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This study evaluated the experiences of college students serving with active, rural community-dwelling older adults and evaluated outcomes among the students, older adults, and community leaders in rural Taiwan. Thirty-one undergraduate students assisted older adults for six weeks at three senior citizen centers as they participated in an active aging competition. The analysis of qualitative data indicated that students adapted to the communicating barriers of language and cultural variances, were aware that older adults longed for company, and impressed the active image of older adults. The results of this study indicated that service-learning with rural community-dwelling older adults simultaneously benefits students, community leaders, and older adults.  相似文献   

Although the number of people older than 55 with schizophrenia is expected to double during the next 20 years, the research data on older adults with schizophrenia are limited. This appears to be because until the middle of the 20th century, it was assumed that mental illness in older adults was a part of the aging process and because older adults are often excluded from research investigations. Nursing research is needed to explore how people with schizophrenia learn to manage their problems as they age, as well as how those who are first diagnosed with schizophrenia in later life adapt to their illness. Mental health nurses need to be cautious in assigning premature labels to older adults with mental illness that may lead to unsubstantiated assumptions about levels of disability. Instead, nurses should realize individual potential regarding undiscovered strengths and should attempt to create interventions that recognize and foster personal development for older adults with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Even though computers play a massive role in everyday life of modern societies, older adults, and especially older women, are less likely to use a computer, and they perform fewer activities on it than younger adults. To get a better understanding of the factors affecting older adults' intention towards and usage of computers, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT) was applied as part of a more extensive study with 52 users and non-users of computers, ranging in age from 50 to 90 years. The model covers various aspects of computer usage in old age via four key constructs, namely performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influences, and facilitating conditions, as well as the variables gender, age, experience, and voluntariness it. Interestingly, next to performance expectancy, facilitating conditions showed the strongest correlation with use as well as with intention. Effort expectancy showed no significant correlation with the intention of older adults to use a computer.  相似文献   

Despite the sophisticated pharmaceutical agents and technologies available today, many people, including older adults, continue to experience chronic pain. Inadequately treated chronic pain can seriously affect one's quality of life. Health care providers are only beginning to understand the structural and functional changes that occur in older adults with chronic pain, but recent research suggests that nurses and other health professionals need to become aware of the unique needs of older adults who live with chronic pain. When health professionals lack specific knowledge of pain management in older adults, patients may suffer needlessly.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors examine how temperature and precipitation affect the probability that a retired American between the ages of 65 and 90 walks at least 2.5 hr/wk, using longitudinal data on walking frequency from the Consumption and Activities Mail Survey, a subpanel in the Health and Retirement Survey. Walking behavior is linked with monthly temperature and precipitation data from weather-station reports. The authors found that higher temperatures were associated with a higher probability of walking at least 2.5 hr/wk for women. In contrast, higher temperatures are associated with a lower probability of walking at least 2.5 hr/wk among men. Precipitation is not significantly associated with walking behavior for either gender.  相似文献   

The authors examined whether resistance training has an effect on working memory span. Participants included 210 community-residing older adults with at least one disability from the Strong for Life program, a randomized controlled trial that examined the effects of home-based resistance exercise. Memory was assessed with the WAIS backward digit span at baseline and 3 and 6 months into the intervention. Although there were no differences between the experimental treatment and control groups in average levels of memory change, within the treatment group change in resistance level during the intervention was a significant predictor of memory change, controlling for age, education, sex, and disability level. The results suggest that strength training can benefit memory among older adults, especially when using higher resistance levels.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The characteristics of the mistreatment of older adults were investigated in a sample of 128 older adults identified as potential mistreatment cases in three community-based agencies in Quebec. Practitioners completed questionnaires to collect quantitative and qualitative data. The study also examined: (1) difficulties in identifying mistreatment, (2) interventions and outcomes, and (3) reasons for the refusal of services. The major finding (with important implications for practice) was the association between type of treatment and perpetrator relationship to victim. The harm reduction model is suggested as a useful approach to guide interventions.  相似文献   

Health literacy is a critical goal for nurses to address. Consider the patient who stated: They told me I was taking double the medication I was supposed to. I had two bottles, and I was taking one from each bottle, but it turned out they were the same medication. But since I didnt know how to read. I didn't know. (University of Virginia Health Systems, 2003). Many older adults struggle daily to manage their health care problems; compounding these dificulties with low literacy skills can be devastating. They need our help.  相似文献   

Compulsive hoarding is a debilitating disorder that is only recently becoming understood. Hoarding has been studied primarily in the general population, with only a few researchers focusing on hoarding in older adults, even though the prevalence and severity of the disorder appears to increase with aging. Hoarding seriously affects the quality of one's life and can also cause safety and health problems for individuals and the community. Established treatments for hoarding are relatively new and often need to be extended over a long period of time. Nurses can play an important role in helping identify the problem of hoarding in older adults, determining the types of safety and health hazards that need to be addressed, and contacting the appropriate community agencies.  相似文献   

Older adults are disproportionately affected by telemarketing fraud, especially those who are socially isolated. Twenty-eight older adult telemarketing fraud victims completed a questionnaire assessing loneliness and other variables related to telemarketing fraud vulnerability. Victims tended to be male, divorced/separated, and college-educated, between ages of 60 and 70. Age and marital status were significantly associated with loneliness. This study is an important first step for additional research in this area and may enhance the prevention and intervention efforts of social service providers who work with older adults who may be most vulnerable.  相似文献   

