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As military conflicts around the world persist, a comprehensive approach in managing behavioral health issues will continue to be a key component of military healthcare. Deployed military personnel frequently exposed to trauma are well-known to be at high risk for developing behavioral health disorders, including combat stress reactions and posttraumatic stress disorder. In the U.S. Army, members of combat operational stress control (COSC) units have unique skills to assist soldiers and their families not only throughout all phases of a deployment, but also throughout a soldier's entire career. The purposes of this article are twofold, first to describe the role of COSC operations with an emphasis on interventions in a deployed environment. The second purpose is to present a case study from Operation Iraqi Freedom highlighting the efficacy of the COSC approach to meet a Soldier's behavioral health needs in a deployed environment.  相似文献   

无论在冷战时期还是后冷战时代,中东地区因其拥有丰富的能源和特殊的地缘政治地位而成为美国全球战略中的重要部分.依照美国中东政策的源起、美在中东的利益、冷战和后冷战时期的美中东政策等历史线索和逻辑关系,本文对美国中东政策进行了系统梳理与整体考察,构建了"分析美国中东政策的框架".其中,作者多年前提出的"考察美国中东政策的坐标"在实证研究中是可行且有效的.冷战后,中东成为美国全球战略重点"两洋战略"的"连接点"和"支撑点",具有"不可替代性",从而与"两洋战略"遥相呼应,构成强有力的"哑铃态势",加强了"两洋战略".此外,美国发动了海湾战争、阿富汗战争和伊拉克战争等三场有重大影响的战争,进一步说明中东地区对美来说不仅有着无法割舍的利益需求,而且还是实现其战略目标的重要舞台.  相似文献   

无论在冷战时期还是后冷战时代,中东地区因其拥有丰富的能源和特殊的地缘政治地位而成为美国全球战略中的重要部分.依照美国中东政策的源起、美在中东的利益、冷战和后冷战时期的美中东政策等历史线索和逻辑关系,本文对美国中东政策进行了系统梳理与整体考察,构建了"分析美国中东政策的框架".其中,作者多年前提出的"考察美国中东政策的坐标"在实证研究中是可行且有效的.冷战后,中东成为美国全球战略重点"两洋战略"的"连接点"和"支撑点",具有"不可替代性",从而与"两洋战略"遥相呼应,构成强有力的"哑铃态势",加强了"两洋战略".此外,美国发动了海湾战争、阿富汗战争和伊拉克战争等三场有重大影响的战争,进一步说明中东地区对美来说不仅有着无法割舍的利益需求,而且还是实现其战略目标的重要舞台.  相似文献   


This paper interprets the development of the U.S. maritime industry as reflecting changes in the economic substructure of American capitalism. The analysis seeks to explain how the changing interests of the state, as well as the changing balance of power between capitalists, workers and the state stimulated changes in the maritime industry. Three time periods are used: the Revolution until 1867; 1868 to 1897; and 1898‐on. These three periods represent distinct periods of policy change and strategies of capital accumulation for the state and for capitalists. A combination of Marxian and Weberian theories of political economy are used to explain these capital‐state relations.  相似文献   

美国在中东遇到大麻烦,主要战略目标未能实现.伊拉克安全形势持续严峻,巴以和谈停滞不前,伊朗核问题难以解决,压叙利亚屈服迄未奏效,恐怖活动越反越多,大中东改造计划受挫.美遇到的困难未超出其承受能力,美国在中东仍居主导地位,美中东政策在手法和策略上有所调整,实质上并无变化.  相似文献   

美国在中东遇到大麻烦,主要战略目标未能实现。伊拉克安全形势持续严峻,巴以和谈停滞不前,伊朗核问题难以解决,压叙利亚屈服迄未奏效,恐怖活动越反越多,大中东改造计划受挫。美遇到的困难未超出其承受能力,美国在中东仍居主导地位,美中东政策在手法和策略上有所调整,实质上并无变化。  相似文献   

在小布什政府时期,阿富汗战争、伊拉克战争及伊朗核问题等构成了美国与伊朗关系的特殊背景。依据小布什政府在此背景下实施的一系列具体的对伊政策,可归纳出如下结论:小布什政府对伊朗政策的核心目标是伊朗停止铀浓缩活动,其根本目标是伊朗的政权更迭。在奥巴马政府执政初年,美伊关系的原有背景没有太大变化,但美对外政策受国内金融危机影响日增,因此奥巴马政府对伊朗政策的目标和限制因素同小布什政府的基本相同,但在实现目标的手段上作了调整,突出表现在对伊朗实施了无条件接触政策。但因接触政策效果不佳,以及受后来的撤军伊拉克、中东剧变、战略重心加速东移等影响,奥巴马政府在其实现目标的手段上逐渐回归小布什政府的强制性外交老路,而且有过之无不及。与此同时,奥巴马政府还加强了对伊朗的秘密战争。  相似文献   

