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《邓小平文选》是坚持和发展毛泽东思想的楷模。我觉得,作为中国的人口理论工作者,应该学习《邓小平文选》的基本精神,在人口理论的领域中,坚持和发展毛泽东思想。这就是要运用毛泽东思想的立场、观点和方法,按照马克思主义普遍真理与中国实际相结合的原则,从中国的实际出发,研究我国的人口问题。也就是要坚持和发展毛泽东人口思想。 我想从以下三个方面,谈谈我对毛泽东人口思想的一些初步探索。  相似文献   

段华明 《南方人口》2004,19(4):15-20
中国共产党的人口思想与时俱进 ,毛泽东人口思想主要是既成事实情况下的因势利导 ,邓小平提出我们的人口政策是带有战略性的大政策 ,江泽民从可持续发展战略高度认识和解决人口问题 ,胡锦涛以科学发展观指导人口和计划生育工作。  相似文献   

论邓小平人口思想的三个组成部分冯立天马瀛通邓小平人口思想,是邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论的重要组成部分。邓小平同志虽然没有关于人口问题的专门著述,但他的人口思想以及对人口问题的认识和态度,浸透在一系列的讲话和文章中,是在新的历史条件下对毛泽东人口...  相似文献   

毛泽东人口思想初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛泽东站在经济、社会发展全局的高度 ,从多方面论述了人口问题 ,其中关于“人口非控制不行”、“要有计划地生育”的论断是最精华的部分 ,这是在新时代对马克思主义人口理论创造性地重大发展。○正确评价毛泽东人口思想 ,对于坚持实事求是地对待历史 ,对于统一人们的思想认识 ,把学习毛泽东人口思想与学习邓小平人口思想结合起来 ,沿着毛泽东指明的计划生育道路继续前进 ,具有重要的现实意义毛泽东是伟大的马列主义者 ,是我们党和国家最重要的缔造者。他在长达半个多世纪艰苦卓绝的斗争中 ,为中国人民的革命事业和世界人类进步事业建立了不…  相似文献   

李雅兴 《西北人口》2005,(2):55-57,60
邓小平的人口思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分,是马克思主义人口理论和毛泽东人口思想在新形势下的继承和发展。邓小平的人口思想主要包括:邓小平对我国人口问题的认识及解决这些问题的对策。邓小平人口思想对人类做出了重大贡献:对维护世界的和平与发展做出了重大贡献,延缓了世界人口增长的进程,为发展中国家控制人口增长提供了成功的经验,还为世界四分之三的人指明了发展的道路。  相似文献   

计划生育工作是服务于社会主义现代化总目标、服务于人民的事业,其根本目的是促进人民富裕幸福.实践证明,推行计划生育,必须从关心群众切身利益出发,把宣传教育同帮助群众解决实际困难结合起来,把控制人口增长同扶持农民发展家庭经济结合起来,使那些实行计划生育的家庭早富、快  相似文献   

“未富先老”视角的人口老龄化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
田雪原 《南方人口》2010,25(2):13-17,12
近来有学者对“未富先老”提出质疑,可取的一点是。不能用“未富先老”掩饰老龄事业发展滞后,以“未富”遮百丑。然而必须正视的现实是,在20与21世纪之交并不富裕的条件下,我国人口年龄结构率先步人老年型;2020年建成全面小康社会,老龄化则闯进严重阶段;2050年代老龄化达到峰值阶段,社会经济发展也仅能达到中等发达国家水平,距高收入国家仍有较大差距。因此,在21世纪,“未富先老”将始终伴随着我们,老龄化发展战略和应对老龄化的方针、政策、措施,都必须充分考虑这一基本态势的制约和影响。  相似文献   

文章从公平与效率的关系这样一个视角,对就业和社会保障领域的一些现实问题进行了分析.文章认为,在关注解决就业歧视问题的同时,要更加关注就业权利的实现,更加注重就业岗位的创造;在处理好初次分配中公平与效率关系的基础上,再分配要更加注重公平;在逐步解决制度覆盖范围内不合理的待遇差距问题的同时,要更加关注制度缺失带来的相当一部分人群无法享受社会保障问题,建立覆盖城乡全体居民的社会保障体系;在建立覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系过程中,要高度关注制度设计的合理性和有效性问题,既要注重保护劳动者合法权益,又要注意保持人力资源市场的活力.  相似文献   

