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We study a supply chain with two suppliers competing over a contract to supply components to a manufacturer. One of the suppliers is a big company for whom the manufacturer's business constitutes a small part of his business. The other supplier is a small company for whom the manufacturer's business constitutes a large portion of his business. We analyze the problem from the perspective of the big supplier and address the following questions: What is the optimal contracting strategy that the big supplier should follow? How does the information about the small supplier's production cost affect the profits and contracting decision? How does the existence of the small supplier affect profits? By studying various information scenarios regarding the small supplier's and the manufacturer's production cost, we show, for example, that the big supplier benefits when the small supplier keeps its production cost private. We quantify the value of information for the big supplier and the manufacturer. We also quantify the cost (value) of the alternative‐sourcing option for the big supplier (the manufacturer). We determine when an alternative‐sourcing option has more impact on profits than information. We conclude with extensions and numerical examples to shed light on how system parameters affect this supply chain.  相似文献   

Solving is an international management consulting form specializing in strategy and with offices in Paris, New York, Barcelona and Cologne. The consulting staff, including President Roland Fitoussi, have written three articles, all on aspects of corporate strategy, which embody their experience in this field.The first, Diversification: Strategic Cure-All? takes a hard look at corporate diversifications. It points out that the chances of success increase if development is the motive rather than survival and if there is managerial synergy between the new and original areas of activity. The criteria used in choosing between diversification opportunities are important.In Turning a Business Around, Solving takes us through three main phases of turning around a company in trouble: rescue, diagnosis and reconstruction. The last involves a search for the organization's core business activity on which to rebuild.In Strategy: The Choice of Acquisitions, again making suitable acquisitions means looking at the acquiring company's basic business definition and unique strengths. Synergy, size of acquisition and the way the acquiror modifies his business portfolios are all important factors to consider.  相似文献   

蒙戎 《经理人》2009,(4):116-120
如果没有人们的后见之明,一些可震烁古今的大事件,原本都平淡无奇。在古代中原与边关的种群冲突中,为什么只要是农耕种群总是负多胜少?历史是势利的,甚至只敬重成则为王的那个人。当努尔哈赤以他坚强的女真族后裔一满族甲士的铁骑,让无数民族在苦难中改变了自己的走向后,后人总是试图从这段历史寻找出种群血性的真相。  相似文献   

This paper aims to critique the process of corporate‐owned, high‐tech start‐up strategizing through an inductive, longitudinal, case study of ‘UK‐Research‐Tech’. Insights are given through the combined ‘dialectical–paradox’ concept, thereby focusing on where ‘dialectic’ and ‘paradox’ theorizing overlap. This linked iterative, ‘dialogical–dialectic’ research approach also reflects chief executive officer/top management team (CEO/TMT) start‐up dynamics over time. These foci fill important gaps that impede better understanding of dialectical, dialogical and paradoxical forces within strategic decision‐making. As an interpretative tool, they illuminate CEO/TMT strategizing and changing interrelationships affected by broader, volatile, techno‐economic contexts and parent‐company influences on ventures. In this case study, it was found that the CEO's relatively autocratic, parent‐framed approach combined with TMT members' contradictory reactions to create ‘dialectical–paradox’ oppositional forces, eventually only resolved through ‘eleventh hour’ business strategy changes to rescue the venture. This research contributes to more nuanced understandings of corporate‐constrained ventures during early business development from start‐up strategic decisions at parent‐company level to subsequent conditions of more independent dynamic equilibrium. The ‘dialectical–paradox’ conceptual lens contributes an innovative critique of processes affecting strategic decision‐making dynamics. Another important contribution is the empirically inspired conceptual model, developed for use both to guide subsequent case‐study research analyses and as a reflective tool for CEO/TMT strategic decision‐making, especially within corporate‐inspired start‐ups.  相似文献   

As the world about us changes, managers in all types of institutions try to cope in a variety of ways. In the early 1960s, many corporate managers realized they could not make sound decisions about future business activities in an expedient, reactive manner because their firms were growing very large and complex with new technologies, products, markets and competition to deal with. As a result, formal planning techniques which had been used in narrow functional applications were introduced on a much broader scale and formal long-range planning became popular. New corporate planning functions appeared in many companies, as well as new staff planning specialists and planning executives. The author conducted a field study on the design of these systems in the mid-1960s and he argues that they showed great promise for improved management.With this history in mind, we might ask why such subjects as ‘planning techniques’ and ‘problems of implementation’ are still topics of concern. It would seem that such techniques would be well known and established in most firms after 10–15 years. However, this is not the case, for during a second field study of corporate planning systems which was completed in 1976 the author found that many corporations, including some of the largest ones, had redesigned their planning systems in the early 1970s, essentially making a fresh start at formal long-range planning. (See Table 1).From his recent field study the author concludes that all corporations experience problems in implementing and using a formal planning system. The nature of these problems and some possible remedies are the subjects upon which this article focuses.  相似文献   

