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Sexual dysfunctions are related to depressive and anxiety disorders, but the nature of these relationships remains unclear. This study examined the relationship among symptoms of these disorders over time by comparing (a) a model that included causal relationships, (b) a model that accounted for change over time with a shared underlying factor (or latent liability) among all the disorders, and (c) a model that conceptualized sexual dysfunctions as unrelated to depressive and anxiety disorders over time. Participants (n = 1,012) completed online self-report measures of sexual dysfunctions and depressive and anxiety disorders across six time points at either weekly or monthly intervals. Models 1 and 2 provided equal best fit for men and women based on data collected four weeks apart, but there were no evident causal relationships in Model 1. Subsequent analyses using data collected one week and six months apart found Model 2 provided robust fit for women, but these data were not examined for men due to inadequate sample sizes. The results are consistent with a shared latent liability of internalizing psychopathology driving the change in these disorders over time, which provides a clear direction for an empirically driven nosology and for future research into transdiagnostic treatments.  相似文献   

This study examined confiding patterns in a national sample of 1000 U.S. adults aged 25–70 to inform the development of an educational program for confidants, called Marital First Responders. Results showed that 73% of U.S. adults have been a confidant to someone with a problem in a marriage or long‐term committed relationship. The most common confiding relationship was between friends, followed by siblings. Confidants reported a wide range of problems brought to them, ranging from everyday complaints to serious issues such as infidelity and divorce. Confiders identified the most and least helpful responses. Findings suggest that naturally occurring confiding relationships have considerable potential to be the first level of help for troubled couple relationships.  相似文献   


This review article is based on James N. Morgan et al. (eds.), Five Thousand American Families: Patterns of Economic Progress (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Institute for Survey Research, Vols. 1–3, 1975). Co-author of Deviance, Selves, and Others (Rose Monograph Series, 1971) and former editor of Sociometry, Professor Stryker has served as a consultant to the Gary Income Maintenance Experiment since 1969.[Eds.]  相似文献   

Carl E. Cole 《Social Studies》2013,104(4):160-162
This article describes the Native American History in a Box curriculum which is designed to introduce elementary and middle-level students to Native American cultures. The curriculum consists of a five day unit addressing the following concepts pertaining to Native American Nations: settlements, tools, sustenance, pottery, and contact with Europeans. In addition, the development of the curriculum, the daily lessons, and the activities are discussed. Each daily lesson includes step-by-step instructions and the required materials. Finally, the authors discuss some of the pragmatic issues that influenced the development and implementation of the curriculum.  相似文献   

In this article, we review the major research advances made during the 1990s in the study of sexuality in marriage and other close relationships. More specifically, we provide a critical review of the empirical findings from the last decade on such sexual phenomena as sexual behavior, sexual satisfaction, and sexual attitudes within the context of marriage, dating, and other committed relationships. After highlighting the major theoretical and methodological advances of the 1990s, we focus on the research literatures of: (1) frequency and correlates of sexual activity in marriage; (2) sexual satisfaction, including its association with general relationship satisfaction; (3) sexuality in gay and lesbian committed relationships; (4) trends in sexual behavior and attitudes in dating relationships; and (5) the role of sexuality in dating relationships. We also incorporate brief reviews of the past decade's research on sexual assault and coercion in marriage and dating and on extramarital sex. We end our decade review with recommendations for the study of sexuality into the next decade.  相似文献   


This study is the first to examine confiding about problems in marital and long-term committed relationships among gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) individuals. Areas explored include the prevalence of confiding relationships, the kinds of problems brought to confidant, and types of stress confidants experience in this role. Prevalence data were presented both for a national sample of 301 GLBT individuals and compared with a nationally representative sample of 1,000 American adults. Findings showed a high prevalence of being a confidant among GLBT respondents, greater than in the general population, and a lower prevalence of confiding in others about problems in their relationships. Of particular interest was the finding of a high degree of support that GLBT individuals provide to heterosexual relationships through the role of confidant. Relationship problems discussed with GLBT confidants were similar to confidants in the general population, as was the level of stress reported by confidants.  相似文献   

Social science research methods are experiencing a paradigm shift in that participatory research methods, in many cases relegated to second-class status, are gaining credibility as valid and legitimate ways to engage in scholarly and solid research. In social work, participatory research is one more way social workers can engage with participants as partners in the process of generating knowledge and transforming society. This article discusses a particular type of participatory research called Participatory Action Research (PAR). PAR is explained and an example of how PAR has been used is offered. This article offers a discussion of how PAR is consistent with the core values of social work, especially those values of partnership, relationship, and social change. Finally, the article offers social work researchers a framework for engaging in liberatory research.  相似文献   


