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This paper discusses how the concepts of hope and hopelessness can affect therapeutic interventions when working with people affected by cancer. The concepts of hope and hopelessness are considered within the therapeutic relationship and the biomedical model. This explores whether there is a difference between hope and denial and considers how culture, religion, and spirituality influence an individual's interpretation of hope. For some people living with a cancer diagnosis, the word ‘hope’ can become a burden. They can feel a pressure to present as strong, positive, and hopeful in the face of extremely confronting situations. Therapists need to give patients time and space to explore their feelings of hopelessness without rushing them to a place of hope for which they are not ready. Case examples are provided and the author reflects upon her own family therapy practice working in an acute health care facility. This stresses the importance of critical reflection, supervision, and peer support.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to describe the classroom participation of primary school children with disabilities who attend regular schools in Norway; to explore how relations between children with disabilities and their environment change, and further to chart how schools act in response to such change. The analyses are based on a life course study with data gathered from interviews and questionnaires given to the parents of children with disabilities born in the period between 1993 and 1995. The results show an increasing marginalisation of children with disabilities who receive their primary school education at regular schools. Despite the fact that public policies in Norway are based on a relational understanding of disability, thus suggesting that educators would make considerable efforts to accommodate children with disabilities in regular schools, the reality is that schools take an individual approach to children with disabilities which reflects a medical understanding of disability.  相似文献   

Reproductive technology has presented a challenge to families and clinicians alike in making sense of the psychological experience when a child is born with the use of donated sperm or ova. This article addresses one specific aspect of this challenge: father imagos and fantasies for parents, donors, and children in donor insemination families. Pour psychodynamic issues are explored: denial of reality and denial of the Unconscious, the power of die unconscious and the “unthought known,” reversion and resistance to part-object thinking, and paradoxical psychic construction and destruction of the father. In extension of Winnicott's theory dial there is no infant without a mother, the author concludes dial there is no infant without all the parties who make die child and all the parties who raise die child.  相似文献   

In this paper, the notion of Malaysian identity is conceptualised within a framework of identity and difference, drawing on contemporary theorisations of ethnicity linked to the notion of difference. The notion of Malaysian is problematised as being linked to the interplay between nationalistic official and essentialistic labelling, present and historical social and political events, and experiences of daily living in Malaysia. The author draws on the narratives of 16-year-old Malaysian schoolgirls to illustrate the discourses of ethnicity these girls negotiate in their ways of being and knowing. Being Malaysian and more importantly being Malay, Chinese, Indian or Other is not a simple matter of government-imposed labelling. It is more complicated and negotiated. Ways of being and knowing in Malaysia are multiple, shifting and contradictory as each Malaysian has to negotiate with these labels in their daily lives. The author argues that the politics of ethnic identification in Malaysia are intertwined with the politics of difference, which in turn is linked to power and inequality.  相似文献   

This paper presents the role of psychological factors in teenagers who become parents out of wedlock. It talks on the normative adolescent psychological development, emphasizing the developmental thrust towards separation, but juxtaposes the deviant psychological development of teenagers who are unable to gain control of their childbearing. The different experiences of female and male teenagers and the meaning of parenthood are cited. The pre-existing, intrinsic, psychological dynamics that predispose these vulnerable teenagers to early childbirth includes unmet early dependency needs; the desire to appear as adults, while simultaneously wanting to remain as children; denial of parenthood risk; and denial of the demands of babies. Furthermore, male teenagers perceive fatherhood as an attainment of some psychological sense of manhood. While for both males and females, the unconscious acceptance of dependency on the government to provide for the basic needs of their children and themselves can be a way of psychologically gratifying their own needs. The impact of early childhood experiences, role of parents as models, family experiences, social class, changing societal sexual mores, urban living, education and a sense of future are explicated. The influence of cognitive challenges and of specific psychiatric illness is also discussed. This study concludes that social policy integrate an understanding in the crafting of domestic policy on teenage parenthood.  相似文献   

The totalitarian system in Romania survived for 45 years through generalized and repeated cycles of physical and mental abuse directed towards the population as a whole. Today's parents show all the signs of abuse, from denial, minimizing, rationalizing and selective memory to anger, fear and shame. They are also experiencing the aftereffects of abuse, such as suspicion, resentment, hopelessness, low self-esteem and the tendency to continue the abusive cycle. The parents and educators, who represent the essential part of a child's small universe and who should be able to shelter them from the effects of economic depression and lack of certitude and security which characterize the transition period, have all been victims of abuse. The abusive cycle is difficult to break, because one of the ways of survival and self-protection during the past communist regime was acceptance, compliance and lack of change. The paper presents some of the positive steps which could break the abusive cycle, such as: confession, physical and mental separation from the past, designating the guilty and a positive attitude towards oneself and towards society. These steps could help the adult to handle more easily the sad realities of the transition period and to reduce the impact of its unhealthy climate on children.  相似文献   

