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Numerous human resource studies examining the relationship between leaders and followers have found that employees' high levels of leader–member exchange (LMX) are associated with higher job satisfaction and a greater intention to stay with their organizations. Considering the nature of voluntary work in nonprofit sport organizations, leader–member relations may be one of the most important factors influencing volunteer workers' commitment. This study examines the influences of LMX dimensions (Affect, Loyalty, Contribution, and Professional Respect) of volunteer leaders and followers on job satisfaction and assesses the influences of LMX dimensions and job satisfaction of volunteer leaders and followers on intention to stay with their organizations. The findings imply a strong value in positive reciprocal relationships between leaders and followers for enhancing job satisfaction and retention.  相似文献   

Opinion leaders are actors who have some power over their followers as they are able to influence their followers’ choice of action in certain instances. In van den Brink et al. (Homo Oeconomicus 28:161–185, 2011) we proposed a two-action model for societies with opinion leaders. We introduced a power and a satisfaction score and studied some common properties. In this paper we strengthen two of these properties and present two further properties, which allows us to axiomatize both scores for the case that followers require unanimous action inclinations of their opinion leaders to follow them independently from their own action inclinations.  相似文献   

This article introduces leadership in a Contest group contest game. More specifically, it studies the effects of leading-by-example and emotional leadership in a behavioral experiment, but also theoretically. In this experiment leaders lead-by-example by contributing publicly to the contest before followers and can show emotional leadership by selecting basic emotions that are subsequently evoked in their followers. Emotions are evoked in this study by showing specially selected and validated movie clips.Overall, we find that leaders contribute more than followers and that leading-by-example as well as emotional leadership have a significant effect on the behavior of followers. Although, leaders do not always use these mechanisms wisely. This behavior contrasts strikingly with the Nash equilibrium predictions. Furthermore, we find that both leaders and followers contribute more then predicted by a standard Nash equilibrium. These results are shown to be in line with the affective tie model of van Dijk and van Winden (1997), the imitation model of Cartwright and Patel (2010), and a psychological costs model of Dufwenberg, Gächter, and Hennig-Schmidt (2011).  相似文献   

The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had tremendous and swift effects on organizational change. This study examined how organizations can leverage leadership and employee resources to facilitate positive change outcomes. Drawing from the self-concept based motivational theory of charismatic leadership and substitutes for leadership theory, the current study proposed a theoretical model connecting top leaders’ charismatic rhetoric, employees’ affective commitment to change, and employees’ turnover intention. Furthermore, the study investigated contingencies that may modify the relationship between leadership communication and followers’ outcomes. Results from an online panel of 417 U.S. employees showed that top leaders’ use of charismatic rhetoric during change led to followers’ affective commitment to change, which decreased their turnover intention. Furthermore, employees’ organizational identification moderated this relationship. When employees have low identification with their organizations, top leaders’ charismatic rhetoric to address the immediate change is more needed.  相似文献   

"Who Causes the Blind to See": disability and quality of religious life   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Persons with physical or mental disabilities often turn to religious institutions for comfort and belonging. They are not, however, always openly welcomed into religious circles. Many churches and synagogues fail to make the necessary accommodations for parishioners with disabilities and some show covert signs of hostility towards them. Possible reasons for this exclusion are examined, theorising that they stem from the most ancient of beliefs about the nature of disability and its relationship to God. Sources within the Jewish and Christian faiths are examined and it is hypothesised that there are four central views inherent in these religions that act as barriers to those with disabilities. These beliefs must be challenged so that all may find fulfillment and inclusion within their religious faiths. Religious leaders and followers must also acknowledge and redress the fact that such beliefs have contributed to the establishment of disability and an oppressed political minority within Western society.  相似文献   

We examine the characteristics of effective leaders in a simple leader‐follower voluntary contributions game. We focus on two factors: the individual's cooperativeness and the individual's beliefs about the cooperativeness of others. We find that groups perform best when led by those who are cooperatively inclined. Partly, this reflects a false consensus effect: cooperative leaders are more optimistic than noncooperators about the cooperativeness of followers. However, cooperative leaders contribute more than noncooperative leaders even after controlling for optimism. We conclude that differing leader contributions by differing types of leader in large part reflects social motivations. (JEL A13, C92, D03)  相似文献   

