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This ethnographic essay considers how international non-governmental organisations are able to make claims to authoritative knowledge about development work by offering the transnational mobilities of their staff members as evidence. I examine how one professional's biography—his trajectory from Angola to Britain and back again—was differentially presented to external donors and internal staff members as befitting the institutional needs of an international good governance intervention in Angola. These presentations reflect a commoditisation of the cosmopolitanism of professionals' histories in the service of development as a regime of mobility. I argue that, in this development regime, a global hierarchy prevents some individual professionals, particularly those from developing nations, from realising the same benefits of their cosmopolitan mobility as professionals from industrialised nations. While one of mobility studies' many strengths is that it highlights global interconnectedness, social scientists should not read equality in these interconnections but examine how patterns of transnational mobility may produce and reproduce global structures of inequality.  相似文献   

Ethnic group(族群)、Nation(民族)与中国的民族   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从族群与民族概念的争论入手,揭示族群概念的引入是关于中国民族研究的深入。指出以族群替代民族是不能有效解决中国的民族问题的。由于中文"民族"一词已为民众所熟悉并在实际中不致引起误解,族群与民族可以在不同的层次上运用。  相似文献   

论多民族国家中的民族认同与国家认同   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
如何看待民族认同与国家认同的关系,逐渐成为族际政治研究中的一个焦点话题。文章从个体认同的多重性、民族认同问题产生的根源两个角度,论证了在冲突视角下,将民族认同与国家认同视为矛盾和对立事物的理论观点的不科学性和误导性。科学地认识二者之间的关系,需要一种和谐视角。这种视角认为,民族认同与国家认同存在价值共识和功能上的相互依赖关系,在社会实践中可以和谐共存;二者统一的路径是构建能够有效整合民族异质性与国家统一性的公民身份,完善公民权制度。  相似文献   

(一)学校教育情境学校教育承担社会秩序与社会关系再制的功能。无论在汉族社会情境中还是藏族社会情境中,族群认同感可以在不同的情境中建构。1.国家政府政策情境学校的功能之一是使国家政府和中华民族文化合法化。这种合法性一方面通过国家的宪法以及其他各种法律的规定得以实现,另一方面在学校实施意识形态和政治教育来加以保证。在这种意义上来说,学校把国家的意识形态合法化。通过这种合法性,国家政府控制学校并强制学校实施意识形态教育,尤其是对少数民族的学校与学生。通过对各种法律、规章、文件的分析,内地西藏班致力于包括“爱国主…  相似文献   

国家学校教育情境下学生如何建构族群认同感的问题倍受关注。本研究采用日记与文件分析法、访谈法与非参与观察法,剖析影响藏族学生族群认同感建构的国家政策情境、社区情境与学校情境。研究发现,学生族群认同感建构存在两种张力:一是国家和学校通过意识形态渗透而指定的族群认同感,二是学生通过藏族文化符号再现而声称的族群认同感。国家和学校期望学生在中华民族多元一体化格局框架下建构族群认同感,以便实现其政治与经济目的。  相似文献   


While attempts to reform immigration policy have stalled in the U.S. Congress, statehouses across the country are responsible for an explosion in immigration lawmaking. This study uses an intergovernmental relations framework to identify shifting allocations of authority and contested scales of jurisdiction that now characterise the U.S. immigration policy. It presents an analysis of more than 2200 state bills passed over eight years (2006–2013), and supplements this with a case study of drivers’ licence and identification laws. The study is unique in its consideration of the ways that dispersed authority in multi-level systems may amplify rather than defuse contentious immigration politics.  相似文献   

Australia's history as a white nation has been riddled with not only mis-treatment of the ‘other’, but in more recent times of a type of invisibility of the ‘other’ that has disabled many within this nation from recognising the continuation of practices and policies of racial discrimination. This paper presents the findings from research conducted over 2001–03 during the ‘boat people’ crisis in Australia, when a number of everyday individuals volunteered time to assist refugees. It goes on to argue that while the policies of Multiculturalism of the 1970s had attempted to create a more inclusive society and had for the participants in this research transformed into nation-defining narrative, its failure to incorporate everyday people in its inception and continuation was productive of a blind spot in relation to racial treatment because most could believe all was well in this arena.  相似文献   

