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低生育水平对东北三省人口发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国提出计划生育政策和稳定低生育水平的战略决策有其深刻的历史背景,是基于我国实际具体国情的理性判断。在30多年的计划生育和人口控制政策的实施过程中,我国人口的生育水平持续下降,完成了人口转变过程,已经进入低生育、低增长阶段。在肯定稳定低生育水平对于我国东北三省人口发展具有重要意义的同时,通过分析低生育水平可能带来的一些负面影响,以统筹解决我国东北三省人口问题为根本目的,进而促进我国东北三省社会经济的健康、稳步、快速发展,实现人口、资源、环境、经济、社会的协调、可持续发展,构建以人为本的和谐社会。  相似文献   

王曼 《学术交流》2004,(6):111-113
根据人口在社会控制体系中的地位和作用,自然人口可以分为决策层、执行层、目标层和混合层四个层次,并呈现出层次性和交叉性特征。各层次人口在转型期利益获得及满足感上具有多元性并且存在相当大的差别,进而影响其社会心理、政策执行效果以及对待改革的态度。用社会分层方法研究人口在社会控制体系中的发展状况、存在的问题,对解决目前社会利益分配不平等、把握各种社会心理以及对深化改革都具有现实意义。  相似文献   

控制人口的重点“特别是在农村”,这无疑是十分正确的。但由于我国是一个人口大国,据1982年第三次人口普查,全国城市人口已超过二亿,接近美国总人口,而且增长速度与人口密度都超过全国平均数。因此,开展对城市人口问题的研究同样具有十分重要的意义。为了推动对城市人口问题的研究,认识城市人口发展的规律,浙江省人口学会与省建筑学会城市规划学术委员会联合邀请上海同行参加,前不久组织了一次专题学术讨论会。会上首先讨论了我国城镇化问题。所谓城镇化通常是指农村人口向城镇集聚和农村部分地区转变为城镇,从而使城镇人口占总人口的比重逐渐提高的过程。这一过程是社会经济发展的必然趋势,是工业化的必然结果。对城镇化的标准,长期来学术界看法不尽一致。按照1982年全国第三次人口普查的统计标准(即市镇人口和非市镇人口分别划分为城、乡人  相似文献   

印度人口控制刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3月 2 6日公布的 2 0 0 1年人口普查结果表明 ,印度人口已达 1 0 .2 7亿。印度和我国同为人口众多的发展中大国 ,所面临的人口问题与发展形势极为相似 ,故印度朋友对我国在人口控制方面的做法和经验甚为关注。印度的人口、环境与发展状况对我国也极具借鉴价值。本文综合印度新闻媒体的有关报道 ,试对印度人口问题做一分析。一 印度的人口问题据联合国人口基金会“1 998年人口形势报告”所提供的数字 ,印度人口出生率为 1 6‰。印报对此作过如下形象的描述 :印度每分钟有 52个婴儿问世 ,每周增加人口相当一个昌迪加尔 (旁遮普邦首府 ) ,每月…  相似文献   

人学与当代中国社会发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人学是我国现代化建设和社会发展的必然产物和内在要求,是解决当代中国社会发展中许多重大问题的理论前提.人的塑造与人格转型,对人的理解,人的素质,人的能力评价,人性,人的能力与个性,人的发展与代价,人的存在方式、需要、利益与价值,日常社会生活中的核心文化理念等问题的解决,都需要人学以提供理论基础和前瞻性的指导.所以,人学在我国当代社会发展中有着重大的意义.  相似文献   

“体育强国战略”的农村体育发展模式构思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在北京奥运会后中国体育发展的战略重点发生了重大转移,即战略目标从"体育大国"向"体育强国"转变;战略重心由优先发展竞技体育转向发展关系民生的群众体育。农村人口占全国人口的70%,农村体育是群众体育发展战略的重点。本文通过文献资料、逻辑推理分析等方法对"体育强国"战略推进中的农村体育发展模式进行研究,提出了适合中国农村经济、社会发展特点的农村体育发展模式,为我国"体育强国"建设提供理论支撑和发展思路创新。  相似文献   