Based on both economic and sociological theory, the effects of supervisory control and organizational support on the frequency and effort of individuals in contributing their personally held valuable knowledge to a “best practices-lessons learned, repository-based” knowledge management system (KMS) were compared. Supervisory control, as expected, had significant impact on frequency, but it also had unexpectedly significant influence on effort. When system variables—usefulness and ease of use—were controlled for, the organizational support measure had little effect on either outcome. These results provide greater support for economic-agency-theory motivators of knowledge sharing and lesser support for organizational support motivators than has been previously believed. They also emphasize the important impact of systems variables in motivating KMS use. Since the study was conducted in a government (joint civilian–military) organization, the organizational type may significantly influence the results. However, since the result is contrary to the conventional wisdom that suggests that a “knowledge-sharing culture” is all-important, at the very least, this study shows that the nature of the organization may moderate the relationship between the motivational approach and the outcomes.  相似文献   

A new method for the stock ranking based on the multiple criterion decision making and optimization is proposed. Two general criteria are used in the analysis. The first of them is based on the financial indices and may be treated as the criterion of firm's “health” or its financial performance. The second one is the two-criteria performance of firm based on the stock prices. It represents the firm's market success. The method rests on the selection of the stocks with a great correlation of the firm's financial performance and its market success. The local criteria are built in the form of the membership function of corresponding fuzzy subsets. Two different strategies for stock ranking and three most popular methods for local criteria aggregation are compared. As the example the values of financial rations and prices from database comprising the data of 162 firms from subsector of the biotechnology of US economy were used. It is shown that the proposed method makes it possible to select a small group of “good” stocks characterized by a great coincidence of firm's financial performance and its market success. The method rejects from the consideration all the “unsafe” firms, i.e., such ones that their market success is based rather on the public relations, rumors and other rather unreliable information. The method is addressed to those who prefer to select for a portfolio only the firms which demonstrate the closeness of their overall financial performance in the past year and success in the Stock Exchange in the following year.  相似文献   

This is an international case dealing with human resource management in the peculiar social context of South Africa. Cashbuild is a South African building supplies company started in 1978. The focus of the case is the organizational transformation which resulted when the company became responsive to the demands and expectations of Black employees. The Managing Director of Cashbuild noted the similarity in Japanese culture and Zulu culture in stressing group cohesion. Under his leadership, Cashbuild's employees designed a company philosophy which empowered workers by giving them control of four out of five portfolios operative in each branch. The major elements of the change process are discussed. Questions are raised concerning the use of participative management in a society where there is a high element of uncertainty and repression.  相似文献   

Learning to cope with the problems and uncertainties created by today's changing business environment is a task which faces ever company. Coping with the challenge of change is not just a question of adapting or reacting to the changes, it may also involve taking new initiatives in relation to the environment itself in order to exploit the opportunities which exist.A company may need to make fundamental adjustments to its philosophy, strategies, organization and practices in order to meet the newer demands of the environment. A prime difficulty is that companies are rarely in a position to start from scratch, they have existing organizational arrangements, power distributions, well established strategies and vested interests all of which tend to resist any kind of change which is likely to upset the ‘status quo’. They also have to overcome outdated beliefs and norms if they are to progress.This article considers the use of a modified approach to strategic planning as a mechanism for helping a company to acquire the norms, organization and strategies needed to cope with today's business environment. It is based on experience gained in helping to re-organize business enterprises engaged in textiles, steel tube manufacture, light engineering, distribution (world wide) and vehicle sales and servicing and also the Government of Jersey, Channel Islands.  相似文献   

