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Olsen K 《Work (Reading, Mass.)》2012,41(Z1):2625-2632
Research suggests that Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) practitioners have difficulty influencing the decision-making process because they are placed on the sidelines in the organisation. This paper analyses the strategies that OHS practitioners use to fulfill their job role and the impact they have on the working environment and OHS management systems. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten New Zealand OHS practitioners from mainly large private and public organisations about their job role, OHS tasks, strategies and their impact. The interviews were tape recorded, transcribed, entered into a qualitative data management programme and analysed thematically in relation to their strategies, barriers and their impact on the OHS management system and working environment. The analysis revealed that these OHS practitioners used multiple strategies - chosen in relation to the situation, the stakeholders and their own resources. They saw themselves as change agents or facilitators. They preferred to use a knowledge strategy, supported by an audit strategy. Their last resort was a regulation strategy. All of the practitioners had a positive impact on stakeholders' knowledge, attitude and behavior and on OHS management systems. Some practitioners improved the working environment but few were involved in introduction of new technology.  相似文献   

In this paper we will be examining the way in which the education social work service goes about its routine, everyday work with truants (which, for the purposes of this paper, will be seen as the service's major occupational task to resolve).1 Such an analysis has, in our view, a twofold importance. Firstly, it adds to the extensive literature2 on disaffection amongst school students; secondly, it contributes to juvenile justice studies3 which have highlighted the importance attached to truancy in the formal decision-making process; this in turn has led to the development of a range of administrative and judicial strategies to remedy the problem4. In addition, it is our view that the truancy problem is likely to increase in the light of the growing certainty of unemployment on leaving school for large sections of the youth population, coupled with fiscal cuts in the education budget: we have been able to show in our Sheffield-based research (which confirms trends indicated in earlier studies undertaken in this same city5 that there has been a statistically significant increase in non-attendance amongst fifth formers between 1976 and 1982 in the local comprehensive schools.6 The truancy issue has been perceived as a serious social problem for a number of years now7 and, on the same basis, we can expect that this will continue – indeed, as something of the moral panic that exists in the related social sphere of youth unemployment.8 Perhaps this is one of the reasons for the reference to the role of the service in the 1983 Conservative party manifesto:9‘we shall switch the emphasis in the education welfare service back to school attendance so as to reduce truancy'.  相似文献   

郑连虎  秦洁 《城市》2004,(5):13-15
由计划经济体制到市场经济体制,由相对封闭型经济到开放型经济并融入WTO体制,中国沿海城市的地位日益重要.到21世纪初,达到了一个跨越发展的新阶段,沿海城市逐步成为中国经济增长的主要区域、中国产业提升的关键区域、中国参与全球角逐的主力区域.从开放到积极参与新的经济全球化,随着对这一新背景和转折认识的逐步清醒,有关城市先后开始了气魄宏大的战略规划和实施,"以港兴市"观念深入人心,大力发展以临港产业为主导的开放型经济体系成为共识,其探索有益于沿海城市互相借鉴.  相似文献   

This article reviews the status of the social work labor force engaged in the private practice of social work based on data drawn from the full membership of the National Association of Social Workers. The demographics, areas of practice, income, and career development patterns of this sub-set of social workers are explored. These trends and issues are then discussed within the context of the realities of actual and potential changes in the mental health system of care in this society and their implications for private practice. Despite clear patterns which show a consistent upward trend in the proportion of social workers engaged in the private practice of social work, the current political and economic environment raises substantial questions about the nature and breadth of this component of social work practice in the future.  相似文献   

Following Mannheim's ( 1970 ) Problem of Generations, many scholars have warned of the analytical and political risks of conflating generation with cohort. Yet the temptation persists, as relying on cohort is a convenient method of dividing a population to study it. This article proposes that cohort is only convenient if the objective is understanding generations as definitive groups of people. It suggests a supplementary objective: understanding generation as a matter of discourse. Qualitative data from interviews with 52 Canadians illustrates how the discursive forms of generation in their stories render difference, human agency and social change in atomistic or voluntaristic terms. The most extreme manifestations of this theme appear related to the perception of generational conflict. Guided by James' principle of pragmatism, this article maintains that understanding generation as a discursive, historically contingent ‘thought’ with ‘effects’ is as important as understanding its structural form and contents.  相似文献   

