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An inequality on the tail behavior of the general error distribution and an asymptotic Mills-type ratio are established. Two applications are provided. The first application considers the asymptotic behavior of the ratio of probability densities and the ratio of the tails of the general error and normal distributions. The second application establishes the asymptotic distribution of the partial maximum of an independent and identically distributed sequence from the general error distribution.  相似文献   

Logarithmic general error distribution is an extension of the log-normal distribution. In this paper, the asymptotic expansions of densities of normalized maximum from logarithmic general error distribution are derived under two different kinds of normalized constants. By applying the main results, the higher-order expansions of moments of maxima are established.  相似文献   

For testing separate families of hypotheses, the likelihood ratio test does not have the usual asymptotic properties. This paper considers the asymptotic distribution of the ratio of maximized likelihoods (RML) statistic in the special case of testing separate scale or location-scale families of distributions. We derive saddlepoint approximations to the density and tail probabilities of the log of the RML statistic. These approximations are based on the expansion of the log of the RML statistic up to the second order, which is shown not to depend on the location and scale parameters. The resulting approximations are applied in several cases, including normal versus Laplace, normal versus Cauchy, and Weibull versus log-normal. Our results show that the saddlepoint approximations are satisfactory, even for fairly small sample sizes, and are more accurate than normal approximations and Edgeworth approximations, especially for tail probabilities that are the values of main interest in hypothesis testing problems.  相似文献   

Nonnested models are sometimes tested using a simulated reference distribution for the uncentred log likelihood ratio statistic. This approach has been recommended for the specific problem of testing linear and logarithmic regression models. The general asymptotic validity of the reference distribution test under correct choice of error distributions is questioned. The asymptotic behaviour of the test under incorrect assumptions about error distributions is also examined. In order to complement these analyses, Monte Carlo results for the case of linear and logarithmic regression models are provided. The finite sample properties of several standard tests for testing these alternative functional forms are also studied, under normal and nonnormal error distributions. These regression-based variable-addition tests are implemented using asymptotic and bootstrap critical values.  相似文献   

《Econometric Reviews》2013,32(4):325-340

Nonnested models are sometimes tested using a simulated reference distribution for the uncentred log likelihood ratio statistic. This approach has been recommended for the specific problem of testing linear and logarithmic regression models. The general asymptotic validity of the reference distribution test under correct choice of error distributions is questioned. The asymptotic behaviour of the test under incorrect assumptions about error distributions is also examined. In order to complement these analyses, Monte Carlo results for the case of linear and logarithmic regression models are provided. The finite sample properties of several standard tests for testing these alternative functional forms are also studied, under normal and nonnormal error distributions. These regression-based variable-addition tests are implemented using asymptotic and bootstrap critical values.  相似文献   


In this paper, we introduce a class of location and scale estimators for the p-variate lognormal distribution. These estimators are obtained by applying a log transform to the data, computing robust Fisher consistent estimators for the obtained Gaussian data and transforming those estimators for the lognormal using the relationship between the parameters of both distributions. We prove some of the properties of these estimators, such as Fisher consistency, robustness and asymptotic normality.  相似文献   

The generalized gamma distribution includes the exponential distribution, the gamma distribution, and the Weibull distribution as special cases. It also includes the log-normal distribution in the limit as one of its parameters goes to infinity. Prentice (1974) developed an estimation method that is effective even when the underlying distribution is nearly log-normal. He reparameterized the density function so that it achieved the limiting case in a smooth fashion relative to the new parameters. He also gave formulas for the second partial derivatives of the log-density function to be used in the nearly log-normal case. His formulas included infinite summations, and he did not estimate the error in approximating these summations.

