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How can organisations and territories contribute to maintain a high level of innovation while at the same time adapting to a turbulent environment? We give an answer to this question by mobilizing the concept of resilience. In order to do this, we develop a conception of resilience based on two dimensions. First, an organisational dimension which refers to the capacity of an organisation to manage a disturbance to its environment and to develop a new pathway and, a territorial dimension which refers to the collective capacity of the actors to contribute to facilitate the development of territorial responses to external disturbances. We illustrate this double dimension of resilience by focusing on the role of pivot firm as major actor in a territory.  相似文献   

The situation of nuclear-weapon states not parties to the NPT is different from the situation of the nuclear-weapon states parties to that treaty. This last group of countries has signed and ratified a treaty that encourage them to begin negotiations in good faith for the discussion of concrete measures that lead them to nuclear disarmament, while the first group of states have made no commitment to do that. In other words, nuclear-weapon states not parties to the NPT have made no commitment to nuclear disarmament and are not obliged to report anything related to the possession of nuclear weapons to the any specific body or organ or to the international community. Taking into account the position of nuclear-weapon states parties to the NPT regarding the possession of nuclear weapons, there is no possibility to convince nuclear-weapon states not parties to this treaty to renounce to the possession of this type of weapons under the present circumstances.  相似文献   

The Fama–French-Methodology (1993–1998) offers cross-sectional explanations of returns by taking the specially designed portfolios SMB and HML as additional factors. It is acknowledged that these factors are related to some forms of risk (they bear premia) which, by researchers is often proposed to be related to the uncertainty with respect to macroeconomic production and aggregate consumption. In more recent research a momentum factor is included in order to improve the explanatory power of the Fama–French-Model. We use data from business cycles 1926–2007 to show that SMB represents the risks related to the very early phase of an upswing while HML may be related to the uncertainty whether a business cycle will continue to gain depth and strength (or shifts back into recession). In contrast to SMB and HML, we do not find momentum to be related to risks associated with particular phases of the business cycle.  相似文献   

Delta areas like the Netherlands are threatened by global climate change. Awareness is, however, rather low. Our research objective was to investigate whether coping responses to flooding risks could be enhanced in a virtual environment (VE). A laboratory experiment was conducted in which participants were exposed to a simulated dike breach and consequent flooding of their virtual residence. We tested the hypothesis that an interactive 3D flood simulation facilitates coping responses compared to noninteractive film and slide simulations. Our results showed that information search, the motivation to evacuate, and the motivation to buy flood insurance increased after exposure to the 3D flood simulation compared to the film and slide simulations. Mediation analyses revealed that some of these presentation mode effects were mediated by a greater sense of being present in the VE. Implications to use high‐end flood simulations in a VE to communicate real‐world flooding risks and coping responses to threatened residents will be discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the scheduling problem in which each customer order consists of several jobs of different types, which are to be processed on m facilities. Each facility is dedicated to the processing of only one type of jobs. All jobs of an order have to be delivered to the customer at the same time. The objective is to schedule all the orders to minimize the total weighted order completion time. While the problem has been shown to be unary NP-hard, we develop a heuristics to tackle the problem and analyze its worst-case performance.  相似文献   

This study examines the patterns of politics accompanying efforts to hold the United States military accountable to U.S. environmental and natural resources (ENR) laws in the post-Cold War era. This analysis (1) uses three cases to describe what happened, and why, (2) to test several propositions related to military accountability to ENR laws in the post-Cold War era; (3) to offer a typology of tactics used that may help inform future research on intragovernmental regulation more generally; and (4) argues that public agencies have a responsibility to comply with the regulatory processes that hold them accountable to U.S. ENR laws.  相似文献   

黎平  刘伯良 《经理人》2012,(9):119-121,118,22
近期,"正能量"这个词在企业界非常风靡。它指一切可以使人们积极向上、促使人们不断追求、让生活变得圆满幸福的动力和感情。在经济不景气的大环境下,释放和挥洒正能量,让整个团队和企业家自身都能乐观向上、积极进取,勇于面对一切困难和挑战,对企业来说至关重要。那么,个人和团队的正能量如何激发和提升?如何将正能量充分而完整地释放出来,推动企业  相似文献   

Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment Model (I-VAM)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Quantifying vulnerability to critical infrastructure has not been adequately addressed in the literature. Thus, the purpose of this article is to present a model that quantifies vulnerability. Vulnerability is defined as a measure of system susceptibility to threat scenarios. This article asserts that vulnerability is a condition of the system and it can be quantified using the Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment Model (I-VAM). The model is presented and then applied to a medium-sized clean water system. The model requires subject matter experts (SMEs) to establish value functions and weights, and to assess protection measures of the system. Simulation is used to account for uncertainty in measurement, aggregate expert assessment, and to yield a vulnerability (Omega) density function. Results demonstrate that I-VAM is useful to decisionmakers who prefer quantification to qualitative treatment of vulnerability. I-VAM can be used to quantify vulnerability to other infrastructures, supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADA), and distributed control systems (DCS).  相似文献   

We urgently need to put the concept of resilience into practice if we are to prepare our communities for climate change and exacerbated natural hazards. Yet, despite the extensive discussion surrounding community resilience, operationalizing the concept remains challenging. The dominant approaches for assessing resilience focus on either evaluating community characteristics or infrastructure functionality. While both remain useful, they have several limitations to their ability to provide actionable insight. More importantly, the current conceptualizations do not consider essential services or how access is impaired by hazards. We argue that people need access to services such as food, education, health care, and cultural amenities, in addition to water, power, sanitation, and communications, to get back some semblance of normal life. Providing equitable access to these types of services and quickly restoring that access following a disruption are paramount to community resilience. We propose a new conceptualization of community resilience that is based on access to essential services. This reframing of resilience facilitates a new measure of resilience that is spatially explicit and operational. Using two illustrative examples from the impacts of Hurricanes Florence and Michael, we demonstrate how decisionmakers and planners can use this framework to visualize the effect of a hazard and quantify resilience-enhancing interventions. This “equitable access to essentials” approach to community resilience integrates with spatial planning, and will enable communities not only to “bounce back” from a disruption, but to “bound forward” and improve the resilience and quality of life for all residents.  相似文献   

Are physicians going to join a union at your hospital, multi-specialty group, or HMO? Having recently lived through such an experience, the author shares the lessons that he has learned. This article outlines what physician executives need to do to prepare for the increasingly likely eventuality of physicians at their hospitals making a push for unionization. The best way to avoid a union is to manage people fairly, communicate with them constantly, and develop consensus for difficult decisions whenever possible. But if a petition lands on your desk, it is crucial to understand the laws governing union campaigns and the possible outcomes. From how to respond to a petition to election campaign strategies to the negotiation phase, physician executives need to be prepared for the very real possibility of physicians at their organizations deciding to unionize.  相似文献   

Reverse logistics has become an important entity in the US economy. Nonetheless, many companies are not capable of or are unwilling to enter the reverse logistics market. Such reluctance appears to be attributed to lack of knowledge of reverse logistics. This paper reviews current industry practices in reverse logistics. Specifically, we examine the issues and processes that an organization has to address to engage in the reverse logistics business. A reverse logistics decision-making model is developed to guide the process of examining the feasibility of implementing reverse logistics in third-party providers such as transportation companies. The purpose of this model is to help those companies who would like to pursue reverse logistics as a new market. A field study was conducted with a larger US transportation company to validate the proposed model.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe a standard set of age groups for exposure assessors to consider when assessing childhood exposure and potential dose to environmental contaminants. In addition, this article presents examples to show how the age groups can be applied in children's exposure assessments. A consistent set of childhood age groups, supported by an underlying scientific rationale, will improve the accuracy and comparability of exposure and risk assessments for children. The effort was undertaken in part to aid the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in implementing such regulatory initiatives as the 1997 Presidential Executive Order 13,045, which required all federal agencies to ensure that their standards take into account special risks to children. The standard age groups include: birth to <1 month; 1 to <3 months; 3 to <6 months; 6 to <12 months; 1 to <2 years; 2 to <3 years; 3 to <6 years; 6 to <11 years; 11 to <16 years; and 16 to <21 years. These age groups reflect a consideration of developmental changes in various behavioral, anatomical, and physiological characteristics that impact exposure and potential dose. It is expected that the availability of a standard set of early-life age groups will inform future analyses of exposure factors data as well as guide new research and data collection efforts to fill knowledge gaps.  相似文献   

Projecting out to the year 2015 sounds presumptuous. Who can predict that far ahead? Perhaps no one can. Social and organizational arrangements come slowly. It takes five years or so to implement simple concepts, sometimes decades for more radical changes. Once you have the ideas in tangible form, it can take another five years to get it working right. Early adopters bring others into the movement and, over 15-25 years, new directions dominate. It takes at least a generation of new practitioners to take on the new values and methods so what is likely to dominate in 2015 is beginning to be taken somewhat seriously as the successor movement to our current fad with externally imposed managed care. Put another way, entire generations of people will resist new ideas, making implementation unlikely until their control fades and a new generation takes the helm. The exciting challenge for the observer is to address the issue of where health is and should be going. Both are difficult challenges. Agreeing on what is important and what is not represents a competitive challenge. How do we perceive the world? Surely our value sets will color what we see. Who is not predisposed to select a future where they fit and their pet theories are likely to become reality. For these and other reasons, it is probably easier to agree on what we would like to see happen in the future than on what is happening. Unfortunately, unless we see the world as it is, we are less likely to be able to shift it in a direction we would like to see.  相似文献   

