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青年农民工经过城市体验所获得的现代观念,冲击着封闭的农村传统社会自上而下的文化传承模式,从社会生活的各个领域,对农村传统文化观念进行渗透并口反哺,提高了农村成年人的现代社会适应能力,并推动着社会主义新农村建设的发展.在肯定青年农民工"文化反哺"对农村社会进步的积极推动作用的同时,也要注意加以正确的引导.  相似文献   

现代社会青年文化反哺的新趋势   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
现代社会的青年文化反哺现象实质上是一种反向社会化过程.在经济全球化、文化多元化、信息网络化的现代社会,青年"文化反哺"呈现出一种全球趋同之势、极度扩张之势,并以非对抗的方式进行,现代社会青年文化反哺的新特点和发展趋势给我们青年的社会化和社会的青年化带来了许多新的挑战.  相似文献   

以布迪厄场域理论来考察不同社会形态下青年与社会的信息互动实践,发现青年与社会的信息互动在具有“位置-权力”关系的场域中展开,“位置-权力”关系通过信息资本的占有而建构。社会形态随技术变革更迭,青年与社会信息互动的场域逻辑与运行机制发生相应转变。从农耕社会到工业社会再到信息社会,青年与社会的互动场域变得多样,并且发生着从家庭向学校再向网络空间的偏向性转换,场域运行的推动力量也从时间权威向结构权威再向认同权威转换。可以说,青年与社会信息互动场域的转换,正是人类在不同社会形态下对“用时间消灭空间”的信息传播时空观的生产实践与社会表征。  相似文献   

段丽敏 《职业》2015,(7):50-51
与主流文化相对的亚文化对青春时期的学生影响颇深,尤其是对高考重压下的学生影响更为深刻。在反映新时代背景下高考时期的电影《青春派》中,学生们的表现除了消极的反抗外,更多的是他们对未来的憧憬与对梦想的自信。  相似文献   

与主流文化相对的亚文化对青春时期的学生影响颇深,尤其是对高考重压下的学生影响更为深刻。在反映新时代背景下高考时期的电影《青春派》中,学生们的表现除了消极的反抗外,更多的是他们对未来的憧憬与对梦想的自信。  相似文献   

经过三十多年的实践和发展,滑板运动已从青年亚文化现象发展为奥运会永久参赛项目,成为青年社会学、体育社会学、文化研究等领域内的重要研究对象。基于对中国滑板文化社群的参与式观察和深度访谈发现,滑板亚文化在不断加速的商业化、体育化和体制化过程中出现了多次的建圈、扩圈、破圈与守圈的现象。在这些现象的发展过程中,中国滑板文化参与者对滑板亚文化风格、商业行为、滑板技巧、创新精神进行动态的亚文化建构,形成与主流文化之间灵活性抵抗的文化实践策略。运用这样的文化实践策略,中国滑板亚文化群体主动参与到滑板商业化、体育化和体制化的过程中。最终,中国滑板亚文化形成了与主流商业和体育文化互为对象、相互建构的动态关系。  相似文献   

文化反哺即反向社会化是当前农村社会中正在发生的一场划时代革命.其意义不仅仅在于达成良好的亲子关系,更深层的在于它意味着几千年来中国传统的文化传承模式的革新.本文在对国内外此领域经典理论家和学者的研究成果进行检视和梳理的基础上,以这些研究的局限和盲点为突破口,展开探索和研究.分析了文化反哺在当前农村代际之间的基本内容,并对新型农村文化传承模式进行了合乎历史的预测及评判.  相似文献   

我国青年汉服文化运动的兴起与发展已有10多年的时间,在这10多年当中,汉服运动在各地青年当中蓬勃发展,呈现出了多元化、多层次的目标诉求以及丰富多彩的实践形态。以广州为例的实证调查发现,汉服文化爱好者中80后、90后已经构成了绝对的主体,且以女性、汉族青年为主,文化层次较高。其主要目的是:汉服文化的传承、传播与普及;汉服文化的发展与创新;与汉服相关联的汉民族传统文化的传承与深化。而青年汉服文化的兴起主要有以下原因:全球化的持续推进所激发的民族认同的觉醒;国内少数民族政策对于民族身份的强调所引发的民族意识的增强;服饰作为青年亚文化的直观标识往往成为青年时尚流行文化的先锋。为此,我们要准确研判汉服运动中的青年及其组织的不同诉求,并对之加以正确的引导。  相似文献   

本文探讨了青年文化的定义,并就青年文化的共性特征进行了探讨。同时以时下青年的文化审美选择为例,进行青年文化新时代特征的分析,阐述了青年文化蔻化倾向以及反叛性和多元性、动态性、整体性以及边缘性等特征。  相似文献   

新媒体时期移动互联网极速发展,智能手机的使用越来越普遍,上网的人越来越多,同时,网络社交方式也发生着相应的变化。互动交流的方式种类更加多元化,让每个人都获得更多的话语权,特别是随同新科技一起成长起来的青年。青年不仅仅拘束于语言文字等简单的交流形式,越来越多的青年利用非语言、文字的形式来进行自身情感的表达,追逐个性、喜欢另类的心理也在某种程度上促进了非语言符号表达形式的青年亚文化产生。  相似文献   

