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Abstract On the basis of the problem-behavior theory for adolescence, we hypothesized that already during childhood sexual behavior is associated with (non-sexual) externalizing behaviors and tested the hypothesis in a community sample. In the context of a postal questionnaire survey of 6-10 year old children, the parents of 349 girls and 326 boys completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). The CBCL Sex Problems scale did not differ between genders, ethnic groups, or age groups. For both girls and boys, the scores on the Sex Problems scale correlated significantly but modestly (maximum r = 0.35) with all other CBCL scales; only in boys did the correlations with externalizing behaviors exceed those with other scales. We conclude that children from a community sample who show sexual behavior as defined by the CBCL tend to be the ones with increased behavioral/emotional problems in general, with only modest specificity in symptomatology. 相似文献
Irene Tung Amanda N. Noroa Julia E. Morgan Barbara Caplan Steve S. Lee Bruce L. Baker 《Journal of research on adolescence》2019,29(1):225-239
Although parenting behavior and friendship quality predict adolescent externalizing behaviors (EBs), individual differences in temperament may differentially affect susceptibility to these factors over time. In a multi‐method and multi‐informant study of 141 children followed prospectively from toddlerhood to adolescence, we tested the independent and interactive associations of age 3 reactive temperament (e.g., negative emotionality) and age 13 observed parenting (i.e., positive and negative behavior) and friendship (i.e., conflict and warmth), with multi‐informant ratings of age 15 aggression and rule‐breaking behavior. Negative parenting predicted growth in parent‐rated EB, but only for adolescents with early reactive temperament. Temperament did not affect sensitivity to positive parenting or friendship. Results are discussed in the context of differential susceptibility theory and intervention implications for adolescents. 相似文献
This study examines how parenting helps explain the contemporaneous association between interparental hostility and adolescent problem behavior. A theoretical model of spillover was tested specifying five aspects of mothers' and fathers' parenting that might be associated with parents' hostile interactions with one another: harshness, inconsistency, psychological intrusiveness, and lower levels of acceptance and monitoring knowledge. The sample consisted of 416 early adolescents and their married parents. The association between interparental hostility and adolescent externalizing problems was mediated uniquely by fathers' and mothers' harshness, lower levels of fathers' monitoring knowledge, and mothers' psychological intrusiveness. The association between interparental hostility and adolescent internalizing was mediated uniquely by mothers' harshness, psychological intrusiveness, and lower levels of acceptance. These patterns were similar for sons and daughters. 相似文献
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal - Internet addiction has become a common problem among adolescents in recent years. However, the underlying factors of adolescent internet addiction have... 相似文献
Using a developmental psychopathology framework, this study aimed to examine changes in externalizing and internalizing problems of adolescents in foster care and to determine whether type of maltreatment, gender, and age influenced trajectories. Authors used 3 waves of data from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well‐Being. Growth‐curve analyses of 106 adolescents aged 13–16 in foster care revealed that externalizing and internalizing problems decreased over time. Adolescents, particularly boys, placed in foster care as a result of sexual abuse, physical abuse, or neglect demonstrated faster decreases in externalizing problems and, similarly but to a weaker degree, internalizing problems than did those placed in foster care as a result of other forms of maltreatment. 相似文献
Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms and Marital Relationship Functioning: The Mediating Role of Demand–Withdraw Communication Processes 下载免费PDF全文
Amber M. Jarnecke Meghan S. Reilly Susan C. South 《Journal of marital and family therapy》2016,42(3):509-524
Marital outcomes are associated with internalizing and externalizing symptoms; however, the processes by which these domains are associated with marital outcomes are not well understood. This study examined how demand–withdraw (DW) couple communication accounts for the association between symptoms of mental illness and marital distress. A mediational model was tested in a sample of 100 newlywed couples to determine: (a) whether internalizing and externalizing symptoms influenced own and partner's level of DW communication, and (b) whether this communication pattern was associated with relationship outcomes, including lower marital satisfaction and presence of conflict. Results suggested that DW communication had significant effects on both partner's marital outcomes and mediated the association between externalizing symptoms (for husbands) and marital distress. 相似文献
We consider the association of cohabitation experience with externalizing behavior among children of Latina mothers whose ethnic origin is in Mexico, Puerto Rico, or the Dominican Republic. Data were drawn from three waves of the Three-City Study (N=656 mother-child pairs). Children of Mexican-origin mothers had higher externalizing problems in childhood and adolescence when their mothers were born in the United States or immigrated as minors. For children of Caribbean-origin mothers, being born to a cohabiting or married mother had a statistically equivalent association with externalizing behavior when mothers were born outside the mainland United States (Dominican and island-born Puerto Rican mothers). Children of mainland-born Puerto Rican mothers had more behavior problems when their mothers cohabited at birth. 相似文献
René Veenstra Gijs Huitsing Jan Kornelis Dijkstra Siegwart Lindenberg 《Journal of research on adolescence》2010,20(2):420-431
The relation between partying and antisocial behavior was investigated using a sample of Dutch early adolescents (T2: N=1,076; M age=13.52). Antisocial behavior was divided into rule‐breaking and aggressive behavior. Using a goal‐framing approach, it was argued that the relation of partying to antisocial behavior depends on the way the need to belong is realized. Girls, in early adolescence often physically more mature than boys, are likely to seek older and, thus, often more antisocial boys for partying. Unpopular adolescents are likely to be among themselves when partying, and their feeling of exclusion is likely to lead to antisocial behavior. The findings show that girls who party are indeed at a greater risk of engaging in antisocial behavior, as are unpopular girls and boys. 相似文献
ABSTRACT. We describe the extent to which men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) tell their female sex partners that they have male sex partners and the association between disclosure of male partners and condom use with female partners. Data were from U.S. Internet-using MSMW recruited from a social networking Web site. Of 666 MSMW, 70% told their last female partner that they had male sex partners. MSMW who disclosed having male sex partners were equally likely to have used a condom during their last vaginal intercourse with a female partner (42%) as were men who did not disclose (47%). Because disclosure was not associated with condom use and condom use was low, it is important to continue efforts to promote consistent condom use, especially among females, regardless of the reported sexual orientation of their partners. 相似文献
Marjolein Verhoeven Marianne Junger Chantal
Van Aken Maja Deković Marcel A. G.
