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5月10日,以“创新凝聚软件实力,科技推动区域增长”为主题的“20121刚华西区软件发展高峰论坛”在成都举行。本次论坛上,IBM软件集团亮出了驱动企业智慧成长的七大“软”实力:洞察力、创新力、优化力、协作力、敏捷力、安全力和移动力。  相似文献   

3月16日,以“科技创新,成就智慧增长”为主题的“IBMi~坛2012”盛大开幕。今天,随着移动设备和物联网的爆发性成长,人类能够以空前的规模和速度从现实世界中获得巨量的数据,并将海量的数据几乎实时的传输到任何地方,进行汇总、整合、存储和利用,我们可以说“大数据”已经成为当前信息科技发展进程中最重要的时代特征。伴随大数据时代的来临,越来越多的企业意识到可以借助信息技术手段从大数据中发掘新的成长智慧。一场经由业务分析洞察深入应用所引发的“洞察驱动,结果优化”的信息科技革命浪潮正在蔓延!IBM认为业务分析洞察将成为推动企业智慧成长的重要抓手,帮助企业基于大数据进行分析、预估与优化,这项科技的出现将信息技术应用提升到一个新境界。  相似文献   

“在客户主导的商业时代,以客户为中心不再只是乌托邦或是营销教材上的理论。对于任何一个行业而言,面对繁复庞大的客户数据,企业不得不仔细考量一下,如何借助移动、社交等技术推动营销创新与转型。”——IBM全球创新网络香港区首席科技总监、IBM香港创新与科技发言人戴剑寒先生在IBM与香港中文大学、上海交通大学共推的智慧营销EMBA合作课程项目中,围绕以客户为中心的营销科技、挖掘技术与EMBA学生展开分享与讨论。  相似文献   

第十五届西博会以“改革引领发展,创新开辟未来”为主题,吸引了众多国内外知名企业参展,其中包括IBM、富士康、英特尔、微软、戴尔、富可视等世界500强企业。而IBM更是以“融智慧焕新城”为主题,携超级计算机沃森(Watson)、以大数据、云计算、移动、社交为主的创新应用技术,以及智慧城市概念等。首次亮相西博会。  相似文献   

文天 《经营管理者》2009,(10):60-61
IBM大西区总经理郭仁声表示,2009年,IBM成都分公司将继续秉承“成就客户、创新为要、诚信负责”的核心价值观,在全球化的视野和布局下,努力成为当地客户的创新伙伴,以己所长为建设“智慧四川”尽一份心  相似文献   

为企业创新管理提供“移动力”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3月6日,国际商业机器有限公司(IBM)在北京宣布,得益于卓越的产品创新和深刻的行业实践,IBM开创性地整合了WebSphere、Rational、Tivoli、Lotus等核心软件产品在移动和社交方面的优势,推出全面的IBH端到端移动解决方案,帮助企业利用“移动力”这一至关重要的能力拓展移动客户、改善运营效率、实现业务转型。  相似文献   

科技创新已经成为智慧成长的关键。面对客户需求的多样性以及覆盖区域的广泛性,IBM咨询服务在2012年将聚焦六大业务重点:专注于智慧行业计划;以转型为根基提供全面且独特的解决方案;加速区域市场拓展;注重人才和领导力培养;助力国有企业、民营企业、外资企业实现智慧成长,并成为中国企业转型的长期合作伙伴。  相似文献   

杨晔  朱晨  谈毅 《管理科学》2019,22(2):92-111
创新是经济持续增长的动力, 企业雇佣需求是维护社会稳定的基石.本研究结合中国经济发展转型的背景, 在区分产品创新与工艺创新的基础上, 通过数理模型推导, 分离出技术创新对中小制造业企业雇佣增长影响的直接途径与间接途径, 并利用2012年世界银行对中国中小企业运营环境的调查数据, 实证考察了中小企业技术创新对其雇佣增长的影响.研究结果表明, 技术创新不仅会通过工艺创新的“价格效应”与“生产率效应”以及产品创新的“市场效应”与“替代效应”四种直接途径影响中小企业雇佣增长, 还会通过“员工技能结构高级化”的间接途径影响中小企业雇佣增长.与国外研究不同的是, 对中国中小制造业企业而言, 工艺创新的“生产率效应”与产品创新的“替代效应”是阻碍其雇佣增长的主要途径;与国内研究不同的是, “员工技能结构高级化”是技术创新促进中国中小企业雇佣增长的重要途径.进一步研究发现, 技术创新对中低技术制造业企业雇佣增长的影响更为敏感.本研究从微观层面证实了技能偏向性技术进步对中国中小企业雇佣需求的重大影响, 同时也为缓解中国“就业难”与“招工难”的结构性问题提供了政策依据.  相似文献   

3月25日,《经理人》长期合作者IBM公司在北京国际饭店会议中心召开了“IBM论坛2010,暨IBM2010中国策略发布会”,IBM大中华区董事长及首席执行总裁钱大群先生等IBM高层领导发表了主题演讲,介绍2010年的战略发展重点,并与参会者分享成功经验。  相似文献   

2012年7月26—28日,主题为“全球变局下的绿色转型和包容性增长”的2012生态文明贵阳会议召开。会议达成的《2012贵阳共识》提出,推进绿色转型和包容性增长应从五个方面着手:一是把绿色转型作为促进增长的首要选择。  相似文献   

How can companies prosper in spite of the economic downturn? How can companies use their limited capital in an area where it works best? This area is innovation. For the third year, Sino-manager has elected China's Most Innovative Companies. During this election and its related interviews, we have found that Chinese business leaders and best corporate executives have recognized the need to step up innovation efforts in economic downturns. Many wellknow companies are increasing their investment in innovation...  相似文献   

