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The kind and direction of reactions of status discrepant persons to their social position are conditioned by their self-perception which reflects the effects of background factors prior to the changes in their social standing. The greater the awareness of status discrepancy the greater the probability that status discrepant persons will intensify their social activities. Depending upon their self-perception and prospects for the realization of their aspirations, status discrepant persons may become attracted to either political liberalism or political conservativism. The negative status discrepancy which has resulted under the pressure of forces outside the control of status discrepant persons will most probably lead to political conservativism. If status discrepancy is accompanied by status ambiguity and role confusion of a significant number of members of a group anomic factionalism may ensue.  相似文献   

青年农民工:主动排斥与被动排斥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从文化公民身份的视角,采用实证的方法分析了青年农民工在城市中受到排斥的因素:一方面,从小习得的文化习惯和城乡的文化差异,加之城市的生存成本使他们有意识地排斥城市的主流文化;另一方面,户籍制度因素、政策执行中的人为因素、城市交往中的理性化因素也将他们排斥于城市主流文化之外,这种主动排斥与被动排斥的双向互动过程让他们缺少对城市的归属感,遭受二等公民待遇。  相似文献   

Discrepancy between information emitted by face and speech was examined in three modes of communication: truth, concealment, and deception. It was found that communications designed either to conceal or distort the truth (concealment and deception modes) appeared more discrepant than communications that revealed the truth, particularly when full speech rather than filtered speech was presented. In addition, there were weak but consistently positive correlations between discrepancy and judgment of concealment and deception. That is, senders who appeared more discrepant were more likely to be judged as concealing or distorting information, regardless of the mode in which they had actually communicated.  相似文献   

Several studies of public rejection of the mentally ill using written vignettes have demonstrated limited support for the societal reaction perspective. Since written vignettes may be inadequate, this investigation used video-taped sequences of individual behavior during a counseling session. The study was a 2 × 2 × 3 factorial experiment with behavior, label, and actor's account as the independent variables. College students served as subjects. Both behavior and label (paranoid, normal) had significant main effects on the social rejection variable, whereas only label had a significant effect on the second dependent variable–perceived social competence. These findings are in contrast to the earlier studies and indicate that labels are likely to more powerfully affect public reaction to mental illness when behavior is directly perceived in a situational context.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - As an institution that often seeks to redress global inequality and poverty, philanthropy is commonly dismissed as either...  相似文献   

The relation of schematic discrepancy to emotional experience is discussed. It is argued that schematic discrepancy constitutes one important basis of emotional arousal and that we label arousal according to rules defined by discrepancy. The identifying and processing of discrepancies is described within an information processing framework. The labeling of both positive and negative emotions (defined as differing in the resolution of discrepancy) is discussed. Cultural influences on both the experiencing and labeling of emotion are elaborated and implications are drawn.  相似文献   

This study used longitudinal, multireporter data, in a community sample, to examine the role of rejection sensitivity in late adolescents' social and emotional development. Rejection sensitivity was linked to a relative increase in adolescent depressive and anxiety symptoms over a 3‐year period, even after accounting for teens' baseline level of social competence. Additionally, reciprocal relationships emerged between rejection sensitivity and internalizing symptoms. Rejection sensitivity was also linked to relative decreases in peer‐reports of teens' social competence over a 3‐year period. Consistent with research on gendered socialization, males reported higher levels of rejection sensitivity than females at ages 16 and 17. Results are interpreted as highlighting the importance of rejection sensitivity in understanding late adolescent social and emotional development.  相似文献   

Research on status rejection has developed considerably over the past two decades and is applied in a number of different settings to better understand criminal and deviant behavior. Our research contributes to that body of work by examining the ways in which status rejection may create a potentially humiliating dynamic for individuals on parole. Specifically, we use in‐depth interviews with parolees to illustrate how the parolee identity can promote the experience of status rejection and simultaneously foster conditions for humiliation—an emotional state that may impede one's ability to both (re) construct a conventional identity and reintegrate back into one's community.  相似文献   

Since the advent of democratic electoral systems, some deeplyflawed others less deeply flawed, a major question for communitiesall round the world has always been: will my participation inpolitics make any difference? Manali Desai's book engages withthis question in the context of the Indian states of Keralaand Bengal from colonial rule through to Indian independenceand thereafter. This context appears at first sight to be esotericand arcane, but, in fact, turns out to have striking similaritieswith and lessons for almost everywhere in the world today. Inits attempt to explain the special  相似文献   

It will be argued in this article that, in engaging with a diasporic network centred on the Dublin-centred National Brotherhood of St Patrick, a more public and confident Irish Catholic leadership emerged in Glasgow during the 1860s. The self-improving reading room culture that the Brotherhood was at pains to provide for also, however, proved attractive to Irish-Scots workers and gave them important formal associational experience. When the local Catholic hierarchy portrayed this as secret society nationalism in disguise, leading Irish Catholic worthies reacted by publicly associating themselves with more militant nationalists in expressions of an Irishness that was both secular and, at times, radical.  相似文献   

The current state of radical social work theory is not confined to an obscure or narrow corner of social work thought. This paper presents several areas of philosophical, theoretical, and practical agreement and disagreement among radical social work writers. It argues that the differences persist due to the inadvertent acceptance, on the part of many writers, of the le~itimacy of certain false dichotomies. A dialectical approach to radlcal. social work is needed to resolve these dichotomies. Such a dialectical approach would lead to greater integration of theory and better informed radical practice.  相似文献   

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