We examine the ways Mormon leaders establish “what it means to be a man” for their followers. Based on content analysis of over 40 years of archival material, we analyze how Mormon leaders represent manhood as the ability to signify control over self and others as well as an inability to be controlled. Specifically, we demonstrate how these representations stress controlling the self, emotional and sexual expression, and others while emphasizing the development of self-reliance and independence from others’ control. We draw out implications for understanding (1) how religious leaders create ideal notions of manhood, (2) what the religious interpretations of secular constructions of manhood are, and (3) how these relate to the reproduction of gender inequalities.  相似文献   

Voluntary leadership: motivation and influence   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In social dilemmas, leading a team by making heroic efforts may prove costly, especially when the followers are not adequately motivated to make similar sacrifices. Attempting to shed light on what drives people to lead, we devise a two-stage public good experiment with endogenous timing. We show that leading by making generous contributions is widespread and relatively persistent. At least three motives explain this behavior. Some use leadership strategically to distill personal gains, with the expectation that others will respond by being at least as generous. Others are more altruistic, volunteering to lead even though this may come at a personal cost. Yet for another fraction of volunteers, a concern for maintaining a positive social image appears to be responsible. We also find that voluntary leaders are not necessarily more influential than randomly-chosen leaders.  相似文献   

Local self-government systems have been adopted in many countries to supervise local interests in development and provide a range of goods and services to localities. It is believed that awareness of certain issues itself guides duty-bearers to reshape and divert development in a certain direction. In Pakistan, elected representatives in district governments are the key duty-bearers at the local level. Hence, their awareness is indispensable to decision-making for local development and, thus, it is pertinent to assess it from a disability rights perspective. In-depth information collected from two districts has reflected that most of the public representatives are ill-informed about disability, day-to-day problems of disabled persons and their rights, which results in inadvertently disability-biased local development planning. An overriding impression gained from the results is that raising elected representatives’ awareness on disability and the rights of disabled people is imperative to embracing disability rights practice in local development.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between transformational leadership and work satisfaction, as well as to analyse the mediating role of group identification and work engagement in a police training process at a Chilean professional military institution. The sample was made up of 985 candidates representing all the candidates that joined the units of the country in the different locations. Officers and non-commissioned officers acting as instructors were considered ‘leaders’, while their ‘followers’ were the young candidates in the training period. It was found that all the relevant variables were positively and significantly interrelated, and a model of structural equations revealed that both work engagement and group identification played a mediating role in the relationship between transformational leadership and work satisfaction.  相似文献   

Authenticity has been a focus of much leadership research in recent years. Despite this interest, there has been a dearth of studies that explore the role of gender in the social construction of authenticity. To date, authentic leadership theories have tended to be either gender neutral or, where gender has been considered, it is argued that women as ‘outsiders’ are less likely to be accepted by their followers as authentic leaders. In this study we examine the media representations of the CEOs — one male, one female — of two major Australian retail banks during the global financial crisis. Our approach enables us to show that authenticity is something leaders ‘do’ rather than something they ‘have’ or ‘are’, and that being constructed as authentic depends on the leader performing authenticity in line with gender norms deemed appropriate for the socially constructed context in which they are expected to lead.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to develop an empirical model that shows how various contextual data are analyzed, interpreted and presented as evidence-based information for decision making and action taking. A Pre-test-Posttest intervention study was conducted at the National Population Council (NPC)-Giza governorate (GG) where all data were collected from all governmental organizations on an annual basis at the district level (19 districts), which include 28 indicators. Composite indices and indicators (n = 9) had been ranked and presented as a matrix that assigned districts into three situations: Best (green zone), prospective (yellow zone) and critical (red zone). Intervention: Presentation of the “Districts’ Enactment Matrix” (DEM) for the year 2014 in GG –Regional Council for Population (RCP) quarterly meetings, headed by the governor and attended by representatives of all ministries. The feedback and recommendation for action taking by participants were reported by the researchers. Evaluation of the intervention was done by comparing DEM 2014 and DEM 2016. Results: At the governorate level, short-term strategies were used to improve the situation. All the districts in red zone 2014 and two districts in the yellow zone had demonstrated positive changes in their 28 indicators. Conclusion: The DEM model is a simple tool that facilitates communication between researchers and decision-makers that could be applied in different public health and population programs.  相似文献   

