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杨利刚 《经理人》2011,(5):80-81
自2008年诞生,百度电子商务平台“有啊”就不被看好。经历了3年多磕磕绊绊的运营,目前百度公告称,叫哿开始对百度有啊业务进行调整”,有啊购物平台的商品、店铺、交易相关功能将予以关闭;有啊的商城业务将有计划地转移给乐酷天、耀点100等合作伙伴。  相似文献   

古兆坤 《经理人》2011,(1):40-43
2010年12月9日下午,北京昆仑饭店,久未公开露面的王中军如约接受《经理人》专访,第一次谈起构思已久的“金字塔”战略布局。前一天,华谊兄弟发布公告,华谊出资7000万元与巨人网络成立华谊巨人,正式进军网游,华谊占新公司51%股权。网游业务被王中军称为“第四板块”业务。  相似文献   

<正>元旦的钟声尚未从耳畔消失,宣传思想文化工作如何跟上时代节拍,又成热议话题。日前,刘云山在全国宣传部长会议上强调的政治意识、服务意识、问题意识、改革创新意识,尤其是重提问题是时代的声音,要求宣传思想文化工作与时俱进,释放许多意味深长的信号。某种角度看,这也是新一届领导集体求真务实作风向宣传文化战线的延伸。聚首京城的各省市宣传部长们,想必也感受到了这强劲的节拍。  相似文献   

每周一数“国考”热卷土重来“国考”报名人数止跌回升,该数字是十年前的11倍,而招录人数仅仅是十年前的4倍。历史数据显示.2009年“国考”报名人数首次突破百万大关,到2010年达到峰值144万人,此后三年略有降温,2012年“国考”为130万人报名。  相似文献   

黎平 《经理人》2010,(10):52-54
很显然,说酷派要做“国产手机第一品牌”的时候,宇龙酷派董事长的底气要比以往任何时候都足得多——8月9日发布的2010年上半年财报显示,宇龙酷派实现营收同比大增193.8%;净利润2.37亿元,同比增长740.4%。这在国产手机阵营中,绝对是个相当靓丽的好成绩。  相似文献   

指从事专业性、知识性工作,自觉地、主动地、创造性地、建设性地为国家和社会提出影响全局的战略性思维、思想和建树的人员。他们是知识分子的杰出代表,人数甚少,作用甚大。2010年8月,中国人民大学陶文昭教授首次提出“战略知识分子”概念。  相似文献   

魏薇 《经理人》2010,(4):80-81
3月份,唐骏的身影频繁出现在上海的机场,忙碌程度与中国GDP的增速成正比。显然,他正在为2010年4月的一宗新的入股案忙碌。  相似文献   

薛斐 《经理人》2012,(1):40-45
从2010年1月到2011年4月,HTC的股价从新台币300元飙高到1300元,成为台湾股市最强力指标,更让董事长王雪红成为台湾第一女首富。没想到,时至今日HTC的股价又回落到400元出头,在短短7个月内就跌到只剩三成。  相似文献   

符胜斌 《经理人》2012,(5):74-81,18
兖州煤业是一家位于山,东济宁的国有大型煤炭企业,也是截止目前,中国煤炭行业唯一一家在香港、纽约、上海三地上市的企业。近几年,受煤炭价格不断攀升的有利因素刺激,充州煤业的净利润从2009年的38亿元骤升到2010年90亿元,增长2倍有余。但与此同时,烦恼也随之而来。  相似文献   

世界即将告别云谲波诡的2009年,跨入2010年的门槛。此时此刻,人们很难清晰地勾勒出新一年的世界图景,但可以把目光锁定在眼下世界关注的多个悬疑。这些悬疑将影响明年国际形势的走向。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the application of Strategic Decision Making Process in a small company. The project described is an example taken from in-company projects conducted by the CAPITB Management Advisory Unit across the industry sectors and was part of the Strategic Decision Making Process Research and Project Work Programme.It describes the stages and work involved in the development and implementation of the Company's strategy and also identifies some of the benefits and problems which stemmed from the work.  相似文献   

The debate over which mechanism for health care delivery will provide the widest, most efficient access has reached a crescendo. While the debate on the macro level accelerates, many significant approaches continue to be discussed and implemented on a micro level. Among these activities are imminent release of the final rule on "Criteria and Procedures for Making Medical Services Coverage Decisions that Relate to Health Care Technology--Medicare," implementation of the Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990 by the FDA, and a proposal that payers establish a cooperative national technology assessment program.  相似文献   

Bridgestone of Japan acquired Firestone, a United States corporation, in early 1988. This article describes the integration process of the two organizations' cultures. There are many lessons in the approach that should apply to a variety of organizations. The Strategic Improvement Process, a rather highly structured approach, harnesses the strengths of both the Japanese and American organizations and starts the manufacturing and technical departments on the road to excellence.  相似文献   

The fact that people in general are reluctant to change is well documented. This paper presents a case of cross-cultural technology transfer where employee resistance to the new technology was due to a conceptual difference between what they perceived that a robot was, and what a robot actually is.  相似文献   

在大量的论述虚拟企业的文章和专著中,很少涉及虚拟企业的建立过程和技巧,本文即是通过这一全新角度,具体阐述了建立虚拟企业的七个步骤以及所需要掌握的相关技术.  相似文献   

When a subordinate receives abusive treatment from a supervisor, a natural response is to retaliate against the supervisor. Although retaliation is dysfunctional and should be discouraged, we examine the potential functional role retaliation plays in terms of alleviating the negative consequences of abusive supervision on subordinate justice perceptions. Based on the notion that retaliation following mistreatment can restore justice for victims, we propose a model whereby retaliation following abusive supervision alleviates the negative effect of abusive supervision on subordinate justice perceptions. In two experimental studies (Study 1 and 2), whereby we manipulated abusive supervision and subordinate symbolic retaliation—in particular, harming a voodoo doll that represents the abusive supervisor—we found general support for our predictions. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Part One of this two-part series on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) efforts to reinvent environmental regulation described the key elements of a new, performance-based environmental management system and illustrated why new economic and environmental problems demand the immediate design and implementaion of such a system. This installment identifies some of the sociopolitical factors in the United States that favor incremental modifications to the current system rather than the addition of the more modern performance-focused system.  相似文献   

The Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission have jointly issued statements of antitrust enforcement policy" in six health care areas. In addition, the agencies have committed themselves to responding to any request for more specific guidance in the six areas within 90 days. Although the conduct in the request must be proposed, not actual, the new expedited review period is nevertheless a potentially attractive option not previously available.  相似文献   

The fixed-charge problem is a nonlinear programming problem of practical interest in business and industry. One of its variations is the fixed-charge transportation problem (FCTP) where fixed cost is incurred for every route that is used in the solution, along with the variable cost that is proportional to the amount shipped. That cost structure causes the value of the objective function Z to also behave like a step function. Each time we open or close a route the objective function jumps a step. The step fixed-charge transportation problem (SFCTP) is a variation of the FCTP where the fixed cost is in the form of a step function dependent on the load in a given route. While the value of the objective function Z in the FCTP is a step function, the introduction of the step fixed cost in the SFCTP results in the objective function Z being itself a step function with many more steps. Fixed-charge problems are usually solved using sophisticated analytical or computer software. This paper discusses the theory of SFCTP and presents a computationally simple heuristic algorithm for solving small SFCTPs.  相似文献   

Operating rooms are probably the most difficult of all hospital areas to manage. This article describes a number of common management problems in operating rooms and identifies four broad management areas that must be adequately addressed to ensure an effectively run O.R. It also suggests possible approaches for dealing with the four areas.  相似文献   

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