We derive approximations for the log-density function and moments of the generalized gamma distribution that are smooth in the nearly log-normal case and involve only finite summations. Absolute error bounds for these approximations are included. The approximation for the first moment is applied to the problem of estimating the parameters of a generalized gamma distribution under the constraint that the distribution have mean one. This enables the development of a correspondence between the parameters in a mean one generalized gamma distribution and certain parameters in acoustic scattering theory.  相似文献   

To deal with the longitudinal data with both leptokurtic and platykurtic errors, we extend growth curve models using the generalized error distribution (GED) model. The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm is used to estimate the GED model parameters in the Bayesian framework. The application of the GED model is illustrated through the analysis of mathematical development data. Results show that the GED model can correctly identify the deviation from normal of the error distributions.  相似文献   

Abstract. We consider a general non‐parametric regression model, where the distribution of the error, given the covariate, is modelled by a conditional distribution function. For the estimation, a kernel approach as well as the (kernel based) empirical likelihood method are discussed. The latter method allows for incorporation of additional information on the error distribution into the estimation. We show weak convergence of the corresponding empirical processes to Gaussian processes and compare both approaches in asymptotic theory and by means of a simulation study.  相似文献   

The authors review log‐linear models for estimating the size of a closed population and propose a new log‐linear estimator for experiments having between animal heterogeneity and a behavioral response. They give a general formula for evaluating the asymptotic biases of estimators of abundance derived from log‐linear models. They propose simple frequency modifications for reducing these asymptotic biases and investigate the modifications in a Monte Carlo experiment which reveals that they reduce both the bias and the mean squared error of abundance estimators.  相似文献   

This article studies the empirical likelihood method for the first-order random coefficient integer-valued autoregressive process. The limiting distribution of the log empirical likelihood ratio statistic is established. Confidence region for the parameter of interest and its coverage probabilities are given, and hypothesis testing is considered. The maximum empirical likelihood estimator for the parameter is derived and its asymptotic properties are established. The performances of the estimator are compared with the conditional least squares estimator via simulation.  相似文献   

For right-censored data, the accelerated failure time (AFT) model is an alternative to the commonly used proportional hazards regression model. It is a linear model for the (log-transformed) outcome of interest, and is particularly useful for censored outcomes that are not time-to-event, such as laboratory measurements. We provide a general and easily computable definition of the R2 measure of explained variation under the AFT model for right-censored data. We study its behavior under different censoring scenarios and under different error distributions; in particular, we also study its robustness when the parametric error distribution is misspecified. Based on Monte Carlo investigation results, we recommend the log-normal distribution as a robust error distribution to be used in practice for the parametric AFT model, when the R2 measure is of interest. We apply our methodology to an alcohol consumption during pregnancy data set from Ukraine.  相似文献   

The two-parameter generalized exponential distribution was recently introduced by Gupta and Kundu (Austral. New Zealand J. Statist. 40 (1999) 173). It is observed that the Generalized Exponential distribution can be used quite effectively to analyze skewed data set as an alternative to the more popular log-normal distribution. In this paper, we use the ratio of the maximized likelihoods in choosing between the log-normal and generalized exponential distributions. We obtain asymptotic distributions of the logarithm of the ratio of the maximized likelihoods and use them to determine the required sample size to discriminate between the two distributions for a user specified probability of correct selection and tolerance limit.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce the matrix extension of the closed skew-normal distribution and give two constructions for it: a marginal one and another based on hidden truncation. Important basic properties of the distribution are presented such as its closure under linear transformation and moment generating function. We also give distributional results for quadratic forms involving random matrices distributed according to two particular cases of it. Using an additive construction, we derive a submodel which can be employed to describe the compound error structure of a very general multivariate stochastic frontier model. Finally, we consider the skew-elliptical extension of the proposed distribution.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the limiting behavior of generalized method of moments (GMM) sample moment conditions and point out an important discontinuity that arises in their asymptotic distribution. We show that the part of the scaled sample moment conditions that gives rise to degeneracy in the asymptotic normal distribution is T-consistent and has a nonstandard limiting distribution. We derive the appropriate asymptotic (weighted chi-squared) distribution when this degeneracy occurs and show how to conduct asymptotically valid statistical inference. We also propose a new rank test that provides guidance on which (standard or nonstandard) asymptotic framework should be used for inference. The finite-sample properties of the proposed asymptotic approximation are demonstrated using simulated data from some popular asset pricing models.  相似文献   