Communities are complex systems subject to a variety of hazards that can result in significant disruption to critical functions. Community resilience assessment is rapidly gaining popularity as a means to help communities better prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruption. Sustainable resilience, a recently developed concept, requires communities to assess system‐wide capability to maintain desired performance levels while simultaneously evaluating impacts to resilience due to changes in hazards and vulnerability over extended periods of time. To enable assessment of community sustainable resilience, we review current literature, consolidate available indicators and metrics, and develop a classification scheme and organizational structure to aid in identification, selection, and application of indicators within a dynamic assessment framework. A nonduplicative set of community sustainable resilience indicators and metrics is provided that can be tailored to a community's needs, thereby enhancing the ability to operationalize the assessment process.  相似文献   

The role of G&S has shifted from a technical instrument to reduce transaction costs in homogeneous commodity markets to a strategic instrument of competition in differentiated product markets. The nature of G&S has shifted from performance (realized characteristics of the product) to process standards. In developing countries, these changes have tended to exclude small firms and farms from participating in market growth, because of the implied investments. The three strategic responses to G&S change by agribusiness firms and farms include: (1) by large firms and multinationals, to create private G&S and private certification, labeling, and branding systems; (2) by medium-large domestic firms, to lobby governments to adopt public G&S similar to those in export markets in developed regions; (3) by small firms and farms, to ally with public and nonprofit sectors to form G&S and certification systems to access export markets and to bring institutional change to nontradable product markets. Governments should build the capacity of the poor to invest to “make the grade” implied by the new G&S.  相似文献   

Manufacturing competitiveness is on many policy agendas, born out of a concern for firms in high-cost economies finding themselves outcompeted by low-cost rivals. Government policy makers and manufacturing firm strategists have put their faith in what we label as high value manufacturing (HVM). We see HVM as an incipient phenomenon currently in a situation of prescience, as something that is still “in-the-making,” with manufacturing firms trying to find ways to be able to step away from having to compete on price. This paper consults relevant strategy theories with the purpose to pinpoint the issues and problems that need to be accommodated for bringing HVM into being and for creating the effects that are anticipated. We found that HVM must be seen as a distributed activity, thus realizing complex functionality for a system-of-use, while being subjected to path constitution. For HVM to function, the firms involved need to find solutions to the capability problem, the appropriation problem, and the governance problem. We suggest that further research needs to involve itself in problem-solving activity to assist in bringing HVM about while simultaneously further developing strategy theory geared toward firms that are involved in a distributed activity like HVM.  相似文献   

Production Management often tried to apply queueing models to describe the flow of products and parts. These approaches usually apply very simple queueing models. Due to mathematical problems implied by general waiting line models, an adaptation to real life problems fails often. In this paper, some simple models discussed in production management are presented and it is shown why they failed to be generalized. Afterwards, we try to find a way how to model the simple case of flow shop production using generalized queueing models: First decomposition of serial waiting lines and approximation of the system by a sequence of independent stations. Afterwards the approach of recent literature to consider again the entire system simultaneously is sketched, and it is argued that these approaches are restricted as well to small problems  相似文献   

Delta areas such as the Netherlands are more and more at risk of future flooding due to global climate change. Motivating residents living in flood-prone areas to effectively cope with local floods may lead to minimization of material losses and loss of life. The aim of this research was to investigate whether the extent to which residents had been exposed to flooding in the past was a key factor in motivating residents to effectively cope with future flooding. We also focused on the psychological variables that mediated this relationship. We conducted a survey (N = 516) among flood victims and nonvictims. We assessed subjective experiences due to past flooding, affective and cognitive appraisals, and coping responses. Results show that victims reported stronger emotions (negative and positive), and the receipt of more social support due to past flooding than did nonvictims. Moreover, victims worry more about future flooding, perceive themselves as more vulnerable to future flooding, perceive the consequences of future flooding as more severe, and have stronger intentions to take adaptive actions in the future than nonvictims. Structural equation modeling reveals that the latter effect was fully mediated by specific experiences and appraisals. Insights into factors and processes that have the potential to motivate residents to effectively cope with future floods may prove helpful in developing interventions to inform residents how to act effectively in case of an imminent flood.  相似文献   

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