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据国际能源署预测,印度将在今后20年内取代中国成为世界能源消费增量最大的国家。本文将中印GDP和能源消费数据视为经济增长政策和能源政策的结果,采用中印双方历史数据分析经济增长政策和能源政策之间的关系,并建立模型检验分析结果。本文认为,中国的经济增长政策与能源政策都具有独立或主动性质,而印度经济增长政策是主导,而能源政策以支持增长为主。中印能源政策主导方向差异是印度能源消费将保持相对较高增长的主要原因,而中印经济发展水平和经济结构差异是影响能源政策导向的基础。 相似文献
文章在对我国价格贸易条件与经济增长之间的关系进行实证研究后指出:我国价格贸易条件具有持续恶化的变动趋势;我国价格贸易条件与经济增长之间具有长期、稳定的协整关系;我国经济增长无论在长、短期上,对价格贸易条件均有显著的Granger影响,而价格贸易条件变化对经济增长的长、短期Granger影响并不显著. 相似文献
本文运用1987-2012年日本对华直接投资与基于BEC分类的贸易数据,实证分析了作为中国重要投资来源的日本FDI与中国贸易结构的动态关系。结果发现,日本对华直接投资主要与其初级产品及中间产品的出口、最终品的进口存在长期协整关系。基于边际产业转移理论以及日本对华输出半成品在中国加工包装,一部分在返销国内的这种特殊投资模式,为中国合理引进外资和利用外资提供借鉴意义。 相似文献
本文从就业角度分析北京经济与社会发展(主要指公共服务)之间存在的不协调,即在总结北京就业阶段性特征的基础上、利用格兰杰因果关系检验方法,分析就业与经济、就业与人口及公共服务之间可能存在的因果关系,探索形成经济与社会之间不协调的原因。检验结果表明,以基建及房地产等投资带动的经济增长方式促进了消费者服务业及政府服务业等第三产业的就业,并进而带动了人口膨胀,而人口的膨胀是形成公共服务资源不足的主要原因,并得出结论:经济增长及就业的水平不高是不协调的根本原因,转变经济增长方式,特别是提升第三产业发展质量,是解决这个矛盾的关键。 相似文献
从长期来看,我国对外贸易与城镇失业之间存在均衡关系,进口贸易对城镇就业的拉动作用显著,而出口贸易对城镇就业则具有较明显的抑制作用.注重协调三者间的关系、积极寻找出口贸易模式与劳动就业的平衡点、鼓励和引导进口贸易的发展,对实现对外贸易与城镇就业之间的良性循环意义重大. 相似文献
本文通过选取相应金融发展指标,并将甘肃省指标数据与全国平均水平及西部平均水平进行比较得出甘肃省金融发展水平偏低,绝大部分指标均低于全国平均水平,甚至低于西部平均水平。然后选取GDP及非金融机构融资量两个指标的各省市面板数据,通过面板单位根检验、协整检验,构建变系数面板模型得出:甘肃省金融发展对经济增长的弹性系数相对于全国大部分省份来说偏低,甘肃省经济增长对金融发展的促进作用较低,经济增长没有更好地促进甘肃省金融的发展。 相似文献
中日人口城市化与经济增长关系比较分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以往对于人口城市化和经济增长关系的研究中忽视了对数据进行平稳性检验而直接建立模型,容易造成“虚假回归”问题,通过利用单位根对变量进行平稳性检验,确定非平稳变量的单整阶数,从而进行单整检验与协整分析,最终确定中日人口城市化与经济增长确切的数量关系,以此来比较中日人口城市化的发展路径,并为中国未来城市化发展提供借鉴。 相似文献
黑龙江省产业结构与经济增长关系的实证分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
通过运用时间序列经济计量技术对我国的产业结构变动和经济增长的关系进行实证分析,可发现:格兰杰因果关系检验证实产业结构变动不是影响黑龙江省经济增长的原因,而实际经济增长对产业结构变动也没有显著的影响。协整检验表明二者存在着长期均衡的协同互动关系。黑龙江省应有针对性地制定有效产业政策,使经济增长尽快实现由依靠增加投入的粗放型方式向依靠结构转换的集约型方式转变。 相似文献
The empirical relationship between economic openness and economic performance is much debated in the economic literature. No definitive conclusions seem to be reached yet, part of the problem being the very measurement of economic openness of a national economy. In their article in the Journal of Policy Modeling, Ruíz Estrada & Yap (2006) propose a new method to measure economic openness and to empirically assess the openness–growth nexus as a new tool for policy-makers: the Openness Growth Monitoring Model (OGM-Model). The authors claim: (i) that their method is different from and more flexible than existing empirical methods, (ii) that higher levels of openness do not lead to income growth, and (iii) that customs unions perform better than free trade areas. This short article challenges the three claims of the authors. 相似文献
Ferry Koster 《International Journal of Social Welfare》2008,17(4):291-300
Studies examining the relationship between globalisation and the welfare state tend to focus on the effects of economic dimensions of globalisation, the extent to which a country is part of the world market. Globalisation also has social and political dimensions and the effects of these on welfare states – in terms of social security transfers and generosity – are studied in this article. Data from the KOF Index of Globalisation , the OECD Historical Statistics and the Comparative Welfare Entitlements Dataset are used to analyse the effects of social and political openness on the welfare states of 18 countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development between 1970 and 2000. The analyses show that social security transfers and generosity have increased less in countries with the highest increase in social openness and that the welfare state is not affected by political openness. 相似文献
