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陈燕是我国著名盲人钢琴调律师,系中国音乐家协会钢琴调律学会注册会员,生下来双眼便看不见,但随便扔到地上的硬币,她能一步到位地捡起来;遍布京城的钢琴调音家庭,她能自己坐着公交车上门服务。她,游泳考过了深水证;跆拳道晋升到黄带;她还会开卡丁车、滑旱冰、骑独轮车,还能写书出书。经过多年拼搏,陈燕自己开办了调律公司,虽然公司规模不大,但生意兴隆。第13届残奥会的开幕式上,陈燕还登上了世界的舞台。如今,她和盲人丈夫的生活幸福惬意,充满了温馨的感觉。  相似文献   

金福东 《现代交际》2011,(8):157-158
学校是教书育人的阵地,是未来国家建设者培养的摇篮。学校教书育人目的的实现,需要“教”与“学”的良性互动,即教师的“教”与学生的“学”都处于积极的活动状态,在教师用心教、学生用心学的基础上实现“教”与“学”的最佳配合。  相似文献   

正气球美丽,同时也脆弱无比,一碰即破。安徽小伙孙杰,却用气球做出了世界上最美的婚纱礼服——气球嫁衣。在刚刚过去的世界气球大赛上,他用独一无二的气球嫁衣击败了全球各地的气球大师,一举夺得时装类金奖。孙杰怎么想起来用气球做嫁衣呢?原来有一次,孙杰携女友参加气球嘉年华活动,女友对用气球做的晚  相似文献   

柏杨过八十岁生目的时候,主持人也让张香华上台讲一讲。张香华是柏杨的第五任妻子。一向喜欢躲在丈夫背后的张香华,接过话筒,只是讲了几句自己最想讲的话就下来了。没想到,她的讲话居然博得满堂喝彩声。更让她没想到的是,接下来的日子,竟然有许许多多的人——包括一些素不相识的人,都通过不同方式纷纷向她致意,说她的话讲得太好了,太让人感动了。  相似文献   

孙小平国家一级播音员,高级婚姻家庭指导师,湖北省婚姻家庭研究会常务理事,缘分天空交友网创始人,丹江口市作家协会副主席。创办公益性交友网站《缘分天空》并经常举办婚姻家庭公益讲座,颇受好评。著有散文集心灵三部曲:《心灵庄园》《心灵城堡》《心灵圣殿》。  相似文献   

安琪儿 《现代交际》2006,(12):28-29
所谓的相生相克,居然充分体现在一个小小的寝室里,六个人(多吉利的数字啊)就能构造出错综复杂混乱无比让人乍舌缠绵悱恻——动物园一般的惊奇关系,具体如下:兔子,喜欢别人叫她美兔,当然这不是重点,重点是这个用胸思考问题的女人是一切罪恶的源头,寝室里被她搞  相似文献   

活着就是为了改变世界。人的时间有限,所以不要为别人而活。不要被教条所限,不要活在别人的观念里。最重要的是,勇敢地去追随自己的心灵和直觉,只有自己的心灵和直觉才知道你自己的真实想法,其他一切都是次要的。——乔布斯  相似文献   

今年3月,世界富豪排行榜新鲜出炉,股圣沃伦·巴菲特的资产猛增100亿美元,达到了620亿美元,从而取代了曾连续13年稳坐全球财富头把交椅的微软之王比尔·盖茨,位居次席的则是财产达600亿美元的墨西哥电信业巨头卡洛斯-斯利姆-埃卢,财产580亿美元的比尔·盖茨,则屈居第三位。  相似文献   

世界环境在恶化,耕地面积在减少,水稻种植的环境也越来越差。如何确保食物安全?作为世界五大农作物之一,马铃薯(土豆)因对环境的适应性强、产量高而备受人们的青睐,有些国家的人民还将它作为主食,我国也将其视为重要的经济作物。  相似文献   

<正>香港《太阳报》报道:李娜创造中国网球历史,完成13亿人大满贯冠军梦!接连跻身澳网及法网女单决赛后,李娜热席卷全中国,为李娜加油更成为互联网上的问候语,而且李娜的微博关注人数由年初澳网的60  相似文献   

