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Abstract.  We present a wavelet procedure for defining confidence intervals for f ( x 0), where x 0 is a given point and f is an unknown density from which there are independent observations. We use an undersmoothing method which is shown to be near optimal (up to a logarithmic term) in a first order sense. We propose a second order correction using the Edgeworth expansion. The adaptation with respect to the unknown regularity of f is given via a Lepskii type algorithm and has the advantage to be well located. The theoretical results are proved under weak assumptions and concern very irregular or oscillating functions. An empirical study gives some hints for choosing the constant of the threshold level. The results are very encouraging for the length of the intervals as well as for the coverage accuracy.  相似文献   

In many scientific problems, the quantity of interest is a function of parameters that index the model, and confidence intervals are constructed by applying the delta method. However, when the function of interest has complicated derivatives, this standard approach is unattractive and alternative algorithms are required. This article discusses a simple simulation-based algorithm for estimating the variance of a transformation, and demonstrates its simplicity and accuracy by applying it to several statistical problems.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The likelihood ratio statistic for testing pointwise hypotheses about the survival time distribution in the current status model can be inverted to yield confidence intervals (CIs). One advantage of this procedure is that CIs can be formed without estimating the unknown parameters that figure in the asymptotic distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the distribution function. We discuss the likelihood ratio-based CIs for the distribution function and the quantile function and compare these intervals to several different intervals based on the MLE. The quantiles of the limiting distribution of the MLE are estimated using various methods including parametric fitting, kernel smoothing and subsampling techniques. Comparisons are carried out both for simulated data and on a data set involving time to immunization against rubella. The comparisons indicate that the likelihood ratio-based intervals are preferable from several perspectives.  相似文献   

In comparing two treatments with failure time observations, confidence bands for the "difference" of two survival curves provide useful information about a global picture of the treatment difference over time. In this note, we propose a rather simple procedure for constructing such simultaneous confidence intervals. Our technique can also be used in the one-sample case, which has been extensively studied in the literature.  相似文献   

This article deals with the bootstrap as an alternative method to construct confidence intervals for the hyperparameters of structural models. The bootstrap procedure considered is the classical nonparametric bootstrap in the residuals of the fitted model using a well-known approach. The performance of this procedure is empirically obtained through Monte Carlo simulations implemented in Ox. Asymptotic and percentile bootstrap confidence intervals for the hyperparameters are built and compared by means of the coverage percentages. The results are similar but the bootstrap procedure is better for small sample sizes. The methods are applied to a real time series and confidence intervals are built for the hyperparameters.  相似文献   

In this article, the weighted bootstrap difference between two-sample means for generalized Behrens-Fisher problems is investigated along with its strong consistency. Moreover, the one-order accurate weighted bootstrap approximation to the sample distribution of sample difference is also established and hence based on it the weighted bootstrap intervals for the population difference is constructed. Simulation studies show that the weighted bootstrap interval performs better than other intervals we considered in some cases.  相似文献   

We discuss a new way of constructing pointwise confidence intervals for the distribution function in the current status model. The confidence intervals are based on the smoothed maximum likelihood estimator, using local smooth functional theory and normal limit distributions. Bootstrap methods for constructing these intervals are considered. Other methods to construct confidence intervals, using the non‐standard limit distribution of the (restricted) maximum likelihood estimator, are compared with our approach via simulations and real data applications.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the construction of the confidence intervals for distribution functions under negatively associated samples. It is shown that the blockwise empirical likelihood (EL) ratio statistic for a distribution function is asymptotically χ2-type distributed. The result is used to obtain an EL-based confidence interval for the distribution function.  相似文献   

Some studies of the bootstrap have assessed the effect of smoothing the estimated distribution that is resampled, a process usually known as the smoothed bootstrap. Generally, the smoothed distribution for resampling is a kernel estimate and is often rescaled to retain certain characteristics of the empirical distribution. Typically the effect of such smoothing has been measured in terms of the mean-squared error of bootstrap point estimates. The reports of these previous investigations have not been encouraging about the efficacy of smoothing. In this paper the effect of resampling a kernel-smoothed distribution is evaluated through expansions for the coverage of bootstrap percentile confidence intervals. It is shown that, under the smooth function model, proper bandwidth selection can accomplish a first-order correction for the one-sided percentile method. With the objective of reducing the coverage error the appropriate bandwidth for one-sided intervals converges at a rate of n −1/4, rather than the familiar n −1/5 for kernel density estimation. Applications of this same approach to bootstrap t and two-sided intervals yield optimal bandwidths of order n −1/2. These bandwidths depend on moments of the smooth function model and not on derivatives of the underlying density of the data. The relationship of this smoothing method to both the accelerated bias correction and the bootstrap t methods provides some insight into the connections between three quite distinct approximate confidence intervals.  相似文献   

In regenerative simulation, one frequently requires an estimate or a confidence interval for the ratio of the means of the two components of a certain bivariate random quantity. Estimation of this ratio has been studied by many authors and most recently by Asmussen and Rydén(2010 Asmussen, S., Rydén, T. (2010). A note on skewness in regenerative simulation. Communications in Statistics—Simulation and Computation 40: 4557.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Here, we propose an estimate that performs better than the best of the known estimates. Our estimate is also lot simpler than the best known estimate.  相似文献   

A major use of the bootstrap methodology is in the construction of nonparametric confidence intervals. Although no consensus has yet been reached on the best way to proceed, theoretical and empirical evidence indicate that bootstra.‐t intervals provide a reasonable solution to this problem. However, when applied to small data sets, these intervals can be unusually wide and unstable. The author presents techniques for stabilizing bootstra.‐t intervals for small samples. His methods are motivated theoretically and investigated though simulations.  相似文献   

