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Are you vulnerable, regardless of length of service at your organization and your unique skill sets? There are ways to test vulnerability and assemble some hard evidence that your management role makes a difference. You need to conduct a self-test for obsolescence. Ask yourself the following questions: Are your skills state-of-the-art? As a manager, how do you compare with others doing the same, or similar, job at competing organizations? Is your role essential? Where does your job fall into the big picture? Can you be replaced easily? If a thorough examination of your skills and your role convinces you that your contribution returns more to the organization than your salary, can you prove it? Consider these strategies: (1) Put together a portfolio, (2) ensure your boss' support, (3) advertise your successes, and (4) cultivate recruiters. The best reason to analyze your value to the organization is that if you are laid off, getting another comparable job--or a better one--will be far less of a hassle.  相似文献   

Nervous about your next big presentation? Don't be. There are proven ways to polish your presentation, spice up your speech and capture your audience's attention. Find out how experienced physician executives deliver dynamic presentations and learn tips for avoiding common mistakes.  相似文献   

The failure of management is largely a failure to bring our whole selves to it. What parts of your self do you bring to your work? Do you bring only the management mind, only logic, only the company guidelines? Or do you bring your passions, your values, your soul, your deepest self? Do you react? Or do you respond? Letting go of what you think you know can be the first step to a creative and powerful response. Many of the tools we use in management can actually remove us from the experience and make it harder to respond. Reacting closes down options. Responding opens up possibilities and nurtures trust. This is kindness transformed into a business imperative--responsiveness.  相似文献   

To be successful in a new job out-of-town, physician executives need to develop a plan for a smooth transition into the organization. A checklist to prepare yourself for the new position should include: Updating your research; (2) staying in close contact with your new boss; (3) visiting the office; (4) hiring your own support person; (5) planning the first week; (6) telling the troops how to manage you; (7) making early decisions; and (8) meeting your peers. The focus should be on the job and connecting with your new boss, medical staff, and coworkers--and not exclusively on the environment of your home-to-be.  相似文献   

With the right boss, you can go far and learn much. The wrong boss could actually slow or even stall your executive career. When you interview for a job, you're also interviewing for a boss--and it's in your own interest to try to find the individual who is the best possible fit with your own management style. This is a matching process--not quite a courtship, but with some of the same characteristics. What can you do to ensure a good match with your new boss? (1) Do your homework; (2) Make your interview a dialog; (3) Use subtle strategies, too, such as watching for body language; (4) Ask the employer for references; and (5) Know yourself.  相似文献   

Delegation is not a soft skill. Physician executives who do not delegate well and strategically cannot expect to achieve the top jobs now or in the future. It's not enough to have great communications skills to convey your vision. You won't achieve that vision alone; you must have a great team to bring that vision to fruition. However, you can't delegate your first and most important step--self-assessment. To maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses, you'll need a clear view of what makes you tick. Then start thinking about your executive role in these terms: Conceptualize work mandates as projects; choose people who are better than you for your team; and try to work yourself out of a job. By learning to delegate, physician executives can make their own careers (as well as those on their team) richer and more fulfilled.  相似文献   

The turbulent state of health care and the rapid changes that show no sign of abating point to many career-related challenges for physician executives. How can you predict the impact of these changes on your career? What measures can be taken to prevent any negative impact of change? And how can you prevail when dealt a negative blow like job loss? The signs that foreshadow the unraveling of a physician executive's career are described. The warning signs are: Not keeping up with change, losing your influence; getting negative feedback; turning your "concerns" into complaints; the economy working against you; and being blindsided because we think leaders operate logically. Being proactive puts more control in your hands and leaves less to chance. You can prevent being blindsided if you: develop your people skills; get comfortable and involved with e-business; stay abreast of health care trends; pick up the pace; and develop "You, Inc." There is a final component to prevailing over adverse circumstances--find your work-related passion and apply it to your career.  相似文献   

Marketing means more than just communicating or advertising to potential patients; marketing means identifying your customers and working to meet or exceed their expectations. There are five key areas of a marketing plan: (1) Establish the foundation, beginning with your mission statement; (2) Assess your marketing environment by internal and external research; (3) Target your efforts, looking at image and perception; (4) Develop your particular mix of product, price, place of distribution, and promotion; and (5) implement and evaluate your marketing process. This article discusses the importance of a marketing plan for the medical specialist and highlights the features unique to a practice working in a system of capitated reimbursement. Applying these principles will help to demonstrate added value, protect the fundamental role of the patient-physician relationship, ensure that our efforts are aligned with professional missions and goals, and ultimately increase profitability and professional success.  相似文献   

From mastering the latest technology to becoming an industry expert, listed here are nine career resolutions to seriously consider for 1997. You needn't wait until January to make or implement resolutions that will build your body, your soul, or your career. Start today.  相似文献   

If you want to increase your income by seeing more patients, it's important to figure out the financial impact such a move could have on your practice. Learn how to run a cost, volume, and profitability analysis to determine how business decisions can change your financial picture.  相似文献   

Health care is all about sales--everyone today in the competitive arena of health care is a salesperson. Your selling days began when you applied to medical school. Your product was yourself, and you worked hard to sell it. That was only the beginning. In your daily work as physician executives, you are selling yourself and your ideas-your ideas about relationships, management structures, partnership issues, merger questions, etc. It's a complicated world, and the concepts are often abstract and difficult. But it is your job to communicate with others to get things done. It is the most important part of your job. It is selling, in fact, at a sophisticated level. How do you communicate and sell yourself and your ideas effectively? Here, some ideas on how to listen and communicate.  相似文献   

