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William M. Taylor 《National Identities》2015,17(2):217-240
The Imperial (subsequently the Commonwealth) War Graves Commission (IWGC) was established in 1917 comprising member countries of the former British Empire. The organisation was charged with providing appropriate memorials to commemorate the Empire’s war dead, individually and equally, without regard for military rank, class or nationality. This was no easy task given the numbers of dead from multiple theatres of war, the variety and oftentimes competing demands of imperial and national war offices, and the uncertain aesthetics arising from individually attuned and publically oriented commemorative intentions. Equally caught up in the mix of agencies and design practices were hordes of war trophies, captured artillery and military relics retrieved from battlefields across Europe, items carefully catalogued and preserved by the British War Office (BWO) and offspring agencies to provide artefacts for building memorials in Commonwealth states. This paper describes the work of the IWGC during and immediately following the years of the First World War. It relates the Commission’s activities building war cemeteries in view of changing geopolitical circumstances and commemorative conventions. The paper highlights tensions that appeared in the near routine collection of trophies for memorials and war cemeteries between British imperial offices and those of dominions and former colonies, specifically the Australian War Records Section which gained independence from the BWO in May 1917. The paper examines the mutual engagement of war’s material culture with patterns of sentiment shaped by mass conflict, an engagement mediated by administrative practices of war and remembrance. 相似文献
文章回顾和分析了二次世界大战中以德国纳粹为代表的法西斯极端民族主义、种族主义产生的根源和实质,认为其根源于资本主义民族国家的民族主义思想,实质是帝国主义的极端民族主义和种族主义。在当今世界,法西斯主义和种族主义并没有完全消失,新法西斯主义、新种族主义具有在理论上更加精巧,借助互联网快速传播,趋向于非常规的恐怖暴力活动等特点。文章指出必须从维护人权的角度彻底地反对一切形式的极端民族主义和种族主义。 相似文献
Tarja Vayrynen 《National Identities》2016,18(2):217-232
The article examines through the works of the Finnish artist Seppo Salminen how the nation takes a hold on the male body. It is demonstrated that art can offer a critical relationship to the constitutive elements of the nation. Art is read as a form of postmemory that deals with the nation and its trauma of war. The article forms a critique of the essentialist understandings of nationhood that seek to define and naturalize nations by means of the supposedly homogenous, holistic and historically continuous understandings of tradition, including the nation's history. 相似文献
Doug Foster 《National Identities》2015,17(4):353-370
This paper examines the violence in the Tajik Civil War (1992–1997). The actions of both sides mimicked ethnic cleansing as civilian settlements were targeted. The fragmented ethno-regional identities of the republic had historically lived together peacefully, so this style of violence was unanticipated. However, its patterns resemble similar events in the past 40 years that have been examined by other scholars. By conceptualizing it as a modern phenomenon that can be compared to, I develop a better understanding of this form of violence in the Tajik Civil War and place it within scholarly work on ethnic cleansing. 相似文献
全球化时代族裔民族主义兴起所引发的族群间暴力冲突是当今世界冲突的重要特征,民族/族群认同的回归与国家认同的"去中心化"所引发的民族认同与国家认同的矛盾和张力是观察这一现象的重要视角.族裔民族主义的复兴在西方国家和后发展的多民族国家有着不同的内涵和表现形式.重新解释、塑造和建构具有包容性的民族国家认同,实现经济社会发展的地域和民族间的平衡,最大限度地控制强化族群认同和族裔民族主义的外部因素是多民族国家维护国家的和谐、稳定和统一的基础和前提. 相似文献
据一些中日历史资料记载,剥夺在日朝鲜人"日本国籍"的依据是<旧金山和约>.殖民统治时期,日本根据<日韩合并条约>剥夺了在日朝鲜人的朝鲜国籍并赋予其"日本国籍".二战结束后,根据"法务省民事局局长通报",从<旧金山和约>生效之日起又一次剥夺了在日朝鲜人的"日本国籍".因此,战后剥夺在日朝鲜人"日本国籍"的依据是"法务省民事局局长通报",并非<旧金山和约>. 相似文献
