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This work focuses on the linear regression model with functional covariate and scalar response. We compare the performance of two (parametric) linear regression estimators and a nonparametric (kernel) estimator via a Monte Carlo simulation study and the analysis of two real data sets. The first linear estimator expands the predictor and the regression weight function in terms of the trigonometric basis, while the second one uses functional principal components. The choice of the regularization degree in the linear estimators is addressed.  相似文献   

AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis - We propose a new estimation procedure for estimating the unknown parameters and function in partial functional linear regression. The asymptotic distribution...  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the variable selection problem in normal regression models using the expected-posterior prior methodology. We provide a straightforward MCMC scheme for the derivation of the posterior distribution, as well as Monte Carlo estimates for the computation of the marginal likelihood and posterior model probabilities. Additionally, for large spaces, a model search algorithm based on $\mathit{MC}^{3}$ is constructed. The proposed methodology is applied in two real life examples, already used in the relevant literature of objective variable selection. In both examples, uncertainty over different training samples is taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Stepwise variable selection procedures are computationally inexpensive methods for constructing useful regression models for a single dependent variable. At each step a variable is entered into or deleted from the current model, based on the criterion of minimizing the error sum of squares (SSE). When there is more than one dependent variable, the situation is more complex. In this article we propose variable selection criteria for multivariate regression which generalize the univariate SSE criterion. Specifically, we suggest minimizing some function of the estimated error covariance matrix: the trace, the determinant, or the largest eigenvalue. The computations associated with these criteria may be burdensome. We develop a computational framework based on the use of the SWEEP operator which greatly reduces these calculations for stepwise variable selection in multivariate regression.  相似文献   

Modeling of count responses is widely performed via Poisson regression models. This paper covers the problem of variable selection in Poisson regression analysis. The basic emphasis of this paper is to present the usefulness of information complexity-based criteria for Poisson regression. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was adopted to minimize the information criteria. A real dataset example and two simulation studies were conducted for highly collinear and lowly correlated datasets. Results demonstrate the capability of information complexity-type criteria. According to the results, information complexity-type criteria can be effectively used instead of classical criteria in count data modeling via the PSO algorithm.  相似文献   

Penalized variable selection methods have been extensively studied for standard time-to-event data. Such methods cannot be directly applied when subjects are at risk of multiple mutually exclusive events, known as competing risks. The proportional subdistribution hazard (PSH) model proposed by Fine and Gray (J Am Stat Assoc 94:496–509, 1999) has become a popular semi-parametric model for time-to-event data with competing risks. It allows for direct assessment of covariate effects on the cumulative incidence function. In this paper, we propose a general penalized variable selection strategy that simultaneously handles variable selection and parameter estimation in the PSH model. We rigorously establish the asymptotic properties of the proposed penalized estimators and modify the coordinate descent algorithm for implementation. Simulation studies are conducted to demonstrate the good performance of the proposed method. Data from deceased donor kidney transplants from the United Network of Organ Sharing illustrate the utility of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The authors present a consistent lack‐of‐fit test in nonlinear regression models. The proposed procedure possesses some nice properties of Zheng's test such as the consistency, the ability to detect any local alternatives approaching the null at rates slower than the parametric rate. What's more, for a predetermined kernel function, the proposed test is more powerful than Zheng's test and the validity of these findings is confirmed by the simulation studies and a real data example. In addition, the authors find out a close connection between the choices of normal kernel functions and the bandwidths. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 39: 108–125; 2011 © 2011 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Variable selection in multiple linear regression models is considered. It is shown that for the special case of orthogonal predictor variables, an adaptive pre-test-type procedure proposed by Venter and Steel [Simultaneous selection and estimation for the some zeros family of normal models, J. Statist. Comput. Simul. 45 (1993), pp. 129–146] is almost equivalent to least angle regression, proposed by Efron et al. [Least angle regression, Ann. Stat. 32 (2004), pp. 407–499]. A new adaptive pre-test-type procedure is proposed, which extends the procedure of Venter and Steel to the general non-orthogonal case in a multiple linear regression analysis. This new procedure is based on a likelihood ratio test where the critical value is determined data-dependently. A practical illustration and results from a simulation study are presented.  相似文献   

The performances of data-driven bandwidth selection procedures in local polynomial regression are investigated by using asymptotic methods and simulation. The bandwidth selection procedures considered are based on minimizing 'prelimit' approximations to the (conditional) mean-squared error (MSE) when the MSE is considered as a function of the bandwidth h . We first consider approximations to the MSE that are based on Taylor expansions around h=0 of the bias part of the MSE. These approximations lead to estimators of the MSE that are accurate only for small bandwidths h . We also consider a bias estimator which instead of using small h approximations to bias naïvely estimates bias as the difference of two local polynomial estimators of different order and we show that this estimator performs well only for moderate to large h . We next define a hybrid bias estimator which equals the Taylor-expansion-based estimator for small h and the difference estimator for moderate to large h . We find that the MSE estimator based on this hybrid bias estimator leads to a bandwidth selection procedure with good asymptotic and, for our Monte Carlo examples, finite sample properties.  相似文献   

