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“人中吕布.马中赤兔” 一共八个宇却称赞了两件事物,足可见微言大义的春秋笔法。而且朗朗上口,妇孺皆宜。后来关羽虽然也得到了赤兔,但也没听别人这么说过,估计作者肯定是吕温侯的FANS,否则也不会这么肉麻。  相似文献   

毛文 《决策》2012,(8):88-89
职场底线不仅建立在自己的价值观上。同时也建立在自我约束的能力上。电视剧《浮沉》给出了一个颇有回味的结尾。职场的浮或者沉就在职场底线的上下!  相似文献   

《林黛玉进贾府》按照适当适时的顺序一一展示了贾府中的重要人物,包括身份、外貌、性格和人与人之间的关系等。品读这一部分,让刚刚步入"红楼"世界的人们认识了"步步留心,时时在意"的林黛玉和"放诞无礼"的王熙凤。如果从秘书学的视角来分析,初到贾府的林黛玉好比刚入职场的新人,王熙凤更像驰骋职场的“老手”。这样,《林黛玉进贾府》便有了积极的秘书学意义,给我们深刻的职场启示。  相似文献   

王菲 《秘书之友》2009,(7):47-48
《潜伏》就像一部职场攻略剧,余则成巧妙地处理了自己与站长吴敬中、“同事”马奎、陆桥山和李涯的复杂关系,为白领们写了一部活生生的“职场攻略”。  相似文献   

三国时期,曹操实行唯才是举的用人政策和以权术相驭的用人方法,使其阵营出现了谋士如云、猛将如雨的情况;刘备知人善任以及注重情义、以情留人的用人艺术,使其在政治、军事、经济基业最弱和人才来源短缺的情况下建立了蜀汉政权;孙权虚心纳谏、厚相结纳、充分信任的用人之道,使吴国成为三国中实际存续时间最长的国家。三人的成就说明,用人之道便是成功之道。  相似文献   

锐园 《领导文萃》2010,(23):133-137
<正>《资治通鉴》不仅是一本要通读的书,更是一本要读通的书。不同的时期读,会有不同的感悟。不同的人读,会有不同的认知。该书作者从一个独特的视角引领读者细读《资治通鉴》,你会发现,原来历史与现实如此之近。  相似文献   

《增长的极限》一书,第一次向人们展示了在一个有限的星球上无止境地追求增长所带来的后果。这本书震惊了世界并畅销全球。此书的第1版面世于1972年,甫一出版就受到极大的关注,也引起极大的争议,后被陆续翻译成三十多种文字,发行数百万册。  相似文献   

<正>如何提高组织绩效、实现有效管理,如何强化组织与个人的关系,如何实现领导的理性化、科学化,不仅是现代管理学与领导科学的重要研究内容,也是人类亘古以来持续关注的议题。中国历史上的法家虽然在价值观念上受到了来自儒家与自由主义者的严厉批判,但在强化组织绩效的领导方法、管理方式上有其不容忽视的贡献,对现代管理者仍然有重要的借鉴意义,值得深入探究。笔者以法家代表作《商君书》为例,探讨其中蕴藏的管理智慧。  相似文献   

世界上依然没有白吃的午餐,更没有便宜的大餐。当有个人双手奉上一本葵花宝典给你的时候,千万记得怀疑一下那个人究竟安的是什么心。  相似文献   

Karasek'sJob Strain model was tested in a sample of 122 office workers. Two rounds ofdata were collected and used to examine the reliability of the results and the relationships between job characteristics and worker strain over time. Moderated regression analyses based on standard scores of the independent variables were conducted to examine the interaction of job control and workload, and of skill utilization and workload, on various indicators of worker strain. The results indicated that there was neither multiplicative nor adhtive effect ofjob control/skill utilization and workload on worker strain. Some of the relationships between job characteristics and worker strain were not stable over time. The cross-lagged correlation analysis showed that workload at Time 1 had some effect on one ofthe worker strain indxators at Time 2, but not the reverse.  相似文献   


