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一个健康的社会离不开家庭的健康、和谐与发展,而一个群体的幸福一定离不开群体中每个家庭的幸福。在一个以民生为主导的国家政冶框架中,家庭应该占有重要的地位。国家的法律、政策在满足国人个体基本的生存权、发展权的同时,应该把民生政策的重点逐步导向家庭,养富于家,养心于家,藏发展潜力于家,加快建立完善家庭发展的政策,以亿万家庭的稳定促进社会的稳定,以亿万家庭的发展助推国家的发展。  相似文献   

在生命的起点阻止贫穷的代际传递   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了阻止贫穷的代际传递,必须保证儿童有一个良好的生命开端,故而减贫行动应从"产前照料"开始.中国政府在贫困地区实施的降低孕产妇死亡率和消除新生儿破伤风项目,即具有这样的意义.然而,在青海省玉树和果洛藏族自治州,牧区妇女的产前照料服务利用率并不高.作者依据实际调查中收集的信息,探寻其中的原因,并提出政策建议.  相似文献   

上海白领小南,供职于一家专业的园林设计公司。今年5月,公司人力资源部发布了一则令人“哭笑不得”的通知,要求每位员工在5月20日前,发动身边家人朋友,关注公司微信公号,并将成功关注人员的微信ID上报至综合部核对,“每人最少30人,上不封顶”。通知称,全体员工的推广情况,将汇总给领导审阅,“并将各部门的完成隋况计人季度考核指标”。  相似文献   

文章利用中国8个省的调查数据,研究了城市和农村在1989~2004年间经济增长、收入不平等和减贫之间的关系.分析结果表明,城乡收入水平在这一期间有了引人注目的改善,在很大程度上降低了贫困率.沿海农村地区的居民收入上升最快,其次为沿海城市地区.在这个时期,收入的不平等也在扩大,尤其是在城市地区,抵消了一部分由增长带来的减贫成果.通过对收入决定因素的分解,作者发现,收入水平的改善在很大程度上归功于教育回报率的上升和农村非农产业的就业增长.  相似文献   

吴桥县位于冀东南,全县473个行政村,28.6万人口,最大的村有农村居民1700多人,最小的村只有81人。由于该县是典型的农业县,经济社会发展相对落后,县级财政收入相对偏低,村级计生专干的工资报酬落实存在一定的困难,473个村级计生专干的月工资只有200多元。  相似文献   

地中海贫血(简称"地贫")是一种遗传性慢性溶血性贫血病,因其首先在地中海地区发现而得名。南宁是"地贫"高发区,携带的人群比例大,分布范围广,而且此病是通过遗传的方式传播,并具有危害性大的特点。针对这一病症的特征,南宁市人口计生委坚持以人为本,从预防"地贫"入手,着手开展杜绝"地贫"儿出生的工作和科学研究,取得了显著的成效。为此,本刊记者对南宁市人口计生委主任黄海进行了专访。  相似文献   

大兴区是北京的南大门,交通十分便利,近年来,随着全区经济的快速发展,城市化进程不断加快,大量流动人口涌人大兴,截至2009年9月底,全区流动人口总数超过了58万人,其中,成年育龄妇女10余万人,已婚育龄妇女近6万人,家庭式流人户3万多户,流动人口呈流动性强、数量大的突出特点。一直以来,大兴区委、区政府从统筹解决人口问题的全局出发,把流动人口的服务与管理工作纳入本地社会管理和公共服务体系,始终坚持“属地化管理,市民化服务”的工作理念,在创建“全国计划生育优质服务先进区”的新形势下,加快构建“统筹管理、服务均等、信息共享、区域协作、全面宣传”的工作机制,不断推动全区“一盘棋”工作向前发展。  相似文献   

从人口抚养比到社会抚养比的探索分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者认为"人口红利"的存在与否,并不单由人口年龄结构决定,还受人口规模、人口素质、就业结构、生产与消费模式等因素的影响.于是作者在对人口抚养比进行标准化的基础上,引入"标准消费人口"的概念,对不同年龄结构人口的消费状况进行统一,同时考虑不同产业的劳动人口就业率和产业之间的产出差异,并将标准化后的抚养比称为"社会抚养比".研究发现,标准化后的实际抚养比很大程度上与该地区的产业结构有关.  相似文献   

