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Cancer is regarded as a formidable threat to mankind. Every yem' in Shanghai, which has a high cancer rate, 15,000 people are diagnosed with the disease and 12,000 die of cancer. Because many people believe that "cancer equals death," a special cancer rehabilitation center has appeared in Shanghai. The center creates an environment where cancer patients can exchange experiences and receive psychological group therapy. In this way those patients  相似文献   

THIS cup, unearthed at the site of an aristocrat's tomb (No. 2 Baoshan Tomb) of the Chu State, was a vessel used during weddings in ancient times. According to the earliest account of the vessel, found in the book Liji, a new couple would use it to gargle together, which meant that they would be of one heart and one mind, and that they would love and take care of each other. Shaped like a standing phoenix, the vessel is 17.6 cm. long. The phoenix holds a pearl in its beak and its wings are spread  相似文献   

It was a custom in Yidu that on New Year's Eve, people eavesdropped outside other people's homes with a bronze mirror hidden in the bosom after reciting a rhyme to it. People believed that what they had heard would often fortell good or bad luck. A family named Zheng once lived in Yidu. The two sons of this family were both considered intellectuals, But the older son was eager to learn while the younger was lazy and sluggish. Their parents only liked the older son. Because of this, the old couple's attitudes toward their two daughters-in-law were also  相似文献   

We examined a national sample of African American, white, Hispanic, and Asian American respondents to test the hypothesis that doctor-patient race concordance is predictive of patient satisfaction. Our analysis examined racial/ethnic differences in patient satisfaction among patients in multiple combinations of doctor-patient race/ethnicity pairs. Additionally, we outline the determinants of doctor-patient race concordance. The analysis used the 1994 Commonwealth Fund Minority Health Survey to construct a series of multivariate models. We found that for respondents in each race/ethnic group, patients who had a choice in the selection of their physician were more likely to be race concordant. Whites were more likely to be race concordant with their physician compared to African American, Hispanic, and Asian American respondents. Among each race/ethnic group, respondents who were race concordant reported greater satisfaction with their physician compared with respondents who were not race concordant. These findings suggest support for the continuation of efforts to increase the number of minority physicians, while placing greater emphasis on improving the ability of physicians to interact with patients who are not of their own race.  相似文献   

IN 1964, the tomb of Hua Fang was excavated at a construction site in Beijing's western suburbs. Hua Fang was the wife of Wang Jun, who was a prefectural governor of Youzhou (an ancient name for Beijing) during the Western Jin Dynasty. Found in the tomb were a bone ruler and a silver bell in good condition, as well as a packet of half-transparent pieces of glassware. The fragments were restored by experts in 1984 into a complete vessel, which is currently displayed in the Capital Museum.  相似文献   

I have given a name to the studio where I make my soft sculptures: "Spirit Existing." It means that my life exists together with my spirit; that spirit is inseparable from body. I believe the original nature of life is the most beautiful thing in the world. On September 6th, 1997, I handed in my resignation to the tax bureau where I worked. Leaving my family and my son at home, I came to Beijing alone to create a new life for myself. As a woman making such a choice at the age of 35, I  相似文献   

More than 1 billion people in the world today--the great majority of whom are women--live in absolute poverty....In order to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development, women and men must participate fully and equally in the formulation of macroeconomic and social policies and strategies for the eradication of poverty.--Extracts from Platform For Action of the 4th World Conference On Women  相似文献   

Lacquerware has a long history in China. A lacquered wooden bowl unearthed at Hemudu, Zhejiang Province, proved that lacquerware was produced in China at least 7,000 years ago. Some of the finest examples of ancient lacquerware were discovered from 1972-74 in the Han tombs at Mawangdui, Changsha. Some are so well preserved they look new. More than 1,000 pieces were unearthed, including utensils for daily use, coffins, weapons racks and screens. This bottle, at 51.5 centimeters high and 18.1 centimeters in diameter, is so far the best-preserved and the largest lacquer bottle found in China. It was used to  相似文献   

