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The rapid change in the managed health care industry is placing substantial demands on the managerial and leadership skills of physician executives. These changes are forcing a reevaluation of the fundamental principles of managed care organizations, specifically in terms of patient satisfaction, cost containment, and quality health care. Additionally, the physician executive will be confronted with substantial issues concerning future staffing needs. This article assesses the health care industry's environment to suggest where managed care is going and how physician executives should position themselves to optimize their position in the marketplace.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to test the theory and causal performance linkages implied by the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA). The survey instrument used a comprehensive set of 101 questions that were directly tied to specific criteria in the 1995 MBNQA Criteria. Results reported here represent the first published article that tests the MBNQA performance relationships and causal model using comprehensive measurement and structural models. In general, our research concludes that (1) The underlying theory of the MBNQA is supported that “leadership drives the system that causes results”; (2) Leadership is the most important driver of system performance; (3) Leadership has no direct effect on Financial Results but must influence overall performance “through the system”; (4) Information and Analysis is statistically the second most important Baldrige category; (5) the Baldrige category, Process Management, is twice as important when predicting customer satisfaction as when predicting financial results; and (6) a modified “within system” set of five Baldrige causal relationships is a good predictor of organizational performance.  相似文献   


Studies on the effects of leadership in occupational health psychology build on the assumption that leaders influence their followers’ health and well-being. Although this assumption has received support, this introductory paper to a special issue of Work & Stress on leadership argues that a number of questions regarding leadership and follower health and well-being remain unanswered. We identify four issues that we argue warrant further attention. First, what is “good” leadership? Particular leadership types are associated with increases in employee performance, but since this will involve higher effort expenditure, adverse outcomes for employee health are to be expected. Although many types of leadership are associated with favourable outcomes, we still need to identify the leadership characteristics can be identified that account for these positive outcomes. Second, how can good leadership be promoted? There is a need to develop interventions that are effective in promoting desirable leadership styles. Third, what are the inter-mediate and long-term effects of leadership on follower health? Finally, we need to understand the boundary conditions for good leadership, including the resources available to leaders. Based on these considerations, we conclude that further research is needed to fully understand the effects of leadership on employee health and well-being.  相似文献   

This article uses the Deming management model developed by Anderson et al. (1994b) as an initial template to analyze total quality in services. While the literatures addressing quality management have developed separately for products and services, the founders of total quality portrayed this management philosophy as universally oriented. Our study first replicates two earlier studies that tested the Deming management model in manufacturing industries. Using hospitals as our unit of analysis, we realized findings similar to the earlier manufacturing studies. Next, we used contributions from the MBNQA literature to test an enhanced model. Our subsequent findings support the MBNQA concept that “leadership drives the system that creates results” and provides evidence of the ubiquitous importance of leadership for ensuring the success of a quality improvement program. Finally, an anomaly of this study and those published earlier is the inability to find support for the relationship between continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. Integrating the substantial work in the service quality literature focused on customer satisfaction measurement is recommended to future researchers to help resolve this issue and further enhance the model.  相似文献   

Health care cannot survive in its present form. It is becoming unaffordable for a large share of the country's population. Its quality and effectiveness inexplicably vary between communities and across time. With all these problems, the process of health care can be understood. All that are needed are good, basic data; its access, management, and analysis; and then presentation of facts and observations. Together, these functions describe the translation of data into information--the field of medical informatics. Information about such management concerns as clinical efficiency (which largely is related to appropriateness and cost-effectiveness) and about the realities of day-to-day medical practice can be used to improve the value of health care. Informed decision making is based solely on confidence that, given the right information and understanding, we can all make the right decisions. The right decisions mean better patient acceptance and satisfaction, a sense of value enhancement by payers, and support of the Hippocratic tradition.  相似文献   

The health care provider marketplace continues to undergo dramatic changes with the advent of hospital mergers, acquisitions, and physician and hospital alliances. In this era of managed care, cost containment is still vital to a hospital's success, but many stakeholders--patients, employers, and physicians--are determined that quality of care also remain paramount. How can hospitals reduce their expenses and maintain a quality focus? The answer lies in a successful clinical reengineering initiative. One progressive model of clinical reengineering is presented, as well as examples of initiatives at three health care institutions. Initial results of clinical redesign programs have been dramatic and encouraging, with documented evidence of simultaneous cost savings and improved patient care.  相似文献   

To maintain leadership in their markets, a few innovative hospitals, in the late 1980s, developed a revolutionary concept of health care delivery--patient-focused care. Results from pilot projects have shown a considerable increase in patient satisfaction and increased physician productivity. The patient-focused care model boasts faster turnaround times, increased bedside care by caregivers (especially nurses), and an overall increase in the quality of care provided by the staff.  相似文献   

