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改革开放以来,我国农业取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就.但由于片面追求经济效益,导致农业资源和环境严重破坏.如果继续沿用传统农业发展方式,我国的农业资源和环境将难以为继,必须转变经济发展模式,走循环农业发展之路.而作为符合循环农业发展方式的绿色食品产业已呈现出良好的发展态势,国家应该进一步调整绿色食品产业结构,规范绿色食品市场,促进绿色食品产业的优化升级,使之成为拉动我国循环农业发展的引擎,进而实现我国农业的可持续发展.  相似文献   

赵砚 《学术交流》2002,(5):94-97
绿色食品产业已经成为黑龙江的一个新的经济增长点 ,抓住黑龙江“二次创业 ,富民强省”的机遇 ,搞好黑龙江绿色食品市场组织及保障体系的建立 ,对推动黑龙江绿色食品产业的发展 ,使黑龙江由农业大省向农业强省转变至关重要  相似文献   

黑龙江省作为一个农业大省和绿色食品品牌最多的省份,不仅具有发展绿色食品的先天优势,还通过后天的发展具备了科技及管理体系上的比较优势。但绿色食品产业仍存在着规模小、品种结构单一、市场混乱无序、认证工作不完善等一些突出问题。为此我们应采取有力措施,搞好原料基地建设,确保绿色食品产品质量,解决生产和销售过程中的一系列技术问题,发展壮大龙头企业,整合品牌,逐步实现绿色食品生产的规模化。  相似文献   

黑龙江省绿色食品发展的对策与建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自1990年,黑龙江省利用其特有的生态环境和丰富的资源,进行了绿色食品的开发,目前已见成效。全省已初步建立了八大绿色食品生产加工基地,开发了粮油、乳制品、饮料、山野菜、油类、肉禽等9个品种,136个绿色食品产品获得标志使用权,占全国绿色食品总数的15...  相似文献   

赖思均 《学术交流》2004,(6):103-106
如何发挥黑龙江省试验区作用,加强黑龙江省与台湾农业合作,已成为当前需要研究和急需解决的课题。黑龙江优越的地理位置和丰富的资源为开展两岸农业合作奠定了良好基础。海峡两岸农业合作试验区建设取得了显著成果,为进一步加强海峡两岸农业合作积累了成功经验。加入WTO给黑龙江与台湾农业合作带来新的契机,两地农业结构、生产要素各具特色,互补性强。今后两地农业合作的重点是发展绿色食品产业和开发俄罗斯市场。以黑龙江省五个试验区为依托,建立绿色食品生产加工基地,扩大对俄及东欧国家出口。  相似文献   

杨蓓 《学术交流》2006,(6):112-114
建设社会主义新农村,是“十一五”的主要任务之一。社会主义新农村的建设,离不开科技创新。黑龙江省作为国家重要的商品粮生产基地、绿色食品生产基地和非转基因大豆生产基地,绿色农业正向着专业化、产业化、市场化、国际化的方向发展。目前的问题是:黑龙江的绿色食品产业有了一定的规模和总量,但产出效益却没有与之同步。黑龙江省的绿色食品企业规模还不大,技术创新能力较弱,市场意识不够强,在国际市场上缺乏竞争力。解决上述问题的唯一途径就是树立科技意识,在黑龙江省绿色农业发展中实施科技创新。  相似文献   

旅游业发展应该打破单一发展模式 ,向其他经济领域融合渗透 ,形成多元化发展趋势。黑龙江是农业大省 ,生态资源十分丰富 ,近几年 ,绿色食品产业迅速崛起 ,为旅游业提供了更广阔的发展空间。发展农业生态旅游 ,有利于形成农村地区特色经济 ,提高农民生活水平。旅游经济与农业经济相辅相成 ,不可分割 ,旅游部门与农业部门应该打破行业界限 ,联手协作 ,共同开拓旅农相结合的发展道路 ,推动我省整体经济向前发展  相似文献   

