nest design in a Mediterranean city environment, we allowed urban great tits (Parus major) to breed in nest boxes in areas that differed in local vegetation cover. We found that different measures of nest size or mass were not associated with vegetation cover. In particular, nests located adjacent to streets with lower vegetation cover were not smaller or lighter than nests in parks with higher vegetation cover. Nests adjacent to streets contained more pine needles than nests in parks. In addition, in nests adjacent to streets, nests from boxes attached to pine trees contained more pine needles than nests from boxes attached to other trees. We suggest that urban-related alterations in vegetation cover do not directly impose physical limits on nest size in species that are opportunistic in the selection of nesting material. However, nest composition as reflected in the use of pine needles was clearly affected by habitat type and the planted tree species present, which implies that rapid habitat change impacts nest composition. We do not exclude that urbanization might impact other aspects of nest building behaviour not covered in our study (e.g. costs of searching for nest material), and that the strengths of the associations between urbanization and nest structures might differ among study populations or species.  相似文献   

Fouda  Y.E. 《Urban Ecosystems》2001,5(1):5-25
An air pollution problem is taking place in the Rosetta region resulting from the brick industry. Polluting point sources cause plumes that disperse by the prevailing wind, covering urban areas of Rosetta City and surrounding landscape of agricultural fields. A model for pollutants plumes was designed through a GIS to calculate the dispersal of total suspended particulate (TSP) loads over the landscape and to estimate its spatial distribution and to analyze its relationship with other geographic land use attributes.TSP pollutant concentrations starting from 100 g/m3 cover more than 34 km2 of sensitive land cover through all the year. A concentration level of 100 g/m3 affects about 93% of the sensitive palm trees cultivation, 47% of cultivated land, and 92% of urban areas. TSP concentration level of 200 g/m3 was found to be affecting the same percentage of built-up urban areas.Concentration levels exceed the permissible limits mentioned in the Egyptian law of environment (90 g/m3). The situation is hygienically deteriorated, and large areas of agricultural land are strongly affected or subjected to future impact. Recommended measures are mostly involved with transferring this industrial activity to a safer location at the southwest of the city. The study proposes that brick mills sites on the river Nile bank be utilized for urban development projects and for the promotion of tourism.  相似文献   

Activity and species-specific responses of insectivorous bats in different urban-forest conditions provides a general perspective on the adaptability and vulnerability of bat species towards urbanization intensity. Here we evaluated species richness and activity patterns of aerial insectivorous bats across an urbanized landscape in the highlands of Chiapas, in Mexico. Acoustic monitoring of echolocation calls was conducted for 27 nights over a period of four months. Species richness and relative activity of insectivorous bats were estimated in a landscape with different conditions of urbanization intensity: urban areas, non-urban and forest areas. We identified a total of 14 bat species and three phonotypes. Bat species richness and relative activity was similar (X2 = 0.568, gl = 2, p > 0.05), but species composition differed among conditions. We observed a significant higher occurrence of Bauerus dubiaquercus, Eptesicus brasiliensis and Myotis californicus in forest sites. Urban sites presented higher occurrence of Molossus rufus and phonotype Molossidae 2, while non-urban sites presented a higher occurrence of Eptesicus furinalis and phonotype Molossidae 2. We were able to identify bat species according to their relative activity in relation todifferent landscape conditions. Species of the Molossidae family presented the highest activity in urban sites, which was positively affected by the number of streetlights, while species of the Vespertilionidae presented the highest activity in forest sites, which was positively related totree density. While urbanization tends to diminish native biodiversity and alter faunal communities, our results show a similar richness and relative activity of aerial insectivorous bats along the urban ecosystem. The effect of urbanization intensity becomes more apparent in species-specific bat activity; the response of species towards particular habitat conditions depends on local habitat quality and characteristics (i.e., presence of streetlights, vegetation cover and tree density).  相似文献   

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