基于中国广西—东盟国际旅游服务贸易的现状,对CAFTA旅游产业对接的成因进行分析,基本结论是:中国广西—东盟旅游产业对接和旅游产业集聚所产生的外溢效应是CAFTA建设进程中的必然趋势,而产业对接所产生的规模经济效应将是促进中国广西—东盟国际旅游服务贸易合作的重要因素。 相似文献
Rae Levine 《Smith College studies in social work》2013,83(1):55-60
Although there is a body of literature that applies Gestalt therapy techniques to clinical practice, little has been written about the use of Gestalt therapy theory as a comprehensive framework for social work practice as a whole. Gestalt therapy theory unifies social work's ecological and strength perspectives and is highly consonant with the core values of the profession. Four major theoretical aspects of Gestalt therapy that are highly applicable to social work practice are described: field theory, “I-Thou” relationship, creative adjustment, and the phenomenological perspective. Case examples are provided to demonstrate a Gestalt approach to social work practice. 相似文献
试论社会与社群的概念界限 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
应当以R·M·迈基文 (Maciver)的community和society的定义为基本出发点 ,结合卡尔·马克思对gesellschaftlich和sozial的哲学理解和当代学者所作的阐释 ,对社会与社群两个概念做重新规定并论证两者应有的相互关系 ;同时应尽快改变我国长期以来用一个汉语名词翻译commu nity和society两个重要概念的现状 ,建立以society为特有研究对象的学科体系 相似文献
Abdelmohsen A. Nassani Abdullah Mohammed Aldakhil Muhammad Moinuddin Qazi Abro Talat Islam Khalid Zaman 《Journal of Policy Modeling》2019,41(2):234-254
The Goal-5 of United Nations Development Agenda for gender equality and women empowerment through equalizing the ratio of girls and boys enrolment in primary education remains suffered in almost every part of the globalized world, which does not even violate the basic human rights while it is the mandatory foundation for global peace and prosperity. The contribution of international tourism development to empower women is the key initiative of the developed world to provide an equal opportunity to the women to sustain their livelihoods. This study focused on the role of international tourism development on women empowerment through mediating a number of financial factors in a panel of 24 selected European countries, over a period of 1990–2015. The results show that financial intermediaries act as a catalyst to empower women through international tourism. More specifically, tourism and financial factors promote (i) gender parity in tertiary enrollment, (ii) gender parity in primary and secondary school enrollment, (iii) female employment, and (iv) women’s share in non-agriculture wage employment, while the results further support the (i) growth-led tourism, (ii) finance-led growth, (iii) growth stimulate women empowerment, and (iv) tourism-induced women’s empowerment hypothesis across countries. 相似文献
作为世界上最大的产业,现代旅游在世界政治经济、区域战略和社会方式等方面起到了越来越重要的作用。本文从当代世界旅游的发展情况,旅游在政治经济舞台上所所扮演的角色,旅游的可持续性发展以及在旅游东南亚国家所产生的作用和变化等方面进行阐释和分析;以旅游在东盟国家的一些情况描述和案例分析,以强调现代旅游给这一地区所带来的机遇及挑战。 相似文献
In this paper, partnerships between parents/carers, children and professionals within child protection social work are critically assessed in relation to Beck's (1992 ) concept of the 'risk society'. Partnerships within core groups provide the specific focus for this paper, as in the authors' view these groups provide particular opportunities for the development of partnerships between professionals, parents/carers and children. In the risk society new dangers and risks are constantly being created and (re)discovered, the status of professional and lay expertise is questioned and professional judgement is often mediated through discourses of risk. In this environment reflexivity becomes an essential element of professional practice. Two case studies of child protection are used to link theory and practice, and to raise questions for professional practice in core groups. 相似文献