曾被评为全国、全军计划生育先进单位的河北省军区,为贯彻落实中共中央、国务院计划生育工作座谈会精神,最近,扎扎实实地抓了三件事: 一是深刻领会中央座谈会议精神,抓好对毛泽东、邓小平人口思想的学习。河北省军区党委“一班人”和计划生育领导小组通过认真学习党中央、国务院计划生育工作座谈会精神,感到:在当前加快改革开放、发展社会主义市场经济的新形势下,只有深入学习和理解毛泽东、邓小平老一辈革命家的人口思想,才能从根本上提高各级对计划生育工作的认识,真正解决好部队计划生育工作遇到的新情况、新问题,有效地保证军队的计划生育工  相似文献   

新加坡《商业时报》近日刊文指出,尽管去年亚洲的经济形势不尽如人意,但调查却显示,亚洲的富裕人士不仅未受影响,反而大有越来越富的趋势。据新华网报道,《商业时报》称,位于伦敦的Datamonitor公司在对亚洲的中国内地、韩国、新加坡和中国香港等四处的富裕人士进行调查后发现,亚洲的富人人数正以每年6.3%的速度增长,截止到2001年年底,净流动资产超过5万美元的富人人数已经达到了560万人。在这四个国家和地区中,中国内地的富裕人士人数增长最为迅速。相较于1997年,富人的人数增长了14.9%,而他们所拥有的流…  相似文献   

Chen  Ting  Pan  Jay 《Social indicators research》2022,160(2-3):645-665

Potentially avoidable hospitalizations are associated with high and rising costs, and they have been widely considered as important performance indicators of the healthcare system, particularly in primary care. This study explored the relationship between spatial access to primary care and potentially avoidable hospitalizations of the elderly based on data from Chishui City, China, from 2014 to 2017. The enhanced two-step floating catchment area method was used to measure spatial access to care, while the relationship was estimated by a two-level logistic regression model with random effects, controlling for individual and household characteristics. We found a significantly negative association between potentially avoidable hospitalizations and spatial access to primary care, showing that the improvement of spatial access to primary care for the elderly would significantly reduce their potentially avoidable hospitalizations. Our results emphasized that the strategies to promote qualified, adequate and appropriate spatial distribution of primary care would substantially improve the healthcare system performance in China, also providing implications for other developing countries facing similar challenges.


Do welfare reform policies affect marital stability among two-parent families? Long term findings from an experiment in Minnesota, evaluated via a random assignment design, contribute to the little evidence to date about whether or not welfare and income-support policies can affect marital stability. In 1994, Minnesota began to test a major welfare reform initiative that emphasized financial incentives for work, a participation requirement for long-term recipients, and the simplification of rules and procedures for receiving public assistance. An analysis of this program's long-run effects on marital stability for two-parent families finds no effect overall but contrasting effects for several subgroups. MFIP particularly lowered the rate of divorce among families who were already receiving welfare when they entered the study. There are less consistent effects among new applicants to MFIP – who show a trend toward higher rates of divorce relative to the control group.  相似文献   

In this paper we intend to articulate a multidimensional perspective on citizenship with a psychological understanding of lesbian and gay identities' development in the context of a Southern European country: Portugal. We begin by reviewing some legal statements and institutional regulations around gay and lesbian issues and the lack of opportunities for the affirmation of a non-hegemonic (sexual) identity in Portugal. Next, we describe participation efforts developed by the Portuguese LGBT nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and the actual results that such efforts already produced in the political and cultural attitudes toward gay men and lesbians: particularly, the legal approval of domestic same-sex partnership is emphasized as a symbolic achievement of such political struggle. Finally, we explore the implications of communitarian participation for gay and lesbian identities' development, not just in terms of collective empowerment but also in what concerns individual development and well-being.  相似文献   

While recent decades have seen considerable research on cohabitation without marriage, the study of marriage without cohabitation has not fared as well. Prior work on the latter has emphasized the importance of occupational stratification, but ignored the social context around occupation, particularly regarding labour mobility and economic development. In this paper, we outline the significance of contemporary labour mobility and concomitant occupational stratification for the risk of non-cohabiting marriage, and use data from the IPUMS–International project to provide a cross-national accounting of non-cohabiting marriage. We focus on two issues: first, how does prevalence vary across countries, across time, and with respect to economic development? Second, how do the core dynamics of labour mobility—including migration, occupational status, and economic development—influence the probability of non-cohabiting marriage? Results indicate broad cross-national differences in prevalence, increasing risk over time, and a pattern of accumulating risk associated with multifaceted social disadvantage.  相似文献   

