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农村劳动力转移就业的多元路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢文捷 《阅江学刊》2012,4(5):87-92
长期以来,我国农村劳动力转移就业基本上是以流向东部沿海经济发达地区为主的单一模式。近年来,受东部沿海地区产业向中西部地区转移进程加快和内地经济快速发展的影响,区域间的比较优势逐渐弱化,农村劳动力远距离就业的选择空间越来越大,当地政府必须通过调整农业经济结构、鼓励农民自主创业、加大招商引资力度和开辟国外劳务市场等途径探索多元转移就业路径,实现农村劳动力合理转移就业。  相似文献   

Summary A comparison of the residents of three county council homesfor the elderly is undertaken. The three homes differ both intheir architectural design, and in the role of the staff. Themeasures used are mainly concerned with the residents' dailyactivities, and information is collected both by questionnaireand by personal observation. The results show significant differencesin the three groups and tend to support the authors' predictionsconcerning the residents' behaviour, based on the differencesin the physical design and staff role in the homes  相似文献   

基于生产过程的高职课程实训项目开发是目前高职课程改革的重点,也是高职教育人才培养模式改革的重要保障。文章分析了目前高职课程实训存在的问题,以“建筑设计CAD”课程课内实训项目开发为例探讨高职实训开发的途径和要点,对体现基于生产过程的高职实训教学作了有意义的探讨。  相似文献   

为寻找赛教融合的有效路径,以课程设计实践教学环节为研究对象,探讨将学科竞赛模式融入本科专业课程设计的基本方式方法,提出教学理念、教学内容、教学方式三管齐下的教学改革措施,并从教学时间和对象等角度提出赛教融合课程设计教学改革的细节管理建议,为高校教学改革和创新人才培养提供参考.  相似文献   

Controlling for causality in the link from income to mortality   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
While previous research shows that wealthier people tend to live longer, it is not clear whether this occurs because wealthy people make greater investments in health and safety or because inherently healthy people tend to make more money. This article uses measures of initial health to focus on the flow from wealth to good health. While the estimated link between income and mortality is less than in other articles, we find that a significant link still remains. In particular, we estimate that health and safety regulations, which cost more than $12.2 million per life saved, are likely to kill more people through increased poverty than they save directly. Estimates of costs per life saved provided by the Office of Management and Budget suggest that many health and safety programs implemented in the last 20 years would be eliminated using this criterion.  相似文献   

This article reports on focus group data from African American women after participating in year-long groups while attempting to make the transition from welfare to work. Qualitative data analysis is employed to examine the women's words about their experiences, within the context of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) requirements and group work models for women who are multiply oppressed. Their words point to recommendations for group work knowledge and skills to best support the needs of these women in the era of TANF.  相似文献   

This article explores young people's experiences in the transition to adulthood from child welfare services and how Honneth's theory of recognition can be useful as an analytical tool to help us understand these experiences. The underpinning empirical research consisted of interviews and focus groups with 43 adolescents who had been in contact with Norwegian child welfare services. Three themes emerged as particularly important: having good relationships to caring adults, being listened to and able to influence their own lives, and receiving support and encouragement. The research shows how young people's difficulties in leaving care can be understood as experiences of misrecognition and points to some ways in which these can be overcome.  相似文献   

艺术是非常宏观且极具发展潜力的一门综合性文化,艺术借助媒介或手段,营造形象、氛围,综合反映现实寄托情感,是一种具有典型意识的社会形态.因此,其整体艺术实训室的建设,应符合整体的发展需求.该文将就艺术设计类实训室的综合管理系统设计展开讨论,阐述艺术设计类实训室的具体功能及其重要性,研究如何通过合理有效的方式,实现对艺术设...  相似文献   

仝金钟 《社科纵横》2008,23(1):92-93
汉语常用成语在从古到今的发展变化中,由褒变贬的为数甚多,由贬变褒的为数极少.那么,为什么会有大量的褒义成语变成贬义成语呢?本文针对这个问题展开讨论.  相似文献   

1945年日本战败投降,日本军国主义的内外政策彻底破产。日本军国主义给邻国人民带来了深重的灾难,为向邻国人民表示反省的诚意,为警示日本今后的发展道路,日本理应对军国主义进行严肃、认真、深刻的研究和批判。日本战败投降已阅一甲子,但令人遗憾的是,在20世纪50—70年代,日本国内除少数进步学者提出了一些研究成果外,从总体上看对军国主义的研究与批判十分缺乏。近年在日本虽出版了极少量关于日本军国主义的研究著作,但多是欧美学者的译作。对日本学者而言,甚至已发展到连“军国主义”、“法西斯”、“侵略”一类词语的使用都成为禁区的地…  相似文献   

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