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经济落后地区的教育事业,由于受整个社会经济背景的制约,往往表现出与较发达地区教育发展诸多相异的特征,如资源严重短缺、历史欠帐过多、社会观念落后等。在我国实施科教兴国战略的今天,要有效地促进教育的改革与发展,首先必须依据不同地区教育发展的不同特点,确定可行的发展战略。对于落后地区的教育发展而言,要以面向本地区社会经济发展为基本出发点,以适应社会经济发展的实际为自身改革与发展的生长点,主要依靠本地区的社会经济基础作为发展的基本支撑,而把服务于区域发展作为教育改革与发展的基本目标。在此定位下,改革与发…  相似文献   

在迎接21世纪到来的交替阶段,知识经济既给我国图书馆事业的发展带来了机遇,又对在计划经济条件下长期运行的图书馆事业提出了挑战。面对新的形势,图书馆必须立足于现在,着眼于未来,努力朝智能型图书馆发展。实施数字化和网络化信息服务的跨世纪发展战略已成为我国图书馆事业的根本趋势。一、中国数字图书馆建设已现刍形最新消息报导,国家836计划中国数字图书馆工程战略组与中国国际广播电台正式鉴约,中国国际广播电台已成为我国数字图书馆的示范工程。此举表明,我国数字图书馆工程已突破传统图书馆的范畴,在信息资源开发的广度和…  相似文献   

区域信息化水平比较与差异因素的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
结合现有可得数据选取适当的指标,利用主成分分析、聚类分析等方法,把我国各地区按信息化水平高低分为四大类,并呈现出东部沿海地区先进,中西部地区落后的格局,应尽快采取措施缩小区域信息发展差距,增强落后地区信息发展能力。  相似文献   

车金良 《社科纵横》2009,(9):159-162
图书馆文化是以精神文化为核心,制度文化为中介,环境文化为表层的结构体系,具有激励、导向、约束、凝聚及辐射等功能。图书馆价值观是图书馆文化的灵魂,它从意识形态的深层影响图书馆的发展。图书馆精神文化通过功能发挥作用,加强图书馆文化建设必将促进现代图书馆事业的更好更大发展。  相似文献   

韩国图书馆事业中的法制建设胡广翔一、韩国图书馆立法的沿革与发展韩国政府十分重视图书馆的业务建设和法制建设。早在1963年,韩国政府就制订了“图书馆法”,并开始对图书馆事业实行立法管理。世界进入90年代,随着信息化社会第3次浪潮的冲击,图书馆的诸项业务...  相似文献   

对我国图书馆事业现状的分析李碧霞1993年2月20日《科技日报》有关北京图书馆读者稀少的报道,引起知识界的震惊。藏书1400万册的我国最大的图书馆已失去了昔日座无虚席、应接不暇的风彩、而出现了门可罗雀的景象。不少地区的省、市、县级图书馆、高校图书馆也...  相似文献   

2016年4月,日本九州地震对号称"硅岛"的九州地区半导体生产基地的生产活动造成很大影响。笔者早年考察九州半导体产业得到了很多的启示,如高技术产业发展选址的重要性,人才供给在产业发展中的作用,市场管理和相关产品生产工艺的配套、落后地区高新技术对地区发展中的意义等等,这些至今对我国的发展仍然具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

韩国图书馆的发展演变胡广翔一、韩国图书馆的起源和发展(古代至20世纪初)韩国悠久的历史形成了该国丰富的图书文化,其图书馆事业也经历了从形成到发展的过程。从可以作为图书馆初期形态的三国时代开始,一直到高丽时代、朝鲜时代,都是一面受到中国的影响,一面发展...  相似文献   

严跃英 《探求》2000,(4):61-63
现代经济和科技的迅猛发展,必然会引起图书馆形态、管理及制度的重大变革,引发图书馆观念和思维的一系列变化。改革呼唤观念更新,观念更新的程度决定改革的进程。图书馆的改革必须有其观念的变革作先导,否则,图书馆事业就会处于低水平、低质量、低效率、低效益的状况,就会在不断变化的形势中徘徊不前,就不能适应知识经济的新形势。只有树立与社会发展相适应的现代观念,坚持不懈地实施必要的改革方略,图书馆事业才能振兴和发展。 一、图书馆改革中的观念变革 (一)树立效益观念 在投入稳定的情况下,追求最大的产出是一种效益观念。…  相似文献   

汪双英 《社科纵横》2010,25(3):126-127
高职院校迅猛发展,已占据整个教育事业的半壁江山。作为支撑高职教育三大要素的图书馆,要跟上高职院校发展节拍,还有许多工作要做。文章根据多年图书馆工作经历,分析了目前高职院校图书馆发展现状及未来。  相似文献   

以公共财政支持的高校图书馆在履行好服务本校师生的情况下,可以向部分社会读者提供服务。高校图书馆社会服务涉及两项基本要素:服务资源与服务对象。高校图书馆服务社会的资源来自两个方面,一是本馆资源,二是社会资源,其中本馆资源又可以划分为排他性资源与非排他性资源。高校图书馆社会服务应以专业人员为对象,兼顾大众阅读需求,并考虑扩展读者需求。根据服务资源与服务对象的特点,高校图书馆应积极探寻促进高校图书馆资源社会利用率的对策。  相似文献   

