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We review the new and growing body of work on power in teams and use this review to develop an emergent theory of how power impacts team outcomes. Our paper offers three primary contributions. First, our review highlights potentially incorrect assumptions that have arisen around the topic of power in teams and documents the areas and findings that appear most robust in explaining the effects of power on teams. Second, we contrast the findings of this review with what is known about the effects of power on individuals and highlight the directionally oppositional effects of power that emerge across different levels of analysis. Third, we integrate findings across levels of analysis into an emergent theory which explains why and when the benefits of power for individuals may paradoxically explain the potentially negative effects of power on team outcomes. We elaborate on how individual social comparisons within teams where at least one member has power increase intra-team power sensitivity, which we define as a state in which team members are excessively perceptive of, affected by, and responsive to resources. We theorize that when power-sensitized teams experience resource threats (either stemming from external threats or personal threats within the team), these threats will ignite internal power sensitivities and set into play performance-detracting intra-team power struggles. This conflict account of power in teams integrates and organizes past findings in this area to explain why and when power negatively affects team-level outcomes, and opens the door for future research to better understand why and when power may benefit team outcomes when power’s dark side for teams is removed.  相似文献   

碳捕获与储存技术是降低碳排放的有效方法之一。论文针对碳价和碳捕获技术不确定的情况,构建双重不确定条件下的碳捕获技术投资模型,并在模型求解基础上进行了数值仿真分析,其分析结果表明:1)碳价的波动性将延迟碳捕获技术投资,若碳价的波动性足够大,发电商会选择不投资;2)碳捕获技术进步也将延迟投资,但政策性补贴将抵消该投资延迟。  相似文献   

The current article deals with experiences in supervising volunteers in the refugee sector. The work in this field has some particularities. It operates between two extreme poles: enormous gratitude for this work on the one hand and threats against supervisors on the other. The author puts forward his thesis that we have to deal with a new generation of volunteers. Supervision has limitations, and organizational consulting can provide useful support in order to manage the work of volunteers optimally.  相似文献   

Recent cyber attacks provide evidence of increased threats to our critical systems and infrastructure. A common reaction to a new threat is to harden the system by adding new rules and regulations. As federal and state governments request new procedures to follow, each of their organizations implements their own cyber defense strategies. This unintentionally increases time and effort that employees spend on training and policy implementation and decreases the time and latitude to perform critical job functions, thus raising overall levels of stress. People's performance under stress, coupled with an overabundance of information, results in even more vulnerabilities for adversaries to exploit. In this article, we embed a simple regulatory model that accounts for cybersecurity human factors and an organization's regulatory environment in a model of a corporate cyber network under attack. The resulting model demonstrates the effect of under‐ and overregulation on an organization's resilience with respect to insider threats. Currently, there is a tendency to use ad‐hoc approaches to account for human factors rather than to incorporate them into cyber resilience modeling. It is clear that using a systematic approach utilizing behavioral science, which already exists in cyber resilience assessment, would provide a more holistic view for decisionmakers.  相似文献   

Risk analysis and risk management in an uncertain world.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The tragic attacks of September 11 and the bioterrorist threats with respect to anthrax that followed have raised a set of issues regarding how we deal with events where there is considerable ambiguity and uncertainty about the likelihood of their occurrence and their potential consequences. This paper discusses how one can link the tools of risk assessment and our knowledge of risk perception to develop risk management options for dealing with extreme events. In particular, it suggests ways that the members of the Society for Risk Analysis can apply their expertise and talent to the risks associated with terrorism and discusses the changing roles of the public and private sectors in dealing with extreme events.  相似文献   

冲动购买是比较典型的消费者非理性购买行为。以往关于冲动购买的文献大量集中于探讨影响消费者冲动性的因素上面,而对于消费者自我控制的研究较少。本文基于自我控制的欲望—意志力模型,运用实验方法,探讨心理模拟技术对消费者冲动购买的影响。实验结果发现,过程模拟可以显著降低消费者的冲动购买水平,而结果模拟则明显提高消费者的冲动购买水平,高低冲动特质的人在这种效果上呈现明显差异;在不加控制的情况下,高冲动特质的人更偏好结果模拟,低冲动特质的人更偏好过程模拟。  相似文献   