As health care has become increasingly sophisticated, health care providers struggle to ensure that patients do not become isolated and overwhelmed with the many specialists, support personnel, and technology they encounter in their hospital experiences. Hospitalized older patients often have complex diagnoses and pain issues and may have fewer external supports than younger patients. Nurses may find a renewed focus on empathy valuable in enriching health care experiences for hospitalized older adults.  相似文献   

This study describes the motor-learning process of older individuals during the course of a training intervention on a motor-driven eccentric bicycle ergometer. Seventeen women and 16 men (64 ± 6 yr) took part in a 10-wk training program. Uniformity of force production and consistency of timing were used to describe their motor performance. The results suggested that participants improved the coefficient of variation of peak force during the intervention (measured at the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, and the 18th training sessions). They reached a fairly constant level of motor performance around the 12th training session (5 wk). Age and sex affected improvements in the early phases of the learning process to an extent, but the differences diminished by the end of the intervention. These results suggest that the force control of continuous eccentric muscle contractions improves as a result of training in older adults.  相似文献   

This research was designed to identify the impact of state driver's license renewal requirements on the driving mobility (i.e., the reduction or cessation of driving) of older (70 years or older) drivers in the United States. Nationally representative data from four waves (1993-2000) of the Asset and Health Dynamics of the Oldest Old study were linked to state policies on relicensing and used in a longitudinal logistic regression analysis. The author assessed the driving behaviors of a sample of 9,638 men and women. The findings demonstrate that the driving mobility of older people is influenced by state relicensing policies. The analysis indicates that five policies--accelerated renewal, mental testing, peripheral vision testing, renewal in person at age 70+ (as opposed to renewal by mail or online), and restricted licensing--have a significant effect on an older driver's decision to reduce or cease driving. The driving patterns of older adults are influenced not only by their health and socioeconomic backgrounds, but also by state relicensing policies. In terms of public policy, this result shows that there is a mechanism for extending the years of independent mobility for older people: restricted licensing.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine a comprehensive set of television advertisements, across networks and times of day, to determine how older adults are portrayed. Older adults appeared in 15% of advertisements, and in those ads, older women were underrepresented relative to men, and older adults appeared less frequently on youth-oriented networks and during the evening. Older adults tended to play incidental roles in the advertisements and to promote a circumscribed, stereotyped set of products and services. Moreover, their characters portrayed overwhelmingly positive attributes and traits. Results from the current study suggest ways in which portrayals in television advertisements might shape attitudes that viewers have about older adults and aging.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a brief physical activity interview for older adults (Phone-FITT) and evaluate its test-retest reliability and validity. Summary scores were derived for household, recreational, and total PA. Reliability was evaluated in a convenience sample from a fall-prevention study (N = 43, 79.4 +/- 2.9 years, 51% male), and validity, in a random sample of individuals in older adult exercise programs (N = 48, 77.4 +/- 4.7 years, 25% male). Mean time to complete the Phone-FITT was 10 min for participants sampled from exercise programs. Evaluation of test-retest reliability indicated substantial to almost perfect agreement for all scores, with intraclass correlation coefficients (95% confidence intervals) ranging from .74 (.58-.85) to .88 (.8-.94). For validity, Spearman's rho correlations of Phone-FITT scores with accelerometer counts ranged from .29 (.01-.53) to .57 (.34-.73). Correlations of Phone-FITT recreational scores with age and seconds to complete a self-paced step test ranged from -.29 (-.53 to -.01) to -.45 (-.68 to -.14). This study contributes preliminary evidence of the reliability and validity of the Phone-FITT.  相似文献   

《Journal of Aging Studies》2001,15(2):145-162
In most societies, the gift of food conveys social meaning, as well as nutritional sustenance. While food sharing has been widely noted, there has been little focused study of this practice among older adults in the US, who, as a group, are considered nutritionally vulnerable. We completed in-depth interviews with 145 adults (African American, European American, and Native American) aged 70+ years in rural North Carolina. Our objectives are (1) to describe the types of food shared by gender and ethnicity, (2) to identify values and meaning elders associate with giving and receiving food, and (3) to discuss the nutritional and social contribution food sharing makes to the lives of these rural elders. All elders participated in food sharing, as givers, recipients, or both. It is valued by these elders as a way to maintain reciprocity in social relations and to create a feeling of community membership. For older adults, receiving food gifts may augment a diet limited by income and functional status.  相似文献   

Older adults' participation in habitual exercise might be affected by alterations to respiratory mechanics such as decreased respiratory-muscle strength. This reduction can cause a decrease in efficiency of the ventilatory pump, potentially compromising exercise participation. This research examined the role of habitual exercise in respiratory-muscle function and the associated implications for exercise performance. Seventy-two healthy older adults (36 men, 64.9 +/- 8.6 years, 177.2 +/- 8.4 cm, 82.5+/- 11.9 kg; 36 women, 64.9 +/- 9.5 years, 161.7+/- 6.4 cm, 61.6 +/- 9.2 kg) undertook respiratory-function and walking-performance tests. Active men and women achieved higher scores than their inactive counterparts for all tests except spirometry, where no differences were evident. The results indicate that a significant amount of the elevated fitness level might be accounted for by increased endurance capacity of the inspiratory muscles. Inactive older individuals might be at risk for inadequate respiratory-muscle strength, so interventions should be considered.  相似文献   

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