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In this paper the concept of micro-politics is linked with the field of inter-organizational, predominantly virtually organized networks. Building on results from research on both politics and network governance constitutive situational, personal and action-based factors of political influence processes in network settings are identified and affiliated with each other in a theoretical model. In addition, options and limits of a micro-political approach to virtual network settings are discussed and first recommendations on a meaningful formation and organization of networks under a political perspective are given.  相似文献   

Feedback is indispensable and ubiquitary. Giving constructive feedback is an important aspect of leadership. Giving good feedback is, however, rather difficult, and one often observes that employees feel hurt and demotivated by the way feedback is given. A central aspect of good feedback relates to maintaining, enhancing, or impairing people's self-esteem, and the present article focuses on this aspect. We discuss the implications of feedback for self-esteem, criteria for optimal feedback, and the difficulties of giving and accepting feedback, especially when it is negative. The last part discusses feedback in the context of performance appraisal in organizations.  相似文献   

This article describes the urgency of the need for companies to change and adapt to the requirements of changing world. At least hiring the best talents need a change in thinking and executing. Therefor employees want to be involved and empowered for making decisions, taking responsibilities and improving on processes. High involvement work processes as a theory, explains what is happening in agile and self-organised companies and why this is really helpful. Additional the authors give some example for non-self-organised companies to implement parts of agile processes.  相似文献   

Based on data of the 2009 German Volunteer Survey (“Freiwilligensurvey”) the paper analyses whether there is evidence for a discrimination of women in filling management positions in the volunteer sector. It turns out that women have a significant lower propensity to take up an unpaid volunteer management position. This correlation is also robust when we control for self-selection bias as well as certain important socio-demographic, socio-economic and volunteer-specific determinants. Further on we can show that this kind of gender-specific discrimination can be found particularly in leisure-time clubs and religious organisations. These results indicate that structural and organisational parameters play an important role to explain gender specific differences in filling volunteer management positions.  相似文献   

This study tested the effects of a 2-day team building intervention on team members’ team identification, social support and collective self-efficacy. Members (n?=?32) of three teams from different sectors completed questionnaires before, directly after and six weeks after the team building intervention. Two teams served as control groups. Results showed lasting positive effects of team building on identification, support and collective self-efficacy in the training groups but no changes in the control groups.  相似文献   

The article gives attention to the multiple diversity of cultural imprints in the international companies as well as consultancy and emphasizes intercultural interpersonal communication conflicts. The focus is on the meeting of people with different cultural influences and experiences in international companies, their communication with each other and the resulting conflicts. The approach is multidimensional and transdisciplinary. In a mixed methods study current challenges can be identified. On the one hand, hyperculture and global identity develop, on the other hand, cultures try to contour and separate themselves from each other. In the context of affiliations, selected results of this study are summarized, discussed and classified. Virtual communication and cooperation (digital transformation) as well as the fluid change of generations (millennials) are also addressed. It is about investigating the phenomena and sensitizing the persons involved. The article derives implications for international management and consultancy in a culturally heterogeneous work environment. Finally, there are a critical appraisal and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

The current investigation analyses the impact of income and economic uncertainty on women’s family formation and expansion. Analyses based on the data of the German Socio-economic Panel reveal that partner income and income security have positive effects on the propensity toward family formation. Conversely, downward mobility in the partner’s career inhibits second birth transitions. Partner resources could be interpreted as social capital facilitating the realisation of the desire for children. Furthermore, the investigation shows that only persistent occupational uncertainty has negative effects on first birth transitions valid equally for men and women. Consequently, results suggest that women are not backtracking from the labour market in reaction to experiences of uncertainty and exclusion. This indicates that women’s occupational establishment is an important condition of family formation. In conclusion, the analysis documents that individual economic und social situation rather than potential economic incalculabilities associated with higher unemployment rates.  相似文献   

Online-surveys enjoy increasing popularity and they seem to be especially suited for evaluating the quality of teaching in academic courses. The fact remains, however, that the reliability of their results has hardly been tested. Compared to the results of a written questionnaire carried out with the same university-courses online-surveys demonstrate grave deficiencies. These imperfections render their results useless: 1. Students’ participation in the onlinequestioning is—compared to their participation in the written questionnaire—considerably lower (in several courses too low to be of any analytical use). 2. In the case of all courses and analysed questions the results diverge from those of the written questionnaire which achieved census-quality. Rankings based on these two proceedings differ widely. This occurs regardless of them being set up in individual lists or in groupings. 3. There are clear indications that the way respondents answer online-questionnaires is less reliable than in paper&pencil methods. Although online-surveys benefit by being cost-efficient their methodological shortcomings raise important questions about their reliability for judging the quality of academic teaching.  相似文献   

For the first time, this study provides longitudinal research on regional partner market conditions and trends in Germany. It works with indicators of the partner market that are appropriate to theoretical concepts. Using ministerial regional population data, the study examines several assumptions about how the partner market alternates over the life course and differs between birth cohorts. It describes differences between partner market conditions of the sexes and shows effects on the partner market that derive from changes of the birth rate, from shifts in the prevalence and forms of couple relationships, from the expansion of higher education, and from migration.  相似文献   

