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Sociologists have many organizations to choose from when making decisions about attending professional conferences. The Pacific Sociological Association provides an opportunity to attend a more personal venue that fits the needs of full-time and adjunct community college professors.  相似文献   

In this very personal essay, I suggest four aspects of the PSA meetings which contributed to the creation of a “wild west” atmosphere, namely the methods used for the creation of sessions, the content of the sessions, the high level of social interaction, and the focus on student involvement. I conclude with a concern about the increased focus on making the meetings more prestigious and professional.  相似文献   


A brief history of evolutionary theory illustrates its long development and sociopolitical context. Major theoretical concepts in evolutionary theory are introduced that lay the groundwork for more detailed discussion in later texts. Two incarnations of evolutionary theory—sociobiology and evolutionary psychology—are described in some detail. Criticisms of these ideas are reviewed and evaluated. Evolutionary psychology, with its emphasis on sexual selection theory, has proven to be a rich approach, generating many new insights into human sexuality.  相似文献   

This paper briefly discusses the history of English novels, including the following parts: novels before Defoe, 18 th-century fiction, Victorian fiction, fiction of 1920 s, fiction of 1930 s and postwar fiction.  相似文献   

This paper is a contribution to the uses of life histories and the dialogue regarding the standards for their use. Through a meta-analysis of life histories in the United States since the publication of the Polish Peasant , we develop a typology to critically evaluate their methodological/theoretical practices in sociology. We find a broad range of uses of life histories in the areas of substantive focus, analysis, relationship of oral history and the subject, relationship of oral/life history to other materials, purpose of the research, and relationship of oral/life history to other phenomena. We conclude that life history methods have not had the transformative effect on sociology that they have had in other disciplines. By and large, the actual production of life histories continues to be a historical, to be characterized by abstract empiricism, to extinguish subjects, and to ignore the link between biography and history.  相似文献   

In this article, we report on the extent of voluntary compliance by ASA members with the Association dues structure. Comparing our findings from a random survey of ASA members with the distribution of member payments by incomebased dues category, we find a fairly high degree of noncompliance in the highest dues category. This implies, and we observe, that higher fractions of ASA members pay dues in the lower income categories than is consistent with their self-reported income. David N. Laband, author of five books and many journal articles. Richard O. Beil, author of numerous articles in management and economics journals.  相似文献   

Employing data (n?=?734) collected from those having attended the Pacific Sociological Association (PSA) annual meetings held in San Diego, California (2012) and Reno, Nevada (2013), we test whether session quality and host-city satisfaction are positively associated with how respondents rated the overall quality of the meetings. A majority (54 %) of respondents reported the quality of the meetings highly (“Above Average” or “Excellent”), and suggestive of the importance of conference location, this declined from 64 % in 2012 to 41 % in 2013. Controlling for individual characteristics and institutional affiliation, regression results intimate that both host-city satisfaction and session quality are positively associated with how respondents rated the overall quality of the meetings. And they suggest that the former is somewhat more important than the latter for explaining variation in meeting quality. A final stage of our analysis (n?=?205) finds that attendees’ evaluations of changes in how the 2013 PSA meetings were developed and organized are positively associated with meeting quality without diminishing the independent effects of session or location quality. We discuss implications of these results for future PSA meetings, as well as for research investigating how to improve the quality of regional academic conferences more generally.  相似文献   

The author presents the 6 stages in the development of career counseling in the United States. In the 1st stage (1890–1919), placement services were offered for an increasingly urban and industrial society. In the 2nd stage (1920–1939), educational guidance through the elementary and secondary schools became the focal point. The 3rd stage (1940–1959) saw the focus shift to colleges and universities and the training of counselors. The 4th stage (1960–1979) was the boom for counseling and the idea of work having meaning in a person's life came to the forefront; organizational career development began during this period. The 5th stage (1980–1989) saw the beginning of the transition from the industrial age to the information age and the growth of both the independent practice of career counseling and outplacement counseling. The 6th stage (1990—present), with its emphasis on technology and changing demographics, has seen an increased sophistication in the uses of technology, the internationalization of career counseling, the beginnings of multicultural career counseling, and the focus on the school‐to‐job transition.  相似文献   

Textbooks increasingly reflect changes in our sociological stock of knowledge about the founders of the discipline. Richard Hamilton is unaware of this research and its documentation of the flaws in earlier accounts of the history of the profession. In an effort to expand his disciplinary understanding, I briefly review the extensive scholarship on the sociology of Harriet Martineau which has been published over the last quarter of a century.  相似文献   


This presidential address examines the “community college conundrum” within our discipline. Although it is reported that 44 percent of first-time undergraduate students attend community colleges, community college faculty are underrepresented in the American Sociological Association (ASA) and within our regional associations. This lack of participation has two roots: (1) our disciplinary lack of interest in studying community college education as a unit of analysis; and (2) the failure by sociologists to understand community college education as a social justice concern. Data for this study include an assessment of membership and participation in our disciplinary associations, content analysis of the journal Teaching Sociology, and a review of ASA syllabi sets. Findings reveal a common theme: community college sociologists are ignored and afforded a marginal status—a “less than” status—within our discipline. Recommendations include calling on the ASA and all sociologists to recognize the importance of community colleges in doing the work of “public sociology.”  相似文献   

In this essay we identify and discuss some of the challenges currently faced by the Pacific Sociological Association (PSA) related to its governance. The PSA is not unlike other regional associations and faces similar challenges. The rapid growth in membership for the association has repeatedly placed strains on the governance structure, particularly on the office of the Executive Director. The formal organization of governance has not always matched the actual ways in which governing is carried out, almost entirely by volunteers. Although there is growth, there is also significant turnover in members from year to year and this presents a challenge for maintaining an active, vibrant organization. The governing structure of elected committees and officers has not changed with membership growth but the number of standing committees has increased dramatically, spreading the volunteer membership thin. To meet these challenges, we make several suggestions. We argue for the importance of maintaining a stable membership; that the PSA should continue its work to formally define roles and positions including a restructuring of its committees; and an emphasis should be placed on providing an intellectual home for the members of the PSA. We elaborate on these responses to the challenges faced by the PSA and suggest considerations for the association as it moves into the final decade of its first 100 years.  相似文献   

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