A critical analysis is made of the concept of paternalism, and the manner in which protective measures on behalf of children often result in a denial of rights to the young. The article challenges the assumption that parents invariably know the needs of their own children, and accordingly act on their behalf. Similar reservations are made as to the capacity of official caretakers acting as agents of the state, to replace parents who are at fault. Conversely, it is suggested that children often have greater capabilities to function independently than is generally acknowledged. However, attention is also drawn to the defects in the arguments of some child-rights advocates. In sum, the article argues for the need to seek out legitimate paternalistic practices where genuinely needed, where sufficient consideration has been given to the capacities of the young for an independent life, and where sufficient sensitivity has been shown to their aspirations.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):367-388
Adoptions by single parents are thought by the public and by adoption professionals to be a plan for children needing adoption which is less advantageous for the child than a two parent adoption. For this reason, children who are difficult to find homes for are often placed with single parents; these are usually older children whose experiences have led to emotional and behavioral problems. Single persons who wish to parent an infant often adopt a child from another country. A review of the literature concerning single parent adoptions, and examination of the findings of a longitu- dinal study, indicate that the single persons who adopt are well able to carry out the responsibilities of parenting. They handle the special issues of adoption competently. Because children placed with single parents are frequently children with complex needs, and because single parents do not have a partner to share the responsibilities of parenting, continuing support from family and friends, the commu- nity, and from the adoption agency are important. Children adopted by single parents are as well adjusted as children adopted into two parent homes. There is some evidence that single parent homes may have unique strengths and be the placement of choice for some children.  相似文献   

The notion that some parents may be ‘in denial’ is a pervasive theme in dominant discourses on families of children with disabilities. In this analytic essay, I deconstruct cultural and institutional master narratives on parental denial and discuss their role in the marginalization of students with disabilities in schools. I argue that discourses on parental denial privilege the perspectives of those in positions of power and control, leave the practice of ability-based segregation in schools unexamined, and discredit agency among families. Additionally, drawing from existing narrative-based research, I explore alternative interpretations of parents’ responses to their children’s differences, situating these in the framework of critical disability studies.  相似文献   

In this paper it is argued that although labelling can lead to stigmatisation, this is not always the case. Evidence is presented to demonstrate that stigmatisation can take place in the absence of formal labelling or stigmatisation can precede labelling. Most of the evidence presented is from two interview studies one with 27 children and the other with 16 adults. It is suggested that further deconstruction of the labelling process is necessary, and that factors such as whether labels are formal or informal, private or public need to be taken into account. Finally, it is proposed that labelling can be considered at many levels of analysis from the personal to the political and that a coherent framework that integrates these different levels of analysis is needed.  相似文献   

Although cosmopolitanism used to be associated with Western, elite practices, it has in recent years been used to describe a wider array of practices by non-elite and non-Western groups. This article explores the cosmopolitanism of Cuba's “children of the revolution” living in Spain. They are those now young adults who were born in Cuba after the revolution and who were brought up to become the socialist New Man. Theirs was a world of socialist cosmopolitanism, which simultaneously was infused with commitment to a national, territorially-based political project: an independent, socialist Cuba. However, some of these New Men and New Women now embrace ideals of cosmopolitan individualism rather than the patriotic socialism with which they were inculcated as children. Yet the cultural tools that the children of the revolution make use of in their practices and narratives of cosmopolitanism paradoxically point back to revolutionary Cuba. The article argues that cosmopolitanism as a lived practice owes to experiences within the Cuban socialist-national project and is in effect a response to the ineffectiveness of this project, not necessarily a substantive opposition to it. Social capital and habitus deriving from Cuban socialism gave the children of the revolution the desire to attain cosmopolitanism as part of their life-projects. This finding suggests that the relationship between nationalism and cosmopolitanism needs further rethinking.  相似文献   

Using longitudinal data from urban Brazil, the authors track the employment patterns of thousands of children aged 10-16 during four months of their lives in the 1980s and 1990s. The proportion of children who work at some point during a four-month period is substantially higher than the fraction observed working in any single month. The authors calculate an intermittency multiplier to summarize the difference between employment rates in one reference week vs. four reference weeks over a four-month period. They conclude that intermittent employment is a crucial characteristic of child labour which must be recognized to capture levels of child employment adequately and identify child workers.  相似文献   