In today's increasingly globalized environment, more and more companies recognize the mutual dependence of supply chain partners in value creation. When making business decisions, they take into consideration their partners’ bottom line profitability, especially in emerging markets. The question is, is this kind of practice sustainable? This study makes an attempt to formalize this issue by examining a stylized two‐party supply chain model in which each player maximizes its own profit while making a certain commitment to its partner. We compare five different games between the two supply‐chain partners, which reflect different power positions of the players and different levels of commitment. We identify conditions under which both players are better off with mutual commitments than without, a situation we call win–win. We show that win–win can be achieved if and only if the mutual commitments are comparable. Thus, the recognition of mutual dependence of the supply chain members needs to be translated into reciprocal concerns. In addition, different players’ commitments play different roles but together they have a similar effect as a profit sharing contract. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings in the context of socially responsible operations. In particular, our analyses show that it is possible to care about the supply chain partners’ bottom line without sacrificing one's own profitability, and our models can be used as a tool to determine the commitment levels by evaluating the predicted outcome.  相似文献   

网络治理的权力基础:一个跨案例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王琴 《南开管理评论》2012,15(3):91-100
网络组织是当前经济活动中的普遍现象,网络治理并非信任基础上的自主治理,而是受组织间权力关系的规制,权力是决定网络组织运行的重要关系并影响了网络组织运行绩效.本文通过一个跨案例研究,分析了网络治理的权力基础,提出组织间权力来源于企业资源、结构位势和制度压力.三种权力基础的作用机理不同,其中企业资源和网络中心性显著地表现为个体层面的权力,而网络密度和制度压力则体现为网络层面的权力,个体层面权力与网络层面权力的相互作用导致网络组织呈现不同的演变趋势.  相似文献   

From a cognitive perspective, mental models held by individuals are thought to guide interactions with objects or systems, including interpersonal interactions. Frameworks that categorize types of interactions in organizations suggest that they are guided by cultures and mental models that range from the egoistic to the cosmos-centric. From a behavioral perspective, what the cognitive approach calls mental models are sets of verbal rules. Therefore, we suggest that behavior analysis could be used to reconceptualize the mental model literature, generating new research questions and more rigorous experimentation. Cognitive constructs such as more expansive mental models may simply be a function of an individual’s or group’s increased attention to interlocking contingencies. Applying behavioral interventions such as acceptance and commitment therapy could be a way to examine the utility of a behavior analytic approach.  相似文献   

The role of power and agency in the development of organizational routines is under‐theorized. In this paper, we draw on an in‐depth qualitative case study of a merger between two academic institutions, a college of art and a university, and examine the diverging responses of two organizational routines (admissions and budgeting) during the course of the merger to understand how power dynamics contribute to resistance/compliance of routines. Our findings suggest that the differences in routines’ responses to a merger initiative can be explained by applying Bourdieu's theory of practice and by employing the concepts of field and symbolic capital to unpack power relations in the context of organizational routines, and to disclose why some routine participants can exercise their agency while others cannot. We find that (a) the field within which a routine operates and (b) the actors’ symbolic capital and position‐taking during change implementation shape routines’ responses to organizational change initiatives.  相似文献   

Protective actions for hurricane threats are a function of the environmental and information context; individual and household characteristics, including cultural worldviews, past hurricane experiences, and risk perceptions; and motivations and barriers to actions. Using survey data from the Miami‐Dade and Houston‐Galveston areas, we regress individuals’ stated evacuation intentions on these factors in two information conditions: (1) seeing a forecast that a hurricane will hit one's area, and (2) receiving an evacuation order. In both information conditions having an evacuation plan, wanting to keep one's family safe, and viewing one's home as vulnerable to wind damage predict increased evacuation intentions. Some predictors of evacuation intentions differ between locations; for example, Florida respondents with more egalitarian worldviews are more likely to evacuate under both information conditions, and Florida respondents with more individualist worldviews are less likely to evacuate under an evacuation order, but worldview was not significantly associated with evacuation intention for Texas respondents. Differences by information condition also emerge, including: (1) evacuation intentions decrease with age in the evacuation order condition but increase with age in the saw forecast condition, and (2) evacuation intention in the evacuation order condition increases among those who rely on public sources of information on hurricane threats, whereas in the saw forecast condition evacuation intention increases among those who rely on personal sources. Results reinforce the value of focusing hurricane information efforts on evacuation plans and residential vulnerability and suggest avenues for future research on how hurricane contexts shape decision making.  相似文献   

