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Whereas sociologists have long recognized that adolescence marks the start of the socioeconomic career, the importance of this period has been attributed to school performance, aspirations, and significant others' influence that support educational attainment to a greater or lesser degree. The underlying premise of this study is that adolescent work is an expression of instrumental action with consequences for socioeconomic attainment. Using data from the Youth Development Study, we find that part-time work during high school is linked with patterns of schooling and working that persist during the succeeding years and are more or less conducive to the receipt of a BA/BS degree. Moderate work coupled with school appears to especially facilitate the educational attainment of low promise youth.  相似文献   

The Family Task Interview (FTI) is a multiple task interview administered by tape recorder and designed to elicit clinically relevant family interaction. The FTI has been designed to improve on previous similar instruments and a series of studies to evaluate its validity, reliability, and acceptability have been carried out. Further psychometric and practical evaluation is necessary, but results so far suggest that the FTI is a well standardized and easily administered instrument which is useful for research where assessment of family interaction using direct observation is required.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the worker's behavior when faced with job offers which include possible temporary layoff spells of varying (known) durations. We show that of the three strategies which can be optimal, two involve search in all or part of the layoffs. We also show that the duration of any particular spell plays no role in determining which strategy is optimal to pursue. And finally, we develop an index for evaluating jobs with different wage and layoff probabilities and show that the worker's reservation wage monotonically increases, decreases or remains constant during the course of a layoff.  相似文献   

Since 1974 the average fuel economy of new cars has doubled from fourteen to twenty-eight miles per gallon. Shifts in sales to more fuel efficient models within a product line accounted for little of the improvement. This paper explores the use of pricing strategies to shift sales to achieve a legislated fuel economy target. A multinomial logit model is used to compute surcharges and rebates that leave consumer satisfaction unchanged yet increase the sales-weighted average fuel economy. The results suggest pricing strategies are efficient for small improvements in fuel economy, but are expensive for large improvements.  相似文献   

Public service announcement (PSA) campaigns have traditionallyrelied on donated rather than paid advertising media. Recently,however, both government agencies and charitable or ganizationshave questioned whether donated-media strategies should be abandonedfor paid-media PSA campaigns. The present research examinesthis issue in a three-market field experiment comparing theeffectiveness of "paid versus donated" PSA cam paigns in decreasingyouthful male drinking and driving. Depen dent variables include(1) self-reports of behaviors from sample surveys and (2) officialcounts of incapacitating and fatal highway accidents. Resultsshow that both campaigns were equally effec tive and both werecost efficient. Thus, in light of these results, it is recommendedthat social marketers not abandon donated-media PSA campaignsfor paid-media PSA campaigns.  相似文献   

We provide evidence that sellers respond to buyers' belief biases in a collective lottery betting market, by adopting sales strategies which cater to believers in the Hot Hand and Gambler's Fallacies. Lottery players on the buyer side tend to avoid buying tickets which are similar to the previous winning ticket, in accordance with the Gambler's Fallacy (Clotfelter and Cook 1993; Terrell 1994). At the same time, buyers tend to prefer purchasing tickets from previously winning sellers, despite the fully random nature of wins, in accordance with Hot‐Hand Fallacy (Croson and Sundali 2005). These behavioral biases provide an opportunity for ticket sellers to increase their expected profits by adjusting features of the lottery portfolios they sell. We find that sellers make changes to their portfolio size, commission rate, self‐purchase rate, and number choices in response to previous events, in ways that are consistent with responding to the Hot‐Hand Fallacy belief, and which also lend a degree of support for responding to the Gambler's Fallacy belief. Our results show evidence of participants in a market accommodating their choices to the biased beliefs of other participants in order to gain an advantage in expected profits. (JEL D01, D03, D81, L86)  相似文献   