This article engages with Montserrat Guibernau's argument about the ‘non-emotional’ nature of European identity. In critiquing this argument, this article also advances a broader argument of its own: that we are witnessing an emergent European nationalism. The article suggests that although there are few people who passionately defend European integration today, those that do are increasingly resorting to arguments that depend simultaneously on invoking and rejecting collective memories of intra-European conflict derived from the ‘emotive’ period of European integration in the 1940s to shore up the increasingly challenged legitimacy of the European Union today in its hour of greatest crisis. 相似文献
Catriona Elder 《Social Identities》2016,22(5):521-536
This article explores understandings of postcolonial national belonging through an analysis of cinematic representations of humans, animals and the environment. It does so by analyzing a series of Australian films about plants, animals or people who are out of place or out of control. The article registers some of the changing representations of Australian flora, fauna and, by association people, as native, domesticated, simpatico, feral and wild; interpreting these shifts as recalibrations of a moral hierarchy of cultural belonging. Films including Lantana (2001) Dir. Ray Lawrence; Razorback (1984) Dir. Russell Mulchay; Rogue (2007) Dir. Greg Mclean; and Black Water (2007) Dirs. David Nerlich and Andrew Traucki are read in terms of political anxieties. Drawing on work ‘that insists humans and animals are currently bound in a complex network of relationships’, I use these films to explore issues of the nation, place, belonging in relation to aliens and natives. Given that in the past 20 years there has been increasing recognition of the history of colonialism and its effects on Indigenous peoples but also a different but related blossoming of environmental nationalism, the key question that animates this research is how these understandings are represented in film and what work animals and plants might have played in filmic cultural representations of national belonging. 相似文献
马克思主义中国化与民族概念在我国的历史演变——构建中国民族理论话语体系研究之二 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
马克思主义中国化就是将马克思主义基本原理和中国革命和建设的具体实践相结合,坚持实事求是的原则,从中探讨出具有中国特色的社会主义建设道路.构建具有中国特色的民族理论体系,就要坚持我国在民族理论和民族工作中的话语权和自主权.党中央国务院对民族概念的新阐释,就是马克思主义关于民族概念的理论在中国化过程中的具体实践,有助于我们正确认识和促进中国民族理论话语体系的构建和发展. 相似文献
冷战后,族际冲突已成为世界冲突的主要形式,并且表现出新的特点:主体的多样化;范围的全球化;以极端民族主义为核心,宗教极端思潮为纽带,恐怖活动为手段。它的兴起,可以从冷战结束的效应、国家生存能力的增强、政府的政策、外部介入、政治和经济资源享有的不均衡、文化冲突等几个方面寻找原因。在新的世纪,国际社会必须高度重视解决民族问题,努力消除族际冲突。 相似文献
Faridullah Bezhan 《Social Identities》2013,19(2-3):239-256
The last two decades of the twentieth century witnessed the largest migration of the Afghanistani population in modern history. More than six million people migrated to neighbouring countries, and to North America, Europe and Australia. Among them were almost all of Afghanistan's female authors; some eventually returned, but others chose to remain in diaspora. Some stopped writing, while others have continued. Maryam Mahboob was the first Afghanistani female author to leave Afghanistan (in 1981). Her major works since then have dealt chiefly with the issues of women living in ‘Outlandia’. Having been treated as second-class citizens in Afghanistan, how do Afghanistani migrant women perceive their social status in a new environment? How has migration affected the lives of Afghanistani women of different generations? Have they assimilated with the new culture and adopted new identities, or have they retained their cultural identities and stayed in closed communities? How do these women perceive their ‘new home’ vis-à-vis the ‘old home-land’. What does it mean to be a female author from a Third World Islamic society living and writing in the First World? Why does Mahboob still write overwhelmingly about themes from her place of origin and in her native language, after so much time abroad? 相似文献
