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1982至1984年上半年,邓小平会见了多位阿拉伯领导人。这些会见基本上由我当翻译。20多年过去了,这些会见的难忘情景一直镌刻在我的脑海里。  相似文献   

细鸢 《炎黄世界》2010,(3):26-28
2009年3月14日上午10点,国务院总理温家宝在人民大会堂三楼金色大厅与采访十一届全国人大三次会议的中外记者见面,并回答记者提出的问题。可往日总理身边的翻译费胜潮却不见了踪影,取而代之的是个面容有些陌生的美女翻译。  相似文献   

贺爱荣 《老年人》2006,(3):33-33
刚结婚那阵子,由于单位住房紧张,我们小两口就和公公婆婆住在一块。婆婆原来在乡下,把户口迁进城还不到10年。别看她没读过书,人却精明能干,说话办事干脆利落,让我这个读了书的儿媳妇也自叹不如。虽然同在一个屋檐下生活,但我对婆婆不知根底,心里有点害怕。一天,婆婆老家的客人  相似文献   

琴心 《职业》2013,(19):22-24
"喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子""我们要有壮士断腕的决心"……今年两会期间,李克强总理在记者会上回答问题时的生动比喻,迷倒了中外记者。但把这些独具汉语韵味的语言,很自然地翻译成英语,对于任何翻译都是一个不小的挑战。而当时任总理翻译的孙宁,流利精准地将其译成英文,令人拍案叫绝。  相似文献   

水腊村是广西中部一个古朴的山村,当地有个老习俗,村里的妇女一般都不好意思跟丈夫一道出门,如果哪个女人爱跟丈夫屁股,就会被村里人笑话为“卫兵”,而最爱叫人“卫兵”的,是村子里的“多嘴妇”巧妮。巧妮的男人土厚是个憨厚的老实大哥,他也不愿意巧妮跟他粘在一起,做什么事,总是独往独来,怪孤独的。那天早上,天刚蒙蒙亮,土厚就进山砍柴了。临走时他交代巧妮:“中午12点我就会回到家,你要在我回来之前熬好玉米粥。”从村里到山里,要走10里路,途中要坐十多分钟的船,渡过一个大水库。若不坐  相似文献   

20世纪50年代,我曾为敬爱的周恩来总理当过两次翻译,留下了永远难忘的美好回忆。1954年6月,和平共处五项原则被确定为指导中国和缅甸两国关系的准则之后,中缅两国友好交往日益频繁。1955年9月,缅甸政府派出一个高规格的佛教代表团,前  相似文献   

2011年12月,我和妻子刘芸八年的婚姻走到了尽头。我和刘芸是大学同学,我们大三走到一起,毕业后又一起考入一所名牌高校读研,然后应聘到高校做教师。去年学校有个到德国做访问学者的指标,我帮刘芸争取到了,结果,她到了海外,遇到了国内另一所大学去做访问学者的男同胞,两人因寂寞而相识,  相似文献   

<正>咦?安妮,你怎么又买护垫呀?这种东西不能经常用,上周不是刚买过两包吗?海伦奇怪地问。安妮和海伦不但是同事,两个人还共同租着一间两室一厅的房子,感情很好。周末一起逛超市大采购,看见安妮又在挑选卫生护垫,海伦忍不住问出了口。  相似文献   

我给岳母当红娘李彦长我岳母本是一个性情开朗的人。岳父患肺癌住院,她日夜精心照料,忙得连自己的六十大寿也忘了,直到我当日送贺礼上门,她才猛然记起。尽管再苦再累,只要岳父还有一口气,她就满怀深情守护着,寸步不离。然而,岳父终因病入膏育,于1991年6月离...  相似文献   

正为了规避未来可能出台的遗产税,越来越多的父母,选择提前把自己的房子赠与子女。然而,当爱心之举遭遇不孝子孙时,又该如何收场呢?徐华一直在外地工作,趁着国庆放假,赶回老家探望父母。回去之后,她发现,弟弟徐磊把父母接到了自己家,说是为了方便照顾,要在自己小区给他们租间房子。见弟弟对父母这么好,徐华心里也踏实了不少。小住一周后,她就放心地回去上班了。半个月后,徐华突然接到母亲的电话,说父亲徐少刚心脏病复发,让她赶紧回家。到了医院,徐华发现,弟弟徐磊  相似文献   