日本地方政府的经济职能与经济圈的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国建立社会主义市场经济体制中的重要问题,就是政府职能的转变。政府职能,乃是指国家行政机关根据经济建设和社会发展的需要,在行使行政权力过程中所承担的职责和功能。政府职能的产生、发展和演变,是不以人的主观意志为转移的客观规律。为了适应社会主义市场经济建设的需要,当前我国正在进行经济体制的深化改革和政府职能的转变,而日本政府管理经济的经验值得借鉴。本文不仅就日本地方政府的经济职能与经济圈的发展问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

人口控制与社区发展网络建设活动,是通过发挥计划生育中观的作用,全面强化乡村的基础网络建设和服务功能,把国家宏观调控的政策约束和微观的生育措施落实融为一体,实现人口控制的宏观、中观、微观的统一,从而有效地控制人口增长,提高人口素质,使人口、社会、经济、资源、环境诸方面得到协调发展。一、人口控制与社区发展相结合的成效人口控制与社区发展有机结合,是在社会主义市场经济的新形势下,计划生育工作思路的发展和工作方法的创新,是探索有中国特色计划生育道路的又一成功的尝试。它的积极作用与效益表现在下述几个方面:一…  相似文献   

试论西部经济可持续发展中人口因素与人力资源配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱海婷 《唐都学刊》2009,25(2):117-120
人口因素是影响可持续发展中的关键因素,人力资源配置与经济可持续发展之间存在相互作用的关系,我国西部人力资源配置存在的问题主要表现为人口总量上的供过于求、而结构上的不合理。控制人口的数量增长,提高人口的质量,调整人口的结构是促进西部经济可持续发展的必要措施。  相似文献   

建国以来,哈尔滨市的人口数量发生了很大变化。1949年全市人口78.5万人,1986年未全市人口为266.8万人,是1949年人口的3.4倍,增长速度之快是惊人的。按人口数量计算,如今哈尔滨市已成为全国第八位的特大城市。随着我国现代化建设的发展,城市人口比重逐步增大,这是城市化的必然趋势。但是,如果离开客观条件,盲目扩大城市人口,造成“过度城市化”,则会带来一系列的社会问题,诸如住房、交通、社会、服务、升学、就业、生活物资  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the hypothesis that preschoolers' performance on emotion and cognitive tasks is organized into discrete processes of control and understanding within the domains of emotion and cognition. Additionally, we examined the relations among component processes using mother report, behavioral observation, and physiological measures of emotion control. Participants were 263 children (42 percent non‐White) and their mothers. Results indicated that the three approaches of measuring emotion control were unrelated. Regardless of the measurement method, a four‐factor solution differentiating emotion control and understanding and cognitive control and understanding fits the data better than did either of two two‐factor models, one based on domains of emotion and cognition across processes, and one based on processes of control and understanding across domains. Results of this research replicate those of Leerkes et al. in describing a differentiated underlying structure of emotion and cognition processes in early childhood while also extending these conclusions across samples and across measurement approaches for assessing emotion control.  相似文献   

Interactions between reactive and regulatory dimensions of temperament may be particularly relevant to children's adjustment but are examined infrequently. This study investigated these interactions by examining effortful control as a moderator of the relations of fear and frustration reactivity to children's social competence, internalizing, and externalizing problems. Participants included 306 three‐year‐old children and their mothers. Children's effortful control was measured using observational measures, and reactivity was assessed with both observational and mother‐reported measures. Mothers reported on children's adjustment. Significant interactions indicated that children with higher mother‐reported fear or higher observed frustration and lower executive control showed higher externalizing problems whereas children with higher observed fear and higher delay ability demonstrated lower externalizing problems. These results highlight effortful control as a moderator of the relation between reactivity and adjustment, and may inform the development of interventions geared toward the management of specific negative affects.  相似文献   

