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While previous research has provided general evidence on the positive outcomes of regional mobility for the labour market success of men and single women, most studies have also concluded that for married or partnered women residential relocation imposes severe disadvantages in terms of their economic situation and career. When accounting for these effects, most authors refer to microeconomic household theory – an approach that has been increasingly criticized for its restrictive assumptions regarding intra family decisions. Moreover most of these studies are outdated and do not fully capture the economic and social developments that have taken place in recent decade, especially in Germany. This paper contributes to the topic by extending the theoretical scope to a bargaining model of mobility decisions within couples and by using more current data. Additionally regional labour market structures are seen as important moderators of the effects of mobility and are explicitly considered in the analysis. Based on longitudinal data from the SOEP for the years 1992–2006 the following article focuses on the (longterm) income effects of regional mobility among East and West German couples with special regard to the economic situation of partnered women. The results of the panel fixed-effects estimations not only lend support to bargaining theory and stress the relevance of regional opportunity structures, but also indicate that the consequences of mobility for German women have changed. The paper discusses implications of the results for labour market processes and partnerships.  相似文献   

The importance of commitment from the point of view of companies or organizations is discussed controversially in recent years. On the one hand, a key competitive advantage is seen in the field of human resources. At the same time, very different forms of employment flexibilization can be observed. These different approaches are shown in this article and the versatile embedding of work such as the perception of disposition possibilities in terms of time, individual room for maneuver or even the experienced social justice. All of these dimensions have the potential to portray themselves as faultlines in organizations and thus have an impact on the binding in organizations.  相似文献   

The article scrutinizes different arguments as against individualism that are different from arguments from emergence. What these types of arguments nevertheless share with an argument based on emergence is the idea of a decisive asymmetry: whereas individual properties have to be derived from social properties, social properties do resist to an analysis in terms of individual properties. Four types of such anti-individualistic arguments are distinguished: First, the idea that individual actions become meaningful actions only in the context of a social practice; second, the claim that action derives from processes of social attribution; third, the thesis that subjective states presuppose intersubjectivity; and, finally, the claim that actorship requires the process of social recognition as an actor. It can be shown that these types of arguments are not conclusive. Thus, an individualistic concept of social phenomena is defended. Following Max Weber, social properties are considered to be a certain class of individual properties that constitute the social world, i.e. individual properties do not necessarily depend on social practices or processes of attribution or recognition.  相似文献   

The civil society in the transformation countries in Central and Eastern Europe is considered as the success factor for the development status of the democratic reforms in this area. Based on long years experience in the field the author shows how civil society organisations (CSO) are formed and what kind of problems they face concerning organizational development, voluntarism and professionalisation and fundraising. Due to the fact that CSO are initiated from outside or that they copy Western patterns the localisation processes—adaptation to the local condition and enculturation—are the basis for sustainability. But, the exclusive view to the civil sector and its extraordinary support may cause reluctance in parts of the population. The across-the-sectors Development Partnership is a way of cooperation in strategic development and project management of CSO, governmental organisations and enterprises. The results of this comprehensive approach on local, regional and national level are documented by best practice examples from Lithuania, Hungary, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.  相似文献   

The present study introduces the concept of career-supportive leadership within the contradictory context of career success and psychological strain. We describe four dimensions of career-supportive leadership: delegation, feedback, trust and promotion. In addition to positive relationships with career success, we expected negative relationships with psychological strain and work-home-interference because career-supportive leadership provides resources which might buffer the effects of career-related demands. In a longitudinal questionnaire study with 581 participants of different organizations we found mainly delegation and promotion to be positively related to different indicators of career success. Referring to psychological strain and work-home-interference, feedback was found to be protective. We discuss research prospects as well as practical implications.  相似文献   

