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There has been rapid development in recent years of employer programs aimed at controlling the skyrocketing costs of providing mental health care benefits to employees. This column, which is based on a presentation at a Client Briefing Conference conducted by Epstein Becker & Green, P.C., on September 13, 1989, in Dallas, Tex., discusses some of the legal issues that have arisen in connection with the various plans that have been developed.  相似文献   

This article highlights selected legal developments from the past two years that reflect the causes and effects of the competitive environment in which the managed care industry finds itself. Additional cases were discussed in the January-February 1990 issue of the journal. "Health Law" is a regular feature of Physician Executive contributed by Epstein Becker & Green. Douglas Hastings, Esq., a partner in the law firm's Washington, D.C., offices, serves as column editor.  相似文献   

The managed care industry--and HMOs in particular--is now facing the realities of a maturing business. Maturity has brought a competitive tension to the HMO/managed care field, one consequence of which is increased litigation, not only among HMOs but also between HMOs and their suppliers, customers, and indemnity insurers. Entanglement in the legal system is an outgrowth of efforts to gain or preserve a competitive edge, reduce costs, and attract customers. This article highlights selected legal developments from the past two years that reflect the causes and effects of this environment. Additional cases will be discussed in the March-April 1990 issue of the journal.  相似文献   

The rapid change in the managed health care industry is placing substantial demands on the managerial and leadership skills of physician executives. These changes are forcing a reevaluation of the fundamental principles of managed care organizations, specifically in terms of patient satisfaction, cost containment, and quality health care. Additionally, the physician executive will be confronted with substantial issues concerning future staffing needs. This article assesses the health care industry's environment to suggest where managed care is going and how physician executives should position themselves to optimize their position in the marketplace.  相似文献   

Through the use of managed care techniques in recent years, the insurance industry has tried to bring the runaway costs of medical care under control. The result of this control effort is system access limitations, compared to the full choice indemnity plans of the past. This limited system access has now clearly moved HMOs and other managed care organizations into the category of "potentially liable health care entities," based on patient steerage, economic disincentives, and limited choices of the plan's participating providers and facilities. Just as hospitals have had to exercise rigorous care in the credentialing of members of their medical staffs, managed care organizations will have to ensure that the providers they use meet acceptable standards of competence.  相似文献   

Health care is increasingly managed through some contractual relationship. Such contracts vary and the contracting entities may be clinics, universities, health maintenance organizations, individual practitioner organizations, preferred provider organizations, corporate health plans, or other structures. It is estimated that within 10 years more than 70 percent of all health care will be provided through some type of managed care plan.  相似文献   

Among the controversies surrounding the provision of health care in a managed care environment is the belief that patients, because they have no particular allegiance to a single physician, are more casual in regard to their keeping appointments. To test this proposition, the authors conducted a study at a California independent practice association, comparing the habits of managed care patients with those of other types of patients. The findings, although based on a limited sample, suggest that managed care patients do indeed have a greater tendency to be appointment no-shows.  相似文献   

Since the turn of the century, we have gone from medicine as a cottage industry, based largely on barter, to the complex entity it is today. What we will see in the coming decade, if not sooner is the emergence of the next level of managed care. As managed care matures, contradictions in the health care system that we have not been able to resolve will be addressed, as well as other value-related issues. The ability to deliver value and then to monitor outcomes will be the nut to crack. The next big movement will be to hone in on outcomes and measurement. This will be the path to increasing the inherent value of the medical care system. This will go hana in hand with accountability, which is where physician-sponsored networks (PSNs) will be an indispensable tool. Centered as they are around accountability and responsibility, PSNs will be a natural starting point for developing the protocols to produce and collect this data. The standardization of care, anchored upon medical evidence, is the objective.  相似文献   

In a recent speech at the Graduate School of Management, University of California, Irvine, managed care architect Paul M. Ellwood, Jr., MD, outlined an ambitious vision for a dramatic new business model and clinical plan for health care of the future. Here's the complete text of his landmark speech, along with an update on where the plan stands today.  相似文献   

Physician compensation in managed care environments has undergone dramatic change over the last five to 10 years. Early goals that originally involved reduction in unit price have been replaced by a variety of variable pay formulas for primary care physicians and specialists alike. Criteria for determining provider variable pay include demonstrable member access, patient satisfaction, and economic performance. Based on emerging trends, physician payment should be modified to include measurements based on productivity and quality of life.  相似文献   