What factors condition the discharge of hostility in cyberspace? What behavioral strategies are adopted by Internet users to deal with the potentially disruptive effects of flaming upon interpersonal relationships? How are they different from their off‐line counterparts? Based on ethnographic observation of a Usenet newsgroup, this article investigates the characteristic features of flaming and the conflict management style in the group. It identifies behavioral patterns that group members developed to cope with flaming (e.g., withdrawal, offering apologies, denunciation, posting poems, mediation, showing solidarity, joking, ritualizing, normalizing). This study also finds that the blurring of geographical boundaries online makes political discussions more inflammatory, and the hybrid of asynchronous written and spoken communications facilitates the creation of new forms of conflict style (e.g., posting poems). Online participants, through adopting the strategies of ritualizing and normalizing, tend to consider flaming as an unfortunate but quite acceptable category of interaction in virtual space.  相似文献   

This study examined the coping strategies of individuals displaced after Hurricane Katrina. Following the evacuation of New Orleans, surveys were administered to those individuals displaced by Katrina and relocated to shelters or in Disaster Centers in Cape Cod, Massachusetts; Lansing, Michigan; different parts of Indiana and Kentucky; and federal aid distribution centers throughout Texas. Results indicated that talking, staying informed, and praying emerged as predictors of changes in psychological stress during relocation. Differences emerged in coping strategies based on gender, race, and income; however, age did not emerge as a factor. Recommendations are made to use these results for postcrisis response and coordination.  相似文献   

The phrase "identified patient" has attracted a wide following among family therapists representing a variety of approaches to family therapy. It is based on the assumption that persons referred for psychotherapeutic treatment are often incorrectly labeled "patients" when, in fact, their symptoms are manifestations of family, not individual, dysfunction or pathology. It is the thesis of this article that when biologically based deficits in the identified patient are a salient determinant of interpersonal dysfunction, such reframing is inappropriate. Psycho-educational strategies for treating families of persons with such physically based conditions as learning disability, attention deficit disorder, epilepsy, autism, and various medical illnesses and handicaps, are recommended.  相似文献   

This article examines respondent reactions to and performanceon a self-administered component of a computer-assisted personalinterview survey on self-images, conducted in the Detroit areain 1992. Although respondents were encouraged to complete thecomputer-assisted self-interview items them selves, only 79percent of those interviewed actually did so, while for 14 percentthe interviewer completed the items and for the remaining 7percent the interviewer read the questions while the respondententered the responses. We find that the decision to self-completethe computer-assisted self-interview items is re lated to factorssuch as respondents' age, education and com puter experience.This suggests that both capacity (literacy and vision) and motivationaffect the choice of completion. We also find differences insubstantive responses and data quality be tween self-completersand those who use interviewer assistance. These findings haveimplications for nonresponse error and data quality for self-administeredcomponents of interviews, particu larly those using computer-administration.  相似文献   

Engaging clients is an extremely important part of the therapeutic process. Although there is a literature on adult engagement, few articles discuss adolescent engagement. Those articles that do discuss adolescent engagement have been conducted from the perspective of adults. The purpose of this study was to explore, from the client's perspective, ways to engage and build a positive therapeutic alliance with adolescent girls. A focus group (N = 5) was conducted with residents of an emergency shelter for adolescent girls in an urban area. Clients were asked three questions: ‘If you could tell a counselor anything, what would you tell her/him?’ .‘What do counselors need to know?’ and ‘How can a counselor get you to talk?’ Seven messages emerged from the clients' responses, which focused on a request to be respected, listened to, and not judged. More specifically, themes included ‘Treat me like I'm on your level’, ‘Tell me a little about yourself’, ‘Ask my permission to take notes’, ‘Pay attention to what I'm saying’, ‘Tell me what you're doing’, ‘Don't tell me what's in my file’, and ‘Don't call me names’. Clients provided concrete ways in which social workers and other counseling professionals could better work with them.  相似文献   