As the incidence of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) increases, persona with AIDS will present themselves for counseling in both the private and public sector. Counselors will therefore need to be aware of psychical issues affecting gay men who have the virus. This article highlights some of these critical issues. Specifically, the author discusses informational needs, management of distressing feelings, hope and denial, physical intimacy, and psychosocial interventions  相似文献   

People lie on a frequent basis. However, when a victim of maltreatment lies by denying the abuse, lies can become forensically relevant. We have reviewed the relevant literature on the prevalence and memory consequences of such false denials. The way forensic interviewers proceed in the face of denying children will be shaped by their beliefs about the frequency with which truly abused children deny abuse. We discuss that estimates of the prevalence of false denials among abused children vary but that such false denials do happen. When falsely denying children eventually come forward with their experiences, a second issue lingers: how valid are maltreated children's statements after a false denial? We review the literature indicating that false denials can negatively affect memory for the investigative interview during which the lie was told. Yet, memory for the denied experience itself seems to be mostly preserved, and some research even found potential protective effects of false denials. We conclude that denials should always be handled with care in the court room, since the ground truth usually is not known, but that statements should not be dismissed based solely on previous denials.  相似文献   

Shared residence is often presented as an arrangement that is in the best interests of the child following the divorce of its parents. Based on in‐depth interviews with Norwegian children who have experienced shared residence, this article seeks to explore some dilemmas concerning time, agency and the children’s emotions. Three characteristics of shared residence and time‐sharing are presented — flexibility, ambiguity and rigidity — which points to different challenges in understanding the circumstances in which shared residence become a valuable arrangement for children. The article argues that both time and emotional dilemmas regarding shared residence should be further investigated both empirically and theoretically, and that children’s agency should be acknowledged more fully.  相似文献   

The social model of disability has paid little attention to disabled children, with few attempts to explore how far it provides an adequate explanatory framework for their experiences. This paper reports findings from a two-year study exploring the lived experiences of 26 disabled children aged 7-15. They experienced disability in four ways—in terms of impairment, difference, other people's behaviour towards them, and material barriers. Most young people presented themselves as similar to non-disabled children: it is suggested they may have lacked a positive language with which to discuss difference. It is further argued that Thomas's (1999) social relational model of disability can help inform understandings of children's experiences, with 'barriers to being' having particular significance.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that children labelled as academically gifted are subjected to negative attitudes from others and that this impacts on their self‐esteem and motivation to succeed. Through an analysis of British newspaper stories about gifted children, this article explores the socially constructed nature of the concept of the ‘gifted child’ and finds that children identified as gifted academically are framed more negatively than those who are exceptionally able in music or sport. The article questions the growing practice of labelling children as academically gifted in English schools given the negative stereotypes that surround this classification.  相似文献   

For years we have been treating numerous concentration camp survivors in the psychiatric clinics and hospitals of Israel. In recent years we have been seeing increasing numbers of the second generation suffering from a wide spectrum of emotional disorders, personality disturbances, borderline and psychotic states which are clearly related to the long-term effects of massive traumatization in the survivor parents. These effects are manifest in four inter-related areas of disturbance within the family—the parents' mental state, the family atmosphere, inter-personal functioning in the family and specific distortions in the parent-child interaction. Excessive talking about holocaust experiences to children, or the opposite —lack of communication, avoidance and denial of these experiences—are patterns frequently found in the children of survivors who seem to be most affected by the massive traumatization of the parents. It is postulated that therapy of the survivor parents can modify the transmissions of affects to the children. Family therapy is indicated whenever possible.  相似文献   

Life Planning Services for Older Children is a time-limited and intensive approach for working with youngsters who are or have been in the American foster care system. The program is designed to help children and adolescents explore the way in which their life experiences influence their selfimage as well as to examine the availability of family membership for the present and the future. The program staff work to strengthen existing family connections or to help youngsters look at alternatives. After examining the impact of identity on placement, the author describes some of the methods used by Life Planning Services staff to help placed children meet the challenges of adolescent identity development.Sheila Merry, Kay Donley, and Betsy Cole are thanked for their helpful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

We examined which type of social account (denying responsibility versus apologizing) following an unfair offer makes recipients more likely to accept the offer in ultimatum bargaining. We identified stress responses to uncertainty as an individual difference factor that should moderate the relative effectiveness of these social accounts. A denial should make acceptance of an unfair offer more likely among recipients who respond to uncertainty with low stress. An apology should make such acceptance more likely among recipients who respond with high stress. Further, we argued that this cross-over interaction should be observed particularly among recipients interacting with a high power allocator. Two ultimatum bargaining experiments supported these ideas. Employing the perspective of victims of unfairness, the present research identifies a relevant individual difference moderator of the effectiveness of social accounts in bargaining situations and identifies power as a situational variable that promotes the expression of this factor.  相似文献   

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