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现代慈善素养是现代社会发展对青少年综合素质提出的新要求,其培养教育的主渠道是学校现代慈善文化教育。在校园内进行的培养青少年现代慈善意识和行为的教育就是学校慈善文化教育。学校慈善文化教育的主要内容是爱心、感恩、利他和参与。  相似文献   

核心力量训练有助于提高学生的基本运动能力、保持正确的身体姿势、预防各种运动损伤、提高肢体的协调度;运动运动负荷低、训练时间短、动作相对简单、对场地器材要求低是其开展的优势;核心力量体系的不完整性及在学校普及度不高,训练的长期性和效果的不明显性是其开展的难点。  相似文献   

轩志刚 《现代交际》2015,(4):108-109
本文采用文献资料、访谈、实地考察等研究方法,通过分析内蒙古高校竞技体育竞赛训练发展的现状及存在的问题,依据高校竞技体育体制改革发展的趋势转变内蒙古现有的直线性隶属关系的组织管理体制,协调整合资源,建立多层次、多元化的高校竞技体育管理体制和训练培养体系。  相似文献   

从不同的视角对奥林匹克运动对西部学校体育的影响进行了探讨,并对其怎样引入进行了阐述,为最终实现二者的持续、和谐发展提供参考。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我们的经济建设取得了巨大的成就,但同样,也付出了巨大的代价,经济发展与资源环境的矛盾日趋尖锐,环境污染问题突出,为实现可持续、快、好、稳定的发展,近几年国家出台了一系列政策措施,我国十一五规划纲要明确提出:十一五期间单位国内生产总值能耗降低了20%左右,主要污染物排放总量减少了10%。这是贯彻资源节约型、环境友好型社会的必然选择,是维护中华民族长远利益的必然要求。节能减排,没有退路,难在出路,作为一名教育工作者,本人想对学校的节能减排谈一谈看法。  相似文献   

搞好学校体育管理,能达到增进学生身心健康,增强学生体质;使学生掌握体育基本知识,培养学生的体育运动能力和习惯等诸多方面的效果,全面地完成学校体育工作的基本任务。  相似文献   

孔硕  尹超  潘利利 《现代交际》2011,(9):193-193
目前,国家大力提倡学生的素质教育,要培养全面发展的人才。为了适应社会的快速发展,只有打好身体的基础,才能进行其他发展。所以在素质教育中,对学生体育素质的要求是很重要的。然而,在体育素质的培养中,最主要也是最有效的途径就是学校体育。学校教育要树立健康第一的指导思想,切实加强体育工作,使学生掌握基本的运动技能,培养学生创新精神和实践能力,提高学生心理素质,养成终身体育的意识。  相似文献   

在整个学校中开展体育训练和学习对于培育未来的体育后备人才并不断发展竞技体育和满足整个体育事业良性发展起到了重要的作用。而为了培养出更多体育事业的后备军力量,以及促进整个学校业余体育训练能够得到持续、和谐的可持续发展,人们就不得不提高对高校中的业余体育训练的重视程度,本文就针对学校业余体育训练中可能会存在的诸多问题进行了分析和总结,并对这些问题指出对策及研究方案以供参考。  相似文献   

本文通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法大量研读各学者有关学校体育的作用与影响期刊,其中重点谈论学校体育运动技能的重要性以及学校体育对终身体育的影响以及各要数间的关系,还有竞技体育运动的开展丰富和活跃了学校体育的内涵,在理论层面上为相关领域的研究做出自己的贡献。  相似文献   

倪鸿博 《现代交际》2014,(11):102+101-102
为了分析现今的学校体育异化现象,本文采用了观察法、文献法、逻辑分析法,通过对我国学校在体育发展的过程中出现的不同体育异化现象进行分析,对其产生的原因进行讨论,指出学校体育发展的问题所在。研究结果表明,这些不利于学校体育发展的异化现象阻碍了学校体育的发展,使得学生在体育课中无法得到应具备的素质,并提出了一些相对的解决措施:完善学校体育政策、端正对学校体育教育的认识、引进高素质体育师资、加强学校体育的宣传、加强学校体育设施的建设。  相似文献   