Industrial productivity dilemma refers to a situation in which modifying and refining existing technologies helps maximize an industry's productivity but constrains productivity from leaping forward. As substantial research exists on this topic in both management and economics, we seek to clarify the concept and its utility. We synthesize relevant studies in various disciplines by reviewing 731 pieces of literature. We summarize various mechanisms that explain why, as the industry develops, the proportion of disruptive innovation declines and the ratio of productivity research and development increases. Our results suggest that industrial productivity dilemma occurs because under a given technological paradigm, there are economic and natural limits to technological development. Only through disruptive innovation can industries improve their long-term adaptability to the environment and promote industrial upgrading or forming new industries. Although with modern technology developments, industrial productivity dilemma may be resolved, because some giant firms can balance the exploration–exploitation conflict well; moreover, structural problems occur as productivity is unbalanced among firms. The productivity dilemma (and its by-product, the structural problem) will always exist. We develop a conceptual framework based on the environment, industry, firm, and policy dimensions to guide future research.  相似文献   

青岛海尔中报显示,尽管受金融危机影响,营业收入下降7.66%,但上市公司归属母公司股东的净利润达6.6亿,同比增长21.3%。取得这样不俗的业绩,源于海尔集团首席执行官张瑞敏对企业创新  相似文献   

2009年8月,广东美的电器股份有限公司增发A股股票1.891亿股,投资者愿意集万千宠爱于美的一身,看中的不仅是它现实的盈利回报,更在于它持续创新所带来的几乎触手可及的未来盈利潜力。作为中国的白色家电龙头企业,  相似文献   

简泽  徐扬  李玉花  黄莹珊 《管理世界》2020,(1):187-205,242
生产率困境是创新经济学、战略管理、运营管理和组织科学关注的中心问题之一。然而,这方面的文献分散在不同的研究领域中,因而,迄今为止,这方面的知识是碎片化的。以1978年到2018年间的225篇文献为样本,本文系统地考察了生产率困境的形成机制和治理方式。首先,本文描述了这方面文献的演进脉络,进而形成了3个不同但是互补的研究视角。然后,从这3个视角出发,本文分析了生产率困境的前因后果。最后,将这3个视角综合起来,我们发展了一个关于生产率困境的综合性的理论框架,系统地揭示了生产率困境的形成机制和治理方式。研究结果表明,在给定的技术范式下,技术发展存在自然和经济的极限,因而,生产率的增长最终会缓慢下来。重要的是,由于效率-创新冲突的存在,企业对生产率的追求使得它们不具有通过颠覆式创新推动技术范式转换的激励。进一步,即使企业具有这种激励,它们在追求效率的过程中发展起来的核心能力变成了核心粘性,因而失去了颠覆式创新的能力。于是,企业对短期生产率的追求反过来使得它们难以突破生产率增长的极限,进而长期锁定在生产率困境中。  相似文献   

The paper discusses managers' moral decision-making based on analyses of managers' talk when they are facing a morally problematic situation. The qualitative data was collected by a survey questionnaire from Finnish top managers in large manufacturing companies. The research questions are: How managers construct good in their speech? How managers reason for a moral choice? Managers' reasoning is analysed by grouping the responses according to whether they agree or disagree with the presented moral dilemma, and by finding the cultural distinctions managers make in the responses. The analysis shows that ethical theories are used, if not explicitly, at least implicitly in managers' moral decision-making. Good is constructed in managers' speech by either referring to the consequences of an action, to certain moral norms or rules, or to the culturally accepted way of action. The content of the reasons for a moral choice varies depending on whether the response reflects disagreeing, agreeing or uncertain attitude towards the given moral dilemma.  相似文献   

There is no question that the past few years have seen a tremendous surge in interest in what has come to be known as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Health plans contemplating adding CAM benefits face a daunting challenge. How should a plan define CAM benefits? How should a plan define appropriate CAM providers? How can these benefits be managed? Will the addition of CAM benefits undermine coverage policies for conventional biomedicine? The answer to these questions lies largely in uncharted waters, as even CAM advocates will agree that many alternative therapies (even those like Oriental medicine which has been in practice for some 5,000 years) have not yet undergone the type of rigorous, evidence-based analysis that is required to validate conventional biomedicine. This article explores options for CAM benefit design by considering two basic approaches-creating an uninsured benefit or insured benefit.  相似文献   

What on earth are economic theorists like me trying to accomplish? This paper discusses four dilemmas encountered by an economic theorist: The dilemma of absurd conclusions: Should we abandon a model if it produces absurd conclusions or should we regard a model as a very limited set of assumptions that will inevitably fail in some contexts? The dilemma of responding to evidence: Should our models be judged according to experimental results? The dilemma of modelless regularities: Should models provide the hypothesis for testing or are they simply exercises in logic that have no use in identifying regularities? The dilemma of relevance: Do we have the right to offer advice or to make statements that are intended to influence the real world?  相似文献   

What is medical management? How do you learn about it? How do you get into it? Is there a future in it? Is medical management for you? Can you do it? What will it mean to your original plans for your life in medicine? Is it worth the sacrifice? Get comfortable. I have a story to tell you. It may help if you hear about medical management from a medical director who has preceded you. I doubt I can answer all your questions. I can, however, tell you about one physician's visions, expectations, decisions, experiences, and rewards from what can be loosely called "medical management." If you find something of help in your decision making in this account, my telling it is worthwhile.  相似文献   

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