Risk estimation is an important statistical question for the purposes of selecting a good estimator (i.e., model selection) and assessing its performance (i.e., estimating generalization error). This article introduces a general framework for cross-validation and derives distributional properties of cross-validated risk estimators in the context of estimator selection and performance assessment. Arbitrary classes of estimators are considered, including density estimators and predictors for both continuous and polychotomous outcomes. Results are provided for general full data loss functions (e.g., absolute and squared error, indicator, negative log density). A broad definition of cross-validation is used in order to cover leave-one-out cross-validation, V-fold cross-validation, Monte Carlo cross-validation, and bootstrap procedures. For estimator selection, finite sample risk bounds are derived and applied to establish the asymptotic optimality of cross-validation, in the sense that a selector based on a cross-validated risk estimator performs asymptotically as well as an optimal oracle selector based on the risk under the true, unknown data generating distribution. The asymptotic results are derived under the assumption that the size of the validation sets converges to infinity and hence do not cover leave-one-out cross-validation. For performance assessment, cross-validated risk estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically linear for the risk under the true data generating distribution and confidence intervals are derived for this unknown risk. Unlike previously published results, the theorems derived in this and our related articles apply to general data generating distributions, loss functions (i.e., parameters), estimators, and cross-validation procedures.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of the estimation of the invariant distribution function of an ergodic diffusion process when the drift coefficient is unknown. The empirical distribution function is a natural estimator which is unbiased, uniformly consistent and efficient in different metrics. Here we study the properties of optimality for another kind of estimator recently proposed. We consider a class of unbiased estimators and we show that they are also efficient in the sense that their asymptotic risk, defined as the integrated mean square error, attains the same asymptotic minimax lower bound of the empirical distribution function.  相似文献   

With the growing availability of high-frequency data, long memory has become a popular topic in finance research. Fractionally Integrated GARCH (FIGARCH) model is a standard approach to study the long memory of financial volatility. The original specification of FIGARCH model is developed using Normal distribution, which cannot accommodate fat-tailed properties commonly existing in financial time series. Traditionally, the Student-t distribution and General Error Distribution (GED) are used instead to solve that problem. However, a recent study points out that the Student-t lacks stability. Instead, the Stable distribution is introduced. The issue of this distribution is that its second moment does not exist. To overcome this new problem, the tempered stable distribution, which retains most attractive characteristics of the Stable distribution and has defined moments, is a natural candidate. In this paper, we describe the estimation procedure of the FIGARCH model with tempered stable distribution and conduct a series of simulation studies to demonstrate that it consistently outperforms FIGARCH models with the Normal, Student-t and GED distributions. An empirical evidence of the S&P 500 hourly return is also provided with robust results. Therefore, we argue that the tempered stable distribution could be a widely useful tool for modelling the high-frequency financial volatility in general contexts with a FIGARCH-type specification.  相似文献   

Testing the existence of a quantitative trait locus (QTL) effect is an important task in QTL mapping studies. Most studies concentrate on the case where the phenotype distributions of different QTL groups follow normal distributions with the same unknown variance. In this paper we make a more general assumption that the phenotype distributions come from a location-scale distribution family. We derive the limiting distribution of the likelihood ratio test (LRT) for the existence of the QTL effect in both location and scale in genetic backcross studies. We further identify an explicit representation for this limiting distribution. As a complement, we study the limiting distribution of the LRT and its explicit representation for the existence of the QTL effect in the location only. The asymptotic properties of the LRTs under a local alternative are also investigated. Simulation studies are used to evaluate the asymptotic results, and a real-data example is included for illustration.  相似文献   

B. Klar 《Statistics》2013,47(6):505-515
Surles and Padgett recently introduced two-parameter Burr Type X distribution, which can also be described as the generalized Rayleigh distribution. It is observed that the generalized Rayleigh and log-normal distributions have many common properties and both the distributions can be used quite effectively to analyze skewed data set. For a given data set the problem of selecting either generalized Rayleigh or log-normal distribution is discussed in this paper. The ratio of maximized likelihood (RML) is used in discriminating between the two distributing functions. Asymptotic distributions of the RML under null hypotheses are obtained and they are used to determine the minimum sample size required in discriminating between these two families of distributions for a used specified probability of correct selection and the tolerance limit.  相似文献   

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