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日本的高等教育在发展过程中也遇到就业问题的困扰,本文就日本大学生的就业现状,以及为解决就业难问题,日本政府、社会、学校等所采取的措施进行了分析,希望对我国大学生的就业有一定的启示。  相似文献   

从1998年开始,日本就进入了就业的冰河时代,该局面一直无法打开,并逐渐形成了一个极为严峻的问题。特别是2003年,已经确定的就业比例为73.5%,比上年同期下降3.2个百  相似文献   

苏可 《社会学》2005,(3):27-32
说起大学生心理健康,好像颇有另类色彩,因为大学校园这片净土,人们已经习惯了悬想它是岁月如歌、青春如画的仙境。其实不然,大学校园是个多种文化磨砺碰撞的地带,多元化的人生观、价值观、世界观在这里得到延伸或方向的改变,导致大学生心理健康问题越来越多地暴露出来,并影响着大学生的健康成长。  相似文献   

目前,上海大学生就业压力依然较大。上海要站在建设国际化大都市与推进城市全面转型的战略高度,合理架构体制机制,努力整合各类资源,采取有效措施,全面推进大学生就业工作。  相似文献   

近年来,随着高校扩招的态势逐步蔓延,各种高职高专的迅速发展,大学生从一个曾被誉为"天之骄子"的稀有群体,逐步变成司空见惯的普遍群体。随之而来的是,大学生就业难问题日益凸显,现在已经成为一个广受大众关注的社会性的话题。目前,有相当一部分大学生选择用考研来逃避就业的压力,这显然不是长久之计,只是权宜之计,不能从根本上解决问题。那么,大学生在如此严峻的就业形势下应该何去何从呢?作为教育者的我们,理应在这时为大学生们出谋划策,尽我辈所能去为大学生排忧解惑,告诉他们在就业时应如何应对。在本文中,笔者根据自己多年的教学经验,为大学生对当前的就业形势做出了一些分析,同时也强调应该做好大学生在校期间的就业指导思想的教学工作,使高校大学生在面临就业问题时冷静、客观、沉着地应对。  相似文献   

在我国改革开放、市场经济的新形势下,社会环境、群体关系,学校环境及管理、教风、学风等对大学生的学习理念和学习效果产生了很大影响。要提高教学质量和学生的就业能力,使其就业后能尽快适应职业要求是大学办学的主要目标。必须了解这些变化。为此课题组成员根据在教学过程中遇到的各种现象,经反复讨论,进行了问卷调查。问卷主要围绕大学生自身学习兴趣、自身努力程度、学生群体关系、师生关系、教师的教学水平、学校办学环境及学校管理各环节等方面进行了设计,选出具有代表性的问题30个,题目给出3~6个答案,让学生进行单项选择。  相似文献   

笔者于2013年3月至4月在日本长野大学对20名社会工作专业在读学生和专业教师进行了访问调查。20名学生中女生15名,男生5名;大一学生3名,大二学生10名,大三学生5名,大四学生2名。另外对日本福祉大学、东京福祉大学、文京大学、金城大学、宇都宫短期大学、同朋大学的社会工作专业网站进行了文献分析,主要对入学考试情况、毕业生就业情况的公开信息进行了分析整理。  相似文献   

易明 《现代妇女》2014,(12):118-119
大学毕业生就业已成为一个严重的社会问题,如何处理好大学生就业的问题,我们应认识并处理好理论与实践的关系,充分发挥理论对实践的指导作用。用马克思哲学的实践观点来指导就业,引导学生树立良好的择业观,加强和改进大学生就业工作。  相似文献   

Research shows that return migrants have a higher propensity to set up an entrepreneurial activity or be self-employed compared to non-migrants. We take a multidisciplinary approach and empirically study the case of Latvia as a migration donor country to learn how re-migrants participate in entrepreneurship back at home. We are interested if return migrants can be seen as a vehicle for entrepreneurship development and if it is worth looking at them as agents of business growth and innovation. Not only we measure the fact of being entrepreneurial but also explore sources that contribute to the higher propensity, attitudes to creating own business venture, level of ambitions and population sentiment towards entrepreneurs. Based on a nationally representative adult population survey of 8000 observations, we find that early-stage entrepreneurial activity, established business ownership as well as intrapreneurship for return migrants exceed that of the non-migrant population. The self-perceived capabilities to start business is higher for those who have lived abroad, and fear of failure is lower. Return migrants also have better business networks and higher growth and export ambitions. Latvian return migrant entrepreneurship is not necessity driven but rather motivated by opportunities. Migration experience, length of stay aboard and capital accumulated abroad are found to be significant predictors of probability to become entrepreneur when controlled for socioeconomic and personal factors.  相似文献   

沈艳兵 《城市》2009,(8):49-52
一、当前金融危机对我国金融业的启示 全球性金融危机使许多国家经济遭受重创,各国金融机构所受冲击更大。同时.旧的国际金融秩序被打破,新的国际金融体系正在建立。在这样的大背景下.我国金融业发展也不可能“独善其身”。改革开放以来.我国金融业不断融入世界金融体系.不可避免地面临全球金融环境变化的影响。但从总体发展看.推动我国金融业发展的动力仍然十分强劲.行业增长趋势不会改变。  相似文献   

The present study aims at exploring whether aspects of urban form are associated with urban eco-efficiency in China. Quantitative indicators relating to urban form (form, compactness ratio, elongation ratio and population density) and urban eco-efficiency (resource efficiency, environmental efficiency and overall eco-efficiency) were selected and quantified using remote sensing and data envelopment analysis methods. The urban form aspects of form and compactness ratios were positively correlated with urban eco-efficiency and resource efficiency. Conversely, the urban elongation ratio exhibited negative correlations with urban eco-efficiency and resource efficiency. Regarding environmental efficiency, no significant correlation is found with compactness though a negative correlation is found with population density. These results indicate that, within China, designing cities to be compact may be lead to increases in eco-efficiency and resource efficiency, but if the population density is too high the increased pollution costs will result in a decrease in environmental efficiency.  相似文献   

The literature regarding entrepreneurship suggests that the resilience of entrepreneur may help to explain entrepreneurial success. In this article, we test whether a connection exists between resilience dimensions and the success of established entrepreneurs in the Spanish tourism sector, and whether any gender-specific differences exist. Resilience of subjects was measured 5 years before the follow-up data was collected. The results show that the three dimensions of resilience (hardiness, resourcefulness and optimism) help to predict entrepreneurial success. The key factor in predicting the success of the entrepreneur is resourcefulness. This could be said about both men and women. However, the ability to predict entrepreneurial success of those who have hardiness and optimism is different for men and women. The influence of optimism on the success of their businesses is greater for women than for men.  相似文献   

企业的业务外包战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白昀 《职业时空》2004,(1):52-53
随着全球竞争环境的改变及供应链管理作用的日益突出,业务外包正在迅速崛起,成为企业获得竞争优势的重要手段。外包(Outsourcing)实际上是一种商业战略,即企业把内部业务的一部分分包给外部专门机构,其实质是企业重新定位,截取价值链中比较窄的部分,重置企业的各种资源,将资源集中于最能反映企业相对优势的领域,构筑自己的竞争优势,获得使企业持续发展的能力。从价值链看业务外包的必要性价值链描述的是企业为生产最终交易的产品或服务所经历的增加价值的活动过程,价值链分析的概念最早是由美国哈佛商学院教授迈克尔·波特提出的用来分析企…  相似文献   

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