The study of leadership suffers from too many definitions, not too few. Much of this confusion springs from the fact that there are two fundamentally different perspectives on leadership. From these arise three common usages of the word. This article suggests that we recognise this diversity and abandon the search for a unique definition.The first perspective views leadership as “influence on individuals” without using power or authority. This “meta” leadership relates individuals to their environment through “visioning” — a complex interaction of perception, articulation, conviction and empathy (PACE).The second perspective views leadership as the “shaking and moving” of an organisation to face the future, cope with change and achieve results. It includes both the creation of a successful organisation, through “macro” leadership, and the accomplishment of specific jobs or tasks, through “micro” leadership.These three types of leadership — meta, macro and micro — are examined from the two perspectives. It is suggested that all three should be exercised by managers at all levels - no matter how junior.  相似文献   

In spite of increased attention to quality and efforts to provide safe medical care, adverse events (AEs) are still frequent in clinical practice. Reports from various sources indicate that a substantial number of hospitalized patients suffer treatment‐caused injuries while in the hospital. While risk cannot be entirely eliminated from health‐care activities, an important goal is to develop effective and durable mitigation strategies to render the system “safer.” In order to do this, though, we must develop models that comprehensively and realistically characterize the risk. In the health‐care domain, this can be extremely challenging due to the wide variability in the way that health‐care processes and interventions are executed and also due to the dynamic nature of risk in this particular domain. In this study, we have developed a generic methodology for evaluating dynamic changes in AE risk in acute care hospitals as a function of organizational and nonorganizational factors, using a combination of modeling formalisms. First, a system dynamics (SD) framework is used to demonstrate how organizational‐level and policy‐level contributions to risk evolve over time, and how policies and decisions may affect the general system‐level contribution to AE risk. It also captures the feedback of organizational factors and decisions over time and the nonlinearities in these feedback effects. SD is a popular approach to understanding the behavior of complex social and economic systems. It is a simulation‐based, differential equation modeling tool that is widely used in situations where the formal model is complex and an analytical solution is very difficult to obtain. Second, a Bayesian belief network (BBN) framework is used to represent patient‐level factors and also physician‐level decisions and factors in the management of an individual patient, which contribute to the risk of hospital‐acquired AE. BBNs are networks of probabilities that can capture probabilistic relations between variables and contain historical information about their relationship, and are powerful tools for modeling causes and effects in many domains. The model is intended to support hospital decisions with regard to staffing, length of stay, and investments in safety, which evolve dynamically over time. The methodology has been applied in modeling the two types of common AEs: pressure ulcers and vascular‐catheter‐associated infection, and the models have been validated with eight years of clinical data and use of expert opinion.  相似文献   

In the continuing push for cost containment in health care, many organizations have turned to cost reduction methods that fundamentally change the way care is delivered. As health care organizations continue to make financially-driven staffing changes that impact patient care, medical leadership must take on greater responsibility for operational management. Physician executives are uniquely qualified to take on leadership roles in work redesign, and must do so to ensure excellent and fiscally-responsible patient care. This article presents a proven methodology for work redesign that helps physician executives apply their clinical skills to operational management in designing new health care delivery models.  相似文献   

The competitive forces of managed care, capitated payment, cost constraints, and the formation of health networks are among the major precipitating factors leading to the employment of additional executives and middle managers with clinical backgrounds. These factors will require our health leaders to know how to cut costs without seriously impinging on the accessibility and quality of patient care. Physicians with leadership and management skills, and with prior hands-on patient care expertise, will continue to be sought after in the foreseeable future by various types of health organizations. With this scenario, health services management generalists are predicted to experience increasing difficulties to secure senior positions in the health industry,  相似文献   


This paper addresses the issue of determining design requirements for production control in health care organizations, with a restriction to the internal production control of hospitals. Hospital management has limited possibilities to control hospital production, as hospital production processes are driven by medical specialists who, however, do not manage that process. We consider therefore the hospital as a virtual organization, consisting of a number of relatively independent businesses in a common framework. Each business unit functions as a focused factory for a range of more or less homogeneous products. Production control principles can be applied to each of these businesses, but not to the system as a whole. A number of elements from classical production control theory can be also applied to health care, i.e. the use of decoupling points, the bottleneck-oriented approach, and the operational control between production and market. However, important factors that need to be considered in health production control are that often specifications on quality are not available at the start of the process, and that there is strong interaction between the patient and the process. Our conclusion is that a dedicated framework for approaching hospital production control is necessary. The specific characteristics of hospital care and its state of production control development are the main arguments for this dedicated framework.  相似文献   