This artifact was a kind of sacrificial vessel used during the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Most patterns found on these pieces are the fierce and formidable faces of beasts or mysterious dragons, tigers and phoenixes. Rut the pattern on this vessel illustrates the life of a mulberry field.  相似文献   

The ding is an ancient cooking vessel with two loop handles standing on three or four legs. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the ding was used as a sacrificial vessel. It was also a symbol of power of the ruling class. This ding, a quadripod, is the only relic which has a pattern of human faces among the 10,000 Shang Dynasty bronzeware items unearthed  相似文献   

ON the occasion of the 50thanniversary of the foundingof New China,KunmingInternational HorticulturalExposition’99 and the 20thAssociation of InternationalArchitects Conference happen to beheld in China.These two great events  相似文献   

Ingredients:Three doves, 10g American ginseng, 5g salt, 10g cookingwine, 30g scallion and ginger, 3g MSG, 2g white pepperpowder, 5g sesame oil arid 700g broth.Method:1. Cook the doves in boiling water for a short while, softenthe American ginseng in lukewarm water, then cut it intopieces;, mince the scallion and ginger.2. Put the doves into a clay pot, add broth, sliced Americanginseng and flavorings. Bring to the boil, then reduce heatand stew gently until the doves are tender. Remove fromheat and place on a flat plate. Sprinkle the sesame oil andserve  相似文献   

Unearthed from Hemudu ruins of the New Stone Age in Yuyao, Zhejiang Province in 1977, this rectangular-mouthed container belongs to the Hemudu culture. It is carved with a pig pattern on both sides in realist style. A complete piece, the container has a flat bottom and slightly sloped belly, with a mouth 21.7 cm long and 17.5 cm wide. Most of the artifacts from Hemudu culture are charcoal black pottery. The stem and leaves of the pottery can be seen clearly. The walls of the artifacts are usually thick but porous. The carving lines are rough and the designs are simple and natural, reflecting the ancient people's love of nature and life. The pig's four strong feet and backward bristles carved on the container are vivid, with ears sticking out and mouth  相似文献   

ALL parents hope their children will grow up healthy and clever. To provide children with good health care and education early on and to mold them into talented people who will be able to contribute toward the next century is the mission of China's development program for children. In order to implement the "National Program of Action for Child Development in China in the 1990s," to mobilize all walks of life to become concerned with the health of mothers and children and the fate of the next generation, as well as to improve the quality  相似文献   

Main ingredients: 50 grams of chicken breast, 200 grams of gray sea cucumbers Supplementary ingredients: 100 grams of water chestnut, the whites of four eggs, MSG, salt, wine, meat soup, starch, sugar, scallions, ginger, soy sauce Directions: Chop up the chicken breast and water chestnut into small  相似文献   

IN the era of industry and technology, human beings continue to brutally hunt and kill animals to obtain furs or simply to satisfy gourmet appetites; everyday, more species disappear forever—species whose existence was the result of millions of years of evolution.  相似文献   

Ingredients: Eight fresh crab. 75 grams of potherb mustard, two egg whites, scallions, ginger and cooking wine. Salt to the taste. Directions: 1. Slice and deep fry the potherb mustard till crisp. Place fried mustard on plate. 2. Steam the crab and remove meat. Stir fry meat with scallions, ginger, cooking wine and salt, Return meat to crab shells. 3. Beat egg white until stiff. Cover the crab meat with mixture and garnish. Steam meat for a few minutes. 4. Place the crab shells on fried mustard and serve. This attractive red and white dish features delicious crab meat with savory crisp mustard leaves.  相似文献   

Fan Wu grew up on a farm in South China, in the community to where her parents were exiled during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). Wu moved to the United States in 1997, to attend Stanford University, and she began writing in 2002. She now lives and works in northern California, the United State. February Flowers is her first novel. During her recent book tour in China, she took time to talk to Women of China. Women of China (WOC): What inspired  相似文献   

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