This article reports on an exploratory study to understand the impact of the new philanthropy on funding recipients by asking nonprofit professionals about their experiences working with giving circles. Giving circles are growing in number across the United States. They are attractive to new philanthropy donors who pool their resources and then decide together where to give them away. They also frequently include social, educational, and volunteer engagement components. Giving circles seem to be an important source of new and expanded resources for nonprofit organizations, but there are both benefits and challenges to working with giving circles that reveal several problematic tensions for nonprofit funding recipients, the philanthropic relationship, and society more broadly.  相似文献   

Whether stereotypical perceptions of part‐time workers’ commitment to work are accurate is a matter of contention. Commentators such as Hakim (1996 ) suggest that full‐ and part‐time workers have qualitatively different orientations to work, while others ( Fagan 2001 ) argue that, as most women work full‐ and part‐time over the life course, such a view is overly static. This paper investigates firms’ structuring of part‐time work, focusing specifically upon the processes through which part‐time work becomes marginalized. It is argued here that the organisational context and use of part‐time work mediate managers’ and full‐time workers’ perceptions of part‐time workers’ commitment to work and together, these factors structure part‐time workers’ selection for career development. The paper argues for making conceptual distinctions between legislation, organisational policies and workplace practices in understanding patterns of change and, more importantly, continuity in the use and structuring of part‐time work. Furthermore it is argued that the stratification of part‐time work can be explained through processes of informal occupational closure.  相似文献   

Shift work (SW) can affect worker health and productivity. Working at night, workers often accumulate fatigue and are less productive. In Brazil, laws have been drafted aiming to reduce night work and rotating shift hours. In order to slash costs, companies have been looking for new arrangements to improve productivity under these conditions. The purpose of this study was to examine management changes and their outcomes in a large glass factory located in an industrial region of Brazil. The results show that the management, seeking equal productivity among shifts, focused its efforts mainly on distributing employee expertise. The arrangement resulted in 12 different groups that combine to serve three fixed shifts. A same shift can be served by more than one group, and the members of a same group share days off on different days. There was no statistically significant productivity difference among the three shifts. The on-site examination showed that part of the production was held by the workers and transferred to the next shift in order for them to be able to meet the management's performance rate requirements. The finding shows how a Brazilian cultural trait (resistance without conflict) is used to drive coping in SW.  相似文献   


Managing race and culture in social work is a matter of conceptualising and incorporating these dimensions in basic, sound casework, and in the structures of support and supervision which enable individual workers to provide this service.  相似文献   


Oppressed communities have long used strategies of caring for and protecting each other to ensure their collective survival. We argue for ecosocial workers to critically interrogate how agency, history, and culture structure environmental problems and our responses to them, by developing a resilience-based framework, collective survival strategies (CSS). CSS consider power, culture and history and build upon the strengths of oppressed communities facing global environmental changes. We challenge the dominant narrative of climate change as a “new” problem and connect it to colonization. We discuss implications by examining a social work program explicitly built on Indigenous knowledges and anti-colonial practice.  相似文献   

Canadian higher education sector has undergone numerous changes during the past decades. Increased student enrolments, massive cuts in human resources and constant restructuring are changes likely to have had a considerable impact on all employees (e.g., administrative, trades, and faculty). While many studies conducted in different countries have shown that stress in universities is a problem of alarming proportions, to date, no study of the entire staff of a university has been carried out in Canada. This research uses an approach based on the prevention and management of the sources of occupational stress to study 1086 employees of a Quebec university. Data were collected by means of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. It was found that the proportion of individuals who reported a high level of psychological distress was twice as high (40%) than that reported for a Quebec-wide sample (20%). Work overload, the relationship with one's superior and participation in decision making were systematically reported as high risks to employees' health. It was found that human resources management practices have not followed the rapid organizational changes which affected the university in the past years. The results are discussed in light of the risk management approach.  相似文献   