There are several plausible arguments which make it obvious to apply Rational Choice Theory to the process of educational opportunities and equality. Looking more closely at an empirical application or RC theory, several serious problems emerge: They concern the operationalization of the variables, the explanatory power of the central variables related to Subjective Expected Utility, the systematic omission of important variables relating to individual persons and their identity, and to social structural and institutional factors; the latter seem to be much more important than those indicated by RC approaches.  相似文献   

Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel and fixed-effects regression models, this paper examines church attendance rates across the life course. For 1992?C2007, the overall frequency of churchgoing shows a slight decrease (secularization). This period effect is continuously thwarted by a positive age effect. However, this positive age effect becomes weaker over the recent years which also might be interpreted as a kind of secularization. In-depth analyses show that, in West Germany, the age-specific increase of church attendance rates is paralleled by gradual increases in the frequency of churchgoing after transition into first marriage, when children reach school-age and after the transition to widowhood. However, reaching a higher educational level and an increase in labor market participation, as well as a first divorce (in West Germany) and the transition into a non-marital cohabitation (in East Germany) contribute to a decrease of religious participation.  相似文献   

Using the Bamberg study of married couples Schulz and Blossfeld (2006) analyze the change in the division of domestic labor and see a trend toward traditionalization. Hereby the economic theory of the family should be falsified. This result is critized in three perspectives: first, a stronger participation of men is used as the dependent variable whereby the interesting processes are misspecified. Second, only the educations of men and women, but not changes in education are looked at which would be necessary to test the economic theory. Third, the used statistical model makes some simplifications necessary which hardens the interpretation of the empirical results. With all these critics the economic theory of the family should not be defended blindly, but a test of this theory is not possible in the manner tried here.  相似文献   

This article explores the potentials of a structured mindfulness practice for professionals like councelors, therapists and teachers who work in psychosocial contexts. Mindfulness is being looked at as a way of selfcare and nourishment for the professional her- or himself and effects on the relationship with clients or patients are considered as well. Recent studies show that an ongoing practice of mindfulness enables professionals in psychosocially demanding positions to foster caring and appreciative relationships with themselves and with their clients. A pracitce of mindfulness seems to strengthen the abilies of presence, connectedness, acceptance, appreciation and serenity.  相似文献   


Inhibitors of 5α-steroid reductase are drugs used to treat androgen-dependent conditions including prostate diseases and androgenic alopecia. Finasteride was the first on the market and is currently the most widely used inhibitor. Dutasteride was the second inhibitor to be approved and has a similar safety profile. Common adverse events of treatment consist of sexual disorders and a negative affect balance. It was described that the prolonged use of 5α-steroid reductase inhibitors in patients with alopecia can cause persistent side effects called a post-finasteride syndrome (PFS), that is not just a simple coexistence of events, but rather a definite syndrome with an iatrogenic background. PFS occurs in susceptible individuals even after small doses of the drug and can last for a long time after the discontinuation of treatment. A deterioration in the quality of life in affected individuals does not justify use of the drug. Wider recognition of PFS symptoms, its incidence, course, prevention, and treatment possibilities will allow the indications for drug use to be reconsidered and treatment to be more personalized. Knowledge about PFS will also help to provide the best treatment for affected individuals and to properly educate patients before obtaining an informed consent for therapy with 5α-steroid reductase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Social criticism, social learning (action learning), (self-)reflection and interventions into social systems have always been important categories for group dynamics and action research. In chapter one their understanding of ?intervention“ is elaborated, a term that came in use in the context of small groups. Only later this term was also transferred to organizations and institutions. Starting from basic ideas of group dynamics the article investigates to what extent the learning models and ideas to organize social processes that come from laboratory situations can be made fruitful towards a science of intervention (chapter two). In practice a number of group dynamic models for research and professional acting are used (consulting, organization development, training, contract research) but the special method of insight producing and consciousness raising intervention is paid little attention to in social science. It is therefore advisable to estimate these practical experiences higher, in order to make them accessible for a respectable development of theory (case study in chapter two). The way of group dynamics towards an intervention science is a current challenge that all applied social sciences are facing nowadays; the development of a dialectic understanding of science seems to be necessary in this context.  相似文献   