This study examined the relationships of sexual, physical and emotional abuse to emotional (internalizing) and behavioral (externalizing) problems among incarcerated girls and boys. Participants were youth who were remanded to the correctional facilities within a statewide juvenile correctional system in a southern state in the United States of America. Each participant completed a structured interview regarding abuse history, emotional and behavioral difficulties, and demographic characteristics. Multiple regression analyses indicated that girls were more likely than boys to internalize their problems. The only abuse variable that was positively and significantly associated with emotional problems was emotional abuse. Greater behavioral problems were significantly related to youths being younger in age, white ethnicity, history of sexual abuse, and history of physical abuse. There were overall gender differences for internalizing problems, but not for externalizing problems among incarcerated adolescents. Furthermore, physical and sexual abuses were related to externalizing problems but not to internalizing problems. Thus, different types of abuse appear to have different effects on adolescent behavior. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

智瑞芝 《科学发展》2014,(11):22-28
近年来,在"两创"战略的实施和带动下,浙江高技术产业取得了迅速发展,同时也存在不少问题:与经济发展粗放式类似,高技术产业发展也具有粗放型特征,主要依靠高投入来支撑,高消耗、高排放、低效率的状况没有得到根本改善;高技术产业的产品大多位于价值链低端,产品附加值低,严重制约了高技术产业在国际市场上核心竞争力的提升。因此,必须针对浙江高技术产业发展的现状及发展中存在的主要问题,从加强政府服务、实施产业预见、完善金融支持、加大RD资金投入、加强知识产权保护等方面入手,着力提升高技术产业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

易卫华  邓强 《城市观察》2013,26(4):169-177
通过对技术引进消化吸收再创新实践活动进行深入研究,分析了技术引进消化吸收再创新的现状与问题,并对广州如何增强自主创新能力、提高技术引进消化吸收再创新效率、加快产业转型升级等问题给出对策建议。  相似文献   

A cross-cultural, multiple-item scale for measuring organization-public relationships (called Organization-Public Relationship Assessment [OPRA]) was developed not only to fulfill the standards of reliability and validity in measurement but also to acquire cross-cultural comparability. After a discussion of the conceptualization and operationalization of the organization-public relationship construct, the procedures used in constructing and refining a multiple-item scale to measure the construct are described. Four data sets including 2 survey data sets (a total of 535 respondents) and 2 long interview data sets (a total of 32 in-person long interviews) were incorporated in the development of OPRA. Evidence of the scale's reliability, factor structure, and validity is presented. The article concludes with a discussion of the scale's potential applications and theoretical implications.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the international research literature published since 2005 focusing specifically on sibling relationships in fostering and adoptive families. It presents an overview of the current state of knowledge regarding sibling relationships of fostered and adopted children as well as gaps and limitations. The review concludes that while methodological advances are apparent in this body of work siblinghood is poorly conceptualised and there has been inadequate attention to the perspectives of children. The paper goes on to suggest that one possible source of insight comes from recent work undertaken within social anthropology and sociology and the application of this theoretical and methodological approach to the study of siblinghood in out‐of‐home care is considered.  相似文献   

Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the longitudinal stability of the structural relationships between the predisposing, enabling, and illness-morbidity characteristics of the population-at-risk and measures of health services utilization. The structural coefficients estimated from the 1971, 1972, and 1973 Health Interview Surveys were examined using the Relative Instability Ratio (RIR) presented in this paper. The RIR values indicate that—except for age, family size, occupation, and family income—all the predisposing, enabling, and illness-morbidity characteristics produce unstable structural relationships. In addition, a negative monotonic relationship was found between the temporal ordering of the groups of characteristics and their ability to produce stable structural relationships. These results demonstrate the need for entrepreneurial health manpower projection techniques and abstract academic explanatory models of health services utilization to become dynamic, rather than remaining in their present static states.  相似文献   

Although sexual risk behavior occurs in a dyadic context, most studies of adolescent sexual behavior focus on individuals. This study uses couple data (= 488 couples) from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health to examine how partners' contraceptive attitudes correlate over time and whether male or female partners' attitudes are better predictors of condom use. Net of their own prior attitudes, partners' prior attitudes predicted both male and female adolescents' Wave 2 attitudes. This association was stronger for female than for male adolescents, suggesting that female attitudes were influenced more by males' prior attitudes than vice versa. When entered together, only male adolescents' attitudes predicted dyadic condom use. Findings suggest that male partners may have greater influence on adolescent contraceptive decisions and that prevention programs should emphasize the relational context of sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract The results of a 1986 survey of 185 biotechnology faculty in the land-grant colleges of agriculture are presented. Comparisons are made to a previous survey of biotechnology faculty in nonagricultural research universities. The survey investigates issues raised by industrial involvement in university biotechnology research and the impact of the new biosciences on the agricultural colleges. It was found that college of agriculture biotechnologists have more recently received their highest degrees, show more industrial involvement, and are more positive about the possible benefits of that involvement than their nonagricultural university counterparts. Industrial funding proved to be a significant exogenous variable affecting the activities and attitudes of agricultural college biotechnology faculty. Those with higher levels of industrial funding appear to have lower university productivity.  相似文献   

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