The health care industry is in the midst of discounted, price-driven, managed care. Many older physicians, not wanting to practice in this environment, are opting for early retirement. Others sell their clinical practices to management companies or hospitals to avoid the economic reality of day-to-day financial management. Most of these private practices are losing money every year. However, there still are a large number of physicians who have not sold their practice. As capitation continues to grow, these physicians will experience severe cash flow problems unless their financial plight is addressed rapidly. If it is not, the resultant cash flow problems will cause accounts payable to grow. Twenty steps are outlined that a physician or group should take right away to maintain a healthy cash flow. These include: Instituting a nurse triage system, setting up an after-hours clinic, getting the co-pay at the time of service, implementing a patient satisfaction questionnaire, monitoring the capitation reports, and checking capitation lists.  相似文献   

Managed care has gradually been replacing the traditional way in which doctors and patients interact. These changes are taking place at an increasing pace, which strongly suggests there will be a dramatic trend to managed care programs. It has become imperative to understand the business of medicine beyond the traditional "business manager" tasks of setting fees, analyzing tax consequences, and balancing the check book. Providers may be hard pressed to maintain the quality of care they feel comfortable giving as the regulations of managed care exert their pressures. A rational, systematic approach to evaluate managed care firms is presented in this article. Additional criteria will have to be added as new ideas for managed care evolve. Physicians and practices must make decisions concerning the level of their participation, depending on a variety of factors, some more sensible than others.  相似文献   

There is much truth in the adage that "the more things change, the more they stay the same." Nowhere does this seem more apparent than in health care where, amidst monumental reconfiguration, basic foundations of physician-patient relationships and attention to the impact of psychosocial factors on health and health care delivery remain as critical influences. While the importance of the therapeutic relationship and the influence of psychosocial factors in medical care has been clear in traditional systems of delivery, these factors may be even more critical in managed care systems. These emphases must be incorporated by design, however, and not left to default.  相似文献   

While managed care has caused great disruption, it has also provided physician executives with a natural leadership raison d'être. Managed care, with all its pros and cons, is largely a response to certain unrelenting trends. The core functions of leaders comprise the stewardship of organizations and colleagues in response to these trends. Four trends are explored: (1) The demise of open-ended funding of American health care; (2) continued competition for health care resources; (3) thriving pluralism; and (4) patients continually adjusting to assure themselves of appropriate health care access, quality, and service. In the 21st century, the industry will need a new brand of leader, one capable of balancing the needs of the professionals with the business and accountability requirements of a permanently competitive and resource-constrained service industry. The keys to successful leadership in the future include: (1) Clear service differentiation and a compelling vision to match it; (2) recruiting and retaining top clinical talent, including the required return to physician self-direction and governance; (3) successful partnerships with others outside your organization; and (4) a steady focus on performance in all its dimensions.  相似文献   

Managed care is here to stay. In fact, for the foreseeable future, health care will become increasingly more managed each year. The purpose of this article is to help physician leaders and executives understand how clinicians are reacting and adjusting to managed care. Those of us who are doing primarily management activities have our own set of problems and adjustments. Sometimes we can be insensitive to the problems that physicians who are primarily treating patients can have as a result of managed care. Health care executives who are managing physicians or attempting to influence their behavior must attempt to understand clinicians' feelings, reactions, and coping mechanisms.  相似文献   

What are the economic elements for success in managed care? Although they are quite simple, achieving them can be difficult. The criteria for success in the fee-for-service medical delivery system, generally characterized as "see more--do more--get more," are no longer valid for delivering care in a managed care system. This article identifies the economic elements for success in managed care, and offers a disciplined approach to achieving them, combining both actuarial and clinical expertise.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to outline the contrasts between the traditional AMC and an organization oriented toward the delivery of population-based managed care. Academic medical centers differ from one another considerably in the extent to which they serve as quaternary care community resources, the degree to which they emphasize primary care in training and care delivery, and the amount of research undertaken. Nor is there a single organizational structure for managed care; successful managed care is practices in IPAs, multispecialty groups, PHOs, and staff-model HMOs. Nonetheless, the contrasts outlined here between AMCs and managed care organizations (MCOs) are valid in most cases.  相似文献   

In much the same way that demands by managed care organizations are shaping the way physicians practice, health care purchasers impact how managed care organizations operate. Corporations purchase managed health care through their employee benefits programs, and understanding the language, objectives, and limitations of these purchasers is essential to grasping the forces influencing managed care organizations and the modern practice of medicine. The emergence of value-based purchasing as a strategic corporate approach to health benefits programs will dictate the forces on physicians, hospitals, and managed care organizations for years to come. These forces have already led to price reductions, health plan accreditation, employee-directed report cards, outcomes management, and organized systems of care, and they will determine the broad outlines of the emerging U.S. health care system.  相似文献   

Although managed health care is increasing exponentially in the United States, minimal published information exists regarding the human resources needed to perform various managed care activities. This article reports on the results of a national survey of managed care organizations regarding the quantitative use of nurse and physician reviewers and the type of activities being performed.  相似文献   

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