Which degree should physician executives pursue to enhance their careers--an MBA, MHA, MPH, MS in Administrative Medicine, JD, or other graduate degree? While options abound and the debate continues over which graduate degree physicians preparing for senior management roles in the health field should select, several variables are analyzed in this article that must be considered. Physicians need to be trained to provide leadership in the new, more market-driven environment--their education must focus more on the integration and coordination of clinical and managerial processes. New managerial competencies will be required by the paradigm shift away from simply delivering effective and efficient health services to one that emphasizes improved access, social equity, and particularly on cost containment and quality of care efforts.  相似文献   

High patient volumes requiring rapid turn around times, critical decision making processes, and a necessity for establishing an accurate working diagnosis are a few of the many challenges in hospital emergency departments. Quality management, rather than quality assurance, most accurately describes how activities in the emergency department should be monitored to meet these challenges. Already an important factor in manufacturing and service industries across the United States, quality management will become the essential driving force in the health care industry. To survive in the '90s, the emergency department must include in its goals the development of plans and processes that meet the challenge of the ED environment and that focus on customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

In health care, most quality transparency and improvement programs focus on the quality variation across hospitals, while we know much less about within‐hospital quality variation. This study examines one important factor that is associated with the fluctuation of quality of care in the same hospital—the timing of patient arrival. We analyze data from the National Trauma Data Bank and find that patients arriving at the hospital during off‐hours (6 PM–6 AM) receive significantly lower quality care than those who arrive during the daytime, as reflected in higher mortality rates, among other measures. More importantly, we try to uncover the mechanism for the quality variation. Interestingly, we find consistent evidence that the inferior care received during off‐hours is not likely due to unobserved heterogeneity, disruptions in circadian rhythms, or delays in receiving treatment. Instead, it is more likely due to the limited availability of high‐quality resources. This leads to a higher surgical complication rate, a higher likelihood of multiple surgeries, and longer patient length of stay in the intensive care unit. These findings have important implications for optimal resource allocation in hospitals to improve the quality‐of‐care delivery.  相似文献   

The role of the physician leader is moving beyond traditional medical staff issues. A recent national survey of physician leaders shows a growing need for education on specific technical, leadership, and practical skills. The results reveal the medical leadership skills that physician executives consider important today, and provide a window to the future about the skills that will be important tomorrow. Physicians say they need training now in quality assurance, clinical benchmarking, decision-making, and strategic planning. And when they gaze into the future and see the rapid changes throughout health care, they say they'll need more training in communication, organizational change, effective listening, and systems thinking.  相似文献   

At the end of World War II, one-third of the nation's hospital administrators were physicians. During the 1950's through the mid-1980's a new breed of masters'level administrator, with well-honed coordinating skills, orchestrated a major expansion of new programs, services, and facilities. With the advent of the Medicare prospective payment system (PPS), more governing boards restructured their administrative staffs with corporate titles. Meanwhile, physicians sensed that trustees were becoming far more concerned with bottom line performance to repay a mounting debt that hospitals had incurred to remain technologically competitive. Since mergers and integrated health systems by themselves will be unable to generate significant operating efficiencies, governing boards will be forced to change direction and shift back to recruiting physicians as their CEOs or in other senior positions to assure themselves of the clinical leadership required to implement the managed care concepts of reducing utilization and cost, and simultaneously enhancing quality of patient care.  相似文献   

The reporting of quality of health care to the governing board has long been an enigma. Now we are in the midst of a revolution in health care, as we shift our focus from solely the clinical performance of individuals to a broader scope of assessing and improving all activities around patient services and patient care--i.e., management outcomes integrated with clinical outcomes to help identify opportunities to improve patient care. In addition, apprised of corporate liability for the quality of care provided in health care organizations, governing boards are raising questions and demanding more information. To maintain this high degree of interest in quality of health care, information should be restricted to what the board needs to know. This article will be confined to the hospital's organizationwide quality system of monitoring and evaluating. While medical staff credentialing and privileging are also board responsibilities and quality management activities should be used in the privileging and credentialing process, they will not be addressed in this article.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of role variables on job satisfaction among physician and non-physician executives in hospital settings. Positive relationships were found for both groups between role variables and job satisfaction. The results indicate that role variables have a significant effect on stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment in the physician executive and the non-physician health care executive. On a theoretical level, this research allowed for an extended test of role theory, specifically as it applies to the management of health care. The implications of these findings for role theory and the physician executive are discussed. Since this study is of an exploratory nature, it offers new insights into the field of health care management, and the physician's role as the executive.  相似文献   

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