Tasks are nowadays increasingly assigned to teams composed of members from different cultures who have to work together regardless of country borders or time zones. This causes special challenges for all parties involved in such work settings. Consultancy has accordingly to face the resulting increase of complexity: within the scope of an intercultural consulting process it becomes vital to take into consideration the often postulated focus on both differences and commonalities as well as to consider the dynamics within team processes. This article tries to reflect our work with “virtual teams” which consist of members having different cultures. We try to combine popular intercultural models with a systemic-constructivistic approach as well as with knowledge about group dynamics in order to make sure that a productive outcome is possible in a consulting process. In doing so we work on three levels: individual reflection with the participants’ own culture which is then combined with those of the other team members and then finally the group’s specific team culture is addressed and discussed. At the end of the article we summarize implications for consulting and management when working with virtual teams in an intercultural setting.  相似文献   

This article investigates employment patterns in couple households—and in particular their variability according to the presence and age of children. The aim of the comparative analysis of ten European countries, using data from the European Social Survey (2004/05 and 2006/07), is to explain the pronounced cross-country differences with regard to empirically relevant household employment patterns—focusing on their variability across an ideal-typical family life-cycle. Explanatory factors include the social policy framework (family and tax policies), socio-economic and labor market conditions (wage level, unemployment, the availability of part-time work) as well as national gender cultures (societal ideals regarding gender roles and childcare). The article discusses the relationship between these structural and cultural factors, on the one hand, and actual practices of gendered employment behaviour, on the other. It concludes that, in order to account for the complexity of causal relations, the explanation of gendered employment patterns ought to be country-specific.  相似文献   

Religion has received extensive attention as a factor influencing immigrants’ integration. This paper examines the role of religion in explaining ethnic educational inequalities in Germany. Due to a general lack of research in this field, the paper provides an overview of existing empirical findings, specifies theoretical arguments on how religious affiliation, belief and participation possibly affect educational achievement among children of immigrants. Using data from the first wave of the “Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in four European Countries” collected in 2010/11 the paper tests key arguments on the influence of religion on the educational attainment among 14-year-old immigrant and non-immigrant students at German schools. Compared to other religious groups, Muslims display lower rates of educational achievement. However, this can be largely explained by their social background and is independent from their levels of individual religiosity. Interestingly, individual religiosity has a positive effect on the educational achievement among Protestant students, whether with or without a migration background.  相似文献   

The central finding of this paper is that the link between the division of labour and the risk of separation differs depending on the type of relationship. Marriages tend to be destabilised by the wife’s participation in the labour force and stabilised by the traditional division of labour. Empirical evidence of this is manifest in a positive effect of the wife’s income and a negative effect of the husband’s relative income on the likelihood of separation. In contrast to this, unmarried long-term relationships are stabilised by egalitarian division of labour. This is evident from the absence of negative effects of an employment of the female cohabiter on stability of relationship. Furthermore, in unmarried cohabitations the relative income of the man increases the risk of a separation. In addition to the income ratio, homogamous attitudes have explanatory value. Cohabitations are stable when both partners are career-oriented. This finding points to an egalitarian gender-role-orientation among unmarried men. It also implies that an egalitarian orientation has an impact on the living arrangement which needs to be accepted by both partners – for instance when family planning and timing of marriage are concerned.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the extent and mechanisms of intergenerational transmission of volunteering in Germany. A possible explanation of intergenerational transmission of volunteering is based on the influence of parental socialization during formative years of adolescence (aged 14–17 years). Respectively, parents can set role models by volunteering themselves which can be observed and imitated by their children due to social learning process which may have long lasting effects even after leaving parental home. However, social, cultural and financial resources provided by parents can also facilitate or impede volunteering. The social status of parents can influence the volunteering of parents as well as the children, and serve insofar as mediator of intergenerational transmission processes and respectively may overlap the socialization effect. Drawing on the German Socio Economic Panel Data (1984–2011) this study aims to disentangle socialization and status transmission processes. The analysis shows a clear positive correlation between parental volunteering during the formative period of its children and young adult’s volunteering now, even controlling for parental and children’s education and social status of parents. Thus, the results are consistent with socialization hypothesis and do not support the status transmission hypothesis.  相似文献   

Part-time work helps organizations to ensure flexibility and allows employees to combine work and family duties. However, despite their desire to work reduced hours, many individuals work full-time – particularly those in leadership positions. This article therefore examines which factors contribute to the use of part-time work among managers. By analysing a data set that combines individual-level data from the European Labor Force Survey (2009) with country-level information from various sources, we identify the circumstances under which managers reduce their working hours and the factors that explain the variations in part-time work among managers in Europe. Our multi-level analyses show that normative expectations and cultural facts rather than legal regulations can explain these cross-national differences.  相似文献   

Diversity Management is getting more and more popular. This development is being criticized by agents of the gender-approach. They object that the diversity approach lacks a sufficient theoretical foundation and that it is a neoliberal concept. In this article we try to analyze the concept of diversity management with the means of the sociological systems theory and to put it in relation to the gender approach. Thereby we show that diversity management is an approach of organizational development which can proof useful for both the employees and the company.  相似文献   

The following contribution is preoccupied with the question of, what conditions, for example what framework is necessary, in order to coach clients in a skilled and sustainable manner – sustainable in the sense of aware, balanced ,and very important long-lasting – supportive to development. Coaching in the following will not be considered as an attempt to optimize achievement or viewed as an instrument towards the short termed attainment of goals, but on the contrary as a process of development , which swings between the stabilization and the destabilization of the client. In this article we will consider the level of the settings and the interventions.  相似文献   

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