对农业政策性金融生态问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙兰生 《学术交流》2007,(10):82-86
农业政策性金融生态系统由生态主体、生态环境和生态调节构成,其具有主体弱势性、环境脆弱性、主体与环境关系的超紧密性等特征。农业政策性金融生态主体较好地履行了职责,资产质量持续改善,经营利润大幅增长,但支农功能不健全,可持续发展能力需强化。生态环境状况总体上有利于农业政策性金融生态主体的发展,但也存在影响生态主体发展的不利因素。改善农业政策性金融生态,要从再造农业政策性金融生态的主体和优化农业政策性金融生态环境两个方面双管齐下。  相似文献   

国内外绿色食品市场需求日益增长,黑龙江省应成为绿色食品的主要供应者,为此,要树立绿色食品生产与消费的新观念;要培育龙头企业、股份制企业和上市公司,以带动绿色基地的发展;要建立和完善绿色食品认证体系;要提高绿色食品的科技含量,建立多元化的投资机制;要持续地拓展绿色食品的国际市场,拉长绿色食品的产业链条,为黑龙江省绿色食品产业超常发展创造巨大空间。  相似文献   

绿色食品产业集群发展研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王炜 《学术交流》2004,(11):89-91
绿色食品产业具备发展集群的条件,发展绿色食品产业集群应正确认识政府在集群发展中的角色与作用;正确认识绿色食品产业的优势来源;通过加快发展生产企业集群、流通企业集群、品牌整合和企业自主创新,从而促进绿色食品产业集群的发展。  相似文献   

Final consumption of food products figures amongst the strongest contributors to negative environmental impacts in Europe, with the production of beef and pork at agricultural level being the main responsible part of the food supply chain. This article analyses quantitatively the environmental impact of changing European diets. The environmental impact of European consumption is determined with an environmental extended input-output analysis, supplemented by a partial equilibrium model reflecting changes of the agricultural sector to modified diets. It results that agricultural production does not decrease significantly in reaction to reduced food consumption, due to a changed trade balance and substitution effects.  相似文献   

Among scholars of international development, there is a debate regarding the effectiveness of bilateral aid to improve the natural environment. Here we focus on evaluating whether United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) aid in the environmental sector reduces forest loss. Little empirical evidence exists on this question, partly because of the challenge of modeling such a relationship, given the problem of endogeneity whereby the same social, political, or economic processes that affect forest loss may also be correlated with a nation receiving aid from international donors. We contribute to this debate by utilizing a two-stage instrumental variable regression model to analyze cross-national data for a sample of 74 low and middle income nations. After controlling for potential endogeneity, we find that higher levels of USAID’s aid for environmental protection correspond with lower rates of forest loss. We also find that a forest’s proximity to infrastructure, agricultural and forestry exports, agricultural land area, and tropical climate are related to increased forest loss.  相似文献   

对农产品突破绿色壁垒的几点思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我国农产品出口屡屡受阻 ,西方发达国家实施绿色壁垒是外因 ,我国农产品质量不达标是内因。绿色壁垒的实质是变相的贸易保护。突破绿色壁垒应采取的对策为 :积极研究和采用国际标准、国外先进标准 ,完善检测检验体系和认证体系并与国际接轨 ,推进农村合作经济组织的发展 ,加强技术开发与推广 ,提高政府谈判能力和各方联合抗辩能力。  相似文献   

Sustainable food consumption is an important issue globally, that will intensify if current projections of population growth, urbanisation and the growing ‘middle-classes’ in developing countries continues. Reducing meat consumption is one approach that can help with food sustainability and security, while helping to address the problematic environmental outcomes associated with agricultural production – assuming that a reduction in meat consumption will at some point be reflected in production practices. Currently, sensory perception, health, convenience and price are more immediately influential than environmental concerns in determining meat consumption practices. Moreover, consumer culture under neoliberalism and the context of New Zealand as an agricultural nation are significant underpinning factors in lifestyle practices including food choice. In this paper, I share the perspectives of New Zealanders on meat (and meat-like) consumption and production practices in order to find out (a) what factors are prominent influences in meat consumption and (b) how these factors might be utilised to reduce meat consumption by applying them to meat-less/reduced foods. I argue that these environmental factors need to be promoted alongside known influential determinants of purchase decisions in order to make the idea of reduced-meat consumption a more attractive option for consumers.  相似文献   