The practical business man, be he the boss or an employee, usually accepts that systematic planning of some sort is almost certain to be of benefit to his company, and he can usually agree with many of the planning techniques put forward. What often worries him though, is how to actually operate a planning system in his company day by day: what instructions to give, systems to use, how to make it really work. In this article, the author describes an Annual Planning and Budget Cycle Chart which was developed at the Avon Rubber Company. This chart goes a long way to solving the practical businessman's dilemma referred to above, it gives set dates during the year for completion of specific planning and budgeting jobs and it explains how they are interconnected to make up a coherent and workable corporate planning system.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for optimal control of a running television show. The problem is formulated as a partially observed Markov decision process (POMDP). A show can be in a “good” state, i.e., it should be continued, or it can be in a “bad” state and therefore it should be changed. The ratings of a show are modeled as a stochastic process that depends on the show's state. An optimal rule for a continue/change decision, which maximizes the expected present value of profits from selling advertising time, is expressed in terms of the prior probability of the show being in the good state. The optimal rule depends on the size of the investment in changing a show, the difference in revenues between a “good” and a “bad” show and the number of time periods remaining until the end of the planning horizon. The application of the method is illustrated with simulated ratings as well as real data.  相似文献   

Milton Friedman famously stated that the only social responsibility of business is to increase its profits, a position now known as the shareholder model of business. Subsequently, the stakeholder model, associated with Edward Freeman, has been widely seen as a heuristically stronger theory of the responsibilities of the firm to the society in which it is situated. Friedman's position, nevertheless, has retained currency among many business thinkers. In this article, we argue that Friedman's economic writings assume an economy in which businesses operate under the protections of limited liability, which allows corporations to privatize their gains while externalizing their losses. By accepting limited liability, Friedman must also accept a view of business as embedded in social interdependency, which serves as the logical and moral foundation for corporate social responsibility (CSR). To achieve consistency with his economic principles, Friedman must either abandon limited liability or modify his doctrine on CSR and his related shareholder model of business.  相似文献   

Scholars have called for the Carnegie School to revisit fundamental ideas such as decision, behavioral plausibility (Gavetti, Levinthal, & Ocasio, 2007, p. 531), and the individual (Cohen, 2007). In essence, these calls urge greater realism, beyond the School’s founding concepts such as satisficing and bounded rationality, which differentiated organization science from economics. This paper argues that revisiting the School’s ties to Chester Barnard advances work along these lines because of Barnard’s experiential method and his findings on the subjective and objective nature of, and on the personal and impersonal forces entailed in, organization. The paper begins by discussing the insufficient recognition of the School’s ties to Barnard and the emphasis on Herbert Simon’s translation of Barnard at the expense of the original Barnard. Then, based on Barnard’s unpublished and lesser known works (O’Connor, 2012, p. 112–170), it shows the scope and depth of Barnard’s contributions: a new “organic applied social science” (Barnard’s phrase, Wolf, 1995a) founded on a subjective relationship to scientific knowledge and ordinary action that Barnard called “personal responsibility.” Likewise, this science emerged from Barnard’s relationship to his own experience, specifically, his pursuit of a science to explain his and others’ experience of organization.  相似文献   

Four years ago, CEO Ray Anderson of Interface began to confront his company's impact on the environment. The factories and suppliers of his interior furnishings company used 1.2 billion pounds of raw materials to produce $802 million in products. Of these materials, two thirds were exhaustible fuels. Anderson has set Interface on a mission—to became a sustainable enterprise. However, rather than dictating specific initiatives from the top down, his corporate strategy has been to use a seven-point program to provide guidance for each plant and business to create its own agenda. CES continues its exploration of what defines environmental leadership by exploring how Anderson has implemented this new type of corporate direction, and how Interface measures its progress towards this ambitious mission.  相似文献   

In this article the author goes on to develop the conclusion reached in his previous article which appeared in the December edition of Long Range Planning. These conclusions concerned the requirements for strategic success for an individual business, here they are developed into their implications for strategy development in the typical multibusiness company.It is argued that relative competitive position and growth are the two fundamental parameters which must be considered in determining the strategy that an individual business should follow when viewed within the context of the company's overall ‘business portfolio’. The likely patterns of business strategy which will lead to overall corporate success are discussed and contrasted with those which can lead to disaster.The key is that strategies should be made to differ widely from business to business, as a function of the growth and relative competitive position of each business and the company's overall resource position particularly with respect to cash. The ‘across the board’ defensive measures which many companies have adopted in recent years as their response to the pressures of inflation and recession are therefore argued to be singularly inappropriate for the long term. The ‘business portfolio’ concept provides a superior approach for developing the differentiated strategic business objectives which are necessary for any company to make the most of its opportunities.  相似文献   