Monetary Policy and the U.S. Stock Market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What is the influence of stock market valuations on monetary policy? We use a forward‐looking Taylor rule model to examine if monetary policy since the 19 October 1987 stock market crash has been influenced by the valuation of the stock market. We estimate the model using revised and real‐time data and find no empirical evidence that the Federal Reserve policy attempted to moderate stock market valuations during the late 1990s despite the “irrational exuberance” comments by Chairman Greenspan. Actually, the empirical evidence suggests that the Fed accommodated the high valuations of the stock market during this period.  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》1998,27(5):641-649
Recent media disclosures of American campaign funding raising practices in the 1996 election have renewed political interest in campaign finance reform. This paper examines senatorial support for the McCain/Feingold measure that would have established voluntary spending limits on senate candidates and banned unlimited campaign contributions through political party organizations. While party affiliation and senator ideology are very important in explaining support for the McCain/Feingold measure, various measures of electoral security are not significant. This is important because the public choice literature emphasizes that electoral security is the primary goal of legislators. Additionally, the electoral self-interest of legislators is probably much more accurately measured by the various electoral security measures used in this study than by the constituency measures typically employed in the public choice literature. Nevertheless, personal legislator electoral security is not a powerful explanatory factor.  相似文献   

公民宗教不仅长久体现在美国政治话语与叙事中,使国家制度和政策合法化、强化国家团结,而且还出现在美国外交政策话语中。公民宗教影响外交政策的方式是委以政府国际重任,不仅要求其追求本国的繁荣与安全,还要在海外宣扬本国的基本价值观。尽管公民宗教对美国中东外交政策的影响有限,却牵制了外交政策向实用主义和多边主义方向发展。未来美国可否在多边合作基础上建立有效国际制度,在很大程度上将取决于美国领导人能否成功地使公民宗教适应全球政策新挑战,描绘出美国与他国共导而非独导世界的图景。  相似文献   

Despite the increasing constriction of immigrants' rights at the federal level, local responses have been much more varied, countering, compensating for, even transforming policies originating from the national core. This article attributes this divergence in part to the multi‐layered, ambiguous, and contradictory structure of the U.S. nation‐state in the context of a transnational economy and society. It shows how three facets of state structural complexity‐its multiple levels, diverse administrative branches, and decentralized agencies‐have created openings for local actors, deploying normative arguments as to the issues at stake, to reshape the outcomes of U.S. immigration policy on the ground.  相似文献   

The political influence of unions and corporations is examined by analyzing Senate roll-call votes on COPE-identified legislation for the period 1979–1988. Union PAC contributions and union membership both have significant positive effects on three different types of COPE legislation: Narrow Union, General Labor, and Non-Labor. In addition, corporate PAC contributions to senators’ opponents reduce their pro-union voting behavior on Narrow Union and General Labor bills. There is no evidence that the political influence of unions in the U.S. is declining.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an essential component in the management of companies around the globe. Any key strategy used for CSR administration must reflect strong and effective communication channels to show CSR efforts. This study analyzes how the top 50 American profitable corporations from the Fortune 500 of 2009 communicate their CSR initiatives to different stakeholders through their corporate websites. To do this, an evaluation framework has been designed to examine features presented in CSR corporate websites.  相似文献   

直到二战爆发美国才真正开始制定其中东政策,罗斯福在战时提出的包括其世界蓝图在内的一系列构想对后来美历届政府中东政策的制定和战后世界格局及一些地区性问题的产生、发展和走向都产生了巨大影响。  相似文献   

直到二战爆发美国才真正开始制定其中东政策,罗斯福在战时提出的包括其世界蓝图在内的一系列构想对后来美历届政府中东政策的制定和战后世界格局及一些地区性问题的产生、发展和走向都产生了巨大影响.  相似文献   

东遏两伊,西促和谈是冷战后美国中东政策的重点,但每届政府的具体政策、措施有所差别.由于美国在处理中东事务中采取双重标准和偏袒态度,其中东政策在世纪之交陷入困境.9·11事件对美国中东政策产生了重大影响,总的看,美国的中东政策正在作全面调整.  相似文献   

东遏两伊,西促和谈是冷战后美国中东政策的重点,但每届政府的具体政策、措施有所差别。由于美国在处理中东事务中采取双重标准和偏袒态度,其中东政策在世纪之交陷入困境。911 事件对美国中东政策产生了重大影响,总的看,美国的中东政策正在作全面调整。  相似文献   

Although political scientists have displayed relatively little interest in research on disability thus far, a brief review of major issues in rehabilitation in the United States indicates the contribution that policy analysts can make to the study of this subject. This opportunity is enhanced by a recent shift in the definition of disability from a medical orientation, which emphasizes functional impairments, and from an economic approach, which stresses vocational limitations, to a socio-political perspective, which regards disability as the product of interactions between individuals and the environment. The latter definition has become the foundation for a new 'minority-group' model of disability that is challenging the traditional 'functional-limitations' paradigm and that might profitably be utilized in future research.  相似文献   

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