You've landed the perfect job, but now you must face your current employer and deliver the news that you're leaving the organization. While an exciting time, this can also certainly be a stressful one. Here are some strategies and ideas for saying goodbye to an employer that may be useful in guiding your actions. From being ready for counter-offers to downright hostility, you need to be prepared to deal with various scenarios. No matter how you have steeled yourself to go into the boss's office to share your news, you cannot predict with total accuracy just what his or her response will be. There will always be surprises, although usually things are never as bad as your imagined worst-case scenario. However, when you are ready to make your plans known, one simple rule is always required: You must have total commitment to your new position.  相似文献   

Whenever you deal with another person, you use exactly the same techniques that international negotiators use to reach agreement on world problems. Learning to improve your negotiating skills is the highest and best use of your time. You can't make money faster than you can when you're negotiating well. Presented here are negotiating gambits to use to your advantage at the bargaining table.  相似文献   

Got curiosity?     
The newest scientific models of decision-making suggest that the way we actually decide to do something is different from the story we put on it later. Organizations think that way, too. The real process of decision-making is hidden. Management is complex--and a key tool is curiosity. A critical question would be: "What experience are we creating?" When you get curious, separate what you notice from the story you tell yourself about it--even if the story is true. Look for the meaningful experience: your own, your employees', your customers', your physicians'. The essential act of management is to notice, to not look away.  相似文献   

Physician executives need to exercise considerable discretion, care, and judgment when they write about their professional accomplishments in the form of a résumé or curriculum vitae (CV). This paperwork is intensely personal. It must be a true reflection of you, your achievements and goals. Others read it to learn more about you. Those you fail to convince, you're likely to lose--along with your chance to meet and charm them in a personal interview. A physician executive's thoughtfully prepared résumé and CV can result in him or her being offered terrific opportunities for career growth. The paperwork is a self-constructed gateway through which you can properly approach hiring organizations--and how it reads is totally under your control. Some suggestions to consider in developing your résumé or CV are: be succinct; don't overstate; use both documents; do your homework; and be ready for the next steps.  相似文献   

How can you change your negative thinking? This column describes a process that, on the surface, seems too simplistic to be beneficial, but that works: choose a few good words to repeat to yourself constantly, progress to better thoughts, and then improve what you say to others. If you want to be more satisfied with your work life and your personal life, you must change the internal dialogue in your head. If you have some version of negative internal chatter, you need to substitute positive statements. You need to say something different from what you have been saying every spare minute of the day. You must say it even if it is the biggest lie you have ever heard yourself think. You must say it for days or weeks before you notice a difference in your attitude, relationships, and health. Eventually, you will notice you feel better and people are behaving better.  相似文献   

Today's health care market is volatile, and the job of a physician executive is becoming more risky. Recognizing signs of trouble and taking immediate action is essential. Ten early warning signs that you could be fired are: (1) Net profits dip unexpectedly; (2) investment income can't cover operating losses; (3) bond rating is downgraded; (4) revenues are not rising as fast as costs; (5) senior executives leave the team; (6) wage increases don't improve nursing vacancy rate; (7) unions begin whisper campaign; (8) medical staff elect an SOB; (9) hospital is slapped with a costly lawsuit; and (10) recruiters call to check on your status. Physician executives are quickly learning what it takes to overcome tough challenges and prevent premature job termination: Communication; no-surprise performance; continuous monitoring of key indicators; openness and plain talk; and no-more-business-as-usual attitude. What can you do to make your job loss as painless as possible? (1) Negotiate a contract upfront; (2) don't lose your temper; (3) ask for your wish list quickly; (4) be reluctant to sue your former employer; (5) tell your family as soon as possible; (6) take only a brief vacation; (7) consider a temporary assignment; (8) be prepared to be re-employed by your former employer; and (9) keep a positive attitude.  相似文献   

Whether you realize it or not, you are in the middle of a negotiation every time you are asked to do something. Negotiation skills are important for physician executives, both in their professional and personal lives. The Successful Physician Negotiator: How to Get What You Deserve provides useful examples of how to negotiate and helps you get in the proper mindset to get it done effectively. While the book explores the concept of cooperative negotiation, which is important if you want to have a long-term relationship with a person, it's also important to have other tactics. You need to understand your opponent by gathering information about his or her values and work situation. You can gather information when talking to your opponent, but you also need to do some "behind the scenes" preparation before the encounter begins. Other recommendations include: don't negotiate in your office, use time to your advantage, be able to keep silent when necessary, have options, be able to say no and walk away, keep your cool, and take notes.  相似文献   

What should physician executives do to prepare for a career move? This is not a list of items to improve technical skills and knowledge, but information on how to accurately and clearly present your experience and gain credibility. A few of the basic career preparations that physician executives must make include: (1) Get your paperwork in order, both a resume and a curriculum vitae; (2) seek feedback and critical input; (3) refresh or establish your interviewing skills; and (4) focus on your communications techniques. Physicians executives cannot rest on their deserved laurels as strong practitioners when aspiring to a senior management role. It is critical to emphasize other skills--decisiveness, communication, and management experience in a range of health care organizations.  相似文献   

《Physician executive》2002,28(5):52-54
Finding the perfect person to run your practice isn't easy. Here are some steps you should take as you go about your search.  相似文献   

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