牟彤华 《职业时空》2013,(10):86-88,94
基于协同学原理,探讨高职人才协同培养的内在机理,构建协同培养模式架构,为高职人才培养模式建设提供新的思路和视角.  相似文献   

通过对焊接专业开展职业培训以及专业建设过程的实践,提出了高职学院开展社会职业培训在整个专业建设中的重要性,探讨了高职院校焊接专业结合职业培训进行专业建设的可行性与具体措施,阐明了开展社会职业培训在整个专业建设过程中的地位和作用。  相似文献   

The extent to which students feel accepted, valued, respected and included in the school has recently surfaced as one of the most important predictors of adolescent mental health (particularly depressive symptoms). The school environment is an established predictor of school connectedness, but we set out to examine whether parental attachment predicts both adolescents' perception of the school environment and school connectedness. A study of 171 high school students from years 8 to 12 showed that parent attachment strongly predicted both. We also confirmed that the relationship between parent attachment and school connectedness is not a direct one but that parent attachment influences individual differences in the way adolescents perceive the school environment, which in turn influences school connectedness. This finding shows how multiple systems might be interlinked in influencing wellbeing in adolescents, and confirms the importance of intervening at the double level of both the family and the school system.  相似文献   

通过调查了解到廊坊市中小学突发公共事件应急机制构建现状,分析了廊坊市中小学突发公共事件应急管理中存在的问题,提出了不断完善廊坊市中小学突发公共事件应急机制构建的对策。  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of high school sector on educational success in Japan. A range of previous research on disparities among high schools has revealed that high school rank (based on the academic ability of pupils, etc.) originated from the democratization of high school. However, given that the democratization of high school is supported by private high schools, high school sector may become a factor for high school ranking. The data used for the analysis are the 2005 National Survey of Social Stratification and Social Mobility (SSM) in Japan. The results indicate that students who enter private high schools have lower academic ability than students who enter public high schools. By contrast, private high school students have greater educational success than public high school students. Moreover, this study reveals that private high school students are generally from a higher social class than public high school students. Given that the use of entrance examinations for private junior high schools has been increasing since the 1990s, in the future, the effect of private schools on educational success may become stronger in not only high schools but also junior high schools. This study thus emphasizes the importance of paying greater attention to the relationship between educational success and the private and public school sectors.  相似文献   

马艳杰  韩东  孙瑜 《职业时空》2013,(5):134-135
通过秦皇岛市5所高中621名学生的调查问卷,对高中生的体育消费行为进行调查。结果表明,秦皇岛市高中生体育消费的年级差异显著,在消费动机方面性别差异显著。高中生的体育消费受到家庭、学校、媒体信息等多种因素的影响。  相似文献   

闫晓前 《职业时空》2013,(9):59-60,66
以陕西国防工业职业技术学院为例,阐述高职化工类专业“虚实交替,订单培养”人才培养模式的内涵及特点,探讨“虚实交替,订单培养”人才培养模式的实施,以期更好地服务区域经济社会的发展,为高职院校化工类专业人才培养提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

This article describes the design of a social studies unit about the Johnstown Flood of 1889 with a particular emphasis on how specific unit resources engaged middle school students in learning about the geographical and historical context of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. We also report on how the resources supported the teaching and learning of the historical thinking practice of contextualizing.  相似文献   


The Internet can assist social workers and other human service professionals to obtain information that may potentially benefit both themselves and their clients. There is little doubt among those who are familiar with the Internet that this electronic medium has revolutionized the way we communicate and access knowledge. This article provides school social workers and other human service professionals with links to resources that can be incorporated into practice by offering specific Web pages related to school social work practice.  相似文献   

Many schools have introduced violence prevention measures that aim to combat acts such as bullying and carrying weapons on school premises. Despite these attempts, students and faculty live in fear of a school shooting happening in their community. This article reviews the factors that are most prevalent in those who follow through with school violence and the most prevalent cluster of variables seen in cases of school shootings. Next, the etiology of school shootings and the stages-of-change model, applied to school violence, is discussed. The analyses are then followed by implications for social work and how to augment existing practices through practice and policy changes.  相似文献   

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