加入WTO,必须建立我国农业标准化制度   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
标准化制度是实现农业科学管理的基础,是衡量农业生产技术和经营管理水平的尺度,是稳定提高农产品质量的保证,是促进农业技术进步的手段,也是创农业名牌产品的基础和前提.为实现科技兴农,迎接入世的挑战,我国应加强农业标准和农业监测工作,这是发展社会主义市场经济,增强农业在国民经济中基础地位的需要,也是提高农产品质量,增强我国农产品国际竞争力的需要.  相似文献   

农村经济的发展主要依靠农业产业结构的调整与升级,而影响农业产业结构变化的主要因素就是技术与人才。农业比较效益低的深层原因在于劳动力文化素质低,农业对高等教育寄予厚望。伴随农业产业结构调整目标的确立,高等教育的学科专业结构调整也做出了积极反应,旨在使产业结构调整与农业高等教育同步发展。鉴于目前农业高等教育存在着结构趋同、盲目扩张和学科专业设置不合理等问题,在学科结构调整的进程中,为促进农业高校类型结构合理,并走出一条创新之路,应构建农业高等教育多层次、立体化结构,塑造农业高等教育特色科类结构,发展农业高等教育多样形式结构。  相似文献   

农村基层官员和农民之间缺乏有效的利益调节机制,这是“三农”问题的症结所在。权力总是向它的来源之处负责,若要官员对民众负责,最根本的办法就是把其权力基础更多地根置于民众之中。把农村基层社会自治的范围扩大到乡镇一级,有望创造一种把农民与基层官员的利益结合在一起的机制。村民自治和城镇社区自治的实践已经说明,相对公民的文化传统和素质而言,社会自治和人们的利益关系更加密切;人们在理性的公共生活中能够很快地适应现实的新竞争规则。在有关“三农”问题的各种思路中,以乡镇自治最具长远眼光。  相似文献   

《Journal of Policy Modeling》2022,44(6):1095-1112
This study is aimed at proposing a model to assess the economic private costs for farms deriving from the implementation of some of the environmental targets set by the European Farm to Fork strategy and the objective of a carbon-neutral agricultural sector, by also evaluating the synergies and trade-offs between environmental objectives. An agro-economic supply model, based on mathematical programming and microdata from the Farm Accountancy Data Network, is used. The model is applied to Italian agriculture as a case study. Results show losses in added value, higher level of resource efficiency and synergies among different targets. Policy implications include exploiting the synergies and accompanying the transition with measures aimed at compensating the most impacted sectors.  相似文献   

In this article, we predict and find that self-perceptions of environmentalism are changed by subtle manipulations of context and, in turn, affect environmental behavior. In Study 1, we found that people exhibit greater positive assessments of their environmental behaviors (1) in the context of denying harm to the environment than in the context of claiming to help the environment, and (2) in situations where behaviors are evaluated subjectively than in situations where behaviors are evaluated more objectively. In Study 2, we explored the relationship between self-perceptions of environmentalism and environmental behaviors. Our data suggest that environmentally friendly behaviors may be promoted by leading people to perceive themselves as good environmentalists.  相似文献   

As eco‐social work practice and scholarship continues to grow, multiple frameworks are emerging to help guide the work. In this study, we interviewed 59 people affected by environmental injustice. Participants identified components within both environmental injustice and sustainability, as well as gaps that these models individually do not support. Therefore, we suggest that merging environmental justice with sustainability through centering justice (a component within environmental justice), and also finding solutions through technological advances (a component within sustainability), may best support these communities. In addition, the participants discussed the need for support, which social workers can provide.  相似文献   

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