Van Aken 《Journal of marriage and the family》2010,72(2):307-317
This study examined the effects of reported maternal and paternal support, psychological control, and spanking on externalizing behavior of toddler boys. Questionnaires were administered to both parents of 104 two‐parent families with a 3‐year‐old son. Both maternal and paternal psychological control was related to boys' externalizing behavior. Interaction effects were found, in that the association between maternal spanking and boys' externalizing behavior was stronger when levels of maternal support were high. High levels of paternal support strengthened the association between maternal support and boys' externalizing behaviors. Results suggest that the associations between specific parenting dimensions and children's externalizing behavior need to be considered within the context of other parenting dimensions that are displayed within the family. 相似文献
Miles L. Patterson 《Journal of Nonverbal Behavior》2003,27(3):201-207
The articles in this special issue provide important, new insight into the evolutionary roots of expressive behavior. Across the three articles, a strong argument is made for behavioral mimicry, expressivity, and laughter providing adaptive value to ancestral humans that is still reflected in our modern world. The place of an evolutionary analysis in the development of a broader functional approach to nonverbal communication is described and discussed. Each article proposes specific dynamics through which expressive behaviors predispose receivers to respond in a manner benefitting the sender. The mediating mechanisms advanced in the articles are examined more closely and modifications in the proposed processes are considered. 相似文献
Linda Trudeau Catherine Lillehoj Richard Spoth Cleve Redmond 《Journal of research on adolescence》2003,13(3):301-328
This study examined the mediating processes linking assertiveness and decision making to early adolescent substance initiation, along with the moderating effect of gender on those processes. Models specifying negative expectancies and refusal intentions as mediators of individual rights assertiveness and decision‐making effects on substance initiation were evaluated across 18 months on a nontreatment cohort of young adolescents participating in a prevention trial (average age 12.3 years at baseline; N=357). Results indicated that individual rights assertiveness and decision making had indirect effects on substance initiation through effects on negative outcome expectancies and refusal intentions. Gender differences were found in both the average level and the pattern of relationships among the variables. For girls, refusal intentions were negatively associated with later substance initiation. For boys, early levels of substance initiation were negatively associated with later levels of negative expectancies and refusal intentions. Implications for prevention programming are discussed. 相似文献
Annelies Janssens Wim Van Den Noortgate Luc Goossens Hilde Colpin Karine Verschueren Stephan Claes Karla Van Leeuwen 《Journal of research on adolescence》2017,27(2):278-297
This study extends previous gene‐by‐environment (G × E) research through design and methodological advances and examines alternative hypotheses of diathesis stress, vantage sensitivity, and differential susceptibility. In a sample of 984 adolescents and their parents, we examined whether effects of parental support, proactive, punitive, harsh punitive, and psychological control on externalizing problem behavior are moderated by adolescents' genotype for the dopamine transporter (DAT1) or receptor D4 (DRD4) gene. Results provided evidence for main effects of parenting behavior and DRD4, and multiple interaction effects of which one survived Bonferroni correction. Adolescents carrying a long DRD4 variant were more susceptible to the effects of parental proactive control on aggression, for better and for worse. Critical considerations were made regarding the complexity of G × E research. 相似文献
Jamie S. Bodenlos PhD Marleah Noonan BA Stephanie Y. Wells BA 《Journal of American college health : J of ACH》2013,61(6):371-378
Abstract Objective: To examine the relationship between mindfulness and alcohol problems in college students, as well as the role of stress as a mediator in this relationship. Participants: Participants were 310 students from a small, private college in the Northeast. Methods: Students completed self-report measures, including the Perceived Stress Scale, the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, and the Rutgers Alcohol Problems Index. Results: Mindfulness was negatively correlated with alcohol problems and stress, whereas stress positively correlated with alcohol problems. Results implicated stress as fully mediating the relationship between mindfulness and alcohol problems. Alcohol problems were negatively correlated with the Acting With Awareness and Describing Experience facets of mindfulness. Conclusion: Mindfulness-based stress reduction or other mindfulness programs may be useful in decreasing alcohol problems on college campuses via the effects on stress. 相似文献
Catarina Pinheiro Mota Mónica Costa Paula Mena Matos 《Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal》2016,33(4):313-325