世纪震荡:阿拉伯世界政治动荡的原因和前景 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
当前阿拉伯世界政治动荡的主要原因包括——社会经济问题的长期存在;政治民主化进展迟缓;地区人口的年轻化;公民社会的发展;全球化时代阿拉伯国家社会经济问题的进一步凸显;相关国家外交上缺乏主动性;信息化时代的政治影响;西方国家长期以来对“民主、自由”的鼓吹;阿拉伯世界的整体性。当前阿拉伯民众抗议的开端是社会经济性的,但迅速向... 相似文献
The World Cup, as a tournament that pits national teams against one another, initially seems to be a site where support for sports is tied to nations. However, situating this sporting event at the intersection of discourses of globalization, transnational circulation of capital and populations, and theories of fandom, our examination of diasporic populations found that the choice is not a simple one between ‘origin nation’ and ‘residence nation.’ Instead, the decision of which team to support relies much more on an attenuated, complex notion that we call transnational affinity. We examine this concept in relation to the context of transnational flow of players, media, spectators, and capital, contending that locating nations or national preference in the World Cup requires understanding the contemporary de- or trans-nationalization of not only sports but identity itself beyond the binary of national and global. 相似文献
新派古音学者普遍认为,一个韵部中往往包含有多个不同主要元音的对立,而且元音还有长短的对立。但是,汉藏语系少数民族的诗歌押韵、《诗经》押韵以及《说文》谐声,都没有长短元音押韵的事例,只会偶见不同元音的韵母押韵。即便在有长短元音对立的语言里,新派古音学者所说的这些对立也不能鲜明地区分开来。《说文》的谐声系统、《诗经》的押韵系统以及少数民族的诗歌押韵系统均表现出主要元音相同或相近、韵尾相同的押韵原则。 相似文献
This paper aims to compare the educational outcomes of children of immigrants in France and in the United States to highlight the ethnic educational inequalities in both countries. The comparison focuses on children from two groups: North Africans in France and Mexicans in the United States. By using two longitudinal datasets, the French Educational Panel Survey and Add Health, we examine aspirations, expectations, and secondary attainment in the two contexts. We explore in particular the role of parental education on attainment. Immigrant families have high educational aspirations in both contexts. North-African families express higher aspirations than native French with similar background, while there are no significant differences between second-generation Mexicans and the majority group net of parental education. Second-generation children are disadvantaged in school in both countries; they are more likely to drop out and less likely to graduate from high school, but most of the disadvantage is related to their social background. Net of social background, the Mexican second generation does not differ from the majority group while the North African second generation is more likely to get the French high school diploma than their peers of French origins, in line with their high aspirations. However, North Africans are more likely to receive the technological baccalauréat than the general baccalauréat. 相似文献
初期的现代故事学在三个方面取得了引人注目的成就:首先,建立了中国民间故事体裁学;其次,初步编制出民间故事分类体系;再次,受进化论影响,运用历史地理学派分析方法,深入讨论了民间故事演进状态。这些成就给后来的研究工作奠定了坚实的理论和实践基础。 相似文献
《西去的骑手》是以在西北地区广为人知的历史人物马仲英为原型创作的一部长篇小说,其中涉及到了两种文化系统,即西北地域文化和中原文化.在单纯而又丰富神秘的人物形象马仲英的描写中,体现出了西北的生命之感.小说的立意即在于通过西北地城文化中刚烈、壮美的"血性"精神,来恢复中原文化中固有的刚强精神. 相似文献
自我、他者与国家:福建琴江满族的认同 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
琴江满族是清雍正七年清廷所建福建三江口水师旗营官兵的后裔。据其家谱和墓碑的记载,他们的祖先是早年加入八旗的汉军旗人。1979年,琴江人集体要求将民族成份由汉族改为满族,同年建立了琴江满族村。本文在田野调查资料的基础上,考察并分析了汉军旗人的认同意识以及隐藏在认同意识背后的历史传说和文化渊源,并通过分析认同过程中自我、他者、国家三者之间的关系,指出了现代国家背景下少数民族认同的动态特征。 相似文献