In increasingly diverse polities, the question of how minorities engage with national and local political processes is important. In the U.K., the Labour Party has traditionally benefited electorally from ethnic minority communities, often through ethnicity-based voting blocs. However, little attention has been paid to how the Party’s candidate selection process is influenced by strategic party membership and nomination. We argue that community clan or kinship (biraderi) networks found amongst British Pakistanis have been mobilised for this purpose. We examine the cases of Bradford and Birmingham with respect to the nominations for Prospective Candidates at both parliamentary and local council level. We show the continued importance of biraderi connections in spite of Labour Party attempts to ‘clean up’ selection contests through impositions of the National Executive Committee (NEC). Such practices favour the selection of candidates with strong biraderi links and, as such, often marginalise female candidates.  相似文献   

This article explores responses to modernity and the challenge it poses to identity in Japan through the works of the poet Hagiwara Sakutaro?. It concludes by arguing that, inspired by Sakutaro?'s call to ‘return to Japan’, the Japanese Romantics transformed Japan into a spiritual project of overcoming the modern and the West – thus being superior – through the nostalgic construction of a cultural essence.  相似文献   

从认同的基本特性看族群认同与国家认同的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
钱雪梅 《民族研究》2006,69(6):16-25
国内外已经有许多学者论及族群认同与国家认同的矛盾和张力。本文认为,矛盾冲突并非族群认同与国家认同之间关系的固有属性和全部内容。文章从辨析认同的基本特性入手,分别考察了个人的族群认同与国家认同之间、以及族群的自我认同与国家认同之间的关系,说明族群认同与国家认同长期共存的事实及其含义。  相似文献   

“民族”与“民族认同”问题研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着全球化的到来,民族主义开始在各国被激活,“民族认同”问题也就越来越成为热门话题.本文对近30年来关于“民族”与“民族认同”研究的有关概念、英译、概念间的关系、基本理论观点、研究方法等进行了较系统的梳理,并就分析存在的主要问题后,提出今后研究的新思考.  相似文献   

杨丽萍 《民族学刊》2013,4(3):81-85,122-123
我国各民族的民族认同与国家认同关系具有不同表征,大体上可以分为民族认同和国家认同和谐共生型、国家认同强烈而民族认同薄弱型、民族认同强烈而国家认同薄弱型等若干类型。我国的民族认同与国家认同教育应根据类型差异,有针对性地设置侧重点不同的教育目标和教育策略,构筑明晰而高效的民族认同和国家认同教育体系,实现56个民族的族别认同、中华民族认同以及国家认同的和谐统一。  相似文献   

尽管"民族认同"已成为学术界不断泛化的话题,但是,关于何谓"民族认同"还存在诸多疑惑。无论是原生论(根基论)固守民族认同乃血缘认同,还是工具论(环境论)坚持民族认同是地域认同;无论是主张从内涵到边缘的研究理路,还是坚持从边缘到内涵的研究取向,客观民族主义与主观民族主义似乎并不完全对立。那么,如何对待民族认同问题?或许理想的途径是既要从民族认同的源来探求内涵,又要重视民族认同的流,去辨析含义。为此,考察"民族认同"的源与流及其认同变迁,具有理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

In February 2008, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologised to Indigenous Australians for past injustices. The apology was presented as a turning point in the history of the nation. According to Rudd, ‘there comes a time in the history of a nation when peoples must become fully reconciled to their past if they are to go forward with confidence to embrace their future’. The apology marked a new step in the reconciliation process in Australia, but as this article argues, the treaty issue – another controversial aspect of reconciliation – remains a major challenge to the Australian nation.  相似文献   

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