Karasek'sJob Strain model was tested in a sample of 122 office workers. Two rounds ofdata were collected and used to examine the reliability of the results and the relationships between job characteristics and worker strain over time. Moderated regression analyses based on standard scores of the independent variables were conducted to examine the interaction of job control and workload, and of skill utilization and workload, on various indicators of worker strain. The results indicated that there was neither multiplicative nor adhtive effect ofjob control/skill utilization and workload on worker strain. Some of the relationships between job characteristics and worker strain were not stable over time. The cross-lagged correlation analysis showed that workload at Time 1 had some effect on one ofthe worker strain indxators at Time 2, but not the reverse.  相似文献   

Roger Pye 《Omega》1976,4(3):289-300
The face-to-face communications of office employees are classified and assessed for their suitability for transfer to new telecommunications media. This assessment is based on a series of psychological experiments and studies of users' attitudes. Large scale surveys of meetings enable the proportion which can be transferred to new media to be estimated.If this transfer were to occur, it might encourage the decentralisation of offices or departments from central business districts. The extent of this encouragement is considered, with the possibility of even more fundamental changes in office employment, such as working at home or in work centres near the home.  相似文献   

两阶段供应链中三种定价方式研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文考虑渠道一体化对品牌建设的作用,在一个制造商和两个零售商的两阶段供应链系统中,其中确定性的市场需求与产品的市场零售价格有关,通过分析以下三种定价方式下的最优定价和库存策略下供应链成员和系统的收益,1)商品市场零售价格由零售商各自决定,两零售商和制造商之间存在着竞争活动;2)商品市场零售价格由制造商统一制定;3)市场零售价格、转让价格和系统库存水平按渠道协调的最优原则确定,确定了同一产品品牌内部的市场竞争、定价控制权及转让价格对渠道性能及品牌自身造成的影响,并由此提出了分散决策系统中的一种激励机制.  相似文献   

本文讨论一个三台平行机半在线排序问题.对预先知道工件的总加工时间和最大的工件的加工时间的复合半在线模型,我们证明了不存在半在线算法,其竞争比为4/3,并给出了一个竞争比为7/5的半在线算法,两者的差距小于0.067.  相似文献   

Volumes have been written about telephone productivity, decorum, behavior, and economic impact. Although every physician is skilled in telephone communication, medical directors must approach this communications modality from a different vantage point. The attending physician uses it as an information receiver and transmittal station. The medical director uses it as a negotiation platform. It is estimated that 50 to 90 percent of the medical director's time is spent on the phone. "Working smarter" can increase productivity to save time and stress. This article identifies and categorizes many of the problems that the medical director deals with on a daily basis. It pertains to phone conversations in which there is a question about a procedure, appropriateness of care, medical necessity, or quality of care.  相似文献   

许峰 《决策》2010,(9):72-73
中国推出国家形象宣传片的系列公关举措,虽难称完美,但瑕不掩瑜,是一个很好的开端,对各级地方政府而言也提供了可资学习的标杆。  相似文献   

As a generalization of d e -disjunct matrices and (w,r;d)-cover-free-families, the notion of (s,l) e -disjunct matrices is introduced for error-correcting pooling designs over complexes (or set pooling designs). We show that (w,r,d)-cover-free-families form a class of (s,l) e -disjunct matrices. Moreover, a decoding algorithm for pooling designs based on (s,l) e -disjunct matrices is considered.  相似文献   

An evolutionary perspective on CEO-board relations suggests that CEO objectives and interests change over time, and that board roles should shift accordingly, from CEO leadership development during the early stages of CEO time in office toward monitoring during the latest stages. This study examines how two board characteristics, board leadership structure and board diversity, shape innovation investment among Italian firms. Empirical results support the hypothesized effects, suggesting that the board’s effects are contingent upon CEO time in office.  相似文献   

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