In this profile of the personal backgrounds and careers of top labor leaders, data indicate that they have followed a long and steady climb from their working-class backgrounds through the ranks of the union hierarchy. Similarities between labor leaders’ backgrounds and careers and those of earlier leaders are provided. Preparation of this article was supported in part by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 93. Opinions expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the official views or endorsement of AFSCME. The author expresses his thanks to Professor George Strauss for very helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》2002,31(1):59-74
Hermalin’s (1998) model of leadership by example makes leadership amenable to conventional economic analysis by excluding the possibility that leader rhetoric can have an inspirational effect that induces followers to increase the effort they exert in team situations. This effect is also ignored by Casson (1991) who demonstrates that leader rhetoric can reduce opportunism through the moral manipulation of shame and guilt. The general propositions that Elster (1998) advanced with regard to the relationship between the emotions and decision making are applied in a theory which explains the inspirational dimension of leadership in terms of the way leaders rhetoric strengthens the hopes and counters the disappointments of followers.  相似文献   

Charisma is commonly thought of as an extraordinary personal characteristic. In contrast, this paper proposes that charisma is a product of emotional interaction between charismatic leaders and their followers. More specifically, charisma is argued to spring from charismatic leaders' use of emotion rules to redefine both objective and subjective aspects of their followers' realities. Through modeling emotion charismatics first gain legitimacy; then they propose changes in the social order and redefine the emotions necessary for such changes to occur. An analytical model of the emergence of charisma based on the evoking, revoking, and refraining of emotion rules is developed. To tentatively illustrate its utility the model is applied to speeches by Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. The implications of this analysis of emotional interaction for the study of social change are discussed.  相似文献   

Social preference functions between inflation and unemployment are estimated for individuals classified by union status using Gallup Poll presidential popularity data. We expected union members to assign higher weights to unemployment and lower weights to inflation than those who are not union members, but we found the reverse. Union members weight unemployment relative to inflation less than nonunion members because they weight unemployment less. Given the emphasis that trade union leaders place on reducing unemployment rather than inflation, this suggests a divergence in views between union leaders and the rank and file. The authors are indebted to Jeff Moore and an anonymous referee for helpful comments on earlier versions of this paper. Any remaining errors are our own. Smyth’s research was aided by the LSU Foundation.  相似文献   

Does local Federal regulation respond to the preferences of local Congressional representatives? For example, do Republican Congressmen reduce local enforcement of Clean Air laws in their districts? We use facility‐level panel data on Clean Air Act inspections over 1989–2005 to study the causal effect of a Congressman's party affiliation on local enforcement. Random assignment of electoral outcomes is obtained with a Regression Discontinuity design. We find that new Republican (vs. Democratic) Representatives significantly depress inspection rates for local polluting facilities in the first year after their election. (JEL D73, Q52, Q53)  相似文献   

Prior research on the impacts of boomtowns on youth provides mixed results. Recent qualitative work suggests youth are ambivalent about change associated with extraction of natural gas from the Marcellus Shale. The Rural Youth Education longitudinal study of youth in rural Pennsylvania provides a unique opportunity to examine youth views about their communities before and during development of the Marcellus Shale. We use two waves of data from 10 rural school districts to assess differences in youth reports of how much they liked their community pre‐Marcellus (2005) and during Marcellus activity (2009), creating a natural experiment. Youth characteristics, aspirations, perceptions of job and educational opportunities, and views about their community are included in multinomial multivariate logistic regression models to predict how much youth like their community. We find no difference in youth liking their community pre‐Marcellus, but a larger share of youth in communities experiencing Marcellus activity by 2009 like their community “a lot” than those in areas not affected. The Marcellus effect strengthens when controls for other factors typically associated with extraction activity and views of community are included in the model, suggesting other, unmeasured aspects of Marcellus‐related activity influence how much youth like their community.  相似文献   

In this article we investigate why some hometowns in Ghana are more successful than others in mobilizing resources for community development projects from their hometown associations (HTAs) abroad. We analyse the praxis of HTA‐financed development by studying all actors involved in the process – HTAs and migrants abroad and local community leaders and their populations in Ghana. We find there is a relationship between the size of the community and the effectiveness of HTA mobilization. From a matched sample of five villages and towns in Ghana and their respective HTAs in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, we conclude that three important factors are at play in the relationship between size and effectiveness – the micro‐politics of relationships between migrant and local leaders; the institutions that exist at the village/town level to create incentives or sanctions for migrants; and the relationships of trust between the different actors involved.  相似文献   

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