This article explores the impact upon the work of the UK Citizens Advice Service of the ‘Gateway Assessment’ system, a ‘triage device’ rolled out across Citizens Advice Bureaux in England and Wales from 2007 onwards designed to deal with an overflow of client needs.The paper addresses the history of ‘triage’ as a method for dealing with an excess of problematic bodies, before describing how a demonstrable need for systems to organise an overflow of advice needs within Citizens Advice Bureaux led to the emergence of triage as a ‘technique of government’ that would re-shape the advice process. Yet, as an attempt to regulate ‘from above’ the front-line of the Citizens Advice service, it met forms of resistance as existing practices of advice work and local situations fell into conflict with the inflexibility of the Gateway Assessment Process. The paper describes how implementation of the Gateway Assessment involved acts of compliance and acts of resistance, followed by a jostling between actors and a reshaping of the spaces of regulation, resulting in the ‘Gateway Plus’ model in which triage can slip into advice where necessary. We argue that this process displayed a conflict between a framing of overflow as an excess of countable bodies and one of problem-bearing subjects, the latter being derived from the relational and voluntary practice of advice.  相似文献   

不同渠道权力结构下的S-M两级闭环供应链绩效分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
与传统正向供应链相比,闭环供应链关注对消费阶段后的废旧产品进行回收再制造,从而减少环境污染、降低资源消耗,对推动制造业的可持续发展具有非常重要与深远的意义。为了探讨产品再制造战略对闭环供应链中成员企业的影响,本文采用博弈论对一个供应商和一个制造商构成的S-M两级闭环供应链进行研究,着重分析供应商强势、制造商强势以及供应商和制造商双方势力均衡时的定价策略和供应链系统绩效。研究结果表明:当实施产品再制造战略时,产品的销售价格降低、产品的市场销量增加,零部件的批发价格则上涨。从成员企业个体来看,再制造战略总是有助于制造商获得更多额外收益,而对供应商的影响效应则与供应商在渠道中的权力地位有关,处于强势地位的供应商可以通过大幅提高零部件批发价格的方式来保证自己从再制造中获益,而处于弱势地位的供应商则有可能遭受利益损失。从系统整体绩效来看,再制造战略具有提升供应链系统整体赢利水平的积极作用,但是供应商和制造商之间的权力结构会影响再制造的经济价值。具体而言,供应商和制造商势力均衡时的供应链绩效最优,其次是制造商主导的供应链,最差的是供应商主导的供应链。  相似文献   

If behavioral ethics research from the past two decades has taught us nothing else, it has made it abundantly clear that humans are morally fallible. Indeed, there are everyday examples—in the workplace and beyond—of people who unwittingly violate their personal moral values, finding numerous ways to rationalize and justify otherwise morally objectionable behavior. In this article, we argue that acknowledging one’s own moral fallibility and developing moral humility can be an influential step in helping bridge the gap between a person’s values and behaviors. Specifically, we define and make the case for moral humility as a fundamental virtue that can help people better avoid unethical behavior and enable virtuous behavior. Specifically, we explore the potential effects of having low (insufficient), high (optimal), and extremely high (excessive) levels of moral humility on multiple outcomes at the individual, interpersonal, and organizational levels. Our hope is to encourage future research on this important but underexamined construct.  相似文献   

刘强  苏秦 《管理工程学报》2012,26(1):162-169
以并购参与方所在供应链为研究视角,探讨了买方与多个供应商并购分析框架。首先,得出多种框架下并购前后各方所获利润,并数值模拟供应链环境变化对买方利润的影响;其次,在比较基础上给出供应链各方互动下的均衡。结果表明,并购交易的实施和供应链各方互动共同影响并购各方和其余各方所获利润,且互动削弱了并购产生的正向协同效应。本文给出了供应链各方互动下的并购分析框架,进一步完善了并购决策过程中的交易评估内容。  相似文献   