1992~2006年中国社会保障支出水平研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
社会保障支出水平是衡量社会经济发展水平的重要指标之一.1992年以来,中国社会保障支出随国民经济的增长稳步增长,但社会保障水平与其他社会保险型模式国家相比还比较低,与国内社会保障需求相比呈现出严重的不适度性.文章认为,在于中国的社会保障供需之间存在着缺口,有限的社会保障供给难以满足日益增长的社会保障需求.在当前企业社会保障负担过重的情况下,要提高社会保障支出水平,就必须突出政府的责任,政府应当在财政支持、资金筹集、基金管理及立法司法等方面发挥作用.  相似文献   

30多年来,广东省全方位、多层次、宽领域推进改革开放,取得了令人瞩目的成就。与此同时,经济社会快速发展带来的深刻变化,使广东成为了面临比较复杂人口形势的省份之一。因此,多年来,改革创新一直是贯穿广东人口计生工作全过程的主旋律,  相似文献   

The globalization of business corporations led to the thesis that a so-called global management class would emerge, both integrating transnational companies and facilitating a global business culture which is able to turn cultural diversity into a competitive advantage. Two questions stem from this thesis: First, how do talents and high potentials in transnational companies become global managers? Second, is global management to be understood as an integrating culture or as a selective one in the context of transnational corporations? The article explores these questions by contrasting the theory of global management with empirical findings from research concerning the strategies of international management assignment and the forming of expatriates’ “mental memberships“. It is shown that global management rests on a ‘thin’ Ethos of economic rationalities which give way to an exclusive “business monoculture” challenging cultural diversity taking place in everyday-life of transnational organizations.  相似文献   

养老资源探析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
今日谈起养老事业的发展时,大家首先关注的是养老金从何来,如何对所筹措的各种养老金加强管理,以使其能发挥更大的功用。但这里则试图提出养老资源的概念,并对养老资源的含义、内容等组织较深入的探讨,以求得养老问题的更好解决。  相似文献   

Despite a mounting interest in the elderly, and a rapidly expanding literature on the subject, there is a dearth of empirical research that can shed light on their condition. For Bangladesh and the rest of South Asia, the record is very thin. With the aid of observed and retrospective data on time-use from a sample of rural Bangladeshis, this paper seeks to help redress this situation by describing the role of the elderly in the household division of labour, management, and authority. The objective is to elaborate how labour-use and activity patterns change with advancing age, for men and women and rich and poor, and to explore the broader implications of such change. Concepts of work, retirement, and dependency are critically examined. The results of several labour surveys are used to estimate the limits that the physical effects of ageing place on the labour-force participation of the elderly.  相似文献   

The concept of sense of place has received considerable attention by social scientists in recent years. Research has indicated that a person's sense of place is influenced by a number of factors including the built environment, socio-economic status (SES), well-being and health. Relatively few studies have examined sense of place at the neighbourhood level, particularly among communities exhibiting different levels of SES. This article investigates sense of place among three neighbourhood groups in Hamilton, Ontario representing areas of low, mixed and high SES. It analyses data from a 16-point sense of place scale derived from the Hamilton Household Quality of Life Survey carried out in 2010-2011 among 1,002 respondents. The paper found that sense of place was highest among residents of the high SES neighbourhood group as well as among home owners, people residing in single-detached homes, retired residents and those living in their neighbourhood for more than 10?years. From a health perspective, the paper found that a strong association existed between sense of place and self-perceived mental health across the three neighbourhood groups. Furthermore, by way of regression modeling, the paper examined the factors influencing health-related sense of place. Among the sample of respondents, a strong connection was found between housing, particularly home ownership, and high levels of health-related sense of place.  相似文献   

This paper explores the changing relations between people and place that are set in motion through mobility. Examining the mobilities of lifestyle travellers, it argues that new relations are sought by this group that undermines traditional assumptions of stability and preservation in the person–place relation. In their stead, lifestyle travellers seek dynamism, change and instability in their engagements with place. This situation suggests that the traditional recognition of the need for a rooted, static and stable set of relations with place – i.e. topophilia – can be supplemented by the love of mobility, change and transformation in the person–place relation – coined tropophilia. The paper raises the important point that a desired connection between ‘people’on one hand and ‘place’ on the other may only occur when their respective paces and trajectories positively coincide.  相似文献   