在<新中国外交五十年>大型画册和<邓小平外交思想学习纲要>等书中都刊登一张十分珍贵的照片,邓小平同志同穆巴拉克总统两人开怀大笑,手携手并肩走出人民大会堂会见厅,周边的陪同人员也都笑容满面.这张照片是1990年5月13日邓小平同志会见埃及穆巴拉克总统结束时拍的,它是中埃两国领导人深厚友谊的象征.  相似文献   

(一)邓小平旅游经济思想体系基本要点 邓小平旅游经济思想形成于党的十一届三中全会前后.从1978年10月到1979年7月,邓小平先后五次比较集中、系统地谈到了发展旅游业的问题,提出了一系列有关发展旅游业的性质、作用、目标、原则、方针和政策,逐步形成了相当完整的旅游经济思想体系.  相似文献   

Robert Nisbet returned to full time teaching at the University of California, Riverside, in 1964, after ten years as Dean and Vice-Chancellor. The author was an undergraduate student in sociology at Riverside during the years 1965-67 and recalls Nisbet as a teacher. This was a prolific period in Nisbet’s writing career and many of the ideas that appeared in his books were introduced and explored in the courses that he taught. Two of these courses – “Community” and “History and Systems of Sociology” – are discussed in detail. The presentation of the material in these courses provides insight into how Nisbet understood the themes of the sociological tradition and how he thought these were best communicated to students. The paper also considers how Nisbet, an avowed conservative, was perceived by some of his undergraduate students during a time of cultural ferment and political unrest in America.  相似文献   

Harold Garfinkel's 1950s case study of “Agnes” is broadly understood as the locus classicus of sociological research about transgender people. Drawing on an analysis of unpublished archival materials from Garfinkel and Robert J. Stoller, the lead psychiatrist on Agnes's case, I locate Agnes' experiences at UCLA within a larger history of theorizing about gender and sexuality within the social sciences, and within the emerging field of transgender studies.  相似文献   

Being disabled: towards a critical social ontology for disability studies   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In Disability Studies the question of ontology is establishing itself as a live issue. Whilst there are many arguments and tendencies emerging from this literature, this paper identifies and critically examines an approach to the ontological question in disability studies that is based on an appeal to frailty as a universal characteristic of humanity. The argument builds on the relatively familiar claim that everyone is only temporarily able-bodied. This approach is exemplified in recent work by Bryan Turner and by Tom Shakespeare and Nick Watson. I argue that their universalistic approach is problematic. While it may constitute a theoretical means of ameliorating the existential negativity associated with being disabled it does so at the expense of disability identity. What is required is a critical social ontology that problematises non-disablement and exposes the forms of invalidation that lie at the heart of disabling culture.  相似文献   


Differing styles and ranges of self-disclosure are highlighted through interviews with lesbian and gay clinical staff at an in-patient setting in the Midwest. Each staff, three men and one woman aged 44 to 62, is presented through a psychosocial history concerning religious, marital, and coming out issues. Participants are interviewed about their style and degree of disclosure of homosexuality to staff, clients, and family. The author concludes that degree of “coming out” correlates with positive adjustment to sexual orientation for the interviewees more than with fears about job loss or personal reprisal.  相似文献   

It is universally held among researchers and social critics that a thin ideal dominates current cultural conceptions of what is attractive, especially for women. Using interviews with eighteen women and men, this paper investigates an apparent paradox: how thin people negotiate a landscape where the attention they receive because of their thinness distresses them. Results indicate that thin people are often the target of unwanted comments about their size, comments produce an unpleasant state of self‐consciousness, and the expectation of unwanted social interaction will motivate thin individuals to avoid certain social situations. Results are interpreted in terms of thinness being a hypervisible condition that produces a breakdown of norms regarding civil inattention toward thinness and produces the experience of being othered by social perceivers.  相似文献   

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