Suppose that we have a nonparametric regression model Y = m(X) + ε with XRp, where X is a random design variable and is observed completely, and Y is the response variable and some Y-values are missing at random. Based on the “complete” data sets for Y after nonaprametric regression imputation and inverse probability weighted imputation, two estimators of the regression function m(x0) for fixed x0Rp are proposed. Asymptotic normality of two estimators is established, which is used to construct normal approximation-based confidence intervals for m(x0). We also construct an empirical likelihood (EL) statistic for m(x0) with limiting distribution of χ21, which is used to construct an EL confidence interval for m(x0).  相似文献   

The confidence interval of the Kaplan–Meier estimate of the survival probability at a fixed time point is often constructed by the Greenwood formula. This normal approximation-based method can be looked as a Wald type confidence interval for a binomial proportion, the survival probability, using the “effective” sample size defined by Cutler and Ederer. Wald-type binomial confidence interval has been shown to perform poorly comparing to other methods. We choose three methods of binomial confidence intervals for the construction of confidence interval for survival probability: Wilson's method, Agresti–Coull's method, and higher-order asymptotic likelihood method. The methods of “effective” sample size proposed by Peto et al. and Dorey and Korn are also considered. The Greenwood formula is far from satisfactory, while confidence intervals based on the three methods of binomial proportion using Cutler and Ederer's “effective” sample size have much better performance.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose some procedures to get confidence intervals for the reliability in stress-strength models. The confidence intervals are obtained either through a parametric bootstrap procedure or using asymptotic results, and are applied to the particular context of two independent normal random variables. The performance of these estimators and other known approximate estimators are empirically checked through a simulation study which considers several scenarios.  相似文献   

The difficulties of assessing details of the shape of a bivariate distribution, and of contrasting subgroups, from a raw scatterplot are discussed. The use of contours of a density estimate in highlighting features of distributional shape is illustrated on data on the development of aircraft technology. The estimated density height at each observation imposes an ordering on the data which can be used to select contours which contain specified proportions of the sample. This leads to a display which is reminiscent of a boxplot and which allows simple but effective comparison of different groups. Some simple properties of this technique are explored.Interesting features of a distribution such as arms and multimodality are found along the directions where the largest probability mass is located. These directions can be quantified through the modes of a density estimate based on the direction of each observation.  相似文献   

This work aims at assessing, by simulation methods, the performance of asymptotic confidence intervals for Zenga's new inequality measure. The results are compared with those obtained on Gini's measure, perhaps the most widely used index for measuring inequality in income and wealth distributions. Our findings show that the coverage accuracy and the size of the confidence intervals for the two measures are very similar in samples from economic size distributions.  相似文献   

This paper explains the approach to parameter estimation based on the idea of simultaneous models. Instead of using a single shape—as for example the normal distribution—a simultaneous model uses a finite number of distinct shapes F, G, etc. Such simultaneous systems are tools in gauging the finite sample behavior of estimators. And they can be applied in the design of an estimator with prescribed desirable properties. The problem considered in this paper is interval estimation for a scale parameter. We discuss among other things the computation of optimal estimators in simultaneous models and study more closely the case of protecting against heavy-tailed error distributions.  相似文献   

When working with a single random variable, the simplest and most obvious approach when estimating a 1???γ prediction interval, is to estimate the γ/2 and 1???γ/2 quantiles. The paper compares the small-sample properties of several methods aimed at estimating an interval that contains the 1???γ prediction interval with probability 1???α. In effect, the goal is to compute a 1???α confidence interval for the true 1???γ prediction interval. The only successful method when the sample size is small is based in part on an adaptive kernel estimate of the underlying density. Some simulation results are reported on how an extension to non-parametric regression performs, based on a so-called running interval smoother.  相似文献   

Abstract.  A kernel regression imputation method for missing response data is developed. A class of bias-corrected empirical log-likelihood ratios for the response mean is defined. It is shown that any member of our class of ratios is asymptotically chi-squared, and the corresponding empirical likelihood confidence interval for the response mean is constructed. Our ratios share some of the desired features of the existing methods: they are self-scale invariant and no plug-in estimators for the adjustment factor and asymptotic variance are needed; when estimating the non-parametric function in the model, undersmoothing to ensure root- n consistency of the estimator for the parameter is avoided. Since the range of bandwidths contains the optimal bandwidth for estimating the regression function, the existing data-driven algorithm is valid for selecting an optimal bandwidth. We also study the normal approximation-based method. A simulation study is undertaken to compare the empirical likelihood with the normal approximation method in terms of coverage accuracies and average lengths of confidence intervals.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the limitations of traditional quantile function estimators and introduce a new class of quantile function estimators, namely, the semi-parametric tail-extrapolated quantile estimators, which has excellent performance for estimating the extreme tails with finite sample sizes. The smoothed bootstrap and direct density estimation via the characteristic function methods are developed for the estimation of confidence intervals. Through a comprehensive simulation study to compare the confidence interval estimations of various quantile estimators, we discuss the preferred quantile estimator in conjunction with the confidence interval estimation method to use under different circumstances. Data examples are given to illustrate the superiority of the semi-parametric tail-extrapolated quantile estimators. The new class of quantile estimators is obtained by slight modification of traditional quantile estimators, and therefore, should be specifically appealing to researchers in estimating the extreme tails.  相似文献   

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