The purpose of this content analysis was to evaluate the extant literature on clinical social work and social justice. In July 2009, an online search of the university databases EBSCO Host (1988–2009) was conducted to identify articles on clinical social work and social justice. Thirty-six peer reviewed journal articles were identified and extracted. The majority were non-empirical articles (75%) published in the United States (94%) over a 21-year period from 1988 to 2009. Overall, clinical social work practice was described as psychological and/or sociopolitical interventions that had a direct and/or indirect effect on psychological and sociopolitical level social justice outcomes. Theories and practices consistent with social justice were advanced. These findings suggest that clinical social work's promotion of psychological well-being remains an underdeveloped area in the scholarly and research literature. In this era of professional educational reform, additional research and professional training on social justice based clinical social work practice is warranted.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that unconditional respect for persons, i.e. respect that is due to everyone simply as a function of their being persons, is the most fundamental kind of respect. Showing unconditional respect towards someone involves recognizing their integrity as a person and their status as an autonomous rational actor. This idea is a cornerstone of much moral, social and political theory. While the idea implicitly underlies some contemporary psychological work on respect, for the most part this fundamental moral orientation has been neglected in psychology. The concept needs clear explication and measurement if its explanatory and predictive value is to be fully realised. This paper will explore the concept of unconditional respect, describe a scale for measuring individual differences in this attitude, and then go on to position unconditional respect, both conceptually and empirically, amongst other relevant social psychological constructs such as Social Dominance Orientation, Right-Wing Authoritarianism, Empathy and Perspective-taking. We then provide some evidence on, as well as speculation about, the role of unconditional respect in interpersonal and intergroup relations. Dr. Tania Tam is a social statistician at the Legal Services Research Centre, London. She has degrees in German and in Psychology from the University of California at Berkeley and a doctorate from the University of Oxford. Her research interests have focussed on intergroup conflict, including issues of respect, forgiveness and trust; and on the effects of communication between grandparents and grandchildren on ageism.  相似文献   

This study examined how non-profit organizations (NPOs) adapted to the new media environment and created an innovative culture of advocacy to directly facilitate engagement with interested supporters. Findings from this content analysis and virtual ethnography revealed NPOs dramatically transformed the structure of online content. Shifting the emphasis of the web and social media from a one-way transmission of information to an interactive conversation substantially changes the dynamics for activism, and fosters new models of engagement between NPOs and supporters. In this participatory, co-operative media culture, people were actively engaged and shared digital content that inspired others to care about important issues. These overall results indicated that the web and social media, when used to its fullest extent, played a key role encouraging communication and inspiring interaction among individuals on- and off-line.  相似文献   


Since sometime in the 1990s, the Internet- and digital technology-based New Media has been on a rapid increase and is now profoundly affecting the daily life of contemporary Chinese people, who are at once enjoying its various benefits and suffer constantly from its problems. It is no surprise that the New Media should have its peculiar liabilities, but in China, in particular, its downsides are extensively and acutely felt. Based on close-range observation of current Chinese life, an in-depth interview and a discussion of a few typical ‘media events’, this paper reviews the disordered and demoralized Chinese social culture, proliferated and amplified by the New Media, in perspectives of media biases, ‘media events’, and communicative strategies and their functional inversion, to explore the correlation between the New Media and cultural derailment and disruption. It suggests that amorality, the absence of deep thinking, and the ever-demoralizing mass culture that mark contemporary China can be, to a large degree, attributed to the technological revolution embodied in the New Media. In short, the demoralized New Media culture is demoralizing the whole social culture.  相似文献   

The historical core of the independent sector is comprised of churches, charitable organisations and higher education. What distinguishes these and other independent sector organisations from the governmental and commercial sectors is the fact that participation in the independent sector is free from state compulsion and not for the purpose of monetary gain. The independent sector is a modern development which could not have occurred without the disestablishment of religion. Disestablished churches have given rise to secular charities, higher education and other independent sector organisations in the United States. The independent sector is the arena in which cultural production and altruistic activities with a distinctive moral quality take place. Participation in the independent sector is the only mechanism for status legitimation in a democractic society with no compulsory state religion or traditional forms of authority.  相似文献   

The advent and adoption of internet-based social networking has significantly altered our daily lives. The educational community has taken notice of the positive aspects of social networking such as creation of blogs and to support groups of system designers going through the same challenges and difficulties. This paper introduces a social networking framework for collaborative education, design and modeling of the next generation of smarter products and services. Human behaviour modeling in social networking application aims to ensure that human considerations for learners and designers have a prominent place in the integrated design and development of sustainable, smarter products throughout the total system lifecycle. Social networks blend self-directed learning and prescribed, existing information. The self-directed element creates interest within a learner and the ability to access existing information facilitates its transfer, and eventual retention of knowledge acquired.  相似文献   

The state of social capital: Bringing back in power,politics, and history   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Szreter  Simon 《Theory and Society》2002,31(5):573-621
Theory and Society -  相似文献   

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