Growing population, rapid urbanization, rising incomes, and changing consumption preferences stimulate intensification of livestock production and excessive fertilization of crops in China. We present an innovative approach that sheds light on options to prevent negative environmental consequences of food production. Trends indicate that agricultural production expansion will take place in “profitable” locations around densely populated areas, where there are generally insufficient natural resources to recycle production wastes. This will likely lead to increased environmental impacts and risks to human health, with the largest impacts in close proximity to population hotspots. We identify trends in Chinese agricultural production and devise and compare feasible mitigation scenarios. We present a spatial allocation procedure that facilitates management of agricultural production expansion, accounting for environmental and health constraints. This procedure, based on behavioral principles, uses a spatial risk preference structure induced by local conditions, including environment, production, and demand, with important research and policy implications.  相似文献   

我国南北中三城市农民工社会保障比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,由于我国政府的重视,我国农民工的社会保障取得了长足的发展。但各地区农民工的社会保障程度还存在很大的差异。分别从我国南、北、中部地区选择三个有代表性的城市——深圳、苏州、长春,根据问卷调查数据对其农民工社会保障状况进行比较分析。无论是农民工的社会保障程度,还是各地农民工关切的具体问题,都存在明显的地域差异。从政府的角度制订农民工政策不能全国"一刀切",应该区别对待并分类指导。政府应有重点、分层次地建立农民工社会保障制度,北方省份应该充分借鉴南方省份关于农民工的法律保障、养老和子女入学等方面的经验和对策。  相似文献   

This qualitative study conducted by a community-research partnership used multiple types of data collection to examine variables relevant for LGBTQ older adults who wished to age in place in their urban Denver neighborhood. Focus groups, interviews, and a town hall meeting were used to identify barriers and supports to aging in place. Participants (N = 73) identified primarily as lesbian or gay, aged 50–69, and lived with a partner. Ageism, heterosexism, and cisgenderism emerged as cross-cutting themes that negatively impact access to health care, housing, social support, home assistance, and legal services. Resilience from weathering a lifetime of discrimination was identified as a strength to handle aging challenges. Recommendations for establishing an aging in place model included establishing welcoming communities and resource centers and increasing cultural competence of service providers. This study provides a unique contribution to understanding the psychosocial, medical, and legal barriers for successfully aging in place.  相似文献   

In this paper, we interrogate the role of the city improvement district (CID) in the intervention and management of mobility within the context of the South African city and the case study of the Groote Schuur Community Improvement District (GSCID), a public–private urban governance scheme situated in Cape Town’s middle income southern suburbs. Using the theoretical lens of bodily-scale mobility, we investigate the CID’s activation and management. This is useful, as we will demonstrate, because it is through the mobility and immobility at the scale of the body, where the CID’s mandate is operationalised and it is through the control of mobility that the CID’s mission, discourses and activities are linked. This work demonstrates that CIDs, as elite-driven urban renewal initiatives closely aligned with capital interests, employ exclusionary spatial practices that have the potential to shape the twenty-first century urban experience in significant ways. We conclude by theorising the co-constitutive nature of human mobilities and capital as the ‘human-capital mobile assemblage’ and by arguing that the CID occupies an ambivalent place in the contemporary city.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the role of tourism has been recognized as an instrument of endogenous development and, therefore, so has its potential to generate wealth and employment, provided the right circumstances are in place. One of the essential circumstances is governance, that is, coordination, collaboration and/or cooperation between the different players involved in the tourism development process, in a way that ensures the multiplier effect of tourism on the local economy. One of the great challenges facing policymakers and destination managers is the measurement of the progress achieved in tourism destinations in the field of governance and the adoption of the measures required to encourage the implementation of good governance in those destinations. This paper presents a system of indicators which can be adapted to the characteristics of any tourism destination and which allows the implementation of governance to be measured. This system has been generated from a questionnaire given to a group of governance experts and its application will be very useful in order to improve the management of tourism destinations.  相似文献   

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