The transition to institutional care often implies the separation from a dysfunctional environment, marked by neglect, abandonment and lack of emotional responsiveness, which makes youth more vulnerable to the development of deviant behavior. The quality of the relationship established with significant figures within the institution as well as with teachers is suggested as a protective factor for the development of resilience and the detachment from deviant behaviour. The present study aims to test the predictive effect of the quality of relationship to institutional caregivers and teachers on the development of resilience and deviant behaviour in institutionalized adolescents. We also intend to test the mediating effect of resilience in the previous association. The sample was composed by 202 institutionalized adolescents, 12–18 aged (M = 14.96, SD = 1.80), and from both genders. Data were collected using self-report questionnaires. The results demonstrated that the quality of relationship with significant figures was positively associated with resilience and may play an important role in preventing deviant behaviour. There was also a total mediation effect of resilience on the association between quality of relationship with significant figures and development of deviant behaviour. The results suggest that the affective reorganization of institutionalized adolescents can be promoted by the establishment of safe havens, which reflect feelings of belonging and acceptance, facilitating a more adaptive experience. 相似文献
The purpose of this research was to examine a conceptual/theoretical model with negative (substance use) and positive (extracurricular activities) mediating factors between several bonding systems and violent behavior among female youth. Since much of the prior researches have focused on both males and females therefore this study is focusing on females only. Data from the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health was used for this study. For the purpose of this study female research participants between the age of 12–17 were selected (N = 9383). At the stage of bivariate analysis, parental bonding system was omitted from a model before moving onto a structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis as most of the correlations between indicators of parental bonding systems and dependent variables were not significant. Revised model with two bonding systems on violent behavior through two mediating constructs, extracurricular activities and substance use were tested through the SEM and Sobel test analyses. This structural model specifies a satisfactory fit with the sample. Several mediating effects within this model, which help lower the occurrence of violent behavior, were also validated. 相似文献
Using social control theory and attachment theory as guides, this study examined how qualities of young adolescents' social relationships (i.e., mother, sibling, and friend) and dynamic interactions among characteristics of those relationships are associated with school involvement and delinquency. The participants included older siblings (M age=14.3), younger siblings (M age=11.6), and their mothers from 434 families who completed web‐based surveys. Results were largely consistent with tenets of social control theory and attachment theory. Young adolescents' social relationships mostly worked in additive ways, but sometimes in compensatory ways for older siblings, to promote positive adjustment. The results suggest that young adolescents' social relationships may be differently associated with adjustment depending on birth order or developmental stage. 相似文献
Sarah A. Mustillo Shannon Dorsey Kate Conover Barbara J. Burns 《Journal of marriage and the family》2011,73(1):164-180
Using longitudinal data on 1,813 children and parents from a nationally representative child‐welfare sample, National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well‐Being (NSCAW), this study investigated physically abusive and neglectful parenting as mediating the effects of parent depression on child mental health by developmental stage. Findings from latent growth models indicated that parental depression had a significant impact on child outcomes for all youths, but of the 2 types of parenting behaviors, only neglectful parenting mediated the relationship for preschool and school‐aged children. Neither parenting behavior mediated the effects of parental depression for adolescents. 相似文献
Aaron Rakow Daniel Smith Angela M. Begle Lynsay Ayer 《Journal of child sexual abuse》2013,22(4):467-480
This study examines the role of abuse-specific maternal support in the association between parent depressive symptoms and child externalizing problems in a sample of children with a history of sexual abuse. In total, 106 mother–child dyads were studied. The association between maternal depressive symptoms and child delinquency behaviors was found to partially operate through abuse-specific maternal support, which was assessed via parent report. Implications of the findings for parenting programs are discussed, and future research directions are considered. 相似文献
Kathleen W. Reardon Kathrin Herzhoff Jennifer L. Tackett 《Journal of research on adolescence》2016,26(3):390-402
Previous investigations of testosterone and externalizing behavior have provided mixed findings. We tested the hypothesis that self‐regulatory personality moderates the testosterone–externalizing behavior association in adolescence. Parents reported on their 13‐ to 18‐year‐old (N = 106, Mage = 16.01, SD = 1.29) children's personalities and psychopathology. Testosterone was measured via drool samples. As hypothesized, personality moderated the testosterone–externalizing behavior association. High testosterone predicted higher levels of externalizing behaviors, but only for adolescents low in Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. Also, personality acted as a resiliency factor: high levels of Conscientiousness, in the presence of high testosterone, predicted lower levels of rule breaking. Results highlight how endogenous factors, such as personality, may interact with testosterone, and emphasize the relevance of including personality moderators in future research. 相似文献