本文基于国有企业的高管变更视角分析了高管权力对公司治理效率的影响.以2004 -2008年的国有上市公司为研究样本,实证发现:(1)总体上高管变更与公司业绩呈负相关,而高管权力的增强会降低其因业绩低劣而被强制性更换的可能性,表明国企高管的权力在高管变更决策中发挥了显著的职位堑壕效应;(2)发生了高管变更的公司其未来业绩有明显的提高,但这一促进效应仅在权力较小的高管被变更后出现,而权力较大的高管被变更后公司业绩并没有得到改进;(3)进一步的研究显示,政府控制层级的提升和制度环境的改善能够抑制国企高管的权力寻租行为.本文的研究结果有助于我们理解国有企业高管权力的经济后果,并为当前有关国企公司治理和高管选聘体制改革的政策导向提供了经验启示.  相似文献   

A free video abstract to accompany this article can be found online at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IziwDorbeGU This paper provides important insights into how executive search firms can successfully manage their reputations to overcome major threats to their organizations. The paper focuses on three threats faced by executive search firms: the global financial crisis; questions around the sector's professional status; and the proliferation of social media for recruitment. Our data show that there was not a single coherent response from firms, but a piecemeal approach that focused on three forms of reputation management. First, diversifying service offerings; second, highlighting their symbolic capital; and third, connecting their firms to clients and candidates through partners. Building on our data and the theoretical literature, we provide a framework for understanding how professional service firms can manage their reputations in response to common threats, based on three categories from the English idiom ‘keep up with the Joneses’. First, moving away from the Joneses; second, fencing out the Joneses; third, networking more than the Joneses. We provide theoretical and practical insights around how organizations can manage their reputations in response to threats which are common across sectors.  相似文献   

在“用工荒”已经出现并将持续存在的情况下,中国劳动密集型制造业企业面临其特有的“生产力困境”.追求高度分工的运营策略虽然提高了企业的运营效率,但也使企业变得脆弱且反应迟钝,难以应对“用工荒”的挑战.本文尝试从企业社会责任的角度寻找帮助企业走出困境的办法.运用结构方程模型(SEM)通过对大样本(N=1185)企业员工问卷数据的分析,我们发现员工感知到的企业的社会责任努力能有效降低员工的离职意愿,同时提高其工作绩效;而且当企业采用高度分工策略时,上述关系变得更强.员工离职率的降低能有效提升企业应对“用工荒”的能力从而降低企业运营风险,员工工作绩效的提升将有助于改善企业整体运营效率.因此,我们认为企业的社会责任行为有助于缓解企业运营效率与运营灵活性之间的矛盾,帮助企业走出“生产力困境”.  相似文献   

This paper calls for major rethinking in information management research as we enter the second half of the 1990s and approach the 21st century. It argues that, should we not take up the challenges identified herein, it is likely that what little remains of the discipline ‘information management’ will be subsumed into the realms of computer science/engineering at one end of the spectrum, and strategic management and organizational behaviour at the other. It argues that while it is no bad thing that aspects of the topic are dealt with in these related fields, it is important that information management should be seen as a discipline in its own right. In order to achieve this recognition – indeed, in order to earn this recognition – major restoration is required. The paper seeks to begin a debate on this topic by presenting a manifesto1 for reform in the field of information management by discussing a series of concerns regarding the focus, methods and quality of research in this field; its reference disciplines, and its international and cross-cultural considerations. This is not meant to be a comprehensive treatment of the issues by any means, but an attempt to present aspects of the topic that are of importance. By commencing the debate, it is hoped that the issues will become clearer, and action can begin to be taken. The list will doubtless be refined as the debate ensues.  相似文献   

针对多属性综合评价问题,提出了一种基于差异驱动的主客体协作式综合评价方法。在主客体协作式综合评价过程中,首先获取被评价对象(评价客体)和外部评价者(评价主体)的属性赋权向量;然后以评价主体和评价客体落在意见一致区间内的成员个数占本群体成员的比例判断该群体应采取怎样的赋权策略,并据此给出评价主体和评价客体的话语权重;根据"差异驱动"原理,综合集成来自主客体的评价信息,得到最终评价结论。最后,用一个应用例检验了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

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