This study adds to the limited literature on the demand for casino gaming. The major focus is on the effect of a statewide smoking ban. A system of slot machine demand equations, one each for the three Delaware racinos (racetrack casinos), was developed. The number of slot machines at a racino, at competing in-state racinos, and income were significant demand determinants. Competing out-of-state gaming venues had insignificant effects on gaming demand over the study period. The smoking ban had a significant negative impact on demand, which was not significantly different across the three racinos. The smoking ban reduced gaming demand 15.9%. ( JEL L83)  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of the application of intervention analysis, an interrupted times series methodology, to test the deterrent response of criminal offenders faced with changes in the penalty structure for the crime of robbery with a firearm. The results are consistent with the hypothesis of general deterrence as set out by Becker and extended theoretically and tested empirically by others. Offenders in Arizona metropolitan areas rapidly reduced the number of robberies with a firearm supplied as penalties for firearm use became more severe. This finding suggests legislation which punishes those who choose to use such weapons in illegal activities may be effective while leaving intact the rights of private citizens to own firearms. One disturbing finding was that a Portion of the deterrent effect of harsher mandatory sentencing for firearm use in robbery may have been offset by substitution of other types of robbery not covered by the new legislation.  相似文献   

A key criterion for evaluating policies to expand health insurance coverage is weighing the costs of such policies against the willingness of the public to pay for coverage expansions. We use new panel survey data from New York State to estimate residents' willingness to pay (WTP) to expand public insurance coverage. Using a nonparametric double‐bounded contingent valuation (CV) approach, we specifically ask residents about their WTP to reduce the rate of uninsurance in the state. Our results imply an aggregate lower‐bound WTP of over $2,800 per year to cover one person. We also analyze heterogeneity in WTP by sub‐group and changes in individual WTP over time between 2008 and 2010. We find that a large majority of residents are willing to pay additional taxes to reduce the number of uninsured in the state, and that average WTP remained remarkably stable despite the economic downturn and the politically polarized discussions surrounding the Affordable Care Act. Decomposing the changes in individual WTP, we find that economic factors related to the recession, including changes in income and employment status, cannot explain changes in individual WTP, whereas individual changes in political opinions about health insurance reform between 2008 and 2010 are strongly correlated with changes in WTP. (JEL H20, H42, H51, H75, I13)  相似文献   

A model of optimal plant size is developed which predicts that 1) plants experience increasing returns to in-plants inputs, 2) the relative price of plant output is greater in rural areas than in urban areas, and 3) plants are larger in urban areas than in rural areas. The model's predictions appear to be consistent with behavior in a number of consumer services (e. g., grocery, movie, and library services). These predictions are more rigorously tested and are strongly supported when demand functions for cognitive achievement and for school size are estimated. These regressions also lend support to the quality-quantity model of fertility.  相似文献   

This research explores the impact of interview mode on respondents'willingness to reveal illicit or undesirable behavior and mechanismsby which interview mode influences response tendencies. A fieldexperiment was designed to control mode effects due to samplingand screening so that the impact of response anonymity (throughuse of self-administered questionnaires ([SAQs]) and socialdistance in the interviewer-respondent relationship (telephonevs. personal communication) could be tested. Respondents aged18–45 were randomly as-signed to interview mode: telephone,face-to-face, or self-administered. Admission of illicit druguse and alcohol use was most likely in the personal mode withSAQs, slightly less likely in personal mode without SAQs, andleast likely in the telephone mode. The magnitude of the modedifferentials was larger for blacks than for whites, and largeramong respondents who are more mistrustful of others. Resultssupport the notion that response effects due to mode of interviewderive, at least in part, from interview mode differences inability to assuage respondents' confidentiality concerns. Greatersocial distance between interviewer and respondent in the telephoneinterview, compared with face-to-face communication, makes itmore difficult for the researcher to make convincing confidentialityguarantees. The response anonymity provided by SAQs also appearsto increase respondents' willingness to reveal sensitive behavior,especially among racial/ethnic minorities.  相似文献   

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