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Dear Women of China, I saw a post on your Weibo account, in which you reported that foreigners who intend to work as teachers in China may face a higher threshold, as employers nationwide will require teachers to have previous teaching experience. I worked as a trainer and head teacher. I wouldn't mind if new teachers did not have experience as long they were willing to learn, and as long as they loved the trade. I would never consider the race or place of origin, but only the teaching quality and proper language skills, of a potential teacher.  相似文献   

Mother's Lahe     
IT seems to have become a kind of law of nature that the aged do not easily get accustomed to new situations. But my mother didn't relate to this law. Mother had lived in a small town in the frontier region for more than half a century. In the early 1950s she moved to Beijing. We were always worried that she would not become accustomed to urban life. But we never expected that she would live a vivid and dramatic life of her own free will. We lived in a lane in Dongsi, which is not long. It has a western-eastern exposure, situated between two streets. In  相似文献   

1 THE question of whether or not the concept of marriage goes against human nature will never be resolved because there is nothing more contradictory in the world than so-called human nature. Everyone should ask a more specific question: What do I want most out of my life? If a person wants peaceful life, he or she should get married. If a person wants freedom, he or she should remain single. Can a person have both a peaceful life and freedom? There is such a thing called an open marriage. But marriage is on the threshold of freedom. In reality, perhaps it is easy or difficult to cross that threshold. But the threshold must be there. Without it, the marriage would be totally open, and the union could not be regarded as a marriage. It is essential that in marriage the idea that the concerned  相似文献   

Oear Women of China,
I have been in Beijing for four months and I have already read through all the books I brought with me. As a literature addict, I would like to buy more books, but as a climate change enthusiast, I would like to purchase only secondhand books, not new ones.  相似文献   

I close my eyes. The children with whom I stayed with in Lhasa appear before me. In the pink world they smile. It is a strange feeling. I have been to Tibet twice. I remember how the Lhasa children would walk on the streets in Lhasa: when they spotted a man and a woman holding hands, they would sing, "You Are Late", a popular song of that time. "I had her in my heart a long time ago./Oh! She arrived before you." When the young couple turned around, the children would run away. Then they searched for another couple. What I most remember about Tibet is  相似文献   

Three Illusions     
world; if he exists, it will not be in my orbit. Even if he appears, even if he is in my orbit, I know that I shall refuse him. Otherwise, I shall become a slave to my feelings and I shall be the unfortunate "woman in love" forever. How miserable a woman in love is,  相似文献   

TEN years ago, if you had asked a woman shopping in a market, "What are your rights as a consumer?" chances are, she would have responded with a bewildered face. Today, however, more and more people are trying to protect and enjoy their rights as consumers according to the law. In the past several years, due to outmoded production and a highlycentralized, planned economic system, Chinese residents could only use coupons to buy basic consumer goods. They also faced the problem of whether or not the commodities were available; they had few rights as consumers. The policies of reform and opening up  相似文献   

In the past, mechanical pitchers wereused only for the training of professionalbaseball players in China. But now ordinaryChinese people too can have a try if they goto the Baseball Ground at the OlympicSports Center in Beijing's Asian GamesVillage. Four mechanical pitchers areinstalled there. They serve the balls fromdifferent angles and speeds, just like ahuman pitcher. When I step into the batter's box readyfor a hit, I feel like one of those baseball  相似文献   

THERE is a Chinese saying the sentimentof which I am sure you all know: "Themore children you have, the greater your goodfortune and happiness." Here we see a mind-set that existed in China for generations, thebelief that having more children will not onlysafeguard your well-being and care in old agebut will help the healthy development of theclan. My parents belong to a generation whooft stated this philosophy. My mother married young (she was not yetsixteen) and managed to fit in nine children inall - eight boys and one girl, me. When mymother reflects on the past she says that shedid not experience much of the luck the  相似文献   

Dear Women of China, I like that you put listings in the back of the magazine.However,I do not find the events interesting.They are not the kind of events that I would normally go to. You should have some information about rock concerts(such as Air coming to China),brand fashion events and such  相似文献   