In this longitudinal study we examined whether two components of effortful control, behavioral control, and executive function moderated the relation between temperament and conscience development. Temperament was assessed when participants were two years of age, and three temperament groups were formed: inhibited, exuberant, and low reactive. At 4.5 years of age, children's behavioral control and executive function were assessed. Moral behavior, emotionality during an empathy film, and false-belief understanding were measured at 5.5 years of age as components of conscience. Results indicate that inhibited children may benefit most from higher levels of effortful control. Inhibited children with higher levels of behavioral control performed better on false-belief understanding tasks whereas inhibited children who scored higher on executive function tests reported less emotional response to the evocative film. Finally, as a group, inhibited children exhibited more moral behavior than exuberant and low reactive children.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that the effects of income and cumulative risk on the development of effortful control during preschool would be mediated by parenting. The study utilized a community sample of 306 children (36–40 months) representing the full range of family income, with 29 percent at or near poverty and 28 percent lower income. Two dimensions of effortful control (executive control and delay ability) were assessed at four time points, each separated by nine months, and growth trajectories were examined. Maternal warmth, negativity, limit setting, scaffolding, and responsiveness were observed. Above the effects of child cognitive ability, income, and cumulative risk, scaffolding predicted higher initial levels of executive control that remained higher across the study, and limit setting predicted greater gains in executive control. Parenting did not predict changes in delay ability. Significant indirect effects indicated that scaffolding mediated the effects of income and cumulative risk on growth in executive control. The findings suggest that parenting behaviors can promote effortful control in young children and could be targets of prevention programs in low‐income families.  相似文献   

Shortly after the birth of their infants, teenage working‐class mothers were assessed on attitudes toward the need for deference to family authority (respect‐based control) and anger. Their children's internalizing and externalizing problems and self‐esteem were assessed approximately 12 years later. High respect‐based control was linked to higher levels of externalizing problems in boys, regardless of level of maternal anger. Mothers who were low in anger and high in respect‐based control had children who exhibited higher levels of self‐esteem. Respect‐based control predicted inconsistent rule enforcement, but not lack of warmth or harsh parenting. Arguments are made for distinguishing among various forms of control (e.g., authoritarian, psychological, behavioral, and respect‐based) as well as the affective context in which they are administered in order to achieve an adequate understanding of the socialization process.  相似文献   

费用控制与新型农村合作医疗的可持续性发展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
顾昕  方黎明 《学习与探索》2007,1(1):137-141
控制医疗服务费用的上涨,对新型农村合作医疗的可持续性发展非常重要。由于缺乏第三方购买机制,医疗机构垄断地位巩固,政府监管措施缺位,农村三级医疗机构追求其业务收入的最大化,导致医疗费用持续上涨,远远超过了农民收入增长的幅度。改变这一状况的关键在于新型农村合作医疗应扮演第三方购买者的角色,正确引导医疗机构的服务行为,同时应在一定范围内促进医疗机构的竞争,并且加强政府对它们的监管。  相似文献   

Correspondence to June Thoburn, School of Ecnomics and Social Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TS Summary This article takes as its starting point recent evidence aboutpoor practice in child care social work. It identifies a largenumber of mechanisms for ensuring quality control, and considerswhy they appear to be having so little effect. The writer suggeststhat because of the complexity of cases and the need for direction,and also because of disagreements about what is ‘quality’in child care, bureaucratic or procedural mechanisms have seriouslimitations as the major means for ensuring good practice. Shefocuses on the statutory review as the solution most frequentlysuggested but concludes that too much is being expected of it. Whilst accepting the need for procedural, inspectorial, judicial,and political checks and for more appropriate resources forfamily support, she suggests that the main remedy for poor practicemust lie in professional mechanisms. These include increasedspecialization, more time, improved training, and consultation.The weight of evidence and the intractable nature of the problemmay call for drastic measures, such as the introduction of theApproved social worker(child care).  相似文献   

Robust Control in Water Management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since surface water flows are often stochastic, there is a role for water reservoirs in protecting users against uncertainty. We assume uncertainty regarding the probability distribution for the stochastic variable. Thus the decision allows for a range of approximate models that could be true, and the problem can be solved using robust optimal control. This paper analyses the implications of a robust framework on resource management decisions, using the case of water as an illustration. Robust choices are compared with those of a benchmark stochastic model and the emergence of precautionary behaviour is discussed.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(2-3):15-32
This paper presents an application of the qualitative research methodology of ethnographic content analysis as a means to discover the salient features and nature of a social work group. Observational data from process recordings of a thirty-week group of mothers at a child guidance center are systematically analyzed. This paper addresses a number of issues: (1) the need to explore and further articulate the role of worker vis-à-vis the dynamic of mutual aid in social work groups, particularly in regard to the concept of exercising 'control;' (2) the applicability of qualitative research methodology as a means of conceptualizing aspects of group work practice, thus contributing to our theory base and knowledge and tools for practice; and (3) the wealth of data for such research lying available in the written recordings of every group practitioner, and the natural logic that the development of theory in social work with groups comes most aptly from the practice domain.  相似文献   

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