The article considers a Gaussian model with the mean and the variance modeled flexibly as functions of the independent variables. The estimation is carried out using a Bayesian approach that allows the identification of significant variables in the variance function, as well as averaging over all possible models in both the mean and the variance functions. The computation is carried out by a simulation method that is carefully constructed to ensure that it converges quickly and produces iterates from the posterior distribution that have low correlation. Real and simulated examples demonstrate that the proposed method works well. The method in this paper is important because (a) it produces more realistic prediction intervals than nonparametric regression estimators that assume a constant variance; (b) variable selection identifies the variables in the variance function that are important; (c) variable selection and model averaging produce more efficient prediction intervals than those obtained by regular nonparametric regression.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a Bayesian variable selection method that concerns selection of covariates in the Poisson change-point regression model with both discrete and continuous candidate covariates. Ranging from a null model with no selected covariates to a full model including all covariates, the Bayesian variable selection method searches the entire model space, estimates posterior inclusion probabilities of covariates, and obtains model averaged estimates on coefficients to covariates, while simultaneously estimating a time-varying baseline rate due to change-points. For posterior computation, the Metropolis-Hastings within partially collapsed Gibbs sampler is developed to efficiently fit the Poisson change-point regression model with variable selection. We illustrate the proposed method using simulated and real datasets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new estimation method for binary quantile regression and variable selection which can be implemented by an iteratively reweighted least square approach. In contrast to existing approaches, this method is computationally simple, guaranteed to converge to a unique solution and implemented with standard software packages. We demonstrate our methods using Monte-Carlo experiments and then we apply the proposed method to the widely used work trip mode choice dataset. The results indicate that the proposed estimators work well in finite samples.  相似文献   

One of the standard problems in statistics consists of determining the relationship between a response variable and a single predictor variable through a regression function. Background scientific knowledge is often available that suggests that the regression function should have a certain shape (e.g. monotonically increasing or concave) but not necessarily a specific parametric form. Bernstein polynomials have been used to impose certain shape restrictions on regression functions. The Bernstein polynomials are known to provide a smooth estimate over equidistant knots. Bernstein polynomials are used in this paper due to their ease of implementation, continuous differentiability, and theoretical properties. In this work, we demonstrate a connection between the monotonic regression problem and the variable selection problem in the linear model. We develop a Bayesian procedure for fitting the monotonic regression model by adapting currently available variable selection procedures. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through simulations and the analysis of real data.  相似文献   

According to the Atlas of Human Development in Brazil, the income dimension of Municipal Human Development Index (MHDI-I) is an indicator that shows the population''s ability in a municipality to ensure a minimum standard of living to provide their basic needs, such as water, food and shelter. In public policy, one of the research objectives is to identify social and economic variables that are associated with this index. Due to the income inequality, evaluate these associations in quantiles, instead of the mean, could be more interest. Thus, in this paper, we develop a Bayesian variable selection in quantile regression models with hierarchical random effects. In particular, we assume a likelihood function based on the Generalized Asymmetric Laplace distribution, and a spike-and-slab prior is used to perform variable selection. The Generalized Asymmetric Laplace distribution is a more general alternative than the Asymmetric Laplace one, which is a common approach used in quantile regression under the Bayesian paradigm. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated via a comprehensive simulation study, and it is applied to the MHDI-I from municipalities located in the state of Rio de Janeiro.  相似文献   

A growth curve analysis is often applied to estimate patterns of changes in a given characteristic of different individuals. It is also used to find out if the variations in the growth rates among individuals are due to effects of certain covariates. In this paper, a random coefficient linear regression model, as a special case of the growth curve analysis, is generalized to accommodate the situation where the set of influential covariates is not known a priori. Two different approaches for seleaing influential covariates (a weighted stepwise selection procedure and a modified version of Rao and Wu’s selection criterion) for the random slope coefficient of a linear regression model with unbalanced data are proposed. Performances of these methods are evaluated by means of Monte-Carlo simulation. In addition, several methods (Maximum Likelihood, Restricted Maximum Likelihood, Pseudo Maximum Likelihood and Method of Moments) for estimating the parameters of the selected model are compared Proposed variable selection schemes and estimators are appliedtotheactualindustrial problem which motivated this investigation.  相似文献   

In this article, a new composite quantile regression estimation approach is proposed for estimating the parametric part of single-index model. We use local linear composite quantile regression (CQR) for estimating the nonparametric part of single-index model (SIM) when the error distribution is symmetrical. The weighted local linear CQR is proposed for estimating the nonparametric part of SIM when the error distribution is asymmetrical. Moreover, a new variable selection procedure is proposed for SIM. Under some regularity conditions, we establish the large sample properties of the proposed estimators. Simulation studies and a real data analysis are presented to illustrate the behavior of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

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