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The present study sought to incorporate recent suggestions for reciprocity research into an experimental design which could use behavioral base rate change as a method for determining nonverbal reciprocity in nondistressed couples. This study examined reciprocity by surreptitiously manipulating the touching behavior of one spouse, and monitoring responses of the other spouse. Forty couples were randomly assigned to either an experimental or control group. Couples were videotaped engaging in an assigned task which permitted interaction. During the interaction, positive touches, smiles, and headnods were monitored. Following instruction to do so, selected spouses in the experimental group increased their rate of touches. Results indicated that, in response, naive spouses subsequently increased their rate of touches. The results of this experiment provide supportive evidence for the lawful nature of reciprocity. The implications of these findings, and suggestions for subsequent reciprocity research, are forwarded.  相似文献   

Based primarily on the contributions to this Special Issue of JMFT, this article provides an overview of the empirical research on the efficacy of marital and family therapy for the following disorders and problems: schizophrenia; affective (mood) disorders; slected externalizing, internalizing, and pervasive developmental disorders of childhood; adolescent conduct disorder; marital distress and the prevention of divorce; alcoholism; adult and adolescent drug abuse; and various chronic adult, adolescent, and childhood physical disorders. Convincing scientific evidence supports the efficacy of broadly defined marital and family therapy for the treatment of many disorders, as well as its superiority to standard and individual treatments for certain disorders and populations. We conclude with recommendations for future research as well as for collaborative initiatives between marital/family therapists and other professionals working in the marriage and family field.  相似文献   

We introduce and estimate a growth model involving non-neutral technical change characterized by the presence of input-enhancing factors that vary across countries and serve to offset (and potentially eliminate) diminishing returns to capital. Our empirical results, however, indicate that diminishing returns to capital proves too strong to be overcome by, say, capital-enhancing factors. Consequently, our model predicts a conditional convergence of output per worker across countries, with the speed of convergence being slower than that found in earlier models involving neutral technical change.  相似文献   

On affirme que la spécialisation institutionnelle qui caractérise l'industrialisation est concomitante du déclin de la présence répandue de la religion. Soutenant de plus que les collectivités sont essentielles à la sustentation idéationnelle, l'auteur explore l'état du judéo-cristianisme dans un Canada s'industrialisant par un examen de la participation à la religion formelle. En se servant d'un cadre démographique de base, et de données de recensement et d'enquêtes, l'auteur commence par un apery général de la participation actuelle et ensuite examine les tendances à l'engagement. On constate que la religion formelle éprouve une baisse de participation que l'on trouve peu probable de s'inverser à l'avenir prévisible. L'auteur termine avec une discussion de la portée des constatations de ce genre pour la religion traditionnelle dans la société canadienne.
It is asserted that the institutional specialization which characterizes industrialization knows the concomitant of a decline in the pervasiveness of religion. Maintaining further that collectivities are essential to ideational sustenance, the author explores the state of Judaic-Christianity in an industrializing Canada through an examination of participation in organized religion. Using a basic demographic framework and census and survey data, he begins with an overview of current participation and then examines involvement trends. It is found that organized religion is experiencing a participation decline which is unlikely to reverse itself in the forseeable future. The author concludes with a discussion of the implications of such findings for traditional religion in Canadian society.  相似文献   

This paper presents results that indicate that oil price shocks were economically important in explaining movements in industrial production, and, to a lesser degree, movements in wholesale prices in the period between World Wars I and II. The framework for analysis is a vector autoregressive model estimated using monthly data over 1924:2–38:6 that employs a financial intermediation variable, a measure of relative oil prices, and other variables typically found in small macroeconomic models. The impact of oil price shocks is evaluated through computation of variance decompositions and an historical decomposition over the 1929:9–38:6 period.  相似文献   

A long-run tendency of industry profit rate to converge to a single competitive level has been a fundamental tenet of the industrial organization approach to the study of competitiveness in a market economy. This paper shows that for the post World War II period a weak equalization can be econometrically identified with different reaction speeds by industry. However, persistent profit rate differences endure. Finally, a portfolio theory of risk is considered as an explanation of these differentials.  相似文献   

In this paper the Averch-Johnson thesis of a capital bias in regulated firms is examined empirically. This is accomplished by estimating a system of factor demand functions using individual plant data from the electric power industry. Results obtained do not provide support for the A-J effect and it is suggested that there are a number of reasons this could have been expected a priori. finally, the implied parameters of the production function are derived and presented; the values are in line with other estimates of the production function for the electric power industry.  相似文献   

An empirical study of communications in a mother-child context was conducted. Cognitive, emotional, and metacommunicational responses to “subtle inconsistencies” and consistencies in communication in this context were studied. Subtle inconsistency was found to be more stressful, complex, and evocative of responses showing a lack of metacommunication than consistency, by both clinical and non-clinical adolescents. Finer differences were also found between clinical and non-clinical adolescents' emotional and metacommunicational responses to subtle inconsistency. The findings provide empirical support for the double bind hypothesis.  相似文献   

During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the market for corporate charters was deregulated as states replaced special chartering with incorporation under general laws. This paper explores the pattern of deregulation across states within the context of the interest-group theory of government. The empirical results show that legal change tended to occur first in states where the stake in deregulation was greatest, and where the costs of lobbying for "liberal" corporation codes were low. Innovations in law can thus be explained by the same benefit-cost calculus that describes economic innovation.  相似文献   

This paper uses data at the school district level for 257 Michigan school districts to estimate the Bowen equilibrium level of expenditures in each district. The estimation uses a theoretical model of millage referenda that is developed in the paper. Then, the estimated Bowen equilibrium level of expenditures in each district is compared with the actual level. In the average district, the actual level of expenditures is less than 3 percent away from the estimated Bowen equilibrium. This evidence strongly suggests that, for educational expenditures at least, the theoretical median voter model provides a good explanation of empirical reality.  相似文献   

The Waring Intimacy Questionnaire (WIQ), is a 90-item, true/false questionnaire specifically developed to measure the quantity and quality of marital intimacy. Eight facets of marital intimacy are measured: affection, cohesion, conflict resolution, compatibility, expressiveness, sexuality, autonomy and identity. Forty items provide a measure of total intimacy and a social desirability scale is included. Reliability and validity data are presented which suggest that the WIQ merits further study for evaluation of its clinical and research utility.  相似文献   

The Waring Intimacy Questionnaire (WIQ), is a 90-item, true/false questionnaire specifically developed to measure the quantity and quality of marital intimacy. Eight facets of marital intimacy are measured: affection, cohesion, conflict resolution, compatibility, expressiveness, sexuality, autonomy and identity. Forty items provide a measure of total intimacy and a social desirability scale is included. Reliability and validity data are presented which suggest that the WIQ merits further study for evaluation of its clinical and research utility.  相似文献   

This research examines the likelihood of one racial group of correctional officers writing more disciplinary reports than another. It also examines interracial and intraracial disciplinary reports. Two theoretical models are used to explain why correctional officers use official write ups to control prisoners. The importation model emphasizes the impact of individual factors on correctional officers behavior, and the institutionalization model stresses the effect of organizational factors. Using data from 115 correctional officers, we found no significant differences in Black and White officers writing of inmate disciplinary reports. No significant difference was found between interracial and intraracial disciplinary responses, either. The findings were consistent with the hypotheses derived from the institutionalization model.  相似文献   

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