R S Qin 《人口研究》1981,(3):12-17
Unlike cities in capitalistic societies our socialistic cities are publically owned, and the relationship between rural and urban areas is mutually supportive and beneficial. 2 types of calculations are required for successful urbanization: an estimate of the total labor required in the city and an estimate of total agricultural products required to support the cities. Disregard for these 2 factors and overpopulated cities will result in unemployment, decreased agricultural production, inflation, and a decreased living standard. A balance between cities and country is important, and therefore population urbanization should be well planned. Capitalistic urbanization of population is based on the principle of private ownership and competition--from unplanned concentration of population in big cities to malignant expansion to the final decline of inner cities. Their governments are forced to redistribute the urban population. The same problem of overpopulated cities in underdeveloped countries results from stagnant agricultural production. We should learn from their mistakes in developing our cities. There are 2 types of socialistic urbanization. Russia has lopsidedly emphasized urban development and ignored agricultural production. Romania, on the other hand, emphasized both labor force distribution and agricultural production. Their numerous small cities near rural areas decrease the difference between big cities and the country. In the past we failed to follow our direction of urbanization--control the size of big cities, reasonably develop mid-sized cities, and actively develop small cities--because of the great difference in living standards between urban and rural areas and the lack of urbanization plans. The concept of industrialization must be accompanied by the concept of population urbanization.  相似文献   

In recent years, instances of nativist, anti-immigrant sentiment have spread beyond traditional border states into “new destination” cities and towns throughout the North and Southeast. Virginia, the site for many of the most reactionary forms of anti-immigrant ordinances, is one case in point. In this paper we use data from the 2007 Virginia Survey of Anti-Immigrant Sentiment (N = 1072) conducted on the eve of the US Senate deliberations over immigration reform. Our analysis uses fixed effects models to evaluate the explanatory power of three of the dominant explanations of anti-immigrant sentiment: group threat, contact, and cultural perspectives. Our findings reveal two key points. First, although we do find scattered evidence in support of the contact and group threat approaches, evidence affirming the cultural approach seems particularly strong. Second, variables emphasized by these separate models interact in significant and interesting ways, suggesting the need to integrate these competing perspectives into fuller and more powerful models that specify how local cultural characteristics moderate the effects of macro-structural conditions.  相似文献   

Demographers have a fundamental role to play in planning for the future. They possess a wide range of skills concerning the number, diversity and spatial distribution of the population, which are of value to business concerns. The role of demographers in analysis of census data is of special value. This paper discusses the specific skills acquired by demographers and provides examples of how these skills can be very useful and important in planning in both the private and public sectors. Finally the future of demographic training in Australia is considered by contrasting the APA membership with that of the PAA and considering the need for developing more teaching in demography at Australian tertiary institutions. The role of the APA in improving the status of demography as an important tool for corporate planning for the future is also emphasized.  相似文献   

The construction of subjective indicators for measuring phenomena expressed in an ordinal scale is a central issue in social sciences, particularly in sociology and psychology. In this paper, we propose the use of a subjective indicator by groups of units (for example, by geographical area) based on the ‘distance’ between the empirical cumulative distribution and a hypothetical cumulative distribution of reference. This approach allows to avoid the awkward question of the ‘quantification’ of an ordinal variable, i.e., the conversion of an ordinal variable into an interval variable. As an example of application, we consider life satisfaction data coming from the annual multipurpose survey on “Aspects of Daily Life”, carried out by the Italian National Institute of Statistics, and we present a comparison with some classical methods.  相似文献   

This paper documents the innovative strategies from seven governmental and nongovernmental organization programs addressing a range of adolescent issues. The collaborative effort of the Population Council and the local counterparts highlight the diversity of adolescent experience and emphasizes the need to look beyond reproductive health in order to ensure girls? safe transition to adulthood. The review suggests that programs need to focus on developing skills that can be applied to all aspects of the lives of adolescent girls, including self-esteem and confidence enhancement and improving their access to information. Moreover, the assessment also showed that the health needs of adolescent girls, especially the married ones, are often unmet. Considering the importance of an integrated approach, some of the programs evaluated were able to provide a strategy by collaborating with existing local services. It is documented that the strong links with the community were invaluable for the success of these integrated programs. Addressing the needs of other family members, particularly the boys are also emphasized. Experience of the program has shown that targeting boys prior to adolescence is a prudent strategy. Similarly, the training program for staff members is crucial in shaping a girl-friendly environment. Finally, the paper emphasizes the importance of crafting new programs that respond to the needs of specific communities and populations.  相似文献   

This paper uses the exogenous variation in fertility introduced by China’s family planning policies to identify the impact of child quantity on child quality. We find that the number of children has a significant negative effect on child height, which supports the quality–quantity trade-off theory. Our instrumental quantile regression approach shows that the impact varies considerably across the height distribution, particularly for boys. However, the trade-off is much weaker if quality is measured by educational attainments, suggesting that the measurement of child quality is also crucial in testing the quality–quantity trade-off theory.  相似文献   

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