目前,政府通过发展社会保障以增进社会和谐的政策方向基本确立,倡导残疾儿童社会保障制度的适度公正机制是基于经济发展和现代社会平等两者之间的权衡。目的是使社会成员都能够普遍以适度标准不断享受经济社会发展的成果,从而有效地实现社会整合。我国已经初步具备实现残疾儿童社会保障制度的适度公正目标的条件,基于此目标,残疾儿童的社会保障制度仍存在以下制约瓶颈:相关社会保障制度建设法规滞后;政府保障主体地位缺失,财政经费投入不足;残疾儿童参与社会保障层次低、覆盖面窄;保障政策执行部门行政多头管理。因此,残疾儿童社会保障制度的制度设计需要着重于:保持经济发展水平下残疾儿童保障支付享受标准;倡导公正和能动的残疾儿童权利保障价值取向:界定政府责任边界和立法,广泛动员社会力量;整合政府部门残疾儿童社会保障资源。  相似文献   

This paper examines the proposal that by exploring at a micro level the control exercised over children it is possible to identify the wider societal mechanisms for maintaining power at a macro level. The focus of the paper is on the provision of respite care for disabled children in settings away from home. Drawing on principles within childhood sociology and referencing recent research within disability studies consideration is given to issues of 'power and control' in relation to disabled children and how that reflects the structure of adult society. The paper concludes with a discussion of the concept of citizenship as a model for change.  相似文献   

This study reports the findings from 68 interviews with parents of disabled children who are users of seven key worker schemes in England and Wales. The interviews which lasted for one hour each, were tape‐recorded, transcribed and analysed according to both a priori and emerging themes. The findings from this study have implications for policy and practice, for example, the necessity of protected time for key workers, the necessity of conveying clear information about the key worker's role, the importance of access to training and information for the key worker, the need for key workers to be proactive, and for their involvement in care plan and review meetings. Copyright © 2006 The Author(s). Journal compilation © 2006 National Children's Bureau  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide an international overview of some of the main developments now taking place in educational provision for children with disabilities. Difficulties experienced by disabled children in many countries in gaining access to any form of education are contrasted with home-based and centre-based projects, such as Portage. Particular attention is given to the nature of collaboration between families and teachers, in the context both of schooling and of community-based rehabilitation. Obstacles to parent-professional collaboration are identified and suggestions made for how these might be overcome.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: This article describes an action research project designed to assess and promote the implementation of the Children Act (1989) in day services to disabled children under five. Evaluations of six service were undertaken with staff in different local authorities in England and Wales. Each service was evaluated twice, in 1992 and again in 1993. The quality of care on offer to children was consistently high across services, and local authorities appeared to be adopting a flexible approach to the promotion of standards. In addition, services had made improvements in areas such as publicity and information, cultural sensitivity and partnership with parents. Some suggestions are made about factors which contributed to these developments, and issues requiring further attention are highlighted.  相似文献   

The design of outdoor public play spaces such that disabled children can make use of them is set in the three constructs of play, childhood and disability, drawing upon academic learning, international policy and national policy in England. The suggestion is made that one of the main barriers to the adequate provision of such spaces is that providers and designers do not know how to design such spaces. The paper explores the knowledge which is available to overcome this barrier and which might lead to the provision and design of appropriate outdoor play spaces that disabled children can more fully use.  相似文献   

Disabled people wishing to enter Higher Education are confronted with a number of barriers, yet relatively little research has been carried out to identify the level and nature of such obstacles. The short study reported here was designed to examine policy and practice within a number of social work training institutions in Scotland. Interviews were held with disabled students and ex-students, course tutors and practice teachers. Barriers to training are identified in five main areas: first, the disabling physical environment; secondly, problems of typification (whereby global assumptions of impairment are made about individuals); thirdly, failure of equal opportunities policies; fourthly, the practice of treating all students in the same way, resulting in discrimination against a few; and, finally, self-censorship on the part of students. It is argued that the reluctance of some students to 'declare' an impairment is a rational response to the disabling policies pursued, albeit inadvertently, by institutions. The implications of these findings for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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