Effective measurement of information system (IS) success continues to be a top concern for both practitioners and researchers. Labeled the “productivity paradox”, previous attempts to quantify the benefits of IS have often resulted in inconclusive or inconsistent results. The present study contributes to IS success research through the development and empirical testing of a process-oriented model of IS success. Using an operational perspective and combining primary and secondary measures, this study examines the influence of lower-level intangible IS and information technology (IT) benefits on higher-level financial measures. Additionally, we introduce IS plan quality as an antecedent to the model's input variables. Primary survey data from CIOs of primarily Fortune 2000 size firms are combined with secondary data, total operational cost, from Compustat to facilitate the examination of the IS benefits. This study also addresses shortcomings cited in other studies that might have contributed to the productivity paradox by including control variables in the model, defining a research perspective—the operational success perspective—and clearly articulating the level of analysis as the organizational level. The results supported a process-oriented view of the benefits from IS and showed how the effects of IS along a path can lead to better organizational performance, in this case, lower overall costs. These results are discussed and future research implications are presented.  相似文献   

One of today's most frequently discussed topics in the business world is how to escape from the intense Red Ocean and how to create an uncontested Blue Ocean. However, because there are few practical guidelines available on this topic, we will introduce a case study of a third-party logistics (3PL) provider, CJ-Global Logistics Service (CJ-GLS), to show how it aspires to be a leader in the newly introduced 3PL industry in South Korea. CJ-GLS is a latecomer in the logistics industry, and its resources, such as the number of trucks and warehouses, are relatively small in comparison to those of established companies. But, it has achieved a distinct competitive advantage through innovative information technology (i.e., RFID—radio frequency identification), which has enabled it to create an uncontested market space, electronic logistics business. One remarkable fact about CJ-GLS is that its swift growth comes not from attracting competitors’ customers from the existing Red Ocean market but from creating a Blue Ocean market (3PL market), which previously existing incumbents ignored, and also from constructing a new business model founded on a RFID-based, ubiquitous-oriented 3PL system. Analyzed through a Four Actions Framework and characterized as Blue Ocean, this case study provides valuable information on how a company reinforces its competitive advantage from the Red Ocean while it transitions into a Blue Ocean by utilizing advanced information communication technologies.  相似文献   

The high failure rate of ERP implementation is due to a common pitfall that ERP projects are often enacted as merely investment into installation of IT infrastructure, rather than systematic planning of operation changes, business process re-engineering and a paradigm shift for the operation and management. To manage ERP investment in a changing environment for high payoff, this paper adopts a real option theoretic method. Fuzzy payoff valuation is introduced to deal with uncertainties in order to minimize the risk of failure. The proposed ERP evaluation model is geared towards small and medium enterprises. A case study is presented to validate the proposed fuzzy real options. The results indicate the potential of modeling ERP investment as “Expand”, “Contain” and “Abandon” options in different scenarios. The fuzzy real option model bestows a novel ex-ante cost analysis for justifying ERP investment in the implementation cycle.  相似文献   

The search for excellence in business is not enough. First a company has to survive before it can become excellent. Competition in the marketplace is a form of warfare. Twenty centuries of military history have produced principles of warfare that business executives can adapt for use in today's competitive environment. The Chinese have a “Society for the Study of Ancient Management Thinking.” Japan's success after World War II, they explain “a little bitterly”, owes much to its study of ancient Chinese wisdom, particularly Sun Tzu'sThe Art of War, which the Japanese use as a treatise on market strategy. Businessmen must use all the tools available to them to survive and prosper.  相似文献   

基于上市公司高管人员过度自信的股利分配决策模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现有相关研究成果的基础上,在假设公司高管人员过度自信的条件下,建立恰当数学模型研究上市公司高管人员过度自信对公司股利分配决策和外部融资决策的影响机理。研究结果表明,当上市公司高管人员对未来经营环境比较乐观时,其现金股利分配水平和债务融资数量将随着其过度自信程度的提高而增多;当上市公司高管人员对未来经营环境比较悲观时,其现金股利分配水平和债务融资数量将随着其过度自信程度的提高而减少。上市公司的现金股利分配水平和债务融资数量随着公司股票价格上涨和债务融资利息率上升而减少;股权融资数量随着公司股票价格上涨和债务融资利息率上升而增加。论文研究工作在理论上扩展和深化了Deshmukh、Goe和Howe等人的相关研究成果。  相似文献   

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