网络环境下图书馆信息资源的开发与利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
21世纪是信息的世纪 ,信息资源作为信息产业的基础 ,在信息社会具有举足轻重的作用。随着现代科技的迅猛发展 ,使信息资源具有了鲜明的时代特点和新的发展趋势 ,即数据库建设已成为图书馆信息资源建设的主要内容 ,网络建设已成为图书馆信息资源开发和利用的主渠道。因此 ,如何充分发挥信息资源在网络环境下的重要作用 ,以促进信息产业的发展 ,是现代图书馆所面临的一项重要任务  相似文献   

《The Senses and Society》2013,8(3):277-302

Public libraries have long been associated with silence and order. Historians have argued that the architecture of library buildings has served in disciplining patrons into silent reading subjects. I argue that, in light of evolving, subjective definitions of and responses to noise, changing philosophies of librarianship and library design and the proliferation of media formats and the sounds they emit, we need to consider new ways of thinking about sound in the library, not as something to be eliminated or controlled, but as something to be orchestrated, and even designed for. In order to do so, I propose that we consider first what sounds people, buildings and media make, and then use architectural design to promote their cooperative interaction.  相似文献   

郑红宇 《创新》2010,4(2):106-108
高校图书馆作为高校的信息资源中心,对大学生的就业服务具有不可推卸的责任。金融危机背景下,高校图书馆提供就业信息服务对大学生树立正确的择业观念、提高大学生择业竞争意识、提高毕业生的就业率等具有重要意义,但是由于现实条件的制约,高校图书馆存在信息渠道开发不足、信息总量短缺、信息服务内容过少过杂、信息服务方式主动性不够、信息指导方式的综合性与多元性不足等问题。因此,需要从手段、内容以及机制建设等方面加以完善与改进。  相似文献   

The most widely used understandings of the concept of democracy – normative, procedural and institutional – focus on its methods and approaches. This article argues that democracy needs also to be understood in terms of its substantive implications. Democratic rights include not only the civil and political rights associated with liberal democracy, but also the economic and social rights promoted in industrially developed countries. Liberal principles promote democracy and economic development. Social rights have developed, not just through state action, but through the independent establishment of solidarities facilitated by the exercise of democratic rights. Every established democracy has a system of social welfare provision. This is not coincidental. Democracy, economic development and social protection are intimately linked.  相似文献   

Substantial literature exists around the variation of welfare policy development in liberal democracies. The contrast of the American welfare state to those in Europe has sparked significant analytical literature about which factors are most significant in the variation. The literature extensively examines many of these factors but has neglected the significance of social values. This article discusses values and policy development as a foundation for further studies linking specific values to policy and institutional development. First, I discuss theorists who have identified value orientation as significant to welfare state variation; second, I review the major comparative welfare state literature. Finally, I discuss the major variation categories through the lens of social values by identifying the significant value orientation of sample policy structures. Comparative welfare state literature benefits from elucidating the values orientation of welfare policies that define the welfare state typological categories. Including the role of social values in welfare state comparisons promotes greater understanding of the origins and trajectory of current policy. Key Practitioner Message: ● Increase understanding of welfare state variation factors; ● Frame questions about social values reflected in social policy.  相似文献   

刍议数字化图书馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字化图书馆的诞生,是当代科技飞速发展的结果.较之传统图书馆,它不仅在资源管理、存储技术和组织形式上显示出巨大的优越性,而且查询快捷,可以开展多种服务,真正实现了资源共享.  相似文献   

Objectives. Students of public policy have recognized that not all policies are completely or mostly shaped by socioeconomic factors. Some policies, known as morality policies, derive from the deeply held values and beliefs of effective participants in the policy‐making process. To better understand this distinct policy category and where it exists, policy analysts must test for the impact of both socioeconomic forces and explanatory factors developed in morality politics theory (particularly religious contexts). This study attempts to explain differences in state science education standards with regard to stipulated instruction in evolutionary theory as morality policy. Methods. A cross‐sectional study of the American states employing ordinary least squares and logistic regression analysis assesses the impact of popular evangelical adherence over the presence of evolution‐friendly state science standards, ceteris paribus. Results. Socioeconomic factors inadequately explain the variation in state science standards. Furthermore, these standards are morality policies with clearly defined religious implications and are better explained by state religious divisions than by other cultural forces such as state ideological context. Conclusion. This study demonstrates that some policies have clear implications for religious beliefs and may represent a subcategory of morality policy. These kinds of policies are better explained by religious contexts than other political and cultural determinants of morality policies.  相似文献   

张义霞  吴玲 《创新》2011,5(4):113-116,136
人性化服务是当前世界图书馆发展的主流方向和必然趋势。高校图书馆要适应数字时代的发展,提高现代服务水平,必须改革创新,建立起以人为本的人性化服务新体制,具体措施是:强化人性化服务理念,深入了解需求状况,全面优化服务功能,切实做好导读工作,培养高素质人才队伍。  相似文献   

Although cross‐country differences in the development of early childhood education and care (ECEC) services have been widely researched, the pronounced subnational variation that characterizes many countries is little researched. This article aims to contribute filling this gap by investigating the factors underlying ECEC development in Italian regions, where take‐up rates of public and subsidized daycare centers, behind a national average of 12%, range from 2% in some Southern regions to 25% in Emilia Romagna (North‐East). The article explores the configurations of economic, socio‐demographic, political, institutional, and cultural factors possibly responsible for high and low ECEC development through Fuzzy‐set/Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Results show that economic development and female employment are necessary but not sufficient conditions for ECEC development; similarly, familistic values, the lack of early ECEC development and of social capital are necessary but not sufficient conditions for limited expansion. The analysis identifies multifaceted patterns of (non)expansion, thus demonstrating the complexity of social policy development processes and preventing determinism based on need, cultural, or economic factors.  相似文献   

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