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An expanded and holistic conceptualization of the liability of foreignness (LOF) is presented that goes beyond the traditional foreign subsidiary–local firm dyad in the host country. Taking the strategy process perspective, we contend that this liability is the aggregated effect of the firm's interaction with all elements of the international business environment (IBE), not merely in the initial entry mode decisions but throughout its foreign operations. Viewing the antecedents and consequences of this liability holistically, we argue that accurate reading of the complex and volatile IBE, formulation of a compatible strategy and its effective implementation together contribute to good performance. As the resource-based perspective suggests the degree to which firms develop such tacit skills, differentially affects their performance. Firms that excel in these environment-reading skills and are agile enough to quickly adapt to its changes can transform this liability into a competitive advantage.  相似文献   

面试是公选的一个重要环节,目的是检测考生的综合分析能力、组织与协调能力、应变与创新能力、言语表达能力等。通常情况下,面试考官对考生回答问题只是一边听,一边评判,然后给出相应的分数。但是,有时也会出现考官"追问"的情况。作为应试者,一旦遇到这样的情况,应当立即注意从三个方面把握好自己,避免失去不应该失去的分数。  相似文献   

中国企业如何看待变化着的经营形势?中国企业的管理有哪些独特的问题和经验?中国企业家的素质及其成长的过程和条件如何?中国优秀企业的创业历程与成长战略又是怎样的?这些问题是企业家和管理学者们不断经历和苦苦思索的问题。对这些问题的任何单一的解答都可能永远无法穷形尽相,但在众多实践者和思考者的智慧汇集中,有可能使我们更容易找到通往真知的条条小路。“百名企业家的思考”系列由南开大学国际商学院和《南开管理评》主办,旨在遴选近百名著名企业家,围绕“企业成长”这一当前我国企业面临的共同主题,切磋经验,聚汇思想,倾吐洞识,启发新智。同一般的“纯采访式工商界人物访谈”不同,“百名企业家的思考”系列不是一种单个企业家随意进行的情况介绍或思想表述,而是一批有作为、有影响的企业家围绕相同的主题,在管理专家学者的深度参与下展开的深刻反思和总结。因此,该系列不仅可以以更为科学的方式展露不同企业和企业家的个性风采,而且有助于在不断积累的基础上作出统计分析和比较研究,从而为把我国的企业和企业家研究推向深入,开辟新的途径。  相似文献   


This study uses data from a series of comparative case studies to analyse the interorganizational networks of business associations providing workforce development services in the United States. Three aspects of the networks were of particular interest, including (a) the form the partnerships took, (b) the trade-off to involving educational or community vs. business partners in providing workforce development services and (c) the strengths of associations in brokering services to adults or youth. The findings demonstrate that business associations work in intermediary networks or provide their services directly. The conclusions suggest that human resource development professionals should work more actively with local business associations to recruit, train and provide supports for workers in US firms.  相似文献   

一、完善运行机制 把握内外局面李维安:目前,企业经营的大环境发生了很大变化。中国即将加入WTO,直面国际竞争。从国内形势看,企业之间的竞争日益加剧,国有企业的改革也进入了深层次和关键时刻。作为中远散货运输有限公司这样一个国有大型企业的领导人,你如何看待我国企业的整体经营形势?张良:随着中国加入WTO的日益临近和信息经济时代的到来,中国经济融入世界经济的进程也在加快,中国企业所面临的国际环境和竞争压力,无论在广度上还是在深度上,都将进入一个新的历史阶段。充分认识和科学分析这一历史性的变化,对于我国企业…  相似文献   

Richard L. Reece, MD, interviewed Jeff C. Goldsmith, PhD, President of Health Futures, Inc. on October 12, 1999 to discuss how the Internet will affect health care delivery in the millennium. One of the most profound changes that he sees is how the relationship between physicians and patients will be altered. Empowered consumers are where the real revolution is happening--a trend sometimes overlooked by physicians. Goldsmith says, "The key thing physicians have missed is that the patient is in charge of the process.... The Internet has enabled patients to aggregate their collective experience across disease entities." But there is too much information. "It is almost universally acknowledged by patients and physicians that there is a terrible quality problem. Getting from information to knowledge is a huge commercial opportunity for somebody." He doesn't think that people have put enough emphasis on the collective learning part of this new technology.  相似文献   

Richard L. Reece, MD, interviewed David Whyte, a poet, consultant, and author of The Heart Aroused, on December 15, 1999, to discuss preserving the soul of physicians in corporate America. David describes the soul as "a measure of our belonging in the world. When there is little sense of belonging, there is very little sense of soul." In the workplace, he thinks about whether "people have a sense of belonging to the particular work or the organization." He talks about life in the upper world of the workplace and life in the dark subterranean caves where the soul lives. The soul is where people's true creativity and imagination resides ... and by inviting it into the workplace, organizations and employees can become more successful, innovative, and adaptable. In corporate settings, he uses poetry to bring an understanding of the process of change, helping clients to understand individual and organizational creativity to transform the workplace. The poetry can teach and touch those places that the corporate language cannot speak to.  相似文献   

Richard L. Reece, MD, interviewed John Danaher, MD, MBA, on August 16, 2000, to discuss how his new company is preparing for the perfect storm--the looming convergence of demanding consumers, defined contributions, and Internet-based health plans. He describes how his firm is putting financial and clinical tools in the hands of consumers and physicians, so consumers can be more enlightened in their health care choices. Danaher says, "We're not about buying goods and services online. We are transforming the way consumers buy health care and seek insurance. We're trying to be a 401 k where people get on, knowing their risk profile and return horizons. We aim to motivate consumers to be proactive in making health care choices. How do we make consumers responsible and motivated enough to take control of managing their health care costs? How well we articulate this call to consumer action will be the key to our success."  相似文献   

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