During the last decade, the University of East London conducted a series of surveys of newly qualified social workers in the UK for CCETSW and the Department of Health. Headed by Dr Karen Lyons and Mary Wallis Jones, the research was carried out in the years 1993–97, 2000 and 2002. The purpose of the surveys was to identify whether qualifying social workers were meeting the needs of employers and whether social work education was meeting the needs of students. This article gives an overview of the results of the surveys which have much to tell us about satisfaction rates of new social workers, gaps in social work education, the relevance of their completed diplomas and their prospective employment options upon completion, over the last decade. This research therefore has much to teach us regarding the policy development of the forthcoming three‐year degree.  相似文献   


At a time of significant restructuring in the community services labour market, it is particularly pertinent to analyse the current labour market opportunities available to new social work graduates. In 1995, using a small RMIT-funded (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) research grant, five schools of social work in Victoria collaborated to pilot a survey of the employment paths of the previous year's social work graduates. The survey was repeated in 1996. A complementary project which analysed the job advertisements for social work and social work-related positions during six months in both 1995 and 1996 provided further insight into the employment opportunities being advertised. Survey results showed a high rate of employment among new graduates with a decreasing number of graduates being employed in designated “social work” positions. This trend was reflected in the requirements for the positions advertised. The implications of this diversity of jobs and the decrease in designated “social work” positions are discussed, particularly in terms of broader changes in the world of work.  相似文献   


The article presents research on extracurricular forms of club activity as one of the important components of educational activity of social work students at University of Ruse, Bulgaria. The purpose of the research is to identify the impact of this type of extracurricular activity on the formation of positive attitudes towards people of different ethnic background and towards persons with disabilities, stimulating their cognitive, professional and social development. A sample has been formed and research tools have been used that is consistent to the purpose and specificity of the research. The results of the statistical processing of empirical data and their analysis confirm the accepted purpose. They reveal the role and importance of extracurricular forms of club activity to create an interactive learning environment and conditions that form positive attitudes towards the target groups and stimulate students: integrate acquired values, knowledge, skills into curriculum activities with practical experience and detailed information about outside groups; consciously and motivated to includes in equal, tolerant and non-discriminatory interactions in different interpersonal systems; to enhance their cultural competence; to appreciate diversity in the community and society. In synthesis, the presented aspects contribute to the cognitive, professional and social development of social work students.  相似文献   

In this article we discuss the social position of the black middle class and two forms of work stress that appear unique to this group: token stress and social rejection. We outline a research agenda for studying: (1) the relationship between these stressors and mental health in the context of the work environment, and (2) the type of strategies that appear especially efficacious (or problematic) with regard to these problems. We begin the paper with a contextual discussion of the black middle class. We then offer a set of theoretical predictions about the relationship between work stress and mental health among middle class African Americans. We conclude the article with recommendations for future research, and we identify the implications of the research agenda for social policy efforts to diversify the workplace.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》1994,10(4):321-330
The reversal of rural-urban traditional migration patterns in the last 20 years and the diffusion of non-agricultural activities in rural areas indicate that recent trends in rural development have not followed expected patterns. The paper retraces these recent changes, using as examples the case of France and Italy, two countries with quite different patterns of economic and social development. It follows the characteristics of the real processes under way on the one hand and the conceptualisations and categories used to understand them on the other. The paper concludes that recent trends require a thorough theoretical revision of the traditional assumptions in the social sciences. It suggests that the rural-urban criteria of spatial differentiation is losing significance while the regional or local economy approach provides a more useful framework, to explore the relevant criteria for differentiating rural development.  相似文献   

Given the ageing population of occupational health physicians and the deteriorating situation of employee health, reforms targeting the multi-disciplinary nature of occupational health are currently being drawn up. These are of great concern to doctors in terms of the future of occupational health, notably with regard to changing medical practices. The objective of this study is to explore the actual practices of occupational health physicians within the framework of MSD prevention in France. By analysing the activity of occupational health physicians, we could gain a better understanding of the coordination between those involved in OHS with the ultimate goal being to improve prevention. Based on an analysis of peer activity, this method made it possible to push beyond pre-constructed discourse. According to activity theories, it is through others that the history and controversies of a profession can be grasped and skills developed. The results produced by these collective discussions on activity analysis contributed to establish a collective point of view about the important aspects of their profession that need defending and the variations in professional genre in relation to the current reforms, notably.  相似文献   

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