WHEN they first entered the open door of China, foreign entrepreneurs probably did not expect that their coming would help to shorten the distance between ordinary Chinese women and developed countries of the outside world. In the Jinzhou Industry and Technology Development Zone in Dalian, Liaoning Province, a large number of young women whose families have been living a rural life for generations are working in foreign funded enterprises and are a major part of the labor force there.  相似文献   

Sexual Harassment, When No Means No hit home《性骚扰,女性不再沉默》令我深思What a great magazine! It is so good, well-written, and has great pictures. I liked the articles on sexual harassment. All the articles were interesting and I loved them! When I received your magazine, it made my day. I have been in and out of the hospital all summer. I have had a tough summer! Sexual Harassment, When No Means No hit home. I have been sexually harassed many times! From the time I was a teenager. On the job, I encountered the same thing. I kept quiet, because I felt no one would believe me. I never told anyone. My husband would say it was my fault. I hope I am not the only one out with this problem. I also love the pictures in your magazine. It gave me insight.Cindy White, USA  相似文献   

Dear Women of China Thank you for a wonderful September issue. The cover photo was both sad and uplifting. I was drawn by the little boy's determined face and the title mentioning Zhouqu. I knew it had to be some kind,of disaster, and reading about the relief efforts and the people affected was touching. In the past two years, China has seen quite a few natural disasters. I wonder what may have caused these problems to begin with. I hope that the people in China will have safer futures.  相似文献   

IN the past, embracing the idea that "more children means more happiness", rural women thought that if they bear many children, they would be better supported in their old age. So most of the elderly people in Hezhuang Village have up to seven or eigbt children. But in a village in the Linyi City district of Shandong Province, more children has not meant more happiness for parents. Wang Shixiang has four sons and two daughters. Last year, she and her husband finally paid off the debt  相似文献   

THIS cup, unearthed at the site of an aristocrat's tomb (No. 2 Baoshan Tomb) of the Chu State, was a vessel used during weddings in ancient times. According to the earliest account of the vessel, found in the book Liji, a new couple would use it to gargle together, which meant that they would be of one heart and one mind, and that they would love and take care of each other. Shaped like a standing phoenix, the vessel is 17.6 cm. long. The phoenix holds a pearl in its beak and its wings are spread  相似文献   

Flying Thoughts     
ON a boundless stretch of wilderness, weeds sway in the breeze and riotous clouds float against the dark distant horizon. It seems that I am not myself. I feel as if I am the breeze sweeping the treetops, or the grasses being swayed. I feel I have mingled myself with the earth and the sky; my mind, like an eagle, soars up into the high heavens, roams through the universe and then disappears into the immense cosmos. I feel  相似文献   

In the recent decade, from late spring to early autumn, various activities have been taking place in a number of cultural squares in Beijing. This year, these activities have attracted a greater variety of participants. Many activities, with themes like "Building Our Beautiful Home Together" and  相似文献   

I have become very fond of returning to my own parents' home, and to my mother's side, ever since I was 30. When I am tired of life in the noisy city and being a mother and wife, returning to my mother's side makes me feel like a daughter again. There I am free from worries and can enjoy the tender care and love of my mother. In the morning, lying in bed lazily in the most comfortable posture, I do not need to urge my son to get up for school. The clatter Mother makes when she goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast is the  相似文献   

IN the midst of a winter storm flowers still bloom in Beijing. In the greenhouses of Beijing Scriven Flower Co. Ltd., roses and lilies comtrast sharply with the bare fields and trees of early spring. Located 20 Km away in Xiaobailou Village, Daxing County, in suburban Beijing, the greenhouses were built in 1992 and have been expanded  相似文献   

Attending the Fourth World Conference on Women held in China in 1995 was indeed a wonderful experience. The lingering excitement of the event continues to bubble over each and every time I recount the excitement of the trip to my students and friends. Most questions, however, are not about the Forum itself, but instead about China. Everyone is amazed to hear that people living in a communist country are living a much better life than ever before. In fact, very few people from my country have visited  相似文献   

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