Following the results of different empirical studies the consumption patterns of German households changed significantly during the last decades. While this change was attributed to a dissolving correlation between lifestyle and social status for a long time, more and more studies focus on the relationship of lifestyle and socio-demographic criteria again. This report analyses the effects of social composition regarding age, income and households types on the use of income between 1978 and 2008. The results of the decomposition analysis reveal that the socio-demographic components cannot explain the change of consumption patterns in Germany. Rather it seems that different social conditions during socialisation affect lifestyles and should be considered when analysing consumption patterns.  相似文献   

This paper proofs the impact of the identity in terms of certain not yet scientifically analysed cognitive filters (people pattern) to graphical and visual preferences of human being. Some items based on a people pattern questionnaire have been extracted in order to build up people pattern profiles that maintain people’s chart-type preference. That approach aims the identity driven prediction of the preferred chart-type, used for special business purposes to ease graphical interaction. This model can be used to include the auditor’s visual preferences already in the design process of business charts.  相似文献   

Characteristic of modern work in highly developed capitalist countries is, that on the one hand work processes are computerized and on the other hand more and more areas of social, formerly life-world communications are economised. Both goes together in modern communication work. Secular life communication can be continued regardless of a consenting Yes or negative No. This is different for communication work, which is not primarily about understanding but to consent because the work aspect of communication work cannot be realized if the communication offer is rejected. With the hegemonic of communication work and the resolution of the boundary between the world of work and the word of living increases the risk, that social communication altogether becomes strategic in the persuasive organization of approval and criticism is neutralized.  相似文献   

This historiographical discussion piece on the implication of Simon Petliura and the Directory in the pogroms during the ill‐fated struggle for Ukrainian independence between 1917 and 1920 focuses on four core issues. Firstly, it suggests that those committed to the current Ukrainian nation‐building agenda face a crucial paradox: for the Directory’s endeavours to qualify as a precedent in nation building, one has to talk up its ability to influence the developments in the territory under its control. Yet to get Petliura and the Directory off the hook as far as the pogroms are concerned, one has to talk down their ability to influence those same developments. Secondly, it fundamentally questions the juxtaposition of “Ukrainian” and “Jewish” approaches on which Henry Abramson’s claim to have achieved a new synthesis between these two positions hinges. Thirdly, it demonstrates just how crucial conceptual transparency is for any useful debate on the significance of antisemitism in this context. Finally, it revisits the contention that it is a priori implausible to hold Petliura and his colleagues responsible because their attitudes towards Jews were generally positive as demonstrated not least by their commitment to Jewish autonomy rights.  相似文献   

The concept of intercultural communication seems to be a meaningless concept, because it does not point out a specific difference between intercultural and other kinds of communication. Yet its general use makes sense because it helps to become aware that, figuratively speaking, every attempt to communicate is a journey into an unknown foreign country where people like us, are just living in very different way than we are. The concept of intercultural communication is a reminder that every communication is a meeting between two or more equally valuable unknown cultures. Because they are so different, unknown and equally valuable, they first have to respectfully get acquainted with each other, which is not easy, because they only can see each other with their own cultural concepts. Therefore communication is very unlikely to be successful.  相似文献   

Starting with a critique of the over-emphasis unilaterally cognitive-rational ways of data-access development projects, the author discusses with reference to the brain research the importance of pictorial knowledge as a third type of knowledge alongside explicit and tacit knowledge. His thesis is that pictorial knowledge is an underestimated resource for effective procedures for staff and organizational development. Based on three areas for action he describes pictorial knowledge as a source of development of vision and mission statements, as a starting point for “value estimated staff and organization development” (appreciative inquiry) and as a basis for coaching processes. In the outlook, he asks himself if pictorial knowledge not only refers to the pragmatic usage dimension but if it furthermore also offers an access to an alphabet of human basal expression.  相似文献   

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